Generate executable larger than 4GB with TurboStudio - virtualization

Thinapp has no problem generating virtual applications above 4GB.
Whenever I try something similar with TurboStudio it fails. Is there a way around it?

Okay, after several experiments I think I found an answer.
Spoon Studio (or Turbo Studio as it is now called) cannot create executables larger than 4GB. Checking the "Compress Payload" option reduces output size, but these captures perform usually a bit slower (due to the decompression required at runtime) and of course, there are always apps that will exceed the 4GB limit even with this option checked.
A workaround, however, is to divide the installation process in multiple captures (when possible) and use svm files.
For example, assume you are capturing a large application (Myapp) and some addons or plugins to it which together generate a capture larger than 4GB in size.
The solution would then be to first capture the application without any addons. Then install the plugins/addons and capture them separately. When you capture the plugins choose as Project Type "Component". At the end of this process you will have a captured application in executable "myapp.exe" and the plugins captured separately in "plugins.svm". It is possible to repeat this process several times, thus ending with "myapp.exe" and multiple SVMs, such as "plugins.svm", "plugins02.svm" etc.
In order to load the "plugins.svm" in "myapp.exe" without importing it as a component (which would defeat the purpose as it would still blow up the size beyond 4GB), go to Settings-->Process Configuration-->SVMs.
In the SVM search pattern you enter a text string to specify the SVMs to be loaded during startup of the application.
You can specify a single SVM by entering something like
or multiple SMVs by entering something like
or even use a wildcard by entering something like
All of the above examples imply that the desired SVMs exist in the application's folder. Else, use a different path.
If multiple SVMs are specified in one search pattern through the use of the '*' wildcard, the SVMs are applied in reverse-alphabetical priority.
If SVMs are specified by name (not with a wildcard), then the SVMs specified first in the list will take precedence over SVMs specified later in the list.
You can also make specific svm files Required, by adding them to the "Required SVM name" list. In this case, the application won't start if it doesn't find the SVM file in the specified location and will instead give an error message that a required SVM was not located.
I hope this will be of help to people trying to capture large applications and hitting the 4GB limit with Turbo (Spoon) Studio.


Add the hash of the code in executable file

I have an STM32 application which uses two blocks of memory. In 0th block, I have a boot code (which runs just after power-on) and in 7th block, I have an application code (which may or may not run depending on the authorization decision given by the boot code).
Those two codes are developed hence generated by two separate projects. They are flashed on the specific blocks (boot code to 0th block and application code to 7th block) of STM32 NOR memory using openocd tool by giving an offset value to the openocd's write_image command.
What I would like to do basically in the boot code is that I want to calculate the hash of the application code and compare it with the reference digest. If they are equal, I will give the hand to the application code. For that, after I generate the executable (can be in elf, hex or bin format) of the application code, I want to:
Create another file (in any format listed above) which has 128K byte size
Copy the content of the executable file to the recently created file from its beginning (0 offset)
Write the hash of the executable to the last 32 bytes of the recently created file
Fill the gap with 0xFF
Finally flash this executable file (if it is still) to the 7th block of the memory
Do you think that it is doable and feasible? If so:
Which format should I use to generate the executable?
Do I have something that I need to give specific attention to achieve this?
Lastly, do you think that it makes sense to do that or is there any other more standard way for this purpose?
Thanks a lot in advance.
You just need to add an additional step to your building sequence. After the linking extract the binary file from elf
Then write a program in your favourite programming language which will calculate something and append the result to that bin file

Can I force visdiff to display more than the first 2000 bytes?

I have two binary files that I'm trying to compare using Matlab's built-in function visdiff, but it only displays the first 2000 bytes as a default. Is there any way to force the comparison tool to display the entire contents of both files side by side?
Edit the file matlabroot\toolbox\shared\comparisons\private\bindiff.m, where matlabroot is your MATLAB installation directory. On line 149, you'll see it sets the variable MAXLEN to 2000. Change this to something bigger (even Inf seems to work).
You may need to type rehash toolboxcache after making this change, in order to get MATLAB to notice.
Please note:
As you're making a change to the MATLAB source, this is at your own risk (it seems fine to me though). Keep a backup of the file you've edited.
That truncation at 2000 bytes is there for a reason - comparing the whole of larger binary files does seem to take quite a while, so be patient. Maybe try gradually increasing MAXLEN, rather than going straight to Inf.
I only have R2011b available to me right now, so if you're on a newer version the file path and line number I mentioned above may have changed. It was very easy to trace through the code from visdiff to comparisons_private to bindiff though, so unless they've changed the deeper structure of the Comparisons Tool between 11b and now, it will probably be very similar.

Can I assume an executable file as a snapshot image of an execution state?

I read some unix manual (, and there was a mention about execution.
The new process image shall be constructed from a regular executable
file called the new process image file.
The expression process image caught my eyes.
I have been thought executable file is just a kind of sequence of command. Just as the word program means. But actually, I don't know the concept and structure of the executable file. And I felt executable file could be looks like an execution state image from the mention.
Could you explain me something about this? About the concept and structure of regular executable files in nowadays. In any OS.
Usually the executable file does not contain only instructions but also global data, readonly data and many more. I suggest you briefly look e.g. on the ELF format widely used in UNIX-like operating systems or PE format used in Windows.
The OS may also need for example to replace some addresses of functions (jump targets) with the real addresses of these functions in the memory, although this technique is probably not used anymore in common OSes. Anyway, there can be more work to do than just copy the file into memory and start executing from the first byte.

Sync (Diff) of the remote binary file

Usually both files are availble for running some diff tool but I need to find the differences in 2 binary files when one of them resides in the server and another is in the mobile device. Then only the different parts can be sent to the server and file updated.
There is the bsdiff tool. Debian has a bsdiff package, too, and there are high-level programming language interfaces like python-bsdiff.
I think that a jailbreaked iPhone, Android or similar mobile device can run bsdiff, but maybe you have to compile the software yourself.
But note! If you use the binary diff only to decide which part of the file to update, better use rsync. rsync has a built-in binary diff algorithm.
You're probably using the name generically, because diff expects its arguments to be text files.
If given binary files, it can only say they're different, not what the differences are.
But you need to update only the modified parts of binary files.
This is how the Open Source program called Rsync works, but I'm not aware of any version running on mobile devices.
To find the differences, you must compare. If you cannot compare, you cannot compute the minimal differences.
What kind of changes do you do to the local file?
If only updates, ie. the size and location of unchanged data is constant, then a block-type checksum solution might work, where you split the file up into blocks, compute the checksum of each, and compare with a list of previous checksums. Then you only have to send the modified blocks.
Also, if possible, you could store two versions of the file locally, the old and modified.
Sounds like a job for rsync. See also librsync and pyrsync.
Cool thing about the rsync algorithm is that you don't need both files to be accessible on the same machine.

Hash of an .exe file

I'm wondering whether I will ever get a different result when producing a checksum on an .exe file before and then while or after running that file. I'm more concerned with common practice (such as producing a SHA hash of popular app like firefox.exe) than with boundary cases, but both are interesting. Thanks.
The hash of a file should be constant for as long as the file is identical (i.e. contains only the same bytes, in the same order). It's very rare to find applications that rewrite their on-disk representation at runtime, so the hash should be constant. There are self-modifying programs, but they tend to operate on the in-memory loaded copy of their code, rather than the disk copy.
Edit: We should consider "Self-updating" applications, but these tend to launch a little helper program to download and update the core application. It's difficult (especially on Windows) to update an execution whilst it's running. UNIX systems tend to operate Copy on Write systems, so it's possible that a software update might change your executable under your feet - but again, this is a "corner case".
The hash will only change if the exe changes. That will only happen if the app modifies itself, which isn't going to happen on windows without the app restarting. Firefox might update itself (including a restart), but apart from such cases, the hash will remain the same.
The hash will change if the file changes.
EXE files rarely change on their own. firefox.exe would change if the user updates to a new version.
You can check the "date modified" attribute of an EXE file (like firefox.exe) after running it to see whether it has changed, but you'll probably find it hasn't.
If you mean the modification of the last access time, don't worry, it's stored at the filesystem level, not within the file so the hash will remain the same.