Passing an extra argument into a polymorphic function? - scala

I have a polymorphic function which can turn lists into sets:
import shapeless.PolyDefns.~>
import shapeless._
val lists = List(1,2) :: List("A", "B") :: List(1.1, 2.2) :: HNil
object sss extends (List ~> Set) {
def apply[T](l:List[T]):Set[T] = {
} // I want: Set(1,2) :: Set("A", "B") :: Set(1.1, 2.2) :: HNil
But what if I want to change the behavior of this function - I now want to add an extra argument which will specify which item in the input list should be put into the set. Here's an incorrect syntax - can you show me the correct way to do it?
object sss extends (List ~> Set) { // Compiler says no!
def apply[T](i:Int)(l:List[T]):Set[T] = {
I think this is failing because the additional argument makes it no longer fit the signature of List ~> Set, so how can I overcome this?

There are a couple of workarounds for parametrizing a Poly, one of which is mentioned in the other answer, although the exact implementation there won't work. Instead you need to do this:
import shapeless._, shapeless.poly.~>
val lists = List(1, 2) :: List("A", "B") :: List(1.1, 2.2) :: HNil
class sss(i: Int) extends (List ~> Set) {
def apply[T](l: List[T]): Set[T] = l.slice(i, i+1).toSet
object sss1 extends sss(1)
…where the fact that sss1 is defined as an object (not a val) is necessary for the last line to compile.
That approach compiles, but it's not possible to use it in lots of contexts—e.g. you can't define your sss1 (or whatever) object in a method where the type of the hlist is generic.
Here's a slightly messier but more flexible workaround I've used before:
import shapeless._
val lists = List(1, 2) :: List("A", "B") :: List(1.1, 2.2) :: HNil
object sss extends Poly2 {
implicit def withI[T]: Case.Aux[List[T], Int, Set[T]] =
at((l, i) => l.slice(i, i + 1).toSet)
// Set(2) :: Set(B) :: Set(2.2) :: HNil
Now you could actually write a method that took a generic L <: HList and the slice parameter i—you'd just need several implicit arguments to support the mapConst and zipWith applications.
Neither approach is very elegant, though, and I personally tend to avoid Poly most of the time—defining a custom type class is almost going to be cleaner, and in many cases required.

As you already pointed out, you cannot change the signature of the polymorphic function. But could create your function dynamically:
class sss(i: Int) extends (List ~> Set) {
def apply[T](l:List[T]): Set[T] = {
l.slice(i, i+1).toSet
val sss1 = new sss(1) // Set(2) :: Set(B) :: Set(2.2) :: HNil


How to make sure (in compile-time) that collection wasn't reordered?

Let's say I have indexed collection (List or Map doesn't matter here):
val zipped = List(1 -> "A", 3 -> "C", 8 -> "D")
It's hard to work with such (as every operation, like map, has to deal with index), so what I want to pass into business handler is:
case class Indexed[T](seq: Seq[T], i: Seq[Int])
val unzipped = Indexed(List("A", "C", "D"), List(1,3,8))
But I need user to be restricted, to do only map, filter, collect, contains, forall, scanLeft and so on. But not flatMap (except filter-like), sort, ++ and so forth. So any bijection/surjection, but not injection-like. In a pinch, user can live without filter/flatMap, so having Functor, but not Monad could be fine for me - anyway acceptable List[Option[T]] => List[T] from my original requirements isn't complete Monad (M[M[T]] => M[T], T => M[T]).
toList, toSet are acceptable, but I also want to be sure that returning (from business handler) collection is based on original one. I can do this by adding path-dependent Tag (path-dependent type) to the type signature of original collection and require same-tagged collection as a return type (which can be cheated only with asInstanceOf). My first requirements can be satisfied by implementing my own Traversable.
So my own "wheel" to solve this is just a wrapper (with only subset of operations permitted + tags for making sure that collection is same):
trait NonReorderedListT {
trait Tag
trait NonReorderedList[Tg <: NonReorderedListT#Tag, T] {
type Tag = Tg
def map[U](f: T => U): NonReorderedList[Tag, U] //same tag
//... other permitted operations should be here
object NonReorderedList {
class NonReorderedListImpl[Tg <: NonReorderedListT#Tag, T] private[NonReorderedList] (l: List[T]) extends NonReorderedList[Tg, T] {
def map[U](f: T => U) = new NonReorderedListImpl[Tag, U](
//... other permitted operations should be here
def apply[T](l: List[T]) = {
val tagC = new NonReorderedListT {} //container
new NonReorderedListImpl[tagC.Tag, T](l)
Here is the results from Scala REPL:
defined trait NonReorderedListT
defined trait NonReorderedList
defined class NonReorderedListImpl
defined object NonReorderedList
scala> val l = NonReorderedList(List(1,2,3))
warning: there was one feature warning; re-run with -feature for details
l: NonReorderedListImpl[tagC.Tag,Int] forSome { val tagC: NonReorderedListT } = NonReorderedListImpl#3620eab
scala> val res: NonReorderedList[l.Tag, Int] = + 1)
res: NonReorderedList[l.Tag,Int] = NonReorderedListImpl#34bddf43
scala> val m = NonReorderedList(List(1,2,3))
warning: there was one feature warning; re-run with -feature for details
m: NonReorderedListImpl[tagC.Tag,Int] forSome { val tagC: NonReorderedListT } = NonReorderedListImpl#2d8c729f
scala> val res: NonReorderedList[l.Tag, Int] = + 1)
<console>:31: error: type mismatch;
found : NonReorderedListImpl[m.Tag,Int]
(which expands to) NonReorderedListImpl[tagC.Tag,Int]
required: NonReorderedList[l.Tag,Int]
(which expands to) NonReorderedList[tagC.Tag,Int]
val res: NonReorderedList[l.Tag, Int] = + 1)
However, it shouldn't be so rare situation when you need such collection, so maybe Scalaz already has some implementation, something like NonEmptylist, but NonReorderedList.
I'm doing all this because I have one already ordered collection (1 -> "A", 2 - "B", 3 -> "C", 4 -> "D", 5 -> "E") as an input, which splits into (1 -> "A", 3 -> "C", 4 -> "D") and (2 -> "B", 5 -> "E"), they're processed separately and then merged back (original order should be preserved). Ordering with complex predicate takes some time (as it calls to the external service), so I can't just reorder collection twice with it - second reordering should be based on simple index.
P.S. I'm not looking for less type-safe alternatives as I already have such in my project :). My goal is to improve existing (in my project) code.
Maybe this could be approached by using Nat and HList from shapeless? The idea is to model an element's index explicitly. (I asked a related question Achieving compile safe indexing with Shapeless.) For example,
import shapeless._
import Nat._
case class Entry[+N<:Nat](value: String, index: N)
val send: Entry[ _1] :: Entry[ _3] :: Entry[ _4] :: HNil= Entry("A", _1):: Entry("C", _3) :: Entry("D", _4) :: HNil
val keep= Entry("B", _2) :: Entry("E", _5) :: HNil
This would provide some type safety (although I'm not sure about the performance implications.)

Passing a shapeless extensible record to a function (never ending story?

I continue to investigate extensible records as in Passing a Shapeless Extensible Record to a Function (continued): the provided solution works with functions that all takes a parameter that includes at least foo1, foo2, and foo3; that is one can write:
fun1(("foo1" ->> "hello") :: ("foo2" ->> 1) :: ("foo3" ->> 1.2) :: HNil)
fun1(("foo1" ->> "hello") :: ("foo2" ->> 1) :: ("foo3" ->> 1.2) :: ("foo4" ->> true) :: HNil)
and so on
And if we can add a second function fun2:
def fun2[L <: HList : HasMyFields](xs: L) = {
val selectors = implicitly[HasMyFields[L]]
import selectors._
xs("foo1").length + xs("foo2") + xs("foo3")
So far, so good.
Now, let's assume we have a set of fields foo1, foo2,... And a set of functions fun1, fun2, which take as parameter a record composed with any subset of {foo1, foo2,...}. For example, fun1 could take as parameter a record that contains foo1 and foo3 but not necessarily foo2, fun2 would expects a record with at least foo4 and so on.
Is there a way to avoid to declare as many class like HasMyFields as they are possible combinations (if we have n fields, there are 2**n combinations!)?
This is a lot easier without an additional type class with the new-ish Witness syntax:
import shapeless._, ops.record.Selector, record._, syntax.singleton._
// Uses "foo1" and "foo2" fields; note that we get the appropriate static types.
def fun1[L <: HList](l: L)(implicit
foo1: Selector.Aux[L, Witness.`"foo1"`.T, String],
foo2: Selector.Aux[L, Witness.`"foo2"`.T, Int]
): (String, Double) = (foo1(l), foo2(l))
And then if we have this record:
val rec = ("foo1" ->> "hello") :: ("foo2" ->> 1) :: ("foo3" ->> 1.2) :: HNil
We get this:
scala> fun1(rec)
res0: (String, Double) = (hello,1.0)
The new syntax allows us to avoid creating witness values separately, so it's pretty easy to just require the Selector instances you need.
Starting with the answer of Travis, I've been able to improve it :
In a first file, I have :
package p2;
import shapeless._, ops.record.Selector, record._, syntax.singleton._
object MyFields {
type wfoo1[L<: HList]=Selector.Aux[L,Witness.`"foo1"`.T, String]
type wfoo2[L<: HList]=Selector.Aux[L,Witness.`"foo2"`.T, Int]
and then, elsewhere :
package p1;
import shapeless._, ops.record.Selector, record._, syntax.singleton._
import p2.MyFields._
object testshapeless extends App {
def fun1[L <: HList](l: L)(implicit
foo1: wfoo1[L],
foo2: wfoo2[L]
): (String, Double) = (foo1(l), foo2(l))
val rec = ("foo1" ->> "hello") :: ("foo2" ->> 1) :: ("foo3" ->> 1.2) :: HNil
The first file can be considered like a schema where I declare the fields that I potentially use in my application and I've just to import it.
That's cool!
Edited on June 30 :
I wonder if we could do better, maybe with a macro :
Would it be possible to write something like :
def fun1[L <:HList] WithSelectors(MyFields)=...
The macro WithSelectors would generate :
(implicit foo1: wfoo1[L], foo2: wfoo2[L] )
Any advice?

Dynamically create extensible record in shapeless 2.0

I need to produce an extensible record given an HList of keys and a map of values, here's a MWE of what I'm trying to achieve (you can copy/paste this in any REPL with shapeless 2.0 available, in order to reproduce the issue)
import shapeless._; import syntax.singleton._; import record._
case class Foo[T](column: Symbol)
val cols = Foo[String]('column1) :: HNil
val values = Map("column1" -> "value1")
object toRecord extends Poly1 {
implicit def Foo[T] = at[Foo[T]] { foo =>
val k =
val v = values.get(k)
(k ->> v)
val r =
// r: shapeless.::[Option[String] with shapeless.record.KeyTag[k.type,Option[String]] forSome { val k: String },shapeless.HNil] = Some(value1) :: HNil
val value = r("column1")
// error: No field String("column1") in record shapeless.::[Option[String] with shapeless.record.KeyTag[k.type,Option[String]] forSome { val k: String },shapeless.HNil]
val value = r("column1")
If I try defining the record manually everything works as expected
val q = ("column1" ->> Some("value1")) :: HNil
// q: shapeless.::[Some[String] with shapeless.record.KeyTag[String("column1"),Some[String]],shapeless.HNil] = Some(value1) :: HNil
// Some[String] = Some(value1)
Clearly the difference is that in one case the KeyTag has type
KeyTag[String("column1"), Some[String]]
and in the (non-working) other
KeyTag[k.type,Option[String]] forSome { val k: String }
I sense the issue is with the string k not being statically known, but I have no clue on how to fix this.
Generally speaking, is there a way of dynamically generating an extensible record from a list of keys?
I fear the answer is to use a macro, but I'd be glad if another solution existed.
This isn't too bad if you can change your Foo definition a bit to allow it to keep track of the singleton type of the column key (note that I've removed the unused T type parameter):
import shapeless._; import syntax.singleton._; import record._
case class Foo[K <: Symbol](column: Witness.Aux[K])
val cols = Foo('column1) :: HNil
val values = Map("column1" -> "value1")
object toRecord extends Poly1 {
implicit def atFoo[K <: Symbol] = at[Foo[K]] { foo =>
val r =
And then:
scala> val value = r('column1)
value: Option[String] = Some(value1)
Note that I've changed your string key ("column1") to a symbol, since that's what we've put into the record.

Providing additional arguments to map on HList

I would like to do something like this:
def run(subjects: List[Subject]) = {
val configs = compute() => => test(s,c)))
// or flatMap, I don't really care at this point
In my use case, subjects are actually Subject[T] and I need a typesafe version of T in the result. So I have:
def run[L <: HList](subjects: L)(implicit mapper: Mapper[testFun.type, L]) = {
val configs = compute()
However, now I am unable to pass in the configurations to testFun which, according to this post, needs to have a singleton type.
An option would be to do:
val cfgHL = HList.fill(subjects.length)(configs)
(subjects zip cfgHL).map(testFun)
But HList currently does not have a fill operation. Any hints?
You can use mapConst to accomplish the same thing as fill. If we have the following:
val xs = 1 :: 'a :: 'a' :: HNil
We can write:
scala> mapConst "x") == (1, "x") :: ('a, "x") :: ('a', "x") :: HNil
res0: Boolean = true
Note that there are other ways to tackle the problem of partially applying (higher-rank) polymorphic functions and then mapping with them—see for example my answer here. Something like that is likely to be overkill for your use case, though.

Scala function transformation

Say I've got a function taking one argument
def fun(x: Int) = x
Based on that, I want to generate a new function with the same calling convention, but that'll apply some transformation to its arguments before delegating to the original function. For that, I could
def wrap_fun(f: (Int) => Int) = (x: Int) => f(x * 2)
wrap_fun(fun)(2) // 4
How might one go about doing the same thing, except to functions of any arity that only have the part of the arguments to apply the transformation to in common?
def fun1(x: Int, y: Int) = x
def fun2(x: Int, foo: Map[Int,Str], bar: Seq[Seq[Int]]) = x
wrap_fun(fun1)(2, 4) // 4
wrap_fun(fun2)(2, Map(), Seq()) // 4
How would a wrap_fun definition making the above invocations work look like?
This can be done in fairly straightforwardly using shapeless's facilities for abstracting over function arity,
import shapeless._
import HList._
import Functions._
def wrap_fun[F, T <: HList, R](f : F)
hl : FnHListerAux[F, (Int :: T) => R],
unhl : FnUnHListerAux[(Int :: T) => R, F]) =
((x : Int :: T) => f.hlisted(x.head*2 :: x.tail)).unhlisted
val f1 = wrap_fun(fun _)
val f2 = wrap_fun(fun1 _)
val f3 = wrap_fun(fun2 _)
Sample REPL session,
scala> f1(2)
res0: Int = 4
scala> f2(2, 4)
res1: Int = 4
scala> f3(2, Map(), Seq())
res2: Int = 4
Note that you can't apply the wrapped function immediately (as in the question) rather than via an assigned val (as I've done above) because the explicit argument list of the wrapped function will be confused with the implicit argument list of wrap_fun. The closest we can get to the form in the question is to explicitly name the apply method as below,
scala> wrap_fun(fun _).apply(2)
res3: Int = 4
scala> wrap_fun(fun1 _).apply(2, 4)
res4: Int = 4
scala> wrap_fun(fun2 _).apply(2, Map(), Seq())
res5: Int = 4
Here the explicit mention of apply syntactically marks off the first application (of wrap_fun along with its implicit argument list) from the second application (of the transformed function with its explicit argument list).
As usual in Scala, there's yet another way to achieve what you want to do.
Here is a take based on currying of the first argument together with the compose of Function1:
def fun1(x : Int)(y : Int) = x
def fun2(x : Int)(foo : Map[Int, String], bar : Seq[Seq[Int]]) = x
def modify(x : Int) = 2*x
The resulting types as REPL shows you will be:
fun1: (x: Int)(y: Int)Int
fun2: (x: Int)(foo: Map[Int,String], bar: Seq[Seq[Int]])Int
modify: (x: Int)Int
And instead of wrapping the functions fun1 and fun2, you compose them, as technically, they are now both Function1 objects. This allows you to make calls like the following:
(fun1 _ compose modify)(2)(5)
(fun2 _ compose modify)(2)(Map(), Seq())
Both of which will return 4. Granted, the syntax is not that nice, given that you have to add the _ to distinguish fun1's application from the function object itself (on which you want to call the compose method in this case).
So Luigi's argument that it is impossible in general remains valid, but if you are free to curry your functions you can do it in this nice way.
Since functions taking different numbers of arguments are different, unrelated types, you cannot do this generically. trait Function1 [-T1, +R] extends AnyRef and nothing else. You will need a separate method for each arity.
While I voted for and agree with Luigi's answer–because, you know... he's right; Scala doesn't have direct, in-built support for such a thing–it's worth noting that what you're trying to do isn't impossible; it's just that it's a bit of a pain to pull off, and, often times, you're best off just implementing a separate method per desired arity.
That said, though... we can actually do this HLists. If you're interested in trying it out, naturally, you'll need to obtain an HList implementation. I recommend utilizing Miles Sabin's excellent shapeless project and its implementation of HLists. Anyway, here's an example of its use that accomplishes something akin to what you seem to be looking for:
import shapeless._
trait WrapperFunner[T] {
type Inputs <: HList
def wrapFun(inputs: Inputs) : T
class WrapsOne extends WrapperFunner[Int] {
type Inputs = Int :: HNil
def wrapFun(inputs: Inputs) : Int = {
inputs match {
case num :: HNil => num * 2
class WrapsThree extends WrapperFunner[String] {
type Inputs = Int :: Int :: String :: HNil
def wrapFun(inputs: Inputs) : String = {
inputs match {
case firstNum :: secondNum :: str :: HNil => str + (firstNum - secondNum)
object MyApp extends App {
val wo = new WrapsOne
println(wo.wrapFun(1 :: HNil))
println(wo.wrapFun(17 :: HNil))
//println(wo.wrapFun(18 :: 13 :: HNil)) // Would give type error
val wt = new WrapsThree
println(wt.wrapFun(5 :: 1 :: "your result is: " :: HNil))
val (first, second) = (60, 50)
println(wt.wrapFun(first :: second :: "%s minus %s is: ".format(first, second) :: HNil))
//println(wt.wrapFun(1 :: HNil)) // Would give type error
Running MyApp results in:
your result is: 4
60 minus 50 is: 10
Or, extended closer to your particular case:
import shapeless._
trait WrapperFunner[T] {
type Inputs <: HList
def wrapFun(inputs: Inputs) : T
trait WrapperFunnerBase extends WrapperFunner[Int] {
// Does not override `Inputs`
def wrapFun(inputs: Inputs) : Int = {
inputs match {
case (num: Int) :: remainder => num
class IgnoresNothing extends WrapperFunnerBase {
type Inputs = Int :: HNil
class IgnoresLastTwo extends WrapperFunnerBase {
type Inputs = Int :: Int :: String :: HNil
object MyApp extends App {
val in = new IgnoresNothing
println(in.wrapFun(1 :: HNil))
println(in.wrapFun(2 :: HNil))
//println(in.wrapFun(3 :: 4 :: HNil)) // Would give type error
val ilt = new IgnoresLastTwo
println(ilt.wrapFun(60 :: 13 :: "stupid string" :: HNil))
println(ilt.wrapFun(43 :: 7 :: "man, that string was stupid..." :: HNil))
//println(ilt.wrapFun(1 :: HNil)) // Would give type error
results in: