Access children of copied uipanel (Matlab) - matlab

I have created an uipanel in Matlab and placed some uicontrols on it. How can I access those uicontrols when I copy the panel?
editfield=uicontrol(panel_a, 'style','edit');
tmp=panel_b.editfield.String; <-- how do I write this?
How is editfield of panel_b accessed?

If you assign the uicontrol a Tag value to begin with, you can use this to find the handle to it once you copy it to the new panel using findobj.
% Assign a 'Tag' value specific to this uicontrol
editfield = uicontrol(panel_a, 'style', 'edit', 'tag', 'editfield');
% Copy your relevant objects
panel_b = copyobj(panel_a, x);
% Use findobj to locate the handle to the object of interest
tmp = findobj(panel_b, 'Tag', 'editfield')
Alternately, you could use findobj to find all edit boxes
tmp = findobj(panel_b, 'Style', 'edit');


How to reset the default values in a graphical user interface

I'm creating a graphic interface (manually) and I would like to have a reset button which reset the default values.
I already code this
H.but(3) = uicontrol('Units','normalized', ...
'BackgroundColor',[1 0.7 1], ...
'Callback','MyFunction(''Reset'');', ...
'FontSize',12, ...
'Position',[0.04 0.54 0.1 0.05 ], ...
case 'Reset'
clear all % Is not working and I think that isn't that I expect
set(findobj(H.fig,'style','edit', '-or','style','text'),'string','') % H is a global variable. This trial don't give the default value, it just clear certain boxes
I usually prefer to create a specific reset_gui function for my GUIs that resets all the relevant control properties (like checkbox states, strings in editable text boxes, etc.) to appropriate default values, as well as setting all relevant variable values to their defaults, clearing plots, etc..
If you'd prefer a generic option for resetting all UI control properties to their initial state, here's an example of one possible solution:
function example_reset_gui
% Initialize GUI:
hFigure = figure();
uicontrol('Style', 'edit', 'Position', [20 100 100 25]);
uicontrol('Style', 'edit', 'Position', [20 65 100 25]);
uicontrol('Style', 'push', 'Position', [20 20 60 30], ...
'String', 'Reset', 'Callback', #reset_fcn);
% Collect default states:
[defaultState{1:3}] = get_default_state(hFigure);
% Nested reset function:
function reset_fcn(~, ~)
% Local function:
function [hArray, propArray, valueArray] = get_default_state(hFigure)
hArray = findall(hFigure, 'Type', 'uicontrol');
propArray = fieldnames(set(hArray(1)));
valueArray = get(hArray, propArray);
This creates a figure with 2 editable text boxes and a reset button. You can type whatever you want into the text boxes, and when you push the reset button it will clear them (i.e. set them to the default empty string they first contained).
The local function get_default_state will find all the uicontrol objects in the figure, then get all of their set-able properties (i.e. all properties that are not read-only), then get all the initial values for those properties. The three outputs are stored in the 1-by-3 cell array defaultState, which is accessible by the nested function reset_fcn. When the reset button is pressed, all of the set-able UI control properties are set to the values they had when first created.
It should be noted that any changes made to the Position property (such as due to resizing of the figure) could be undone by this approach. Using 'normalized' units would avoid this.
If you truly want to start your GUI over from scratch the easiest way would be to just close it open it again. You can do that from your button's callback. Which I pointed at a new function restartGUI. That could be a subfunction of your main gui or its own m-file, your choice.
Your question is pretty light on details so I can't help with some of the specifics but this should give you the general idea.
IF closing and opening isn't what your want then in the restartGUI function you would have to just manually reset the state of each of your uicontrols, etc. (whatever else is in your GUI that we can't see).
H.but(3) = uicontrol('Units','normalized', ...
'BackgroundColor',[1 0.7 1], ...
'Callback',#restartGUI, ...
'FontSize',12, ...
'Position',[0.04 0.54 0.1 0.05 ], ...
% <<<< THE rest of your code >>>
function restartGUI(hObject,varargin)
global H
close(H.fig) %Assuming H.fig the main GUI window.
%Call the GUI again which will restart it.
Edit: added the use of the global H to close.

DELETE function is deleting the logo, but I don't want it to delete the logo

I have a GUI in Matlab, where I have a DELETE BUTTON, after I click on it, it as well deletes the logo in it.
The code for the DELETE function:
figure('Name', 'Vektorkardiogram');
%Return handle to figure named 'Vectorcardiogram'.
h = findobj('Name', 'Vektorkardiogram');
figure('Name', 'Roviny');
%Return handle to figure named 'Vectorcardiogram'.
r = findobj('Name', 'Roviny');
figure('Name', 'P vlna');
%Return handle to figure named 'Vectorcardiogram'.
p = findobj('Name', 'P vlna');
figure('Name', 'QRS komplex');
%Return handle to figure named 'Vectorcardiogram'.
q = findobj('Name', 'QRS komplex');
figure('Name', 'T vlna');
%Return handle to figure named 'Vectorcardiogram'.
t = findobj('Name', 'T vlna');
The code for uploading the logo (I have made a GUI in Matlab using the guide command, so this code below is inserted inside the GUI code):
logo4 = imread('logo4.png','BackgroundColor',[1 1 1]);
Pusghing the DELETE BUTTON, I just want to close certain figure windwos, not to delete the logo. Could you please help me out?
You are clearing all axes using cla which includes the logo that you don't want to delete.
Instead of clearing everything, it's better to delete and clear specific objects.
Alternately, if you keep the handle to the image object, you can ignore the axes that contains it when clearing axes
himg = imshow(data);
allaxes = findall(0, 'type', 'axes');
allaxes = allaxes(~ismember(allaxes, ancestor(himg, 'axes')));
Also, you shouldn't ever do findall(0, ... in your GUI because if I open a figure before opening my GUI you will alter the state of my other figure. Instead, use findall(gcbf, ... which will only alter children of your own GUI. Either that, or use a 'Tag' specific to your GUI and then use findall to filter for that specific tag.
figure('Tag', 'mygui')
findall(0, 'Tag', 'mygui')
You should use findall combined with the 'Name' parameter to figure out which of your figures actually exists
figs = findall(0, 'Name', 'Vektorkardiogram', ...
'-or', 'Name', 'Roviny', ...
'-or', 'Name', 'P vlna', ...
'-or', 'Name', 'QRS komplex', ...
'-or', 'Name', 'T vlna');
And for clearing the axes, you can ensure that they exist
ax = findall(0, 'tag', 'axes10', '-or', 'tag', 'axes11', '-or', 'tag', 'axes12');

How to check if a uicontextmenu is visible or active

What I have:
In a Matlab-GUI I have a uicontextmenu connected to a plot (=axes). If I "activate" this via a mouse-click (right-button), I can use the usual "Callback" to do something, like highlighting the plot. If the user then selects one of the uimenu-elements of the menu, I can use the Callback of this uimenu-element and reset the highlighting.
But there is a problem, if the user does not select an element. The context-menu disappears and I cannot find a way to find out, if this happens. In my example, the highlighted plot stays highlighted.
What I tried so far:
Besides reading the docs, I appended listeners to the properties to some of the uimenu-elements, e.g.:
addlistener(mymenu_element, 'Visible', 'PostSet', #mytest);
but this property, as well as others, seems not to be changed or touched at any time - what suprises me a bit :o
So the question is:
Is there a way to execute a function after a uicontextmenu is executed (or however you call it, when a context-menu "disappears")? In other words: if the user does not select an element of a context-menu, how can this be identified?
Since you cant listen to these items (I've run a few tests and come to the same conclusion) you can work around this by creating and managing your uicontextmenu in a different way:
function yourFunction
% create a figure
hFig = figure;
% add a listener to the mouse being pressed
addlistener ( hFig, 'WindowMousePress', #(a,b)mouseDown(hFig) );
function mouseDown(hFig)
% react depening on the mouse selection type:
switch hFig.SelectionType
case 'alt' % right click
% create a uicontext menu and store in figure data
hFig.UserData.uic = uicontextmenu ( 'parent', hFig );
% create the menu items for the uicontextmenu
uimenu ( 'parent', hFig.UserData.uic, 'Label', 'do this', 'Callback', #(a,b)DoThis(hFig) )
% assign to the figure
hFig.UIContextMenu = hFig.UserData.uic;
% turn visible on and set position
hFig.UserData.uic.Visible = 'on';
hFig.UserData.uic.Position = hFig.CurrentPoint;
% uicontext menu will appear as desired
% the next mouse action is then to either select an item or
% we will capture it below
% if the uic is stored in the userdata we need to run the clean up
% code since the user has not clicked on one of the items
if isfield ( hFig.UserData, 'uic' )
function DoThis(hFig)
% Your code
disp ( 'your code' );
% Clean up
function CleanUp(hFig)
% delete the uicontextmenu and remove the reference to it
hFig.UserData = rmfield ( hFig.UserData, 'uic' );

Creating an unknown amount of uicontrols in matlab

So for a self project I'm creating a gui minesweeper like game in matlab and want to create an adjustable pushbutton grid however I'm not sure on how to do so. this is what I have got so far.
function createField()
xAmount = str2double(inputdlg('enter row length'));
yAmount = str2double(inputdlg('enter column length'));
for i = 1:xAmount
for j = 1:yAmount
%create buttons
One solution might be:
function create_field(hparent, nx, ny, width, padding)
% Test arguments
if ~test_parent_handle(hparent)
error('Parent must be a single valid graphic handle.');
elseif ~test_positive_integer(nx)
error('Number of buttons on X direction must be a scalar positive integer.');
elseif ~test_positive_integer(ny)
error('Number of buttons on Y direction must be a scalar positive integer.');
elseif ~test_positive_integer(width) ...
|| (width >= 100)
error('Button width must be a scalar positive integer smaller than 100.');
elseif ~test_positive_integer(padding) ...
|| (padding >= 20)
error('Button padding must be a scalar positive integer smaller than 20.');
% Resize the parent to fit the button grid
set(hparent, 'Units', 'pixels');
ppos = get(hparent, 'Position');
ppos(3) = nx*width + (nx-1)*padding;
ppos(4) = ny*width + (ny-1)*padding;
set(hparent, 'Position', ppos);
% Create button grid
for p = 1:nx
for q = 1:ny
bpos = [ % Button spec:
(p-1)*(width+padding) % - X
(q-1)*(width+padding) % - Y
width % - W
width % - H
uicontrol( ...
'Units', 'pixels', ...
'Tag', sprintf('X%dY%d',p,q), ...
'Style', 'pushbutton', ...
'Parent', hparent, ...
'Position', bpos ...
% ----- NESTED FUNCTIONS -----
function tf = test_parent_handle(value)
tf = isscalar(value) ...
&& ishandle(value);
function tf = test_positive_integer(value)
tf = isscalar(value) ...
&& isreal(value) ...
&& isfinite(value) ...
&& (value > 0) ...
&& (fix(value) == value);
For a figure with 15 x 10 square buttons, each having the side 25 pixels with a padding of 3 pixels between the buttons, call:
create_field(figure(), 15, 10, 20, 3);
As with most problems there are many different approaches, having written something similar I'll give you the same prompts that I used when writing my helper function.
Your code is going to act based on what button is pressed so each button will need its own unique ID and properties. Depending on the MATLAB version used, each of your graphics elements will have a handle. Starting in R2014b, graphics objects can be addressed directly as objects rather than needing to utilize a numeric ID as a pointer.
Start with the figure window and check out the figure properties:
h.mainfig = figure; % Arbitrary figure window
get(h.mainfig); % Dump properties to command window
Right now we're probably most interested in the Units and Position properties of the main figure window, which you can use in a helper function to figure out how to size and space the buttons as you create them.
If we create a pushbutton graphics object with uicontrol() we're going to get mostly the same properties.
h.randombutton = uicontrol('Parent', h.mainfig, 'Style', 'pushbutton');
Again, we're interested in the Units and Position properties. We're also going to be interested in the Callback property, which is the function that executes when we interact with the button. Another good one is the Tag property, which can be used to set a unique string tag for each button for use with later logic.
You've probably noticed I'm using a structure array to store my graphics handles. This is similar to how MATLAB generates its object data when creating a GUI with GUIDE and has the huge advantage of a tidy data package to pass around our function. A great thing about structure arrays is that you can nest data structures, allowing us to easily generate and address graphics objects without needing to get clever with dynamic field references or eval() (yuck). Instead of having to do something like button_1, button_2, etc, we can do:
h.button(1) = uicontrol('Parent', h.mainfig, 'Style', 'pushbutton');
h.button(2) = uicontrol('Parent', h.mainfig, 'Style', 'pushbutton');
h.button(n) = uicontrol('Parent', h.mainfig, 'Style', 'pushbutton');
Now we know how to generate an arbitrary number of buttons programmatically and easily address them later on.
Other than the button generation we have another key function that I mentioned earlier, the button callback. Callback functions follow a slightly different syntax in that they natively pass along two arguments, the handle of the object whose callback is executing and the event data structure (see the documentation for more info). Because the function knows what UI object invoked it, we can make a pretty generic function.
Hopefully this helps!
Have you considered creating the ui in Java - undocumented matlab has some examples. Java would provide you nice LayoutManagers that will take care about resizing and more.

Passing Edit uicontrol string to callback of another uicontrol in Matlab

I wrote a code like this in Matlab:
function[] = gui_function()
window.value1 = uicontrol('style', 'edit', ...
'string', '5', ...
'callback', #is_number);
window.computeButton = uicontrol('style', 'push', ...
'callback', {#test_script, str2double(get(window.value1, 'string'))});
function[] = test_script(varargin)
value1 = varargin{3};
I want to pass the text from Edit uicontrol to Button's callback. When I do it as following, the value that is passed is an old value that is set when declaring the uicontrol.
So ie. I run the GUI and have a value of 5 in the edit. I overwrite it to be 20, but after pushing the button, the value that is being passed is still 5
What is wrong in this approach? How can it be done differently?
Thank you in advance!
In my opinion, the best option when working with GUIs is to use the handles structure of the GUI, in which every uicontrols are stored along with their associated properties, in addition to (that's the cool part) whatever you want to store in it, like variables for instance.
So I modified you code a bit to make use of the handles structure. I'm not entirely clear as to what you want, but in my example the pushbutton is used to update the content of a second edit box with the content of the 1st edit box. That's very basic, but it should help you get a feel of handles and the handles structure. If something is unclear please let me know!
function gui_function()
ScreenSize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
handles.figure = figure('Position',[ScreenSize(3)/2,ScreenSize(4)/2,400,285]);
handles.Edit1 = uicontrol('style', 'edit','Position',[100 150 75 50], ...
'string', '5');
handles.Edit2 = uicontrol('style', 'edit','Position',[100 80 75 50], ...
'string', 'Update me');
handles.computeButton = uicontrol('style', 'push','Position',[200 100 75 75],'String','PushMe', ...
'callback', #PushButtonCallback);
guidata(handles.figure, handles); %// Save handles to guidata. Then it's accessible form everywhere in the GUI.
function PushButtonCallback(handles,~)
handles=guidata(gcf); %// Retrieve handles associated with figure.
TextInBox1 = get(handles.Edit1,'String');
set(handles.Edit2,'String',TextInBox1); %// Update 2nd edit box with content of the first.
%// Do whatever you want...
guidata(handles.figure, handles); %// DON'T forget to update the handles structure
You could customize this GUI by adding your function callback (test_script) in the same way I implemented the PushButtonCallback. Hope I understood what you wanted :)