Can an object extend abstract class in scala? - scala

I am newbie to scala . I am trying to create an Object that extends abstract class like show below
object Conversions extends UnitConversions
override def inchesToCentimeters(inches:Int) = inches * 2.5
override def gallonsToLiters(gallons:Int) = gallons * 3.78
override def milesToKilometers(miles:Int) = miles * 1.6
abstract class UnitConversions
def inchesToCentimeters(inches:Int)
def gallonsToLiters(gallons:Int)
def milesToKilometers(miles:Int)
While i try to access the object's member functions i get () this expression as output .
Conversions.milesToKilometers(20) //I get output ()
More over is the below statement valid ???
var ucv:UnitConversions = new Conversions
println(ucv.milesToKilometers(3)) // I get output () here as well
Thanks in Advance !

You need to provide a return type for the functions, otherwise they return Unit:
abstract class UnitConversions {
def inchesToCentimeters(inches:Int): Double
def gallonsToLiters(gallons:Int): Double
def milesToKilometers(miles:Int): Double

Regarding this question:
More over is the below statement valid ???
var ucv:UnitConversions = new Conversions println(ucv.milesToKilometers(3))
This doesn't compile. object basically means singleton and can be used for "static" methods. It doesn't make sense to create more than one instance of a singleton. Take a look at this question: Difference between object and class in scala


Modify constructor arguments before passing it to superclass constructor in Scala

I have a superclass:
class Filter(val param: ComplexFilterParams){
def this(config: String) = this(parseStrConfig(config))
And I need to create a subclass that gets a String argument and then parses it in another way and creates ComplexFilterParams.
Something like that:
class NewFilter(str:String) extends Filter {
Is there a way to do it?
I got one solution. But I think it's ugly. I create companion object, define there a convert method and do next:
class NewFilter(str:String) extends Filter(NewFilter.convert(str)) {
You can go mush easier with another apply implementation in companion object like:
class NewFilter(val param: ComplexFilterParams) extends Filter(param){
//other implementations
object NewFilter {
def apply(str: String) = new NewFilter(convert(str))
def convert(str: String): ComplexFilterParams = ...
val filter = NewFilter("config string")

Way to enhance a class with function delegation

I have the following classes in Scala:
class A {
def doSomething() = ???
def doOtherThing() = ???
class B {
val a: A
// need to enhance the class with both two functions doSomething() and doOtherThing() that delegates to A
// def doSomething() = a.toDomething()
// def doOtherThing() = a.doOtherThing()
I need a way to enhance at compile time class B with the same function signatures as A that simply delegate to A when invoked on B.
Is there a nice way to do this in Scala?
Thank you.
In Dotty (and in future Scala 3), it's now available simply as
class B {
val a: A
export a
Or export a.{doSomething, doOtherThing}.
For Scala 2, there is unfortunately no built-in solution. As Tim says, you can make one, but you need to decide how much effort you are willing to spend and what exactly to support.
You can avoid repeating the function signatures by making an alias for each function:
val doSomething = a.doSomething _
val doOtherthing = a.doOtherThing _
However these are now function values rather than methods, which may or may not be relevant depending on usage.
It might be possible to use a trait or a macro-based solution, but that depends on the details of why delegation is being used.
Implicit conversion could be used for delegation like so
object Hello extends App {
class A {
def doSomething() = "A.doSomething"
def doOtherThing() = "A.doOtherThing"
class B {
val a: A = new A
implicit def delegateToA(b: B): A = b.a
val b = new B
b.doSomething() // A.doSomething
There is this macro delegate-macro which might just be what you are looking for. Its objective is to automatically implement the delegate/proxy pattern, so in your example your class B must extend class A.
It is cross compiled against 2.11, 2.12, and 2.13. For 2.11 and 2.12 you have to use the macro paradise compile plugin to make it work. For 2.13, you need to use flag -Ymacro-annotations instead.
Use it like this:
trait Connection {
def method1(a: String): String
def method2(a: String): String
// 96 other abstract methods
def method100(a: String): String
class MyConnection(delegatee: Connection) extends Connection {
def method10(a: String): String = "Only method I want to implement manually"
// The source code above would be equivalent, after the macro expansion, to the code below
class MyConnection(delegatee: Connection) extends Connection {
def method1(a: String): String = delegatee.method1(a)
def method2(a: String): String = delegatee.method2(a)
def method10(a: String): String = "Only method I need to implement manually"
// 96 other methods that are proxied to the dependency delegatee
def method100(a: String): String = delegatee.method100(a)
It should work in most scenarios, including when type parameters and multiple argument lists are involved.
Disclaimer: I am the creator of the macro.

What class is this Builder pattern extending?

I found an interesting scala implementation of Builder pattern, but I can't understand what a few lines mean:
case class Built(a:Int, b:String){}
trait Status
trait Done extends Status
trait Need extends Status
class Builder[A<:Status,B<:Status] private(){
private var built = Built(0,"")
def setA(a0:Int)={
built = built.copy(a=a0)
def setB(b0: String) = {
built = built.copy(b = b0)
def result(implicit ev: Builder[A,B] <:< Builder[Done,Done]) = built
object Builder{
def apply() = new Builder[Need,Need]
1) What does private() mean in class Builder[A<:Status,B<:Status] private() class declaration?
2) What is the meaning of implicit ev: Builder[A,B] <:< Builder[Done,Done] in result function?
The private means that the primary constructor for Builder can not be accessed from outside.
Since there are no other constructors, the only way to get an instance is through the companion object with the apply method.
val builder = Builder()
You have methods in Builder to set both parameters for the Built case-class.
The method result gives you the constructed Built-instance. The evidence makes sure that you have set both parameters and will not allow you to create an instance if you didn't do it.
Example (I did not test this, so please correct me if I am wrong):
val builderA = Builder().setA(3)
val resultA = builderA.result //should not compile because this is Builder[Done, Need]
val builderAB = builderA.setB("hello") //now this is Builder[Done, Done]
val resultAB = builderAB.result //should compile and yield Built(3, "hello")
For your first question, the keyword private in this position means the constructor for the class is private.

Extend generic type - PriorityQueue

I can't understand why I need () and hence where MyTypeQueOrdering goes.
Here is header of PriorityQueue, found on official github:
class PriorityQueue[A](implicit val ord: Ordering[A])
Here is my try (which works):
class MyType{
object MyTypeQueOrdering extends Ordering[MyType]{
def compare (n1:MyType, n2:MyType) = -1
class MyTypeQue extends PriorityQueue[MyType]()(MyTypeQueOrdering){
... but I can't figure out why I need (). Does PriorityQueue[MyType]() return something?
Try making MyTypeQueOrdering an implicit object:
object Implicits {
//implicit objects can't be top-level ones
implicit object MyTypeQueOrdering extends Ordering[MyType] {
def compare(n1: MyType, n2: MyType) = -1
This way you can omit both parentheses:
import Implicits._
class MyTypeQue extends PriorityQueue[MyType] { ... }
The reason you need the empty parentheses in your example is because PriorityQueue[MyType](MyTypeQueOrdering) would assume you're trying to pass the ordering as a constructor parameter. So that's why you need to explicitly show no-arg instantiation and then passing the ordering

Scala Numeric init with constant 0

Lets I have a utility class called MathUtil.
and it looks like this .
abstract class MathUtil(T:Numeric){
def nextNumber(value:T)
def result():T
Lets I subclass it this way
class SumUtil[T:Numeric] extends MathUtil[T]{
private var sum:T = 0
override def nextNumber(value:T){
sum = sum + value
override def result():T = sum
I have a problem with the statement
private var sum:T = 0
Now , I have to initialize to sum to 0. I would guess any numeric to have a way to represent 0. Im pretty new to scala. How do I solve this issue ?
The Numeric type class instance has a zero method that does what you want:
class SumUtil[T: Numeric] extends MathUtil[T] {
private var sum: T = implicitly[Numeric[T]].zero
override def nextNumber(value: T) {
sum = implicitly[Numeric[T]].plus(sum, value)
override def result(): T = sum
Note that you also need the instance for the plus method, unless you import Numeric.Implicits._, in which case you can use +. You can also clean the code up a bit by not using the context bound syntax in this case:
class SumUtil[T](implicit ev: Numeric[T]) extends MathUtil[T] {
import Numeric.Implicits._
private var sum: T =
override def nextNumber(value: T) {
sum = sum + value
override def result(): T = sum
This is exactly equivalent: the context bound version is just syntactic sugar for this implicit argument, but if you need to use that argument explicitly (as you do here, for its zero), I find it cleaner to write the desugared version.
I think that there needs to be a little clarification of exactly what you're trying to accomplish. From the Scala docs, the Numeric type itself is generic. My feeling here is what you actually want is to describe a MathUtil abstraction that handles any Numeric[T] rather than subclasses of Numeric[_] which is what your code is currently describing. Here is the correct implementation based on that assumption.
//Define a MathUtil that works on any T
abstract class MathUtil[T] {
def nextNumber(value: T)
def result(): T
//Define a SumUtil that works on any T that has an available Numeric
//Will search implicit scope, but also allows you to provide an
//implementation if desired.
class SumUtil[T](implicit n: Numeric[T]) extends MathUtil[T] {
//Use the Numeric to generate the zero correctly.
private var sum: T =
//Use the Numeric to correctly add the sum and value
override def nextNumber(value: T) = sum =, value)
override def result(): T = sum
//Test that it works.
val a = new SumUtil[Int]
val b = List(1,2,3)
b map a.nextNumber //Quick and dirty test... returns a meaningless list
println(a.result) //Does indeed print 6
If the above doesn't do what you want, please clarify your question.