Unique array value in Mongo - mongodb

I'm having a hard time to find a way to make a collection index work the way I need. That collection has an array that will contain two elements, and no other array can have these two elements (in any order):
db.collection.insert(users : [1,2] // should be valid
db.collection.insert(users : [2,3] // should be valid
db.collection.insert(users : [1,3] // should be valid
db.collection.insert(users : [3,2] // should be invalid, since there's another array with that same value.
But, if I use db.collection.createIndex({users:1}, {unique: true}), it won't allow me to have two arrays with a common element:
db.collection.insert(users : [1,2] // valid
db.collection.insert(users : [2,3] // invalid, since 2 is already on another document
One of the solutions I tried was to make the array one level deeper. Creating the very same index, but adding documents a little different would make it almost the way I need, but it would still allow two arrays to have the same value in the reverse orders:
db.chat.insert({ users : { people : [1,2] }}) // valid
db.chat.insert({ users : { people : [2,3] }}) // valid
db.chat.insert({ users : { people : [2,1] }}) // valid, but it should be invalid, since there's another document with [1,2] array value.
db.chat.insert({ users : { people : [1,2] }}) // invalid
Is there a way to achieve this on a index level?

The mongodb doesn't create indexes on the entire array. But...
We want one atomic operation insert or update, and guarantee uniqueness of the array's content? Then, we need to calculate one feature which is the same for all permutations of the array's items, and create an unique index for it.
One way would be to sort array items (solves permutation problem) and concatenate them (creates one feature). The example, in javascript:
function index(arr) {
return arr.sort().join();
users1 = [1, 2], usersIndex1 = index(users1); // "1,2"
users2 = [2, 1], usersIndex2 = index(users2); // "1,2"
// Create the index
db.collection.ensureIndex({usersIndex: 1}, {unique: true});
db.collection.insert({users: users1, usersIndex: usersIndex1}); // Ok
db.collection.insert({users: users2, usersIndex: usersIndex2}); // Error
If the arrays are long, you can apply a hash function on the strings, minimizing the size of the collection. Though, it comes with a price of possible collisions.

You have to write a custom validation in the pre save hook:
Coffee Version
Pre Save Hook
chatSchema.pre('save', (next) ->
data = #
#.constructor.findOne {}, (err, doc) ->
return next err if err?
return next "Duplicate" if customValidation(data, doc) == false
return next()
Custom Validation
customValidation = (oldDoc, newDoc)->
#whatever you need
e.g. return !lodash.equal(oldDoc, newDoc)
Js Version
var customValidation;
chatSchema.pre('save', function(next) {
var data;
data = this;
return this.constructor.findOne({}, function(err, doc) {
if (err != null) {
return next(err);
if (customValidation(data, doc) === false) {
return next("Duplicate");
return next();
customValidation = function(oldDoc, newDoc) {
return !lodash.equal(oldDoc, newDoc);

You should first find the records and If no record available then insert that
db.chat.findOne({users: {$all: [3,2]}})
return res.json('already exists');
} else {
db.chat.insert({users: [3,2]})


MongoDB - query embedded documents [duplicate]

I imported some sort-of sloppy XML data into a Mongo database. Each Document has nested sub-documents to a depth of around 5-10. I would like to find() documents that have a particular value of a particular field, where the field may appear at any depth in the sub-documents (and may appear multiple times).
I am currently pulling each Document into Python and then searching that dictionary, but it would be nice if I could state a filter prototype where the database would only return documents that have a particular value of the field name somewhere in their contents.
Here is an example document:
"foo": 1,
"bar": 2,
"find-this": "Yes!",
"stuff": {
"baz": 3,
"gobble": [
"all-fall-down": 4,
"find-this": "please find me"
"plugh": {
"plove": {
"find-this": "Here too!"
So, I'd like to find documents that have a "find-this" field, and (if possible) to be able to find documents that have a particular value of a "find-this" field.
You are right in the certain statement of a BSON document is not an XML document. Since XML is loaded into a tree structure that comprises of "nodes", searching on an arbitary key is quite easy.
A MonoDB document is not so simple to process, and this is a "database" in many respects, so it is generally expected to have a certain "uniformity" of data locations in order to make it easy to both "index" and search.
Nonetheless, it can be done. But of course this does mean a recursive process executing on the server and this means JavaScript processing with $where.
As a basic shell example, but the general function is just a string argument to the $where operator everywhere else:
function () {
var findKey = "find-this",
findVal = "please find me";
function inspectObj(doc) {
return Object.keys(doc).some(function(key) {
if ( typeof(doc[key]) == "object" ) {
return inspectObj(doc[key]);
} else {
return ( key == findKey && doc[key] == findVal );
return inspectObj(this);
So basically, test the keys present in the object to see if they match the desired "field name" and content. If one of those keys happens to be an "object" then recurse into the function and inspect again.
JavaScript .some() makes sure that the "first" match found will return from the search function giving a true result and returning the object where that "key/value" was present at some depth.
Note that $where essentially means traversing your whole collection unless there is some other valid query filter than can be applied to an "index" on the collection.
So use with care, or not at all and just work with re-structring the data into a more workable form.
But this will give you your match.
Here is one example, which I use for recursive search for Key-Value anywhere in document structure:
"$where" : function(){
var searchKey = 'find-this';
var searchValue = 'please find me';
return searchInObj(obj);
function searchInObj(obj){
for(var k in obj){
if(typeof obj[k] == 'object' && obj[k] !== null){
return true;
} else {
if(k == searchKey && obj[k] == searchValue){
return true;
return false;

Refer to subfields without specifing name in a mongodb [duplicate]

I imported some sort-of sloppy XML data into a Mongo database. Each Document has nested sub-documents to a depth of around 5-10. I would like to find() documents that have a particular value of a particular field, where the field may appear at any depth in the sub-documents (and may appear multiple times).
I am currently pulling each Document into Python and then searching that dictionary, but it would be nice if I could state a filter prototype where the database would only return documents that have a particular value of the field name somewhere in their contents.
Here is an example document:
"foo": 1,
"bar": 2,
"find-this": "Yes!",
"stuff": {
"baz": 3,
"gobble": [
"all-fall-down": 4,
"find-this": "please find me"
"plugh": {
"plove": {
"find-this": "Here too!"
So, I'd like to find documents that have a "find-this" field, and (if possible) to be able to find documents that have a particular value of a "find-this" field.
You are right in the certain statement of a BSON document is not an XML document. Since XML is loaded into a tree structure that comprises of "nodes", searching on an arbitary key is quite easy.
A MonoDB document is not so simple to process, and this is a "database" in many respects, so it is generally expected to have a certain "uniformity" of data locations in order to make it easy to both "index" and search.
Nonetheless, it can be done. But of course this does mean a recursive process executing on the server and this means JavaScript processing with $where.
As a basic shell example, but the general function is just a string argument to the $where operator everywhere else:
function () {
var findKey = "find-this",
findVal = "please find me";
function inspectObj(doc) {
return Object.keys(doc).some(function(key) {
if ( typeof(doc[key]) == "object" ) {
return inspectObj(doc[key]);
} else {
return ( key == findKey && doc[key] == findVal );
return inspectObj(this);
So basically, test the keys present in the object to see if they match the desired "field name" and content. If one of those keys happens to be an "object" then recurse into the function and inspect again.
JavaScript .some() makes sure that the "first" match found will return from the search function giving a true result and returning the object where that "key/value" was present at some depth.
Note that $where essentially means traversing your whole collection unless there is some other valid query filter than can be applied to an "index" on the collection.
So use with care, or not at all and just work with re-structring the data into a more workable form.
But this will give you your match.
Here is one example, which I use for recursive search for Key-Value anywhere in document structure:
"$where" : function(){
var searchKey = 'find-this';
var searchValue = 'please find me';
return searchInObj(obj);
function searchInObj(obj){
for(var k in obj){
if(typeof obj[k] == 'object' && obj[k] !== null){
return true;
} else {
if(k == searchKey && obj[k] == searchValue){
return true;
return false;

How to find MongoDB field name at arbitrary depth

I imported some sort-of sloppy XML data into a Mongo database. Each Document has nested sub-documents to a depth of around 5-10. I would like to find() documents that have a particular value of a particular field, where the field may appear at any depth in the sub-documents (and may appear multiple times).
I am currently pulling each Document into Python and then searching that dictionary, but it would be nice if I could state a filter prototype where the database would only return documents that have a particular value of the field name somewhere in their contents.
Here is an example document:
"foo": 1,
"bar": 2,
"find-this": "Yes!",
"stuff": {
"baz": 3,
"gobble": [
"all-fall-down": 4,
"find-this": "please find me"
"plugh": {
"plove": {
"find-this": "Here too!"
So, I'd like to find documents that have a "find-this" field, and (if possible) to be able to find documents that have a particular value of a "find-this" field.
You are right in the certain statement of a BSON document is not an XML document. Since XML is loaded into a tree structure that comprises of "nodes", searching on an arbitary key is quite easy.
A MonoDB document is not so simple to process, and this is a "database" in many respects, so it is generally expected to have a certain "uniformity" of data locations in order to make it easy to both "index" and search.
Nonetheless, it can be done. But of course this does mean a recursive process executing on the server and this means JavaScript processing with $where.
As a basic shell example, but the general function is just a string argument to the $where operator everywhere else:
function () {
var findKey = "find-this",
findVal = "please find me";
function inspectObj(doc) {
return Object.keys(doc).some(function(key) {
if ( typeof(doc[key]) == "object" ) {
return inspectObj(doc[key]);
} else {
return ( key == findKey && doc[key] == findVal );
return inspectObj(this);
So basically, test the keys present in the object to see if they match the desired "field name" and content. If one of those keys happens to be an "object" then recurse into the function and inspect again.
JavaScript .some() makes sure that the "first" match found will return from the search function giving a true result and returning the object where that "key/value" was present at some depth.
Note that $where essentially means traversing your whole collection unless there is some other valid query filter than can be applied to an "index" on the collection.
So use with care, or not at all and just work with re-structring the data into a more workable form.
But this will give you your match.
Here is one example, which I use for recursive search for Key-Value anywhere in document structure:
"$where" : function(){
var searchKey = 'find-this';
var searchValue = 'please find me';
return searchInObj(obj);
function searchInObj(obj){
for(var k in obj){
if(typeof obj[k] == 'object' && obj[k] !== null){
return true;
} else {
if(k == searchKey && obj[k] == searchValue){
return true;
return false;

How do I publish two random items from a Meteor collection?

I'm making an app where two random things from a collection are displayed to the user. Every time the user refreshes the page or clicks on a button, she would get another random pair of items.
For example, if the collection were of fruits, I'd want something like this:
apple vs banana
peach vs pineapple
banana vs peach
The code below is for the server side and it works except for the fact that the random pair is generated only once. The pair doesn't update until the server is restarted. I understand it is because generate_pair() is only called once. I have tried calling generate_pair() from one of the Meteor.publish functions but it only sometimes works. Other times, I get no items (errors) or only one item.
I don't mind publishing the entire collection and selecting random items from the client side. I just don't want to crash the browser if Items has 30,000 entries.
So to conclude, does anyone have any ideas of how to get two random items from a collection appearing on the client side?
var first_item, second_item;
// This is the best way I could find to get a random item from a Meteor collection
// Every item in Items has a 'random_number' field with a randomly generated number between 0 and 1
var random_item = function() {
return Items.find({
random_number: {
$gt: Math.random()
}, {
limit: 1
// Generates a pair of items and ensure that they're not duplicates.
var generate_pair = function() {
first_item = random_item();
second_item = random_item();
// Regenerate second item if it is a duplicate
while (first_item.fetch()[0]._id === second_item.fetch()[0]._id) {
second_item = random_item();
Meteor.publish('first_item', function() {
return first_item;
// Is this good Meteor style to have two publications doing essentially the same thing?
Meteor.publish('second_item', function() {
return second_item;
The problem with your approach is that subscribing to the same publication with the same arguments (no arguments in this case) over and over in the client will only get you subscribed only once to the server-side logic, this is because Meteor is optimizing its internal Pub/Sub mechanism.
To truly discard the previous subscription and get the server-side publish code to re-execute and send two new random documents, you need to introduce a useless random argument to your publication, your client-side code will subscribe over and over to the publication with a random number and each time you'll get unsubscribed and resubscribed to new random documents.
Here is a full implementation of this pattern :
function randomItemId(){
// get the total items count of the collection
var itemsCount = Items.find().count();
// get a random number (N) between [0 , itemsCount - 1]
var random = Math.floor(Random.fraction() * itemsCount);
// choose a random item by skipping N items
var item = Items.findOne({},{
skip: random
return item && item._id;
function generateItemIdPair(){
// return an array of 2 random items ids
var result = [
while(result[0] == result[1]){
result[1] = randomItemId();
return result;
var pair = generateItemIdPair();
// publish the 2 items whose ids are in the random pair
return Items.find({
_id: {
$in: pair
// every 5 seconds subscribe to 2 new random items
Meteor.subscribe("randomItems", Random.fraction(), function(){
console.log("fetched these random items :", Items.find().fetch());
}, 5000);
You'll need to meteor add random for this code to work.
Meteor.publish 'randomDocs', ->
ids = _(Docs.find().fetch()).pluck '_id'
randomIds = _(ids).sample 2
Docs.find _id: $in: randomIds
Here's another approach, uses the excellent publishComposite package to populate matches in a local (client-only) collection so it doesn't conflict with other uses of the main collection:
if (Meteor.isClient) {
randomDocs = new Mongo.Collection('randomDocs');
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.publishComposite("randomDocs",function(select_count) {
return {
find: function() {
let self=this;
_.sample(baseCollection.find({}).fetch(),select_count).forEach(function(doc) {
in onCreated: this.subscribe("randomDocs",3);
(then in a helper): return randomDocs.find({},{$limit:3});

MongoDB: Nested Query at unknown depth [duplicate]

I imported some sort-of sloppy XML data into a Mongo database. Each Document has nested sub-documents to a depth of around 5-10. I would like to find() documents that have a particular value of a particular field, where the field may appear at any depth in the sub-documents (and may appear multiple times).
I am currently pulling each Document into Python and then searching that dictionary, but it would be nice if I could state a filter prototype where the database would only return documents that have a particular value of the field name somewhere in their contents.
Here is an example document:
"foo": 1,
"bar": 2,
"find-this": "Yes!",
"stuff": {
"baz": 3,
"gobble": [
"all-fall-down": 4,
"find-this": "please find me"
"plugh": {
"plove": {
"find-this": "Here too!"
So, I'd like to find documents that have a "find-this" field, and (if possible) to be able to find documents that have a particular value of a "find-this" field.
You are right in the certain statement of a BSON document is not an XML document. Since XML is loaded into a tree structure that comprises of "nodes", searching on an arbitary key is quite easy.
A MonoDB document is not so simple to process, and this is a "database" in many respects, so it is generally expected to have a certain "uniformity" of data locations in order to make it easy to both "index" and search.
Nonetheless, it can be done. But of course this does mean a recursive process executing on the server and this means JavaScript processing with $where.
As a basic shell example, but the general function is just a string argument to the $where operator everywhere else:
function () {
var findKey = "find-this",
findVal = "please find me";
function inspectObj(doc) {
return Object.keys(doc).some(function(key) {
if ( typeof(doc[key]) == "object" ) {
return inspectObj(doc[key]);
} else {
return ( key == findKey && doc[key] == findVal );
return inspectObj(this);
So basically, test the keys present in the object to see if they match the desired "field name" and content. If one of those keys happens to be an "object" then recurse into the function and inspect again.
JavaScript .some() makes sure that the "first" match found will return from the search function giving a true result and returning the object where that "key/value" was present at some depth.
Note that $where essentially means traversing your whole collection unless there is some other valid query filter than can be applied to an "index" on the collection.
So use with care, or not at all and just work with re-structring the data into a more workable form.
But this will give you your match.
Here is one example, which I use for recursive search for Key-Value anywhere in document structure:
"$where" : function(){
var searchKey = 'find-this';
var searchValue = 'please find me';
return searchInObj(obj);
function searchInObj(obj){
for(var k in obj){
if(typeof obj[k] == 'object' && obj[k] !== null){
return true;
} else {
if(k == searchKey && obj[k] == searchValue){
return true;
return false;