How to get active tab in a Safari App Extension? - swift

When I follow the Apple example I always get a nil activeTab:
override func toolbarItemClicked(in window: SFSafariWindow) {
// This method will be called when your toolbar item is clicked.
window.getActiveTab(completionHandler: { (activeTab) in
activeTab?.getActivePage(completionHandler: { (activePage) in
activePage?.getPropertiesWithCompletionHandler( { (properties) in
if properties?.url != nil {
let urlString = properties!.url.absoluteString
print("URL!", urlString)
let videoURL = self.youtubeDl(urlString: urlString)
if videoURL != nil {
window.openTab(with: videoURL!, makeActiveIfPossible: true, completionHandler: nil)

Yes there is a getActiveTab:
SFSafariApplication.getActiveWindow { (window) in
window?.getActiveTab { (tab) in
tab?.getActivePage(completionHandler: { (page) in

Your Safari App Extension can only access the tabs of sites your extension is configured to access.
In your Info.plist, verify that the SFSafariWebsiteAccess dictionary:
Has a Level equal to "Some" or "All".
Has all required domains listed in the Allowed Domains array (if Level="Some").
Be aware that your extension's website access permissions are displayed in Safari > Preferences > Extensions. You are encouraged to limit your website access to "Some" (and explicit domains) unless you really do require access to every website.

You should go to info.plist, NSExtension->SFSafariWebsiteAccess and set something ( for example * - for all sites) to Allowed domains. Without this option, I always got nil from the window. I think your extension doesn't work if the site is not allowed.


SwiftUI: detect origin domain when dropped from a website

In a macOS app (target: 12.3), I support dropping images from websites.
I would like to detect the domain of the website that the image was dropped from. I would show this domain in a confirmation dialog: "Are you sure you want to download this file from ?"
This origin is often different than the parsed
E.g. if I drag and drop an image from (<photo-id>), the host is
Some other websites don't even use their own subdomain for static files so host can be e.g. an AWS Cloudfront domain.
I checked the docs for NSItemProvider, URL and NSURL, but haven't found a solution yet.
Do you have any idea, e.g. do you know if NSItemProvider contains this info?
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView_Drop: View {
var body: some View {
Color.gray.onDrop(of: [.url], isTargeted: nil) { providers in
guard let provider = providers.first else { return false }
provider.loadObject(ofClass: URL.self) { url, _ in
if let url = url {
print("Dropped a url")
print("URL host: \(") // E.g.
print("Drop origin: ???") // E.g.
return true

How to get authorization programmatically using Swift 4 to copy a video file to Photo Library from an application directory

When we fill value string section in Info.plist for "Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage Description" and as the application try to copy video file to Photo Library iOS automatically ask authorization and everything goes ok after that.
But in that case it is not enough. We would like to do things if user do not want it.
We are doing it for camera usage as following;
func checkCameraAuthorizations(){
// Checks privacy authorizations and change aplication behaviour accordingly.
if AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: .video) == .authorized {
cameraUsageAuthorized = true
} else {
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: .video, completionHandler: { (granted: Bool) in
if granted {
self.cameraUsageAuthorized = true
} else {
self.cameraUsageAuthorized = false
We are using cameraUsageAuthorized variable in several place in application about camera usage.
But we could not find a similar function for video file copy from application document directory to Photo Library.
Also, we are filling Privacy values by hand in Info.List. Is there anyway to do it programmatically?
I could not find write only permission but as much as I see following code takes both write and read permission to photo library.
if PHPhotoLibrary.authorizationStatus() == .authorized {
self.photoLibraryAuthorized = true
} else {
PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization { status in
if status == .authorized {
self.photoLibraryAuthorized = true
} else {
self.photoLibraryAuthorized = false
But you must fill Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage Description and Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description values.
I still don't know how to fill permission value strings in Info.plist programmatically though.

Security Scoped Bookmark - bookmark resolves but still can't access the file

EDIT: Additional information added at the bottom
I have a sandboxed, document based application that loads a user selected quicktime movie into an AVPlayer, and everything was working perfectly.
Now I am upgrading the code so that it will use Security Scoped bookmarks to get the URL rather than just storing a URL string so that the persistent store will allow the movie to be loaded upon relaunch of the application. When the bookmark is created it is stored in a Data variable of a managed object.
For some reason, this has broken the AVPlayer. While I have created a bookmark from the user selected URL, and can resolving the URL from the bookmark when the application is relaunched, the movie is not getting loaded into the AVPlayer correctly and I can't figure out why... I have confirmed that the URL being resolved from the bookmark does point to the movie file.
I have also added the appropriate entitlements to the project.
Here is my code:
Function Where User Selects a Movie To Load and Bookmark is Created
#IBAction func loadMovie(_ sender: Any) {
let openPanel = NSOpenPanel()
openPanel.title = "Select Video File To Import"
openPanel.allowedFileTypes = ["mov", "avi", "mp4"]
openPanel.begin { (result: NSApplication.ModalResponse) -> Void in
if result == NSApplication.ModalResponse.OK {
self.movieURL = openPanel.url
self.player = AVPlayer.init(url: self.movieURL!)
if self.loadedMovieDatabase.count > 0 {
print("Movie Object Exists. Adding URL String")
self.loadedMovieDatabase[0].urlString = String(describing: self.movieURL!)
} else {
print("No Movie Object Exists Yet. Creating one and adding URL String")
let document = NSDocumentController.shared.currentDocument as! NSPersistentDocument
let myManagedObjectContext = document.managedObjectContext!
let newMovie = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "Movie", into: myManagedObjectContext) as! MovieMO
self.loadedMovieDatabase[0].urlString = String(describing: self.movieURL!)
// create Security-Scoped bookmark - Added 2/1/18
do {
try self.loadedMovieDatabase[0].bookmark = (self.movieURL?.bookmarkData(options: NSURL.BookmarkCreationOptions.withSecurityScope, includingResourceValuesForKeys: nil, relativeTo: nil))!
} catch {
print("Can't create security bookmark!")
Function where Bookmark is Resolved into URL and Movie is Loaded
// initialize AVPlayer with URL stored in coreData movie object if it exists and is a valid path
if loadedMovieDatabase.count > 0 {
// initialize with saved movie path if it is valid (from security bookmark data)
// let myURL = URL(string: loadedMovieDatabase[0].urlString!) <- replaced with new code below
print("Loading URL from Bookmark")
var urlResult = false
var myURL : URL
do {
try myURL = URL.init(resolvingBookmarkData: loadedMovieDatabase[0].bookmark, bookmarkDataIsStale: &urlResult)!
print("URL Loaded from Bookmark")
print("URL is", myURL)
let isSecuredURL = myURL.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource()
print("IsSecured = ", isSecuredURL)
player = AVPlayer.init(url: myURL)
print("Setting Up Movie")
} catch {
// No Data in bookmark so load default ColorBars movie instead
print("No Security Bookmark Available. Reverting to Default Color Bars")
let myURL = URL(string: initialMoviePath)
player = AVPlayer.init(url: myURL!)
} else {
// load default ColorBars movie instead
print("Nothing was loaded so just set up a new document.")
let myURL = URL(string: initialMoviePath)
player = AVPlayer.init(url: myURL!)
I am new to Security-Scoped Bookmarks, so I'm hoping that this may be obvious to anyone who has worked with them before.
I'm wondering if it's a problem with:
let isSecuredURL = myURL.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource()
Perhaps I'm calling this incorrectly? Sometimes I find Apple's documentation to be vague and confusing... Any insight would be appreciated!
I believe I know why this is happening, but I'm not sure how to fix it...
always returns FALSE... per the documentation that would mean that it's not working. Additionally, while the movie file is located on my Desktop, the Resolved URL comes up as the following (this may be normal, I don't know.):
The apple docs make reference to the fact that a Document Scope can not use files in the system (aka "/Library"), but my entitlements are setup to use application-scope bookmarks, and my bookmark was created using the nil flag for relativeURL: so this shouldn't be an issue.
I just stumbled upon the answer accidentally...
For starters, when I was resolving the URL, I was not using the method which allows you to include OPTIONS, so my URL was resolved WITHOUT the security-scope. My original code to resolve was:
try myURL = URL.init(resolvingBookmarkData: loadedMovieDatabase[0].bookmark, bookmarkDataIsStable: &urlResult)!
When I should have been using the version with options here:
try myURL = URL.init(resolvingBookmarkData: loadedMovieDatabase[0].bookmark, Options: URL.bookmarkResolutionOptions.withSecurityScope, relativeTo: nil, bookmarkDataIsStable: &urlResult)!
Basically, I used the first init option Xcode presented in the predictive list with the words "resolvingBookmarkData:" when I should have looked further down the list. (This is how I found my error.)
NOTE also that it's important to use...
and not
...when you're resolving your URL or it doesn't appear to work correctly.
Thus ends my frustration with this problem :) I hope this explanation might help others facing this problem!

Sandbox and Finder alias

I'm trying to create a security scoped URL for a user provide file which happens to be an alias using this methods which uses a resolvedFinderAlias() method:
func storeBookmark(url: URL) -> Bool
// Resolve alias before storing bookmark
let origURL = (url as NSURL).resolvedFinderAlias()
// Peek to see if we've seen this key before
if let data = bookmarks[url] {
if self.fetchBookmark(key: url, value: data) {
Swift.print ("= \(url.absoluteString)")
return true
let options:URL.BookmarkCreationOptions = [.withSecurityScope,.securityScopeAllowOnlyReadAccess]
let data = try url.bookmarkData(options: options, includingResourceValuesForKeys: nil, relativeTo: origURL)
bookmarks[url] = data
return self.fetchBookmark(key: url, value: data)
catch let error
Swift.print ("Error storing bookmark: \(url)")
return false
which throws an error in attempt to use the resolved URL to as the relative URL; I had originally just swapped the passed in URL to the origURL which ddin't work either.
The only solution is to not do this, or to previously be passed in the original URL. It's almost as if you cannot swap URLs you must be supplied that from either an open dialog or a pasteboard drop.
Are URLs which are aliases not suitable for sandbox work ?

Any way to get the name of iPhone user?

Outside of asking the user to input their name, is there any way to get it off the device?
I tried this library, which attempts to extract the name from [UIDevice currentDevice] name], but that doesn't work in a lot of situations:
Is the user's name present in the phonebook or anywhere else that we have access to in iOS 6?
Well you could go through all the contacts in the AddressBook and see if any of them are marked with the owner flag.
Just be aware that doing this will popup the "this app wants access to the address book" message. Also Apple isn't very keen on these kind of things. In the app review guide it is specified that an app can not use personal information without the user's permission.
You could use Square's solution:
Get the device's name (e.g. "John Smith's iPhone").
Go through the contacts on the phone and look for a contact named "John Smith".
JBDeviceOwner and ABGetMe will both do this for you.
You could use CloudKit. Following a snippet in Swift (ignoring errors):
let container = CKContainer.defaultContainer()
(recordID, error) in
(status, error2) in
if (status == CKApplicationPermissionStatus.Granted)
(info, error3) in
println("\(info.firstName) \(info.lastName)")
The above code was based on the code at
to save folks time. in swift4:
let container = CKContainer.default()
completionHandler: {
(recordID, error) in
guard let recordID = recordID else {
completionHandler: {
(status, error2) in
if (status == CKContainer_Application_PermissionStatus.granted)
if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {
(info, error3) in
guard let info = info else {
print("\(info.firstName) \(info.lastName)")
however: CKUserIdentity no longer exposes either first or last name
So this answer no longer works.
You can use:
NSLog(#"user == %#",[[[NSHost currentHost] names] objectAtIndex:0]);
I did receive compiler warnings that the methods +currentHost and -names were not found. Given the warning, I’m not sure of Apple’s intention to make this available (or not) as a publicly accessible API, however, everything seemed to work as expected without the need to include any additional header files or linking in additional libraries/frameworks.
Edit 1:
You may also take a look at this Link
Edit 2:
If you have integrated your app with Facebook you can easily retrieve the user info, see Facebook Fetch User Data
For SWIFT you can use
NSUserName() returns the logon name of the current user.
func NSUserName() -> String