How to hide column in angular datatable excel export but show column on screen? - angular-datatables

I have this code to enable the excel export button:
self.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder.newOptions()
extend: 'excel',
text: 'Export to Excel',
title: 'banana report'
Previously I have used this code to hide the column in the datatable but have it show up in the excel:
self.dtColumnDefs = [
But how can I do the opposite? How can I hide in excel but not the datatable?

Use exportOptions. For example
extend: 'excel',
text: 'Export to Excel',
title: 'banana report',
exportOptions: {
columns: [ 0, 1, 6, 7 ]
Will only export the specifed column indexes. See


observablehq: is it possible to have inputs with custom html?

I would like to have multiple inputs, such as, collapsed into an accordion menu in an observablehq notebook. I managed to create an accordion menu using custom html (js/css/html), but I am struggling to add the inputs in the accordion menu. Here is an observablehq notebook with the accordion menu. I would like to have the inputs as part of Section 1/Section 2.
Yup! I have examples in this notebook.
You can use Inputs.form to combine several inputs in one cell—
viewof form = Inputs.form({
option1: Inputs.checkbox(["A", "B"], {label: "Select some"}),
option2: Inputs.range([0, 100], {label: "Amount", step: 1}),
option3:["A", "B"], {label: "Select one"}),
option4:["A", "B"], {label: "Select one"})
And you can nest Inputs.form, and pass it a template option, to put the inputs in different accordion sections:
viewof nestedForm = Inputs.form([
a: Inputs.range([0, 100], { label: "Amount", step: 1 }),
b:["A", "B"], { label: "Select one" })
a: Inputs.range([0, 100], { label: "Number", step: 1 }),
b: Inputs.checkbox(["C", "D", "E"], { label: "Select any" })
], {template: inputs => htl.html`<div>
<details><summary>Section 1</summary>${inputs[0]}</details>
<details><summary>Section 2</summary>${inputs[1]}</details>

ExtJS MultiSelect Edit - Not working for multi value selection

I have a GridEditPanel where the 1st column is a combobox with multiSelect. The values are being loaded correctly from the DB and is being written in the DB correctly as well. In the event where the the combobox has a single value, the drop-down highlights the value correctly as well.
The issue is when the combobox has multiple values, it displays the values correctly, however during edit the multiple values are not selected.
extend: '',
idProperty: 'contactTypeID',
fields: [
name: 'contactTypeID',
type: 'string'
name: 'contactType',
type: 'string'
View GridEditPanel
emptyText: "There are no contacts.",
insertErrorText: 'Please finish editing the current contact before inserting a new record',
addButtonText: 'Add Contact',
itemId: 'contacts',
viewConfig: {
deferEmptyText: false
minHeight: 130,
initComponent: function () {
var me = this,
// Creating store to be referenced by column renderer
contactTypes = Ext.create('', {
model: '********',
autoLoad: true,
listeners: {
load: function () {
this.columns = [
text: 'Contact Role',
dataIndex: 'contactRoleID',
flex: 1,
renderer: function (value) {
// Lookup contact type to get display value
//If a contact has multiple roles, use split by ',' to find display values.
if (value.includes(',')) {
var a = value.split(','), i, contTypeIds = [];
var contTypes = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
contTypes.push(contactTypes.findRecord('contactTypeID', a[i], 0, false, false, true).get('contactType'));
console.log('Multi Render Return Value: ' + contTypes);
return contTypes;
else {//if not a contact will only have one role.
var rec = contactTypes.findRecord('contactTypeID', value, 0, false, false, true); // exact match
console.log('Single Render Return Value: ' + rec.get('contactType'));
return rec ? rec.get('contactType') : '<span class="colselecttext">Required</span>';
align: 'center',
autoSizeColumn: true,
editor: {
xtype: 'combobox',
store: contactTypes,
multiSelect: true,
delimiter: ',',
forceSelection: true,
queryMode: 'local',
displayField: 'contactType',
valueField: 'contactTypeID',
allowBlank: false
I cannot see the model of GridEditPanel, but I assume you are using the wrong field type, string instead of array (Have a look at the converter function, maybe it will help you to fix the problem). I wrote a small post in my blog about multiSelect combobox editor in editable grid. The sample works with v4.2
Hope it will help you to fix the bug.

About the "body" parameter for tinymce's "" method

I'm looking at this example w.r.t creating tinyMCE plugin. What I want to do is to open
a popup, and the content inside the popup is specified programmatically, without having to load a physical page at certain url:
Add an input element of type=file in tinymce container
Basically the author solved the issue about a plugin he was trying to create. I'm trying the same code but the popup is completely empty for me, no errors, any suggestions? Where can I find info about the "body" parameter when calling "", like:
// Open window{
title: 'Example plugin',
body: [{
type: 'textbox',
name: 'code',
label: 'Video code'
Try giving the textbox a size:
// Open window
{title: 'Example plugin',
body: [
{ type: 'textbox',
size: 40,
name: 'code',
label: 'Video code'

Charts in ExtJS3

I'm using ExtJS3 and i want to put this chart into a panel with a dynamic store
I tried to include this chart into my panel code but it didn't work.
Does anybody has a solution or an example for a chart included into a panel in ExtJS3
Thank you
I used your example to generate the chart using a dynamic store:
Ext.chart.Chart.CHART_URL = '';
var store = new{
url: "sample_data.php",
root: 'results',
fields: [
{name: 'season'},
{name: 'total'}
new Ext.Panel({
width: 400,
height: 400,
title: 'Pie Chart with Legend - Favorite Season',
renderTo: 'container',
items: {
store: store,
xtype: 'piechart',
dataField: 'total',
categoryField: 'season',
//extra styles get applied to the chart defaults
display: 'bottom',
padding: 5,
family: 'Tahoma',
size: 13
where is the target where you can find the chart and sample_data.php returns the following json:
Note: This should normally be set to a local resource.
Hope this helps.

Sencha touch 2.0 and iphone : add element to panel dynamically and setActiveItem

I am trying to add dinamically a panel item to a main panel with a card layout which has initially one panel in it.
After one event (a tap) i build dinamically a new panel and I add it to the main panel, after this i try to set the new panel item like the active one via setActiveItem
Things work ok on Android but not on iphone.
Exactly i have this app.js:
Ext.Loader.setConfig({enabled: true});
viewport: {
autoMaximize: false
onReady: function() {
var app = new Ext.Application({
name: 'rpc',
appFolder: 'app',
controllers: ['Home'],
autoCreateViewport: false,
launch: function () {
fullscreen: true,
layout: {
type : 'card',
,duration :3000
defaults: { /*definisce le caratteristiche di default degli elementi contenuti..??*/
flex: 1
title: 'Compose',
xtype: 'griglia'
In a controller i have
var grigliaPan=button.up('griglia');
var mainPan=grigliaPan.up('panel');
var html=
'<img src="img/'+segnoScelto+'_big.png" />'
if (typeof mainPan.getComponent(1) == 'undefined'){
var previsioPan = Ext.widget('previsio');
//here i create a button for going home panel
var backButton=new Ext.Button({
ui : 'decline',
alias: 'widget.backbutton',
text: 'Home Page',
width : 150,
var it=mainPan.getItems();
alert (it['keys']); //this prints : ext-griglia-1
var it=mainPan.getItems();
alert (it['keys']); //this prints : ext-griglia-1,ext-previsio-1
mainPan.getLayout().setAnimation({type: 'slide', direction: 'left', duration:1000});
var pree=mainPan.getAt(1);
The three form of setActiveItem() are ok for Android and falls with iPhone. Can somebody please show me what is the right way to set the new active item added dinamically on the iphone ?
The problem should not be with the add() function cause i can see the new item via the getItems() added in main panel after the add().
by following code you can understand that thisCell is added later after creation of thisRow.
var thisRow = new Ext.Panel({
layout: { type: 'hbox', align: 'stretch', pack: 'center' },
id: 'row' + (rowCount + 1),
defaults: { flex: 1 }
// Now we need to add the cells to the above Panel:
var thisCell = new Ext.Panel({
cls: 'dashboardButton',
layout: { type: 'vbox', align: 'center', pack: 'center' },
items: [{
xtype: 'image',
src: 'some image url',
height: '70px',
width: '100px',
hope this will help you to achieve your desired output...