How to configure and ember-cli app instead of using command line options - ember-cli

I serve an ember-cli app using the following command
ember serve --proxy http://some.such.proxy --ssl --insecure-proxy
These options are specific to serving the app for development. Can I configure my app, perhaps with config/environment.js, to use these options in development?
Ultimately I would just like to use ember serve without having to specify options on the command line.

Reading the documentation more carefully means that I can answer my own question.
ember-cli environments
Such options can be configured in the .ember-cli file


Avoid browser window on run ionic:serve

I'm trying to start an ionic server with --no-open enabled on run ionic serve, as described in ionic CLI documentation.
But, in the generated file I need to use npm run ionic:serve. I'm trying to add an extra parameter on file package.json like:
"ionic:serve": "ionic-app-scripts serve --no-open"
It doesn't works.
Maybe, there is some property in file ionic.config.json that allows me to do it.
So, I have two questions:
How can I avoid to open a browser window using npm run ionic:serve?
Where can I find a complete list of all available properties and their valid values applied to file ionic.config.json?
The correct parameter is --nobrowser instead of --no-open as described in the documentation.
I've noticed the parameter in the github repository of ionic-app-scripts.

How to integrate Facebook AccountKit with Parse Server

The new Facebook AccountKit, looks like a great way to add passwordless authentication to a mobile app.
Parse Server is fast becoming a de-facto choice for mobile back-ends.
Is adding AccountKit support underway somewhere with Parse Server? If so where? Where should I look or ask? (Yes, I've tried!)
Any suggestions for how to get started? E.g. is it possible to add to the existing oauth support in Parse Server?
Just trying to make sure that this doesn't exist somewhere obvious already and/or that efforts aren't underway before I jump in... (or, possibly, that this is just a dumb idea and that's why I can't find it!)
Sorry for being late
Yes its possible you can use a new parse server module called "parse-server-accountkit-auth"
In the parse-server-example folder run
npm install -S parse-server-accountkit-auth
This will make install this module in node_modules folder. Don't change anything in the module.
Edit the index.js file in parse-server-example and configure ParseServer with oauth, you can find this in parse server docs
Then use this code where you are defining your data (e.g in your index.js of parse-server-example)
oauth: {
accountkit: {
module: 'parse-server-accountkit-auth',
appSecret: 'YOUR_APP_SECRET'
Hope this helps.

How to change configuration in play dynamically via JMX

I have my configuration for my Scala Play application in my application.conf file.
For now, everytime I want to change the configuration I have to make a deployment.
Can anybody help me finding out, how to expose the Configuration as a MBean?
I would like to change the configuration without deployment.
Didn't find any documentation on this.
Redeploy just for a configuration change is really boring and I understand you want to avoid that.
Changing configuration while the application is running is a risky operation and I would not recommend going in that direction.
But there are a few techniques that the framework provides that would only require a restart of the application.
Play allows you to point to an external file with your configuration
$ your-app -Dconfig.file=/full/path/to/conf/application-prod.conf
Besides that in your conf file you can use environment variables, so you can configure different servers differently using the same application.conf
my.key = defaultvalue
my.key = ${?MY_KEY_ENV}
And run your app using
$ your-app -DMY_KEY_ENV=bar

Start a MAMP server with Grunt.js

I want to set my Grunt.js file to launch my MAMP server on grunt serve.
I have been trying to use this tutorial here to do this:
I was then planning to use this tutorial to set up grunt watch:
Now I am having trouble with step one. I have successfully installed grunt exec. However, grunt claims not to be able to find the task 'serverup'.
Here is my code:[
If you followed the examples at the link, it looks like your targets should be exec:serverup and exec:serverdown for the tasks to work.
The problem here and with many other Grunt related questions is that without the full Gruntfile, "answers" are largely guesses. Configuration, task loading, and task registration are all related and without seeing all three, it is difficult to say "this is the answer".
Given that, here's a checklist I use for problems like this when using Grunt and packages from NPM:
Is the code that supports the task installed? Did I forget npm install? Did I miss
errors on install (check npm-debug.log if it exists)?
Have I correctly used grunt.loadNpmTasks for the plugin? Is the line in my Gruntfile and
did I get the plugin name spelled correctly? Did I or my IDE accidentally use to
grunt.loadTasks when I need loadNpmTasks?
Have I correctly named/used grunt.registerTask for the task? If I need to call a
specific target for a task, do I have the the name correctly specified?
If there are paths involved and things are broken, do I have my globbing patterns correctly specified? If a cwd
is involved, do I have the other paths or files correctly specified?
Did I get the configuration right? (This is where things get too plugin-specific for a

Does Web Platform Installer support automation?

I wonder if I can automate WPI actions to setup a dev box in unattended mode, either with command line options or a configuration file. It looks like WPI takes a "URL" as a command line parameter but I have no idea what format the response should be in, and what it allows in general.
EDIT: Thanks folks for the huge effort to come up with ways to automate setups. As #fra mentioned now there is a command line tool for WPI.
WebPi Command Line was just released:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\WebPlatformInstaller.exe" /id "wpi://iisexpress&mvc3"
Will install both IIS Express and ASP.Net MVC
(using wpi version 3.0)
Take a look at this awesome sauce
One more option that was not yet mentioned is that you can also directly plug into Web PI APIs. Here are some starting points:
Web PI APIs: Download Latest Web Stack Products for Any Platform
Web PI APIs: Install a product from a custom feed
However in most of the cases, WebPICmdLine should do the job.
I'm currently investigating this, thought I'd record what I've discovered so far.
webplatforminstaller.exe <configuration file> /id <wpi url>
configuration file: xml file defining the products that can be installed. See for an example. If this parameter is not specified, the configuration file at that url will be used.
wpi url: wpi url that specifies a product to install. The format is wpi://productid/? where productid is the id of an entry in the xml file.
I'm still trying to figure out how to force the install to happen silently. I'll update if I find out how.
The WebPICmdLine alone does not work as it will ask you to install the web platform installer 3.0 or whatever the dependecy for the product/application you will try to install.
Therefore, install the Web Platform installer first (wpilauncher.exe), then drop webpicmdline.exe to that installation folder. After that, you should be all set to use the command line tools for your installation needs.
I have yet to figure out how to do an unattend to the wpilauncher.exe itself.