Migrating data from parse.com to MongoDb - mongodb

I was trying to migrate my app from parse.com to my own server.
After configuring parse server on AWS and mongodb on Mlab , I tried to migrate data using parse.com dashboard , however after clicking the migrate button , it show me this error "The destination database was not empty." even though my mongo database is empty ?


Mongodbd login with Mongoose to new database

I use mongoDB in Atlas cloud but now I want to movie to a local database. I installed MongoDB and created a admin user. Now I connect with mongoose to :
Works well. Now I create a new development database "develop".
I try to connect
This failed to login. OK, I understand that the admin database is the "/admin" one and that user is authenticated to this database but I thought that an admin can access all databases in a mongodb server?
In Atlas I just created the develop database and connected to it without any problem.
How I can well connect with mongoose to the new develop database? Do I need to create a second admin for this database?
Ok, I found out that I have to name the auth database in my connection string.

Using Elasticsearch as the search engine for data stored in Mongodb

I am using Mongodb as database and want to search data using Elasticsearch. In Mongodb I have a collection api1 stored in database ayush2.
Snapshot of the database I want to index:
So far I have successfully integrated mongodb with elasticsearch using mongo-connector. I am saying successfully since when searched for indices ( using GET /_cat/indices) on kibana console the name of the database appears as an index
Snapshot of output in kibana console:
Now I am stuck since I do not know how to go ahead from here to search through the database.

Parse Migration - How to migrate parse data to localhost mongoDB?

I had been trying to migrate my parse data to localhost mongoDB but to no avail. There are a total of 12 steps as mentioned in https://parse.com/migration#database
I am currently still at step 1 and I had encountered some difficulties. I managed to set mongoDB on my computer (localhost). Then I went to my "app settings" in parse to start the data migration. Parse wanted me to paste the mongoDB connection URL which I had entered as "mongodb://localhost/". However, there was an error "no reachable servers". On my localhost, I am running the mongoDB using my terminal.
Any kind advise on this? This is my first time doing data migration and trying out mongoDB. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
In your parse dashboard, go to App settings -> General. In this page you can find the "Export app data" button. Click and parse send you an email with the csv database data, use it for import your data in your local database (use rockmongo for example or mongoimport)

'No reachable servers' error when beginning parse migration with MongoDB

I am in the process of migrating my app from Parse to MongoDB and IBM Bluemix, however I can't seem to reach the server when attempting the migration of data from Parse.
I've been following this tutorial tutorial, and I am currently on the step: Migrating data from Parse.com to your MongoDB instance
I am currently getting this error: No reachable servers when clicking 'Begin the migration'.
These are the connection strings in compose:
And I have tried entering various strings. I assumed this would work:
But I get the same error. Obviously I'm changing username and password to my own credentials.
Anyone have any suggestions?
The issue ended up being that I was using the latest version of MongoDB, however Parse doesn't seem to support it. Therefore, I had to use MongoDB Classic version 3.0. Everything works great now.

Parse.com connecting MongoLab URI to Parse Dashboard

I have trouble connecting my mongodb database to Parse Dashboard using the required URI :
Here is what I get :
I'm completely new to mongdb and mongolab and cannot figure out what's going on.
I using Heroku and MongoLab for Parse,
And the URI I am using, I've got from Heroku app setting page as follows: