matlab websave and urlwrite with authentication and proceeding with options - matlab

I have a question about downloading a file from a website using matlab. It is actually a four step as following.
1) There is a web authentication for reaching the website:
Example account that has access to the site:
Username0 = '';
Password0 = '12345678';
2) After authentication/login is passed, there is a dropdown menu to choose an option and "submit" button to proceed. For example, dropdown menu is
"Select models to generate target spectrum:"
- "No Scaling"
- option 2
- option 3
so I want to select one of the options, e.g., "No Scaling" and then enable "submit" button.
3) After submitting in previous step, it takes me to another view with lots of other menu and options, but I want to just fill in one text-box where you type in the file names you want to download, the name of box is "RNS(s)" and for example I want to able to fill in like this
RSN(s): 5818,5819,5820
then there is another submit button with a name "Search Records" to submit RNS names above to be searched.
4) Finally after step 3 is done, there is another button that enables to download all the RNS files in a zip file, the button name is
"Download Time Series Records (metadata+spectra+traces)"
I am not sure how hard this question is. I have used ulrread and urlwrite with authentication similar to the one in this page:
How do I provide a username/password to access a web resource using Matlab urlread/urlwrite?
Is this possible to do in matlab?
I hope someone knows a way to go around to download some files the way I described above. I really appreciate any comments.


Remove menu option for specific selected values?

Is there a way to remove the option to select a menu link for specific fields?
For example I have a dashboard that has details of each users action and a few of those users are actually an automated system. So the few that are part of the system do not need to be reviewed as those are always automatic.
I want to only allow this menu selection for actual users and not the few "accounts" that are part of an automated system.
The kind of menu link on selection I am talking about.
Is it possible to remove this menu link for only specific values in a column?
I don't think it's possible - am fascinated to know if someone comes in with a way to do it - so one option to consider is renaming to "Daily Details - ignore for Bot 1 & 2" so the users are aware they should do nothing.

K2: How may I open a file in a new window unless I already have such a window open?

I have a K2 Smartform that displays a list of file names. When the user clicks a file name, the program opens that file (all of them are PDFs) in a new tab in the browser (IE). This is good so far. If you click on a second file from the list, it opens in a third tab. That is not what the user wants.
They want the second file selection to open in the same window as the first file.
This is the process I can see:
Click on the file in the list.
Open in a tab.
Click on a second file in the list.
If there is already a tab open with a file from the list, open this file there. Otherwise, open a new tab for the file.
I suppose automatically closing the first tab when they click on the second file would accomplish the same thing.
How can this be done?
When you deal with opening links, first of all, what you can do is limited. Indeed, browsers (IE, Chrome, etc...) can be configured by the users to open links in new tabs, windows, etc... and you as form developer cannot change that.
I have made a jsfiddle to reproduce your situation and propose a solution you can test. I don´t guaranty it will work as I use a Mac but I also describe a better solution below.
You can find it here:
I guess the first example (#1) is what happens for you at the moment.
Using the 'target' attribute, I tried to implement a solution that may work for you. Click on #2 and #3 and check whether this work.
I cannot test that since I use a Mac.
You can read more about the target attribute here:
Another solution that would give you more control is to use an iFrame control. I think it comes in standard with SmartForms now. If not, you can for sure get it from the community site. I recommend you create a new View with this iFrame and define one parameter (string) called "url".
Let´s speak in K2 rules languages :)
"When the parameter changed", "and the parameters is defined", if you 'Transfer data' passing your URL to the iFrame control, it will display your doc. If the user clicks another document, it will update the SAME iFrame. With this solution, no tab will ever be involved.
Please note that it will work great for any document supported by your browser. Some types may require a plugin. Other documents (ie zip, etc..) will NOT appear but be downloaded instead.
I hope this helps.
Best regards,

How to ask the end-user fill all the default colums in a form when upload a new document without uploading and then editing it?

I've a library call documental centre where the end-users have to upload all the files they want to publish. But I would like to ask them to fill all the default columns without creating a new type of content or uploading and then editing it, is that posible?
Well, first of all many people create a new type of content and it helps but, really?
The easy way to ask the user fill all the defaults columns only has to follow 4 simple steps (clicks).
Step 1: Go to the Library Tap (in spanish "Biblioteca"
Step 2: Click on Library Configuration (in spanish "Configuración de Biblioteca")
Step 3: Click on Advanced Configuration (in Spanish "Configuración Avanzada")
Step 4, the last but not least: On Content Type chooses "Yes" (in Spanish "Tipo de Contenido" -> "Sí")
That's it...

MOSS 2007 - Customize Send To Menu

We currently have a need to add a custom menu item to the Send To menu within our document libraries that would allow a user to create a link to the currently selected list item within another library. When the user clicks on the new "Send Link to..." menu item, they should be prompted to browse to the library in which the link should be added. Once the user chooses a destination, the link, along with the metadata from the list item, should magically appear in the selected desitnation library. Once again, we only want a link, not a copy of the file. Is this possible to do? Code examples would be much appreciated.
Does it have to be in the send to menu? Can it also be directly in the context menu (say at the bottom)? If so, you can create a feature that deploys a CustomAction to the site. If it really, REALLY needs to be under the "send to" menu, you are going to have to use javascript (since that is how the out of the box context menu is created) to "hijack" the menu and insert your own item.
IMHO this is rarely needed, a CustomAction is the preferred way of doing this. It is the easiest and most "maintainable" (all it is is a feature + customaction definition with maybe some code, all of which are deployed using a solution).
More info on CustomActions here.
P.S. if you do decide to go with javascript, don't go editing the out of the box sharepoint js files in SharePoint's 12 Hive, but add a ContentEditorWebPart to the page and insert your Javascript in there.
P.P.S. While assigning a method from an assembly as the action for a CustomAction is allowed in most cases, it is not for the ListEdit (item) context menu.
What they say is that "Sharepoint server 2010 will have it out of the box", i.e. documents may stay where they were created and links go to the Records center (named "In Place Records Management, see
MOSS 2007 requires the actual document to be copied to the Records repository to be registered.

Stop form from open when no records

I have a data entry form that when it closes opens another form for further updating the just newly entered data. However, at times no further update is necessary. How can I suppress the 2nd form from opening when there is no need for further update? Presently the form opens even when there are no recordsets present. (need a similar Event like for the report "On No Data")
Have a bit field such as a checkbox with default set to true open second form. Uncheck it to avoid the system from opening the next form. You will need to handle this in your code and check if that check box is checked or not.
Of course we will need more details such as why you are currently opening this second addition, cant you check if any changes were made and if they were then open that second form else dont? Also what lang ?
Without knowing more about what you're working on, I'd say you would have to modify the process that shuts down the first form to check if the second form is needed. In .NET, for example, you could add code to the OnClosing event for a WinForm to check. If it's needed, open it as normal, if not then don't.
Subject: Tool Kits. Tool Kits consist of 1 or more tools. If tools already exist, no need for 2nd form to pop up. If tools are new, I need to fill in one of the 3 fields in the drop down listing. I like the idea of adding code to the OnClosing event, but do not understand what you mean by WinForm.