Generic function to map JSON objects with ObjectMapper - swift

I have a generic function:
func toObjectMapper<T: Mappable>(mapper: T, success: (result: Mappable) -> Void, failure: (error: NSError) -> Void){
let alomofireApiRequest = AlamofireApiRequest(apiRequest: self)
.responseObject { (response: Response<T, NSError>) in
guard let value = response.result.value else {
failure(error: response.result.error!)
success(result: value)
And I want to call it like this:
public func login(login: String, password: String) -> UserResponse {
let params = ["email":login, "password":password]
let request = ApiRequest(method: .POST, path: "login", parameters: params)
request.toObjectMapper(UserResponse.self, success: { result in
}, failure: { error in
But I always get this error:
Cannot invoke 'toObjectMapper' with an argument list of type '(UserResponse.Type, success: (result: Mappable) -> Void, failure: (error: NSError) -> Void)'
This is my userResponse:
import Foundation
import ObjectMapper
import RealmSwift
public class UserResponse: Object, Mappable {
dynamic var id = 0
dynamic var name = ""
dynamic var address = ""
dynamic var zipcode = ""
dynamic var city = ""
dynamic var country = ""
dynamic var vat = ""
dynamic var email = ""
dynamic var created_at = NSDate()
dynamic var updated_at = NSDate()
override public static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "id"
//Impl. of Mappable protocol
required convenience public init?(_ map: Map) {
public func mapping(map: Map) {
id <- map["id"]
name <- map["name"]
address <- map["address"]
zipcode <- map["zipcode"]
city <- map["city"]
country <- map["country"]
vat <- map["vat"]
email <- map["email"]
created_at <- map["created_at"]
updated_at <- map["updated_at"]
Any help ?

I think the problem is that you are trying to use UserResponse as an instantiated object but using UserResponse.self is only the class type.
A solution is to make UserResonse a singleton (or just instantiate an instance before passing it to 'toObjectMapper' as an argument)
I don't know if this code specifically will work but it's along these lines:-
public class UserResponse: Object, Mappable {
dynamic var id = 0
dynamic var name = ""
dynamic var address = ""
dynamic var zipcode = ""
dynamic var city = ""
dynamic var country = ""
dynamic var vat = ""
dynamic var email = ""
dynamic var created_at = NSDate()
dynamic var updated_at = NSDate()
static let shared = UserResponse() //singleton instantiation
override public static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "id"
//Impl. of Mappable protocol
required convenience public init?(_ map: Map) {
public func mapping(map: Map) {
id <- map["id"]
name <- map["name"]
address <- map["address"]
zipcode <- map["zipcode"]
city <- map["city"]
country <- map["country"]
vat <- map["vat"]
email <- map["email"]
created_at <- map["created_at"]
updated_at <- map["updated_at"]
and then in your function call
public func login(login: String, password: String) -> UserResponse {
let params = ["email":login, "password":password]
let request = ApiRequest(method: .POST, path: "login", parameters: params)
request.toObjectMapper(UserResponse.shared, success: { result in
}, failure: { error in


Using Object Mapping with Kinvey

I have an array of objects I'm trying to get out of one of my collections. I've followed along using their docs and also some Googling and I believe I'm close to the solution, however not close enough. Here's what I have:
class Clothing: Entity {
var categories: [Category]!
var gender: String!
override class func collectionName() -> String {
//return the name of the backend collection corresponding to this entity
return "categories"
override func propertyMapping(_ map: Map) {
categories <- map["clothing"]
gender <- map["gender"]
class Category: NSObject, Mappable{
var title: String?
var image: String?
convenience required init?(map: Map) {
func mapping(map: Map) {
title <- map["category"]
image <- map["image"]
I'm able to get the right gender, but the array of categories doesn't seem to get mapped to the Category object. Any thoughts?
your model actually have one issue, as you can see at you should use let categories = List<Category>() instead of var categories: [Category]!. Here's the model that and test and worked:
import Kinvey
class Clothing: Entity {
let categories = List<Category>()
var gender: String!
override class func collectionName() -> String {
//return the name of the backend collection corresponding to this entity
return "clothing"
override func propertyMapping(_ map: Map) {
categories <- ("categories", map["categories"])
gender <- ("gender", map["gender"])
class Category: Object, Mappable{
var title: String?
var image: String?
convenience required init?(map: Map) {
func mapping(map: Map) {
title <- ("category", map["category"])
image <- ("image", map["image"])
and here's a sample code how to save a new Clothing object
let casualCategory = Category()
casualCategory.title = "Casual"
let shirtCategory = Category()
shirtCategory.title = "Shirt"
let clothing = Clothing()
clothing.gender = "male"
clothing.categories.append(casualCategory) { (result: Result<Clothing, Swift.Error>) in
switch result {
case .success(let clothing):
case .failure(let error):

How to instantiate a mapped class? (swift - alamofireObjectMapper)

I have this mapped class caled Movie and I make an API request that returns me this type. How can I instantiate this class with the values of my API response?
Movie mapped class:
class Movie: Mappable {
var posterURL : String?
var title : String?
var runtime : String?
var director : String?
var actors : String?
var genre : String?
var plot : String?
var production : String?
var released : String?
var year : String?
var imdbID : String?
var imdbRating : String?
required init?(map: Map) {
func mapping(map: Map) {
posterURL <- map["Poster"]
title <- map["Title"]
runtime <- map["Runtime"]
director <- map["Director"]
actors <- map["Actors"]
genre <- map["Genre"]
plot <- map["Plot"]
production <- map["Production"]
released <- map["Released"]
year <- map["Year"]
imdbID <- map["imdbID"]
imdbRating <- map["imdbRating"]
And in my MovieViewController I'm making the API call and passing the values for my outlet label.
But I would like to instantiate this class by assigning the values ​​obtained in my API call.
func getMovieById() {
let requestURL = "\(String(describing: imdbID!))"
print("URL: \(requestURL)")
Alamofire.request(requestURL).responseObject{ (response: DataResponse<Movie>) in
print("|MovieController| Response is: \(response)")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let spinnerActivity = MBProgressHUD.showAdded(to: self.view, animated: true)
spinnerActivity.label.text = "Loading";
spinnerActivity.isUserInteractionEnabled = false;
let movie = response.result.value
if let posterURL = movie?.posterURL {
print("Poster URL: \(posterURL)")
let imgStg: String = posterURL
print("---> Image string: \(imgStg)")
let imgURL: URL? = URL(string: imgStg)
let imgSrc = ImageResource(downloadURL: imgURL!, cacheKey: imgStg)
self.movPosterImageView.layer.cornerRadius = self.movPosterImageView.frame.size.width/2
self.movPosterImageView.clipsToBounds = true
//image cache with KingFisher
self.movPosterImageView.kf.setImage(with: imgSrc)
if let title = movie?.title {
print("Title: \(title)")
self.movTitleLabel.text = title
if let runtime = movie?.runtime {
print("Runtime: \(runtime)")
self.movRuntimeLabel.text = runtime
if let genre = movie?.genre {
print("Genre: \(genre)")
self.movGenreLabel.text = genre
if let plot = movie?.plot {
print("Plot: \(plot)")
self.movPlotTextView.text = plot
if let rating = movie?.imdbRating {
print("Rating: \(rating)")
self.movRatingLabel.text = rating
if let director = movie?.director {
print("Director: \(director)")
self.movDirectorLabel.text = director
if let production = movie?.production {
print("Production: \(production)")
self.movProductionLabel.text = production
if let actors = movie?.actors {
print("Actors: \(actors)")
self.movActorsLabel.text = actors
if let released = movie?.released {
print("Released in: \(released)")
self.movReleasedLabel.text = released
DispatchQueue.main.async {
MBProgressHUD.hide(for: self.view, animated: true)
It would be something like
let movieDetails: Movie = Movie(plot = movie?.plot, title = movie?.title, ...)
How can I do this with a mappable class?
I'm trying to organize this things and also I'll have to reuse code, so did this inside functions seems better for me. So, I started separating the API call putting like this:
file: OMDB.swift
import Foundation
import Alamofire
import AlamofireObjectMapper
func getMovieIdFromAPI(imdbID: String, completionHandler: #escaping (Movie) -> () ) {
let requestURL = "\(imdbID)"
print("|getMovieIdFromAPI| URL: \(requestURL)")
Alamofire.request(requestURL).responseObject{ (response: DataResponse<Movie>) in
print("|Alamofire request| Response is: \(response)")
if let movieResult = response.result.value{
Next step, I'm trying to create a MovieDAO, and here I'll have to instantiate my object, right? So, in the same file as my Movie class is, I've created a MovieDAO class with this function:
class MovieDAO {
func getMovieDetailed<Movie: Mappable>(imdbID: String, completionHandler: #escaping (Movie) -> ()) {
getMovieIdFromAPI(imdbID: imdbID, completionHandler: {
(movieResult) in
let mapper = Mapper<Movie>()
let movieDetailed =!
But I didn't understood very well the answer and the xcode gives me an error in
let movieDetailed =!
^Error: Argument labels '(_:)' do not match any available overloads
Could you explain how can I use the answer given in this case?
ObjectMapper is what helps you get an instance of the model class, with the property values set as per your API response. You will need to do the last step where in you tell ObjectMapper to do the 'mapping' procedure with the json you provide it.You can use this generic method to parse response for any Mappable class
static func parseModel<Model: Mappable>(modelResponse modelResponse: AnyObject, modelClass: Model.Type) -> Model? {
let mapper = Mapper<Model>()
let modelObject =!
return modelObject

How can I do array mapping with objectmapper?

I have a response model that looks like this:
class ResponseModel: Mappable {
var data: T?
var code: Int = 0
required init?(map: Map) {}
func mapping(map: Map) {
data <- map["data"]
code <- map["code"]
If the json-data is not an array it works:
but if it is an array, it does not work
My mapping code;
let apiResponse = Mapper<ResponseModel>().map(JSONObject: response.result.value)
For details;
I tried this code using this article :
you need to use mapArray method instead of map :
let apiResponse = Mapper<ResponseModel>().mapArray(JSONObject: response.result.value)
What I do is something like this:
func mapping(map: Map) {
if let _ = try? map.value("data") as [Data] {
dataArray <- map["data"]
} else {
data <- map["data"]
code <- map["code"]
var data: T?
var dataArray: [T]?
var code: Int = 0
The problem with this is that you need to check both data and dataArray for nil values.
You need to change your declaration of data to an array, since that's how it is in the JSON:
var data: [T]?
let apiResponse = Mapper<ResponseModel>().mapArray(JSONObject: response.result.value)
works for me
Anyone using SwiftyJSON and if you want an object from JSON directly without having a parent class, for example, you want the "data" from it. You can do something like this,
if let data = response.result.value {
let json = JSON(data)
let dataResponse = json["data"].object
let responseObject = Mapper<DataClassName>().mapArray(JSONObject: dataResponse)
This will return you [DataClassName]? as response.
Based on Abrahanfer's answer. I share my solution. I wrote a BaseResult for Alamofire.
class BaseResult<T: Mappable> : Mappable {
var Result : Bool = false
var Error : ErrorResult?
var Index : Int = 0
var Size : Int = 0
var Count : Int = 0
var Data : T?
var DataArray: [T]?
required init?(map: Map){
func mapping(map: Map) {
Result <- map["Result"]
Error <- map["Error"]
Index <- map["Index"]
Size <- map["Size"]
Count <- map["Count"]
if let _ = try? map.value("Data") as [T] {
DataArray <- map["Data"]
} else {
Data <- map["Data"]
The usage for Alamofire :
WebService.shared.request(url, params, encoding: URLEncoding.default, success: { (response : BaseResult<TypeData>) in
if let arr = response.DataArray
for year in arr
}, failure: {
The request method is :
func request<T: Mappable>(_ url: String,_ parameters: [String : Any] = [:], _ method: HTTPMethod = .post,_ httpHeaders: HTTPHeaders? = nil, encoding: ParameterEncoding = JSONEncoding.default, success: #escaping (T) -> Void, failure: #escaping () -> () ) {
AF.request(newUrl, method:method, parameters:parameters, encoding:encoding, headers: httpHeaders)
.responseJSON { response in
if let res = response.value {
let json = res as! [String: Any]
if let object = Mapper<T>().map(JSON: json) {
}else if let _ = response.error {
And TypeData class is :
class TypeData : Mappable
var Id : String = ""
var Title: String = ""
required init(map: Map){
func mapping(map: Map) {
Id <- map["ID"]
Title <- map["YEAR"]

ObjectMapper not serialising new fields

I have an class:
class ChatMessage: Object, Mappable {
dynamic var fromId = ""
dynamic var toId = ""
dynamic var message = ""
dynamic var fromName = ""
dynamic var created: Int64 = 0
required convenience init?(map: Map) {
func configure(_ fromId:String,toId:String, message:String) {
self.created = Int64((NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000.0))
func mapping(map: Map) {
created <- map["created"] //a: this was added later
fromId <- map["fromId"]
toId <- map["toId"]
message <- map["message"]
fromName <- map["fromName"]
I am using ObjectMapper to serialise the object to JSON and Realm to store it in the local database.
I had added the created field later to the mapping when the Realm db was already storing the ChatMessage object.
Now when I am instantiating the ChatMessage object and trying to convert it into JSON object using ObjectMapper. Following is the code:
func sendChatMessage(_ chatMessage:ChatMessage, callback: #escaping DataSentCallback) -> Void {
var chatMessageString:String!
let realm = DBManager.sharedInstance.myDB
try! realm?.write {
chatMessageString = Mapper().toJSONString(chatMessage, prettyPrint: false)!
Now when I print chatMessage, I get:
ChatMessage {
fromId = 14;
toId = 20;
message = 2;
fromName = ;
created = 1477047392597;
And when I print chatMessageString, I get:
How come does the created field not appear in the string?
The problem was in the mapping of Int64 type as mentioned in this issue on github.
By changing the mapping of created to the following form, everything worked fine:
created <- (map["created"], TransformOf<Int64, NSNumber>(fromJSON: { $0?.int64Value }, toJSON: { $ { NSNumber(value: $0) } }))

Using Alamofire and Objectmapper the integer value always zero

I am using Alamofire with ObjectMapper and my model class is like that
class Category: Object, Mappable {
dynamic var id: Int = 0
dynamic var name = ""
dynamic var thumbnail = ""
var children = List<Category>()
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "id"
required convenience init?(_ map: Map) {
func mapping(map: Map) {
id <- map["id"]
name <- map["name"]
thumbnail <- map["thumbnail"]
children <- map["children"]
and I am using Alamofire like that
Alamofire.request(.GET, url).responseArray { (response: Response<[Category], NSError>) in
let categories = response.result.value
if let categories = categories {
for category in categories {
the id is always zero, I don't know why?
I fixed it by adding transformation in the mapping function in model class like that
id <- (map["id"], TransformOf<Int, String>(fromJSON: { Int($0!) }, toJSON: { $ { String($0) } }))
thanks to #BobWakefield
Does the "id" field exist in the JSON file? If it does not, your initial value of zero will remain. Is the value in quotes in the JSON file? If it is, then it's a string. I don't know if ObjectMapper will convert it to Int.
Moved my comment to an answer.