Access version 2000 & 2013 SQL pull latest date, MAX doesn't work - date

I have a table that needs to pull the latest date from different categories and the date might not always be filled out. I have tried to use MAX, MIN etc. it has not worked.
e.g. ID 1st Game Date 2nd Game Date 3rd Game Date
Joe 6/1/16 missing missing
Anna missing 7/2/16 7/6/16
Rita missing 7/31/16 missing
Needs to Return:
ID Date
Joe 6/1/16
Anna 7/6/16
Rita 7/31/16
I do have this sql that works well but it requires that all the dates get filled in other wise it doesn't return the latest date:
ApptDate: Switch([Pt1stApptDate]>=[2ndApptDate] And [Pt1stApptDate]>=
[3rdApptDate],[Pt1stApptDate],[2ndApptDate]>=[Pt1stApptDate] And [2ndApptDate]>=
[3rdApptDate],[2ndApptDate],[3rdApptDate]>=[Pt1stApptDate] And [3rdApptDate]>=
Much appreciation in advance for all your help

Use the Nz function:
ApptDate: Switch(Nz([Pt1stApptDate],0)>=Nz([2ndApptDate],0) And
Nz([Pt1stApptDate],0)>= Nz([3rdApptDate],0), Nz([Pt1stApptDate],0),
Nz([2ndApptDate],0)>=Nz([Pt1stApptDate],0) And Nz([2ndApptDate],0)>=
Nz([3rdApptDate],0)>=Nz([Pt1stApptDate],0) And Nz([3rdApptDate],0)>=
Having said that, your table design is incorrect.
You should be storing each ApptDate per ID in a separate row:
ApptID ID ApptDate ApptNr
1 Joe 6/1/2016 1
2 Anna 7/2/2016 2
3 Anna 7/6/2016 3
4 Rita 7/31/2016 2
whereas ApptID is an autonumber and ApptNr is a sequence per ID (what you seem to call a category).

When you are having problems writing what should be simple queries (SQL DML) then you should consider you may have design flaws (in your SQL DDL).
The missing values are causing you to avoid the MAX set function and compels you to handle nulls in queries (note the NZ() function will cause errors outside of the Access UI). Better to model missing data by simply not adding a row to a table. Think about it: you want the smallest amount of data possible in your database, you can infer the remainder e.g. if Joe was not gaming on 1 Jan and 2 Jan and 3 Jan and 4 Jan etc then simply don't add anything to your database for all these dates.
The following SQL DDL requires ANSI-92 Query Mode (but you can create the same tables/views using the Access GUI tools):
( gamer_name VARCHAR( 35 ) NOT NULL REFERENCES Gamers ( gamer_name ),
game_sequence NOT NULL CHECK ( game_sequence BETWEEN 1 AND 3 )
UNIQUE ( game_date, game_sequence ) );
INSERT INTO Attendance VALUES ( 'Joe', 1, '2016-06-01' );
INSERT INTO Attendance VALUES ( 'Anna', 2, '2016-07-02' );
INSERT INTO Attendance VALUES ( 'Anna', 3, '2016-07-06' );
INSERT INTO Attendance VALUES ( 'Rita', 1, '2016-07-31' );
CREATE VIEW MostRecentAttendance
SELECT gamer_name, MAX ( game_date ) AS game_date
FROM Attendance
BY gamer_name;
FROM Attendance a
FROM MostRecentAttendance r
WHERE r.gamer_name = a.gamer_name
AND r.game_date = a.game_date );
To find the missing sequence values for players, create a table of all possible sequence numbers { 1, 2, 3 } to which you can 'anti-join' (e.g. NOT EXISTS).


How to update the cheapest item owned by someone in postgres?

Let's say I have the following table in Postgres:
fruit_id owner_id fruit_price notes
1 5 15
2 5 30
3 5 20
4 8 10
5 8 80
I am looking for a way to update the cheapest fruit owned by someone.
That is, I am looking for an operation that would allow me to set the notes column for the cheapest fruit owned by an individual. So this should only ever update one row (updating multiple rows is fine if there are several ties for the smallest value).
For example (psuedocode):
UPDATE fruit SET notes = 'wow cheap' WHERE owner_id = 5 AND fruit_price IS cheapest;
And this would update the first row in the above example data, because fruit_id of 1 is the cheapest fruit owned by user 5.
One possible way is simply to use a correlated subquery:
update fruit set
notes = 'some notes'
where owner_id = 5
and fruit_price = (
select min(fruit_price) from fruit f2
where f2.owner_id = fruit.owner_id

Postgres query for report

I'm trying to solve this problem:
I have a query/view that will join ~10 tables to extract some fields for a report (if any). The query doesn't use any grouping function, only joins and cut off some unuseful data.
I have to take this one big view, get the group for the first index, take the max of a date in the second column and take all the information from other fields referring the record of the max value.
I cannot be able to to this in postgres.
As a pseudo code I can give this:
select 1
, max(2)
, 3 referred to the record from max(2)
, 4 referred to the record from max(2)
, ...
, 20 referred to the record from max(2)
from (ViewWithAllJoins) a
group by 1
For privacy and business problem I had to obfuscate some informations, 1/2/3/4... are the name of the column from the view "ViewWithAllJoins", I hope that the problem is still understandable and resolvable!
I've tryied with WINDOW command as reported in Convert keep dense_rank from Oracle query into postgres but I cannot be able to use the group by that I need. Other tryes that I've done was about the dense_rank like shown in Dense_rank first Oracle to Postgresql convert but I can't do any assumption on the order of the data in any of the other fields in exception of 1 and 2, so I can't use any of the aggregate function on them.
Any ideas? Possibly without adding too much subqueryes.
Thank you!
As suggested I'll add some synthetic data to better understand the problem and what I want.
88888888;"2016-04-02 09:00:00";"aaaaaaaaaaa";"TEXT89" ; 999999999
88888888;"2018-08-21 09:00:00";"a" ;"TEXT1" ; 988888888
88888888;"2017-11-09 09:00:00";"zzzz" ;"TEXT80000" ; 850580582
75858585;"2017-01-31 09:00:00";"~~~~~~~~~~~";"TEXT10" ; 101010101
75858585;"2018-04-02 09:00:00";"eeeeeeeeeee";"TEXT1000" ; 111111111
99999999;"2016-04-02 09:00:00";"8d2ecafd866";"TEXT808911"; 777777777
What I want:
88888888;"2018-08-21 09:00:00";"a" ;"TEXT1" ; 988888888
75858585;"2018-04-02 09:00:00";"eeeeeeeeeee";"TEXT1000" ; 111111111
99999999;"2016-04-02 09:00:00";"8d2ecafd866";"TEXT808911"; 777777777
So the group by id, the max of the date and the other fields related to the row of the max date.
-- So you have duplicate records per ID, and for every ID you want to select the record with the most recent date ?
SELECT id,zdate,column1,column2,column3 -- , ...
FROM queryview t
FROM queryview x
AND x.zdate > t.zdate
Or, use row_number() over a window, and pick only the row with the final date:
SELECT id,zdate,column1,column2,column3 -- , ...
, row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY id, ORDER BY zdate DESC) AS rn
FROM queryview
) q
WHERE q.rn = 1

Filter portal for most recently created record by group

I have a portal on my "Clients" table. The related table contains the results of surveys that are updated over time. For each combination of client and category (a field in the related table), I only want the portal to display the most recently collected row.
Here is a link to a trivial example that illustrates the issue I'm trying to address. I have two tables in this example (Related on ClientID):
Table 1 Get Summary Method
The Table 1 Get Summary Method table looks like this:
MaxDate is a summary field = Maximum of Date
MaxDateGroup is a calculated field = GetSummary ( MaxDate ;
ClientIDCategory )
ShowInPortal = If ( Date = MaxDateGroup ; 1 ; 0 )
The table is sorted on ClientIDCategory
Issue 1 that I'm stumped on: .
ShowInPortal should equal 1 in row 3 (PKTable01 = 5), row 4 (PKTable01 = 6), and row 6 (PKTable01 = 4) in the table above. I'm not sure why FM is interpreting 1Red and 1Blue as the same category, or perhaps I'm just misunderstanding what the GetSummary function does.
The Clients table looks like this:
The portal records are sorted on ClientIDCategory
Issue 2 that I'm stumped on:
I only want rows with a ShowInPortal value equal to 1 should appear in the portal. I tried creating a portal filter with the following formula: Table 1 Get Summary Method::ShowInPortal = 1. However, using that filter removes all row from the portal.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
One solution is to use ExecuteSQL to grab the Max Date. This removes the need for Summary functions and sorts, and works as expected. Propose to return it as number to avoid any issues with date formats.
GetAsTimestamp (
ExecuteSQL (
FROM Survey
WHERE ClientIDCategory = ? "
; "" ; "";ClientIDCategory )
Also, you need to change the ShowInPortal field to an unstored calc field with:
If ( GetAsNumber(Date) = MaxDateGroupSQL ; 1 ; 0 )
Then filter the portal on this field.
I can send you the sample file if you want.

select maximum column name from different table in a database

I am comparing from different table to get the COLUMN_NAME of the MAXIMUM value
These are example tables: Fruit_tb, Vegetable_tb, State_tb, Foods_tb
Under Fruit_tb
fr_id fruit_one fruit_two
1 20 50
Under Vegetables_tb (v = Vegetables)
v_id v_one V_two
1 10 9
Under State_tb
stateid stateOne stateTwo
1 70 87
Under Food_tb
foodid foodOne foodTwo
1 10 3
Now here is the scenario, I want to get the COLUMN NAMES of the max or greatest value in each table.
You can maybe find out the row which contains the max value of a column. For eg:
SELECT fr_id , MAX(fruit_one) FROM Fruit_tb GROUP BY fr_id;
In order to find the out the max value of a table:
SELECT fr_id ,fruit_one FROM Fruit_tb WHERE fruit_one<(SELECT max(fruit_one ) from Fruit_tb) ORDER BY fr_id DESC limit 1;
A follow up SO for the above scenario.
Maybe you can use GREATEST in order to get the column name which has the max value. But then what I'm not sure is whether you'll be able to retrieve all the columns of different tables at once. You can do something like this to retrieve from a single table:
WHEN `id` THEN `id`
WHEN `fr_id` THEN `fr_id`
END AS maxcol,
GREATEST(`id`,`fr_id`) as maxvalue FROM Fruit_tb;
Maybe this SO could help you. Hope it helps!

Adding Columns heading to report if no data in a given period

I have a dataset for each record it has a CompanyID, RevenueMonth, RevenueYear, Revenue
When I create the report, I am grouping each CompanyID and showing their monthly revenue for a given year.
But in a given year, not all companies have any revenues for a particular month.
A sample record would look like:
CompanyID, RevenueMonth, RevenueYear, Revenue
End Result, I would like my report to look like this with CompanyID 1.
Company ID|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12
1 0.00|0.00|3.00|0.00|5.00|0.00|0.00|6.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00
In my current Report, it will only fill column headings with March (03), May (05) and August (08).
Company ID|03|05|08
1 3.00|5.00|6.00
How do I get my Report to add the missing months for the year?
I hope my questions is clear.
Database level
Since you're only returning a year at a time, you can create a calendar table and add this to your result set:
Keeping it as simple as possible, with the date table coming from a CTE:
with months as -- get required year/months
select RevenueYear = 2013
, RevenueMonth = 1
union all
select RevenueYear = 2013
, RevenueMonth = RevenueMonth + 1
from months
where RevenueMonth < 12
select CompanyID = coalesce(r.CompanyID, c.companyID)
, RevenueMonth = coalesce(r.RevenueMonth, m.RevenueMonth)
, RevenueYear = coalesce(r.RevenueYear, m.RevenueYear)
, Revenue = isnull(r.Revenue, 0.0)
from months m
cross join (select distinct CompanyID from records) c -- make sure all companies included
left join records r on m.RevenueYear = r.RevenueYear
and m.RevenueMonth = r.RevenueMonth
SQL Fiddle with demo.
This will return a year/month for each company in the result set.
In the long run it would be better to move from a CTE to a permanent calendar table in the database.
You can then implement this in the report using a matrix style tablix.
Report level
If you'd prefer to do this at the report level, you can set up a table-style tablix with 12 permanent columns, one for each month, then populate the month revenue cells with expressions like:
=Sum(IIf(Fields!RevenueMonth.Value = 2, Fields!Revenue.Value, Nothing)
For the February column.
This would work with your existing dataset without any database code changes.