checkboxselectionmodel in EXTJS 3.4 - extjs3

I am using checkboxselectionmodel in EXTJS 3.4. How to find out when the header checkbox is checked?
if (header checkbox is checked) {
//do this..
} else if (individual child checkboxes are checked) {
//do something else

Posting the Solution for my query might help someone else :)
var view = Ext.getCmp('<<Grid ID >>').getView();
var isChecked = false;
var chkdiv =".x-grid3-hd-checker-on");
if (!(chkdiv == null)) {
isChecked = chkdiv.hasClass('x-grid3-hd-checker-on');
if (isChecked) {
console.log('Header Checked!!!');
else {
console.log('Child Checked!!!');


How to customise the ghost-text (drag item name) with AgGrid

As per title, is there a way to customise the "ghost text" with the (unmanaged) row-dragging implementation in AgGrid via the API?
I found workaround using valueGetter property to change this text.
Example configuration of column:
private dragDropColumn= {
rowDrag: true,
valueGetter: (params) => {
Hope this helps
You can now use colDef.rowDragText to set a callback function to set the dragged text.
onRowDragEnter event,
you could search for the ghost element
and then append your custom class to it.
Dont forget to follow the hierarchy of classes, otherwise you would end up using !important in the custom class :-)
// For updating text
search for the element with className ag-dnd-ghost-label
.innerHTML = 'your_custom_text';
Ghost element is added only during drag, once drag is ended, its removed from dom by Ag-Grid.
Hope this helps
I've researched this and there is nothing built in to ag-grid. I accomplished this by attaching to the onRowDragMove and onRowDragMove events.
I set a class variable 'isRowDragging' to only do this once while dragging.
I use the Angular Renderer2 class (this.ui) to find and update the Element of the ghost label.
All of this is available with vanilla javascript or other supported ag-grid frameworks.
this.gridOptions.onRowDragMove = (params: RowDragMoveEvent) => {
const overNode = params.overNode;
const movingNode = params.node;
if (!this.isRowDragging) {
this.isRowDragging = true;
if (!movingNode.isSelected()) {
if (params.event && params.event.ctrlKey) {
if (params.event && !params.event.ctrlKey) {
movingNode.setSelected(true, true);
let labelText: string = '';
const selectedNodes = this.gridOptions.api.getSelectedNodes();
if (selectedNodes.length === 1) {
labelText = selectedNodes[0].data.Name;
else {
const guids: string[] = [];
let folderCount: number = 0;
let docCount: number = 0;
selectedNodes.forEach((node: RowNode) => {
guids.push(( ||;
if ( !== undefined) {
else {
if (folderCount === 1) {
labelText = '1 folder';
else if (folderCount > 1) {
labelText = folderCount + ' folders';
if (docCount === 1) {
labelText += (labelText !== '' ? ', ' : '') + '1 document';
else if (docCount > 1) {
labelText += (labelText !== '' ? ', ' : '') + docCount + ' documents';
console.log(this.ui.find(document.body, '.ag-dnd-ghost').outerHTML);
this.ui.find(document.body, '.ag-dnd-ghost-label').innerHTML = labelText;
this.gridOptions.onRowDragEnd = (event: RowDragEndEvent) => {
this.isRowDragging = false;
I am using ag-grid with react and using cellRendererFramework property of ColDef to use custom react component, my value getter returns object, so when I start dragging I am getting [object object], I added toString method to returning object and did the trick, below is my sample code
const col1 = {
rowDrag: true,
valueGetter: (params) => {
const {id, name} =;
return {id, name, toString: () => name}; // so when dragging it will display name property

Can somebody shorten this code?

I just finished creating a program (I am a beginner at this programming stuff) Now I might be doing this the total wrong way or my logic might not be the greatest at programming but any help would be amazing I will post my code so far below
This code is used when a button is clicked, the button will send a text then the textbox will get the text.
if (txt1.Text == "")
txt1.Text = "J";
btn1.Visible = false;
else if (txt1.Text != "")
if (txt2.Text == "")
txt2.Text = "J";
btn1.Visible = false;
else if (txt2.Text != "")
if (txt3.Text == "")
txt3.Text = "J";
btn1.Visible = false;
else if (txt3.Text != "")
if (txt4.Text == "")
txt4.Text = "J";
btn1.Visible = false;
else if (txt4.Text != "")
if (txt5.Text == "")
txt5.Text = "J";
btn1.Visible = false;
else if (txt5.Text != "")
if (txt6.Text == "")
txt6.Text = "J";
btn1.Visible = false;
else if (txt6.Text != "")
if (txt7.Text == "")
txt7.Text = "J";
btn1.Visible = false;
else if (txt7.Text != "")
if (txt8.Text == "")
txt8.Text = "J";
btn1.Visible = false;
else if (txt8.Text != "")
You need to get all of these text cases into an array for the following loop to work (I have called the array 'txt' here). Based on what you have written this loop should do the same thing as your code but I'm not sure if that's what you really want to do. Your code is setting a single text box to "J" and then hiding your button only if every preceding text field is not an empty string (This will include any of the fields set to null, for example). The conditional then exits.
`for (int i = 0; i < txt.Length; i++) {
if(txt[i] != "") {
else if(txt[i] == "") {
txt[i] = "J";
btn1.Visible = false;
Note: I don't know whether this works for C# 3 or not (it should). Try it.
First, you should put all of your text fields into an array:
TextField[] textFields = { txt1, txt2, txt3, txt4, txt5, txt6, txt7, txt8, };
Then, loop through the text fields to find a text field that has no text in it:
foreach (TextField tf in textFields) {
if (tf.Text == "") {
After we find it, we want to set its text to "J" and make btn1 invisible. Since we already found the text field, we don't need to continue the loop anymore, so we break:
tf.Text = "J";
btn1.Visible = false;
If this doesn't work in C# 3, just update to C# 5 or 6 alright?

How to check if text is found in column in Protractor

I'm trying to assert that a name is displayed in a column of a table. I've written an inResults function that will iterate through a column's text to see if a name exists. Here's what I'm trying:
Page object:
this.names = element.all(by.repeater('row in rows').column('{{row}}'));
this.inResults = function(nameString) {
var foundit = '';
this.names.each(function(name) {
name.getText().then(function(it) {
console.log(it); // each name IS printed...
if(it == nameString) {
console.log('it\'s TRUE!!!!'); // this gets printed...
foundit = true;
return foundit; // returns '' but should be true?
Spec expect:
Both console statements print as expected... but my expect fails as foundit's value is still ''. I've tried this a number of ways and none are working. What am I missing?
I've devised what I think is a better/cleaner way to solve this. It's less complex and doesn't require locator/css code in the method.
// locator
this.friendName = function(text) { return element.all(by.cssContainingText('', text)) };
// method
this.inResults = function(name) {
return this.friendName(name).then(function(found) {
return found.length > 0;
I've added this to my protractor_example project on GitHub...
I would recommend you to use filter:
this.inResults = function(nameString) {
return this.names.filter(function(name) {
return name.getText().then(function(text) {
return text === nameString;
}).then(function(filteredElements) {
// Only the elements that passed the filter will be here. This is an array.
return filteredElements.length > 0;
// This will be a promise that resolves to a boolean.
Use map to do this.This will return a deferred that will resolve with the values in an array, so if you have this:
this.mappedVals =element.all(by.repeater('row in rows').column('{{row}}')).map(function (elm) {
return elm.getText();
It will resolve like this:
this.inResults = function(nameString) {
var foundit = '';
mappedVals.then(function (textArr) {
// textArr will be an actual JS array of the text from each node in your repeater
for(var i=0; i<textArr.length; i++){
if(it == textArr[i]) {
console.log('it\'s TRUE!!!!'); // this gets printed...
foundit = true;
return foundit;
And Use that in Spec file like,

Do not submit empty form fields in ExtJS

I have an extjs form with fields. The user isn't required to enter data into each field so I do not want to submit the fields with no data. I want it to post only fields that actually have data. Is this possible?
I recommend using form's beforeaction event. While handling this event you can check all fields. If all values are empty just return false;. The following example works in ExtJS4 and has to work in ExtJS3:
myform.on('beforeaction', function(form, action) {
if (action.type == 'submit') {
var doSubmit = false, vals = form.getValues();
for (var i in vals)
if (vals[i] !== '') {
doSubmit = true;
return doSubmit;
Actualy, the right way to not submit empty fields is to use action's submitEmptyText config. But it's not working in current version (ExtJS4.0.2a).
Another options is to override component's getSubmitValue() method and return null if this field is empty, this way it won't be included into submit fields.
xtype: 'combo',
getSubmitValue: function(){
var value = this.getValue();
if(Ext.isEmpty(value)) {
return null;
return value;
Instead of using form's submit, directly call Ext.Ajax.request(...) with the url, method type (GET/POST) and params (and any other options as explained in the call documentation).
To generate params, iterate over the form fields and check for null value before adding to params.
This bug is present in ExtJS 4.0.7 too.
As Molecule Man pointed:
Actualy, the right way to not submit empty fields is to use action's submitEmptyText config. But it's not working in current version (ExtJS4.0.2a).
A possible solution to fix this bug is by overriding 2 functions, getValues in "Ext.form.Basic" (where the bug is) and createForm (to create our basic form) in "Ext.form.Panel" by extension in the following way:
Ext.define("My.form.Basic", {
alias: "form.mybasic",
extend: "Ext.form.Basic",
getValues: function(asString, dirtyOnly, includeEmptyText, useDataValues) {
var values = {};
this.getFields().each(function(field) {
if (!dirtyOnly || field.isDirty()) {
var data = field[useDataValues ? "getModelData" : "getSubmitData"](includeEmptyText);
if (Ext.isObject(data)) {
var isArray = Ext.isArray;
Ext.iterate(data, function(name, val) {
if (includeEmptyText && val === "") {
val = field.emptyText || "";
if (includeEmptyText || ((!isArray(val) && val !== "") || (isArray(val) && val.length !== 0))) {
if (name in values) {
var bucket = values[name];
if (!isArray(bucket)) {
bucket = values[name] = [bucket];
if (isArray(val)) {
values[name] = bucket.concat(val);
else {
else {
values[name] = val;
if (asString) {
values = Ext.Object.toQueryString(values);
return values;
Ext.define("My.form.Panel", {
alias: "form.mypanel",
extend: "Ext.form.Panel",
createForm: function() {
return Ext.create("My.form.Basic", this, Ext.applyIf({listeners: {}}, this.initialConfig));
The code is copied from the ext source code. The only change is inside the iteration of each field: introduced the following wrapping "if":
if (includeEmptyText || ((!isArray(val) && val !== "") || (isArray(val) && val.length !== 0)))
I am a bit late but, better later than never...

SuperBoxSelect: Using Shift+Click to Select Multiple Items at Once

When implementing SuperBoxSelect (, I've realized that it currently does not support shift + click selection of multiple items. Has anyone been able to implement this functionality or found a similar plugin that offers this functionality?
beforeadditem:function(self, recordValue) {
var start = 0;
var end = 0;
var record = this.findRecord(this.valueField, recordValue);
var recordIndex =;
if(window.event.shiftKey) {
this.multiSelectMode = true;
if(this.firstChoiceIndex == undefined) {
this.firstChoiceIndex = recordIndex;
return false;
} else {
this.secondChoiceIndex = recordIndex;
if(this.firstChoiceIndex > this.secondChoiceIndex) {
start = this.secondChoiceIndex;
end = this.firstChoiceIndex;
} else if(this.secondChoiceIndex > this.firstChoiceIndex) {
start = this.firstChoiceIndex;
end = this.secondChoiceIndex;
var selectedRecords =, end);
Ext.each(selectedRecords, function(item, index, allitems) {
this.firstChoiceIndex = undefined;
this.secondChoiceIndex = undefined;
return false;
} else {
this.firstChoiceIndex = undefined;
this.secondChoiceIndex = undefined;
return true;
Add that listener and it works. The x-combo-selected-shift class is identical to the x-combo-selected class. It's just named different so the highlighting sticks to the item you shift+clicked on after you mouse out.