Mallet POS-Tagging learning time - mallet

I've been trying to use the Mallet Simple Tagger ( to learn a CRF- Model for POS-Tagging.
I am now starting to get worried/confused as my computer has been learning for this one model for over a week.
It does not seem to be hung up, as it sill gives me output in the form:
Punkte NN->Puppenk�nig NN(Puppenk�nig NN) Punkte NN,Puppenk�nig NN
Punkte NN->Obere NN(Obere NN) Punkte NN,Obere NN
Punkte NN->Entfernung NN(Entfernung NN) Punkte NN,Entfernung NN
So I wanted to ask, if it is normal for Mallet to take this long, or did something go wrong?
I used the command specified on the webpage:
hough#gobur:~/tagger-test$ java -cp
--train true --model-file nouncrf sample
The training data contains 96903 Tokens.
We're assuming, it might have something to do with the form of the input. The website specifies the form:
slept non-noun
And the documentation for the SimpleTagger( states that each instance should be a separate block, separated by blank lines. While I'm not sure what is meant by instance, I thought, the expected form is something like this:
word pos
word pos
. $.
word pos
word pos
word pos
. $.
word pos
word pos
. $.
Is this the right format? Does maybe someone have an example file, to show what the format should look like?

A week for a 100k token corpus seems much too long. I would expect on the order of a half hour at most.


Using Perl to parse text from blocks

I have a file with multiple blocks of test. FOR EACH block of test, I want to be able to extract what is in the square bracket, the line containing the FIRST instance of the word "area", and what is on the right of the square bracket. Everything will be a string. Essentially what I want to do is store each string into a variable in a hash so i can print it into a 3 column csv file.
Here's a sample of what the file looks like:
Student-[K-6] Exceptional in Math
/home/area/kinder/mathadvance.txt, 12
Students in grade K-12 shown to be exceptional in math.
Placed into special after school program.
See /home/area/overall/performance.txt, 200
Student-[Junior] Weak Performance
Students with overall weak performance.
Summer program services offered as shown in
"/home/area/services/summer.txt", 212
Student-[K-6] Physical Excerise Time Slots
/home/area/pe/schedule.txt, 303
Assigned time slots for PE based on student's grade level. Make reference to
/home/area/overall/classtimes.txt, 90
I want to to have a final csv file that looks like:
K-6, Exceptional in Math, /home/area/kinder/mathadvance.txt, 12
K-6, Physical Exercise Time Slots, /home/area/pe/schedule.txt, 303
Junior, Weak Performance, "/home/area/services/summer.txt", 212
Since it's a csv file, I know it will also separate at the line number when exporting into excel but I'm fine with that.
I started off by putting the grade type into an array because I want to be able to add more strings to it for different grade levels.
My program looks like this so far:
use strict;
use warnings;
my #grades = ("K-6", "Junior", "Community-College", "PreK");
I was thinking that I will need to do some sort of system sed command to grab what is in the brackets and store it into a variable. Then I will grab everything to the right of the bracket on the line and store it into a variable. And then I will grep for a line containing "area" to get the path and I will store it as a string into a variable, put these in a hash, and then print into csv. I'm not sure if I'm thinking about this the right way. Also, I have NO IDEA how to do this for each BLOCK of text in the file. I need it by block because each block has its own corresponding grades, topics, and paths.
perl -000 -ne '($grade, $topic) = /\[(.*)\] (.*)/;
($path) = m{(.*/area/.*)};
print "$grade, $topic, $path\n"' -- file.txt
-000 turns on paragraph mode, -n won't read line by line, but paragraph by paragraph
/\[(.*)\] (.*)/ matches the square brackets and whatever follows them up to a newline. The inside of the square brackets and the following text are captured using the parentheses.
m{(.*/area/.*)} captures the line containing "area". It uses the m{} syntax instead of // so we don't have to backslash the slashes (avoiding so called "leaning toothpick syndrome")

Can I directly load text with numbers in CCC,CC format ? (K4)

I have input with floats stored like 1000,50, ie. the decimal points are replaced by commas.
Is there an option in K to load these numbers directly into floats ?
When using
data:("SFF" ;";",";") 0:. filename
I get 0ns, of course, because the numbers are not recognized as floats.
I load them as strings now, and convert them using ssr like
c:.:' .q.ssr'[data;",";"."]
but that is extremely slow.
Is there an option somewhere to have K load these numbers in CCC,CC format as floats directly ? Normal format and ccc,cc format are not mixed, any file has just one of them.
If there is not, I imagine that it must by quite easy to replace a "." somewhere in the Q-binary where the load-function sits, with a ",", to get a version which loads these numbers. Has anybody tried that ? Or any other tip to load big files with these numbers in reasonable time ?
If ssr' is slow for your task you may find this tiny function useful:
c2p:{c:-1_sums count each x;p:ss[r:raze x;","];r[p]:".";(0,c) _ r}
Update: an alternative version:
c2p:{p:ss[r:raze x;","];r[p]:".";(0,-1_sums count'[x])_r}
It concatenates all strings into a single long string, finds positions of commas, replaces commas with periods then splits that long string:
q)s:string[N?100000],'",",'string N?1000
q)\t r1:ssr'[s;",";"."]
q)\t r2:c2p s
I was thinking something like find (?) combined with indexing/applying
q)s:string[N?100000],'",",'string N?1000
q)\ts {s[x;y]:"."}./:flip(til count s;s?\:",")
967 52972144
It's not perfect but that's the general idea. I'm sure there is an easier way...

Scheme read specific data from file

I have a txt file that looks like this:
1 17.3
2 18.2
3 18.6
I would like to make a variable (for example temp) which would store store first value (17.3). I would then compare this value with something else (< temp 20). Next step would be to store second value in temp (18.2), so I could again compare values.
Any help would be appreciated!
In Matlab it would look like this:
while i<length(temp) do
if temp < 20
There are several ways to skin this cat in R6RS:
You can use read. read will read any Scheme datum so since these are all numbers read will read the next number.
You can make your own parser. You read one char at a time and when you hit a space or linefeed you take the list of chars you have though list->string to get string and then string->number This can also be done in two parts reading lines then parsing each line or do a slurp first then process the string.

perl sequence extraction loop

I have an existing perl one-liner (from the Edwards lab) that works wonderfully to read a text file (named ids.file) that contains one column of IDs and searches a second, specially formatted text file (named fasta.file in this example - in "fasta" format for those who know bioinformatics) and returns sequences that match the ID from the first file. I was hoping to expand this script to do two additional things:
The current perl one-liner only seems to work if the ids.file contains one column of data. I would like it to work on a file that contains two columns (separated by spaces), and act on the second column of data (well, really any column of data, but I assume that it will be obvious enough to adapt it if someone can give an example using a second column)
I would like to append the any results returned from the output of the search to a third column, instead of just to a new file.
If someone is kind enough to offer an example but only has time or inclination to work on one of these, I would prefer that you try to solve #2 - I have come close to solving #1 with a for loop that uses awk to only use the Perl code on the second column - I haven't gotten it yet, but am close, so #2 seems like the harder one to me.
The perl one liner is as follows:
perl -ne 'if(/^>(\S+)/){$c=$i{$1}}$c?print:chomp;$i{$_}=1 if #ARGV' ids.file fasta.file
I appreciate any help you can give!
Not quite sure but will this do?
perl -ne 'chomp; s/^>(\S+).*/$c=$i{$1}/e; print if $c;
$i{(/^\S*\s(\S*)$/)[0]}="$_ " if #ARGV'
ids.file fasta.file

Using a .fasta file to compute relative content of sequences

So me being the 'noob' that I am, being introduced to programming via Perl just recently, I'm still getting used to all of this. I have a .fasta file which I have to use, although I'm unsure if I'm able to open it, or if I have to work with it 'blindly', so to speak.
Anyway, the file that I have contains DNA sequences for three genes, written in this .fasta format.
Apparently it's something like this:
My goal is to write a script to open and read the file, which I have gotten the hang of now, but I have to read each sequence, compute relative amounts of 'G' and 'C' within each sequence, and then I'm to write it to a TAB-delimited file the names of the genes, and their respective 'G' and 'C' content.
Would anyone be able to provide some guidance? I'm unsure what a TAB-delimited file is, and I'm still trying to figure out how to open a .fasta file to actually see the content. So far I've worked with .txt files which I can easily open, but not .fasta.
I apologise for sounding completely bewildered. I'd appreciate your patience. I'm not like you pros out there!!
I get that it's confusing, but you really should try to limit your question to one concrete problem, see
I have no idea what a ".fasta" file or 'G' and 'C' is.. but it probably doesn't matter.
Open input file
Read and parse data. If it's in some strange format that you can't parse, go hunting on for a module to read it. If you're lucky someone has already done the hard part for you.
Compute whatever you're trying to compute
Print to screen (standard out) or another file.
A "TAB-delimite" file is a file with columns (think Excel) where each column is separated by the tab ("\t") character. As quick google or stackoverflow search would tell you..
Here is an approach using 'awk' utility which can be used from the command line. The following program is executed by specifying its path and using awk -f <path> <sequence file>
#NR>1 means only look at lines above 1 because you said the sequence starts on line 2
#this for-loop goes through all bases in the line and then performs operations below:
for (i=1;i<=length;i++)
#for each position encountered, the variable "total" is increased by 1 for total bases
for (i=1;i<=length;i++)
#if the "substring" i.e. position in a line == c or g upper or lower (some bases are
#lowercase in some fasta files), it will carry out the following instructions:
if(substr($0,i,1)=="c" || substr($0,i,1)=="C")
#this increments the c count by one for every c or C encountered, the next if statement does
#the same thing for g and G:
c++; else
if(substr($0,i,1)=="g" || substr($0,i,1)=="G")
#this "END-block" prints the gene name and C, G content in percentage, separated by tabs
print "Gene name\tG content:\t"(100*g/total)"%\tC content:\t"(100*c/total)"%"