SQL Natural Join - postgresql

Okay. So the question that I got asked by the teacher was this:
(5 marks) Construct a SQL query on the dvdrental database that uses a natural join of two or more tables and an additional where condition. (E.g. find the titles of films rented by a particular customer.) Note the hints on the course news page if your query returns nothing.
Here is the layout of the database im working with:
The hint to us was this:
PostgreSQL hint:
If a natural join doesn't produce any results in the dvdrental DB, it is because many tables have the last update: timestamp field, and thus the natural join tries to join on that field as well as the intended field.
select *
from film natural join inventory;
does not work because of this - it produces an empty table (no results).
Instead, use
select *
from film, inventory
where film.film_id = inventory.film_id;
This is what I did:
select *
from film, customer
where film.film_id = customer.customer_id;
The problem is I cannot get a particular customer.
I tried doing customer_id = 2; but it returns a error.
Really need help!

Well, it seems that you would like to join two tables that have no direct relation with each other, there's your issue:
where film.film_id = customer.customer_id
To find which films are rented by which customer you would have to join customer table with rental, then with inventory and finally with film.
The task description states
Construct a SQL query on the dvdrental database that uses a natural join of two or more tables and an additional where condition.quote


LEFT JOIN returns incorrect result in PostgreSQL

I have two tables: A (525,968 records) and B (517,831 records). I want to generate a table with all the rows from A and the matched records from B. Both tables has column "id" and column "year". The combination of id and year in table A is unique, but not in table B. So I wrote the following query:
LEFT JOIN B ON (A.id = B.id AND A.year = B.year);
I thought the result should contain the same total number of records in A, but it only returns about 517,950 records. I'm wondering what the possible cause may be.
First of all, I understand that this is an example, but postgres may hava an issues with capital letters in the table names.
Secondly, it may be a good idea to check how exactly you calculated 525,968 records. The thing is - if you use sime kind of client of database administration / queries - it may show you different / technical information about tables (there may be internal row counters in postgres that may actually differ from the number of records).
And finally to check yourself do something like

Postgresql get references from a dictionary

I'm trying to build a request to get the data from a table, but some of those columns have foreign keys I would like to replace by the associated keyword in one request.
Basically there's
table A with column 1:PKA-ID and column 2:name.
table B with column 1:PKB-ID, column 2:FKA-ID, column 3:amount.
I want to get all the lines in table B but with all foreign keys replaced by the associated names in table A.
I started building a request with a subrequest + alias to get that, but ofc I have more than one result per subrequest, yet I can't find a way to link that subrequest to the ID of table B [might be exhausted, dumb or both] from the main request. I did something like that:
it feels so simple of a request yet...
You don't need a join in the subselect.
SELECT pkb_id,
(SELECT name FROM a WHERE a.pka_id = b.fka_id),
(See it live in SQL Fiddle).
The subselect query runs for each and every row of its parent select and has the parent row available from the context.
You can also use a simple join.
SELECT b.pkb_id, a.name, b.amount
FROM b, a
WHERE a.pka_id = b.fka_id;
Note that the join version puts less restrictions on the PostgreSQL query optimizer so in some cases the join version might work faster. (For example, in PostgreSQL 9.6 the join might utilize multiple CPU units, cf. Parallel Query).

Querying a table for rows with no foreign keys pointing to them

Let's say we have two tables in our database.
Table 1:
Table 2:
My goal is to find a relatively efficient query to find all employers with no employees. The only way I could think to do this involves a subquery, but I suspect there should be a way to do this using a JOIN.
Here's what I originally had:
SELECT * FROM employer
WHERE employer.id NOT IN (
SELECT employer_id FROM employee
As I couldn't find any answers online for this, my solution is in the answers below (admittedly with a good chunk of help from a coworker). I'm using postgres 9.3 and sqlalchemy 0.8.
SELECT * FROM employer
LEFT OUTER JOIN employee ON employee.employer_id = employer.id
WHERE employee.id IS NULL;
For those not familiar with outer joins (I wasn't before this), this query will return all employer/employee pairs AND returns all employers without employees. These will be paired up with "dummy" employee rows, with all values being NULL. As a consequence, filtering out all results with employee ids will leave you with just the employers without employees.
(If anyone can give a better-worded explanation, by all means please do.)
In sqlalchemy:

zf many to many relationship, how to find values stored in intermediary table without a second lookup

I have a many to many relationship between two tables which is represented with an intermediary table. I am using the ZF1 table relationships methodology to model the database in my application and this works fine. One thing I am struggling with is to pull data from the intermediary table when performing a many to many lookup. For exmaple:
In this case where the sales table is the intermediary table and the many to many relationship is between customers and products. I add the referenceMap to the sales table model for products and customers and the dependent table "sales" to the product table model and the customer table model.
I can then successfully use the following code to get all the products for a given customer (or vice-versa).
$productTable = new productsTable();
$product = $productTable->find(1)->current();
$customers = $product->findManyToManyRowset('customerTable','salesTable');
But it does not include the "date_of_sale" value in the rowset returned. Is there a way of including the values from the intermediary table without doint a separate database lookup. Ican't see anything in the zf docs.
Any help would be cool.
I hope to eventually replace the zend_table with a datamapper implementation as it seems highly inefficient in terms of the number of db queries it executes which could be hugely reduced with slightly more complex SQL join queries rather than multiple simple selects but for now I'm stuck with this.
You can use JOIN queries in your code to make it in one call. From what I understand, you want to build this query
SELECT p.*, c.*, s.date_of_sale FROM sales AS s
INNER JOIN products AS p ON p.product_id = s.product_id
INNER JOIN customers AS c ON c.customer_id = s.customer_id
WHERE p.product_id = '1';
To achieve this, you can refer to Complex SQL query into Zend to see how I translate it to a Zend_Db Query or just use something like
$select = $this->select()->setIntegrityCheck(false);
$select->from(array('s'=>'sales'), array('date_of_sale'));
$select->join(array('p'=>'products'), 'p.product_id = s.product_id', '*');
$select->join(array('c'=>'customers'), 'c.customer_id = s.customer_id', '*');
$select->where('p.product_id = '.$productId);
Obviously, it would be better to quoteInto the where clause but I'm just too lazy.
Hope this helps !

Combine dynamic columns with select query

I am using a PostgreSQL database. I have one select query:
select userid, name, age from tbluser;
Now there is another table, tblcalculatedtax, which is generated on the fly and their column names are not predefined, the only mapping between that table and this table is userid. I want to get records after joining two tables. How can I get that?
FROM tbluser
JOIN tblcalculatedtax USING (userid)
Details in the fine manual about SELECT.
Your need SQL Joins. Here's a W3Schools tutorial: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_join.asp
To quickly answer your question, though:
SELECT * FROM tbluser
INNER JOIN tblcalculatedtax
ON tbluser.userid=tblcalculatedtext.userid
The * selects all the columns, so you don't need to know their names. Of course, I'm not sure what use a column is to you if you don't know it's name: do you know what data it contains?