I am using USSD command with Huawei K3765 USB modem. For some USSD commands , it works great for me. But if I have a USSD session, i.e. if a USSD menu should appear, I can not read the USSD returned messaged. I have googled and tried :
tried all the 3 ports that are associated with this modem
If I use the SIM card to external mobile phone and try this USSD, it should give me a message "if you need to recharge balance press 1, if you need to do Y, Press ..." etc. This message appears after 10 seconds.
But on the AT command and the same sim attached to Huawei USB modem , it returns only OK , no other messages appear.
Please advice.
I have integrated google assistant into my own app. When executing an action for a LIGHT device type, such as turning it on/off, I get an assistant response like "OK, Sorry, I can't reach the Bulb right now. Please try again" but the execution happens anyway. Following is a sample response which will send in response to an execute intent request.
What am I doing wrong here? this works perfectly for other device types (OUTLET, SWITCH).
Also I can use the home app ui for bulb to control it manually and it works perfectly.
The bulb I'm using is a TuyaSmart rgb light bulb.
Looking at the response, it appears that the identifier 12549 is a number and not a string. The platform expects a device ID to be a string. By putting it in quotes it will work.
I have managed to create connection and to send data to ZVT Terminal but it appears problem in the end of the transaction, the first step is to send amount to the terminal which I do like this:
then after swiping card in terminal it requires to enter the pin of the card which is good but when I press OK button in terminal after entering the PIN CARD then I get this message Transaction OK then immediately changes the screen to Transaction Declined From ECR.
If someone has experience with ZVT terminal would be good to help me.
What do you mean exactly with "PIN CARD"? This cardtype does not exist in the list of ZVT-card-types (in chapter 10 of the ZVT protocol). You can use any card type from this list ..but the provider has to enable this type on a terminal. I.e. some terminals read "fleet cards" and some don't - you cannot enable this by yourself, it has to be done by the provider!
I have written a simple Java application based on Google example code:
and watched a lot of movies, took Google codelabs, but I'm stuck.
My application responses to required actions (intents: action.devices.SYNC, action.devices.QUERY, action.devices.EXECUTE) - chcecked with Google validator, JSON validators. I have also implemeted simple OAuth authorization, created Google Actions projects for Smart Home.
After few hours of debugging I have got:
my test application is listed in Add devices menu,
I can select my application from list and connect it,
Google performs OAuth checking and everythings is OK (I see this in Nginx logs and my application logs),
then Google Actions sends action.devices.SYNC request to my server,
I responde with a test device:
"roomHint":"pokój dzienny"
I have also tryied with willReportState: true,
then it (Google Assistant) asks me to assign devices to room which I'm doing.
After this nothing more is working.
I'm trying to say to my phone Turn on light główne (in polish "Włącz światło główne", "Włącz światło główne w pokoju dziennym" etc - tried a lot of sentences), but it just shows me web search results. No request is send to my server (action.devices.EXECUTE) - I have everything behind a Nginx proxy, and no requests are done to my server (not request is visible in logs).
I have no idea, what to do to make it work. Any help will be appreciated.
BTW1. Google Assistant is available in Poland from this year (16.01.2019) from few days and I'm wondering if this is my problem or Google problem? Is this even possible?
For example I'm saying Ok Google, synchronize my devices (in polish: Ok Google, synchronizuj moje urządzenia), and I get response in english:
"Sorry, I didn't get any response.".
But I see that there was a request for SYNC, and my server responed.
BTW2. I have connected Google Chromecast to Google Assistant, and it works without a problem - I'm mean I saying Turn on TV (in polish: Włącz telewizor) and TV is started like expected.
Checking the list of supported languages for smart home traits, Polish is currently not included. While it does seem like your SYNC response does work, you won't be able to interact with devices in Polish right now. While this will likely happen in the future, you'll only be able to use one of the languages mentioned above for the moment.
Once Polish support for smart home actions are supported, you shouldn't need to do any extra work for commands to succeed.
I have events successfully being logged to the Firebase console however their associated parameters are not being shown.
My goal is to track which products and brands in my app are getting clicked on most. With the debug view I can see the view_item events being triggered and the parameters being successfully passed however in the console I cannot see the parameters such as in the demo project's level completed section. I'm using swift 4 for iOS on the simulator and on my iPhone X.
I have the parameters enabled by clicking the 3-dots in the event window and enabling them however after 48 hours I see the events being logged, but no parameters attached.
Here is where I log the events:
Analytics.logEvent(AnalyticsEventAddToCart, parameters: [AnalyticsParameterItemName : name, AnalyticsParameterPrice : price, AnalyticsParameterItemBrand : seller, AnalyticsParameterCurrency : "€"])
Parameters enabled and
No parameter data being shown
Have I logged it incorrectly or am I doing something wrong on the console side of things? Much apprecited, Allen <3
Yesterday for Xcode reasons I uninstalled and reinstalled the app on my device and that seems to have worked! Didn't change any code.
I have gone through the "Sending SMS sample" application and it's working fine. I have modified the code (only attachment) to send an MMS. I have a picture Lion.jpg in assets folder of the project. Picture size is less than 41KB.
Below is the modified code:
QUrl url("asset:///Lion.jpg");
messageBuilder->addAttachment(bb:im::message::Attachment("image/jpeg", "body.txt", url));
The rest of the code is same as in sending SMS. Code is compiled properly and run properly. But MMS wasn't received to another phone.
I have checked INBOX on my device, in which my code is running. It shows the message with no picture and a red clock-like icon. What am I doing wrong?
Unfortunately programmatically sending an MMS is not possible at this time.