Is there any mongodb client that accepts SSL - mongodb

I am using Robomongo but I am unable to connect to my mongodb since it is ssl enabled. So, I am currently connecting through cmd, but it has its limitations like page buffer and I am missing the UI experience.

RoboMongo version 10 has support for SSL, use this version.
More info -


I am not able to start MongoDB ON WINDOWS 10

Mongod is not starting on windows 10 it shows 'access control is not enabled for the database. Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestr 10.
Mongo is started and is running. This message is simply a notice, not an error. It says that your Mongo database is insecure because anyone is able to read and write. This is fine for your development purposes on your computer, but you should change the settings if you use Mongo for a production, customer-facing website.

Sitecore 8.2 Farm Configuration Issues

I have configured mutil server Sitecore 8.2 Farm (For Development purpose)
My farm has 1 Cd, 1 Cm, 1 SQL and 1 Mongo DB(Collection) servers. There are couple of issues I am facing, after setup.
When I try to publish item, It gets stuck at initializing...But If I make IISReset it works. But after few minutes again the same issue appears on publishing. I have checked the log files I get error "ERROR Unable to connect to server ServerIP:27017: Error: 18 - Authentication failed..". Even though the connection string is fine.
Secondly I don't see analytics database in mongoDB.
I am facing this issue in the initial sitecore site that is deployed after installation so there is no customization. Any help is much appreciated !!
Port 27017 is the default MongoDB port. Probably the MongoDB connection string is the issue. Check the Authentication credentials are correct in the connection string.
Somethings like this:
<add name="analytics" connectionString="mongodb://mongodb_user:password#localhost/analytics"/>
<add name="" connectionString="mongodb://mongodb_user:password#localhost/tracking_live"/>
<add name="tracking.history" connectionString="mongodb://mongodb_user:password#localhost/tracking_history"/>
<add name="" connectionString="mongodb://mongodb_user:password#localhost/tracking_contact"/>
Also check your MongoDB version.
For Sitecore 8.2 you should use MongoDB 3.2 see:
Mongo DB compatibility
Sitecore Compatibility Table
Regarding your publishing issue, have you validated your scalability settings have your instance name and publishing instance names correct?
If these values aren't correctly specified you can see the issue with it getting stuck. On the CM you need both InstanceName and PublishingInstanceName to be the same, and on CD you need the PublishingInstanceName set to the CM's InstanceName value.
Also check if you can connect to MongoDB using same connection settings you are using with RoboMongo or MongoVue. You may have to open SSH endpoint from MongoDB server to allow remote SSH connections.

MongoDB getting error while setting up at WAMP localhost for window

I am setting up MongoDB on localhost WAMP,
when i hit the port number getting following error:
It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
Please let me know how can i view database like phpmyadmin for MongoDB.
MongoDB does not offer by default a Webinterface for Administration, so you have to use additional Software. I know that Adminer also supports MongoDB.
Otherwise please read this Section in the MongoDB Docs (which are really great for learning MongoDB. I haven't tried all of them, but i think Adminer will do the Jobs. The MongoDB Shell is also great.
You can use cPanel too for this. cPanel server , because it is just another linux server.

MongoDB Connection Issue over SSL

I am Not able to connect mongoDB which is over the SSL. Without SSL its working fine.
I tried to ping from datasource connection setting, but its failing. Additionally I have imported public certificate to my jvm keystore.
mongodb connection url that I'm trying with is,
Here, the issue is with ODA driver, which wasn't supporting the SSL based mongo.
Solution is to add mongo-java driver version 2.13.1 to BirtRuntime and delete existing ODA driver org.eclipse.orbit.mongodb_2.10.1.v20130422-1135.jar.
Once done, connect to mongo using connection url, mongodb://[user]:[password]#[hostname]:[port]/[database]?ssl=true

Mongo vs Mongoid - why can 1 connect and the other not?

I have a rails-app which uses both mongoid and mongo. I use mongoid for my own models, and I use mongo because I have ruote with a ruote-mon storage.
In production however; I get
Mongo::ConnectionFailure: Failed to connect to a master node at localhost:27017
when I try to connect to the ruote storage. Even when I just do
Steps I have taken so far to try to resolve this:
I have made my mongodb an explicit master by setting master = true in /etc/mongod.conf
There are no $ENV variables set that could intervene with (double checked)
I have tried to connect using => true) - same error
I have restarted my mongo database several times (w/o success).
I have checked my firewall settings and I can connect to localhost:27017 with telnet (as said, the mongoid documents can be fetched and stored w/o issue)
I am out of my wits... Any suggestions?
The reason this happened is because we were sending queries with meta operators ($query, $orderby, etc...) for the ismaster command during a connect. This command's output is used to determine whether you are connected to a primary or not and would fail because very old versions of mongodb don't support the use of meta operators.
This fix will be in version 1.8.2 of the gem but I strongly encourage anyone who is still running pre-1.8 versions of mongodb to upgrade. 2.0 is the current legacy release as of the time of this post and even 1.8 is no longer widely supported.
As jmettraux mentioned you can find more details about this on the MongoDB project Jira under Ruby-525
please look at:
Should be fixed by the 1.8.2 mongo gem.