katharsis-rs URL decoding - katharsis

I am using Katharsis libraries katharsis-core and katharsis-rs for JAX-RS Integration of Katharsis. Version I am using is 2.4.0. Is there any updates on these libraries, where Katharsis automatically performs URL Decoding before parsing the filter parameter? I see that katharsis-servlet has updates on this, but could not find one for katharsis-core. Please help me out

2.6 is available and there has been a lot of work done on query param parsing. Just update your pom.


OpenAPI Request and Response Examples in .NET 6

Has anyone had success yet with getting complex Swagger Request and Response examples to render through the Swagger UI in .NET 6?
I'm on .NET 6 RC 1 trying to use Swashbuckle.AspNetCore 6.2.1 and Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Filters 7.0.2. The instructions say "Don’t forget to enable the ExamplesOperationFilter", but I can't even find the definition of ExamplesOperationFilter. Where is it?
I have seen the XML <example> tag stuff, but that's too simple for my needs - I have nested arrays and lists and enums and all sorts of stuff I want to display.
Ok I got it going. Didn't need ExamplesOperationFilter.
In Program.cs I needed:
And in the controller I needed [SwaggerRequestExample(...)] for the request. For the response, [SwaggerResponse(Type=...)] seemed to be enough.

Configure Swagger api with Play 2.4

Facing problem while configuring swagger api with play 2.4 framework.
Follow this url for configuration : https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-play/tree/master/play-2.4/swagger-play2
After configuration gets a compile time error with message "type ApiHelpController is not a member of package controllers" as this ApiHelpController.scala file is present in app/controllers package.
Does anyone knows what i am missing.
Not sure what you are missing but let me show you an alternative for swagger play 2.4 integration
Unlike the one you were trying to use, this one does not require annotation, you write swagger spec directly in your routes files as comment. There are several benefits of this approach:
controller remain clean
you don't need to repeat path and parameters
you don't need to learn another API (the annotation api)
Also it generates swagger definition from case classes reflection.
Check it out:
Not sure about swagger-jaxrs, but swagger-play2 package works for me. You can refer to http://swagger.io/playing-with-swagger-using-swagger-and-swagger-ui-with-the-play-framework/

How to specify SonarQube rule description as a markdown/html resource file instead of using annotation?

I have my custom rule, let's say with AEM-1 key. So, as it is done here, I make my AEM-1.html resource file with some simple html content and it does not get's picked up by SonarQube 5.1. It refuses to start, because no description is provided for the rule.
I tried different packages names, tried to look for convention in source code etc. What's missing? Is there any documentation on that?
The naming convention is org/sonar/l10n/{plugin key}_{language}/rules/{repository key}/{rule key}.html.
It was documented in http://docs.sonarqube.org/display/DEV/Internationalization at the time rule descriptions supported localization. That's not the case anymore since version 4.2, but these HTML bundles are still supported.
The correct way since version 4.3 is to use the low-level API org.sonar.api.server.rule.RulesDefinition. It allows you to implement any kind over layer over it (xml, json, annotations, ...).

mongoQB for Codeigniter Implementation

Since I am already implementing the old version of mongodb from alexbilbie, but the current mongoDB driver newer than 1.3 for php is not compatible anymore except I am migrating to alexbilbie’s new library called mongoQB, anyone has experience with that or could give a sample procedure to integrate this mongoQB to codeigniter? I am scratching my head currently…
I know I could also use a native implementation of mongoDB to php but I have already made many models based on alexbilbie’s old version and it would be better for me to change syntax names than to rewriting all the models
I have forked mongoqb and modified it a bit to integrate it with codeigniter. You can find the library here mongoci

Grails using gridfs of mongo - plugins not matching

My application needs to use mongodb for normal data storage and also to keep pretty large files. Hence I started with plugins for mongodb (for normal data storage) and gridfs (for large files).
I am using grails 2.3.4 and trying to figure out what is the issue with the plugins that are included for using both mongodb and gridfs.
I have been searching the entire internet (including stalkoverflow) to find out any plugins that co-exists but in vain. Because no matter I use what combination of the available plugins, it all shows errors saying compatibility issues.
I am using the driver mongo-java-driver-2.11.3.jar
I ended up trying all plugins currently available. My build-config file looks like this:
// compile ":mongodb:1.3.3"
// compile ":mongodb:1.0.0.GA"
// compile ":gorm-mongodb:0.5.4"
// compile ":zk-mongodb:1.1-M1"
compile ":mongodb-morphia:0.8.2"
compile ":mongo-file:1.1.1"
// compile ":mongodb-gridfs:0.5.beta"
I know that I am missing something here.
Has anybody used grails2.3.4 and mongodb with gridfs ?
Please help me out either by pointing the correct plugins or sending code snippets of working samples.
Thank you all in advance.
I had a similar problem when I used ":mongodb-gridfs:0.5.beta" as well. In fact, even when I tried to remove the plugin (via my IDE) it continued to error. I deleted plugins.mongodb-gridfs=0.5.beta from application.properties, and then my application could build again.
You shouldn't need a separate plugin to use GridFS, it's actually part of the MongoDB Java driver. You will, however, need to get to the lower-level API instead of using the default Grails GORM stuff - there's some info on how to do this here.
The GridFS API works in a slightly different way to the rest of the driver, but here's an example. To create the GridFS to work with, you'll need something like new GridFS(mongo.getDB(databaseName)).
I don't have a fully working example to show you, but I hope you can piece together what you need from those different examples.
I've been using webfs which has worked very well for us in the past. It's a lightweight grails plugin for managing files using Mongo's gridfs. See https://github.com/dlaidlaw/mongo-web-filesystem for more details.
I use the webfs plugin in our document management module for managing any type of documents, up to 250MB in size. Am using mongodb:1.2.0.
I've not tested it with Grails 2.3.4, but it works on 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2.