sharethis st_title and st_image are not loading - sharethis

I was using Sharethis in my website
but i am not getting the title and image
here is the code
<a ng-init="initShare()" class="st_sharethis_custom" st_title="{{profile.displayName}} Profile" st_image="{{profile.profileImage}}"></a>
and here is the output image


The fancy box image in the iframe open in parent Window?

However, when I load up the page with the iframe and click on the image link in the page that is in the iframe I want the lightbox to display in the parent window and not in the iframe.
you can call parent function with below code
<a onclick="parent.ShowLighbox('http://example/sampleImagePath.jpg');" href="#" >Show Lightbox</a>
and on your parent windows implement that function like below
function ShowLighbox(imageURL){
//write your code to show lightbox

Fancybox is not loading with gallery

None of the following click event loads fancybox gallery:
jQuery(window).load(function() {
jQuery(window).load(function() {
$(".fancybox").click(function() {
What I am trying to accomplish is with zoomPup (jqzoom) showing on top of an image with <a href class="fancybox">, when clicking on the zoomPup, the fancybox with a gallery should open.
Please refer to the example showing on, Gallery & Lightbox. I am not using elevatezoom, currently using jqzoom, but my client wants the effect showing for the Gallery and Lightbox on

Facebook share button not working inside Fancybox

I got the code for the Facebook share button code right from facebook, it is as this:
<div class="fb-share-button" data-href=""></div>
While on a regular page, it works fine. It renders it assyncrhonously and for each item on the page working great.
But inside a fancybox ajax call, the button simply won't work. Facebook API will not process it, and the div will not turn into facebook's iframe full of stuff.
Any hints?
You need to parse the button after opening the box:

Fancybox add image to gallery

I'm working on a site, where I have 3 images of an item displayed, but there are can be more than 3 images of an item. I want to use fancybox to display them, but I couldn't figure out how it could be done.
I know how to create a gallery "manually", but I don't know how to add images manually to an existing gallery which is identified by a class.
It doesn't look like there are any methods in Fancybox for programatically adding an image to a gallery. Perhaps you could contact the author and request it, or you could modify the script.
You will need to recreate the fancybox gallery each time you add a new image. As simshaun said, there is no method for adding new images to an existing fancybox gallery.
From the Fancybox example page, you need to have the same ref parameter on each image in order to create the gallery.
<div style="display: none;"> <a class="fancybox-effects-c"
href="images/test.jpg" data-fancybox-group="groupname" ><img
src="test.jpg" alt="" /></a> </div>
This should work as the image will be there and added to the fancybox but just not shown.

Render FBML in Facebook Dialog Popup

I'm working on a facebook page where there is a table of profile images. Onclick for each of these images, I'm using a facebook dialog to show the name, a picture and a description in a popup.
The name is stored in the <img> name attribute.
The description is stored in the <img> title attribute.
The img src is stored in the <img> src attribute.
So onclick, all of this data is gathered from the image that was clicked on and should be spit out in a dialog.
The problem is I can't get the dialog to render FBML, it just shows it as plain text.
Here's a portion of the FBJS:
function showDialog(element) {
var img_src = element.getFirstChild().getSrc();
var name = element.getFirstChild().getName();
var desc = element.getFirstChild().getTitle();
var msg = '<img src="' + img_src + '" width="160" alt="' + name + '"> ' + desc;
new Dialog().showMessage(name, msg);
and the FBML where the function is called:
<img src="" border="0" name="myName" title="My Description" width="160">
For example, in this case the dialog would display the following plain text, rather than the rendered FBML I am trying to display:
<img src="" width="160" alt="myName"> My Description
How can I get the dialog to render FBML rather than just plain text?
The Facebook Developer Page says "title and content can be either strings or pre-rendered FBML blocks". I'm not really sure what is meant by "pre-rendered". It could be an <fb:js-string>. Unfortunately the fb:js-string does not work in static FBML pages due to a Facebook bug (I think).