GeoTools filters for shapefiles - filtering

I am looking at using GeoTools to read shapefiles. The tutorial for using it is straightforward showing how to set a filter to "Filter filter = Filter.INCLUDE;" to specify everything.
I want to split up the reading for performance purposes on very large shape files. In essence I want to split the reading of the info in the DBF file from the reading of the "THE_GEOM" data. We have a lot of our own filtering already built and it is easier to just use it and then retrieve the actual geometry as required.
How do I specify a filter to retrieve all the DBF info without the geometry?
How do I specify a filter to retrieve the geometry without the DBF info? This isn't as important since it probably won't impact performance so much but I would like to know.

By design the GeoTools' Shapefile Datastore goes to great lengths to keep the geometry and the attributes (the DBF stuff) together. So you are going to have to poke around in the internals to be able to do this. So you could use a DBFFileReader and a ShapefileReader to split the reading up.
I would consider porting your filters to GeoTools as it gives you the flexibility to switch data sources later when Shapefiles prove too small or too slow. It might be worth looking at the CQL and ECQL classes to help out in constructing them.
If you are really dealing with large Shapefiles (>2Gb) then going with a proper spatial database like PostGIS is almost certainly going to give better performance and GeoTools will access the data in exactly the same way with exactly the same filters.


Spatial geometry columns vs float/decimal columns in storing longitude/lattitude

I need to store and give out long/lat coordinates and display on google maps. I would need to store points, lines, and polygons. Then add metadata on them to for generating info.
Currently looking into postgis, and it seems a fair bit to absorb. Now I'm wondering if I need to delve into it.
Is it advisable to use a spatial database for the said purpose? or using float/decimal columns for long/lat is fine?
Currently looking into postgis, and it seems a fair bit to absorb. Now I'm wondering if I need to delve into it. Is it advisable to use a spatial database for the said purpose? or using float/decimal columns for long/lat is fine?
It is a lot to absorb. Storing as a float/decimal gets you nothing. Nothing at all. Spatial functions require spatial types. You gotta learn it. You don't have to learn all of it, but you have to learn it. And, it's not too hard to get started.
CREATE TABLE foo(id,geom)
VALUES ( 1, ST_MakePoint(long,lat)::geography );
I highly suggest PostGIS in Action 2nd Edition
If the only thing you need is store and give out, then float/decimal columns would be more than enough. However, if you are querying for spatial relations (whether a point is located within a polygon, whether polygons intersect etc.), you'd better to use either PostGIS or, for instance, MySQL extensions for spatial data.

Storing and managing Forex trading tick data

I'm building a data visualization system for Forex trading and I'm exploring ways of storing the historical Forex trading tick data that I have.
The data are in the form of currency pair (e.g. USD/CAD) chronological ticks of Ask and Bid prices. At the end of the day I need my data to be indexed in Elasticsearch and what I searching for is the best way to get them there.
I found a couple of approaches online; they start out simple but then get complicated. I'm wondering if adding that extra complexity is worth it. Some of my options are:
Storing tick data on PostgreSQL and then via a plugin sync them to Elasticsearch (here)
Storing tick data on PostgreSQL, push them to Logstash and then to Elasticsearch
Finally, storing tick data on PostgreSQL, push them to Redis, then to Logstash, and then to Elasticsearch
My intuition says that solution No 2 would be the ideal one, but what is considered best practice?
It's a good idea to store your data in a long-term storage DB, such as PostgreSQL or similar. That way you can decide at any time whether you need to change your mappings, add fields, remove fields, change their types, or what have you, and then you can easily rebuild your ES index/indices without too much trouble from your primary source of truth (i.e. PostgreSQL) and you always have clean data in ES.
I don't know ZomboDB (solution 1) so I can't really speak for it, all I know is that I'm generally not too fond of tying two different technologies together, it makes it hard to upgrade any of them in case you need/must/want to apply patches or benefit from new features in either of them.
Unless you have big and costly transformations to do on your source data, I feel that solution 3 doesn't bring much, i.e. the additional step of storing data in an intermediary Redis, doesn't bring much in my opinion (your mileage may vary here). It's a good idea to use a temporary store, such as Redis or Kafka, when you may lose data along the pipeline, but in this case, since you have your data in PostgreSQL, you don't really run the risk of losing anything. If at all, you can relaunch your pipeline and rebuild a few days of data.
That leaves solution 2, which would be fine given the information at hand. Using the Logstash JDBC input, you can easily retrieve the latest changes and forward them to ES every x minutes.
Eric from ZomboDB here. I wanted to try and answer your question as it relates to ZDB.
ZomboDB is really designed for full-text searching within Postgres. It's important to note that it's not a tool to synchronize your PG data to Elasticsearch. It's a fully-functional Postgres index type (akin to the built-in types like btree, gin, and gist) that happens to be backed by Elasticsearch. The fact that ZomboDB uses Elasticsearch is really an implementation detail.
While ZDB does provide a number of UDFs that expose access to ES' aggregate facilities, again, it's really designed for text searching.
So if your data is really just pairs of numbers, you're probably better off using ES directly -- especially if you're loading in one batch per day. There's no doubt that ZDB could provide superior aggregate performance compared to standard Postgres "GROUP BY" queries (because it passes it through to Elasticsearch), but you're paying a heavy operational penalty for a limited use-case.
If, on the other hand, your ask/bid data comes with a lot of related metadata, and:
You need PG to be your source of truth,
You need to text-search that metadata (with or without aggregation support), and
You don't want to learn ES and introduce another database system to your application, then...
... ZomboDB could be right for you.
I suspect Stack Overflow isn't the place to get into this, so feel free to contact me via the ways ZDB's github page recommends.

What is the best data structure to store road network data

I am working on a map-matching/trajectory matching project. What I am unsure after reading a number of research papers is what is the most efficient data structure to store the road network (described by a weighted directed graph) so as to facilitate real time searching (Fast). I am getting things like grids, MTrees, I need a database in the backend for these. I am working on MATLAB at the moment but can shift languages. What are the programming languages used in actual satellite navigators.
Help will be much appreciated
There are many such index structures like K-D Trees, R-Trees etc. that can be built on the data that you store on the database. You can store your data on SQL Server and use these indexes. You might also want to take a look at SQL Server Spatial tools that helps to perform Spatial queries on your data.

Clustering structured (numeric) and text data simultaneously

I have a bunch of documents (approx 200k) that have a title and abstract. There is other meta data available for each document for example category - (only one of cooking, health, exercise etc), genre - (only one of humour, action, anger) etc. The meta data is well structured and all this is available in a MySql DB.
I need to show to our user related documents while she is reading one of these document on our site. I need to provide the product managers weight-ages for title, abstract and meta data to experiment with this service.
I am planning to run clustering on top of this data, but am hampered by the fact that all Mahout Clustering example use either DenseVectors formulated on top of numbers, or Lucene based text vectorization.
The examples are either numeric data only or text data only. Has any one solved this kind of a problem before. I have been reading Mahout in Action book and the Mahout Wiki, without much success.
I can do this from the first principles - extract all titles and abstracts in to a DB, calculate TFIDF & LLR, treat each word as a dimension and go about this experiment with a lot of code writing. That seems like a longish way to the solution.
That in a nutshell is where I am trapped - am I doomed to the first principles or there exist a tool / methodology that I somehow missed. I would love to hear from folks out there who have solved similar problem.
Thanks in advance
You have a text similarity problem here and I think you're thinking about it correctly. Just follow any example concerning text. Is it really a lot of code? Once you count the words in the docs you're mostly done. Then feed it into whatever clusterer you want. The term extractions is not something you do with Mahout, though there are certainly libraries and tools that are good at it.
I'm actually working on something similar, but without the need of distinciton between numeric and text fields.
I have decided to go with the semanticvectors package which does all the part about tfidf, the semantic space vectors building, and the similarity search. It uses a lucene index.
Please note that you can also use the s-space package if semanticvectors doesn't suit you (if you go down that road of course).
The only caveat I'm facing with this approach is that the indexing part can't be iterative. I have to index everything every time a new document is added, or an old document is modified. People using semanticvectors say they have very good indexing times. But I don't know how large their corpora are. I'm going to test these issues with the wikipedia dump to see how fast it can be.

NoSQL for time series/logged instrument reading data that is also versioned

My Data
It's primarily monitoring data, passed in the form of Timestamp: Value, for each monitored value, on each monitored appliance. It's regularly collected over many appliances and many monitored values.
Additionally, it has the quirky feature of many of these data values being derived at the source, with the calculation changing from time to time. This means that my data is effectively versioned, and I need to be able to simply call up only data from the most recent version of the calculation. Note: This is not versioning where the old values are overwritten. I simply have timestamp cutoffs, beyond which the data changes its meaning.
My Usage
Downstream, I'm going to have various undefined data mining/machine learning uses for the data. It's not really clear yet what those uses are, but it is clear that I will be writing all of the downstream code in Python. Also, we are a very small shop, so I can really only deal with so much complexity in setup, maintenance, and interfacing to downstream applications. We just don't have that many people.
The Choice
I am not allowed to use a SQL RDBMS to store this data, so I have to find the right NoSQL solution. Here's what I've found so far:
Looks totally fine to me, but it seems like some of the major users have moved on. It makes me wonder if it's just not going to be that much of a vibrant ecosystem. This SE post seems to have good things to say: Cassandra time series data
Again, this seems fine, but I'm concerned that this is not a major, actively developed platform. It seems like this would leave me a bit starved for tools and documentation.
I have a, perhaps irrational, intense dislike for the Mongo crowd, and I'm looking for any reason to discard this as a solution. It seems to me like the data model of Mongo is all wrong for things with such a static, regular structure. My data even comes in (and has to stay in) order. That said, everybody and their mother seems to love this thing, so I'm really trying to evaluate its applicability. See this and many other SE posts: What NoSQL DB to use for sparse Time Series like data?
This is where I'm currently leaning. It seems like the successor to Cassandra with a totally usable approach for my problem. That said, it is a big piece of technology, and I'm concerned about really knowing what it is I'm signing up for, if I choose it.
This is basically a time-series specific database, built on top of HBase. Perfect, right? I don't know. I'm trying to figure out what another layer of abstraction buys me.
My Criteria
Open source
Works well with Python
Appropriate for a small team
Very well documented
Has specific features to take advantage of ordered time series data
Helps me solve some of my versioned data problems
So, which NoSQL database actually can help me address my needs? It can be anything, from my list or not. I'm just trying to understand what platform actually has code, not just usage patterns, that support my super specific, well understood needs. I'm not asking which one is best or which one is cooler. I'm trying to understand which technology can most natively store and manipulate this type of data.
Any thoughts?
It sounds like you are describing one of the most common use cases for Cassandra. Time series data in general is often a very good fit for the cassandra data model. More specifically many people store metric/sensor data like you are describing. See:
As far as your concerns with the community I'm not sure what is giving you that impression, but there is quite a large community (see irc, mailing lists) as well as a growing number of cassandra users.
Regarding your criteria:
Open source
Works well with Python
Appropriate for a small team
Very well documented
Has specific features to take advantage of ordered time series data
See above links
Helps me solve some of my versioned data problems
If I understand your description correctly you could solve this multiple ways. You could start writing a new row when the version changes. Alternatively you could use composite columns to store the version along with the timestamp/value pair.
I'll also note that Accumulo, HBase, and Cassandra all have essentially the same data model. You will still find small differences around the data model in regards to specific features that each database offers, but the basics will be the same.
The bigger difference between the three will be the architecture of the system. Cassandra takes its architecture from Amazon's Dynamo. Every server in the cluster is the same and it is quite simple to setup. HBase and Accumulo or more direct clones of BigTable. These have more moving parts and will require more setup/types of servers. For example, setting up HDFS, Zookeeper, and HBase/Accumulo specific server types.
Disclaimer: I work for DataStax (we work with Cassandra)
I only have experience in Cassandra and MongoDB but my experience might add something.
So your basically doing time based metrics?
Ok if I understand right you use the timestamp as a versioning mechanism so that you query per a certain timestamp, say to get the latest calculation used you go based on the metric ID or whatever and get ts DESC and take off the first row?
It sounds like a versioned key value store at times.
With this in mind I probably would not recommend either of the two I have used.
Cassandra is too rigid and it's too heirachal, too based around how you query to the point where you can only make one pivot of graph data from (I presume you would wanna graph these metrics) the columfamily which is crazy, hence why I dropped it. As for searching (which Facebook use it for, and only that) it's not that impressive either.
MongoDB, well I love MongoDB and I am an elite of the user group and it could work here if you didn't use a key value storage policy but at the end of the day if your mind is not set and you don't like the tech then let me be the very first to say: don't use it! You will be no good at a tech that you don't like so stay away from it.
Though I would picture this happening in Mongo much like:
_id: ObjectID(),
metricId: 'AvailableMessagesInQueue',
formula: '4+5/10.01',
result: NaN
ts: ISODate()
And you query for the latest version of your calculation by:
var results = db.metrics.find({ 'metricId': 'AvailableMessagesInQueue' }).sort({ ts: -1 });
var latest = results.getNext();
Which would output the doc structure you see above. Without knowing more of exactly how you wish to query and the general servera and app scenario etc thats the best I can come up with.
I fond this thread on HBase though:
Which might be of interest, it seems to support the argument that HBase is a good time based key value store.
I have not personally used HBase so do not take anything I say about it seriously....
I hope I have added something, if not you could try narrowing your criteria so we can answer more dedicated questions.
Hope it helps a little,
Not a plug for any particular technology but this article on Time Series storage using MongoDB might provide another way of thinking about the storage of large amounts of "sensor" data.
Axibase Time-Series Database
Open source
There is a free Community Edition
Works well with Python There are also other language wrappers, for example ATSD R client.
Appropriate for a small team
Built-in graphics and rule engine make it productive for building an in-house reporting, dashboarding, or monitoring solution with less coding.
Very well documented
It's hard to beat IBM redbooks, but we're trying. API, configuration, and administration is documented in detail and with examples.
Has specific features to take advantage of ordered time series data
It's a time-series database from the ground-up so aggregation, filtering and non-parametric ARIMA and HW forecasts are available.
Helps me solve some of my versioned data problems
ATSD supports versioned time-series data natively in SE and EE editions. Versions keep track of status, change-time and source changes for the same timestamp for audit trails and reconciliations. It's a useful feature to have if you need clean, verified data with tracing. Think energy metering, PHMR records. ATSD schema also supports series tags, which you could use to store versioning columns manually if you're on CE edition or you need to extend default versioning columns: status, source, change-time.
Disclosure - I work for the company that develops ATSD.