Perl Match Operator =~ - perl

This is a very basic question but I am not able to find any proper documentation explaining this behaviour.
("Johnson" =~ /son/ ) returns true but (/son/ =~ "Johnson") returns false. What is the exact reason? Why =~ operator behaves differently when the operands are interchanged?

The simplest regexp is simply a word, or more generally, a string of
characters. A regexp consisting of a word matches any string that
contains that word:
"Hello World" =~ /World/; # matches
What is this Perl statement all about? "Hello World" is a simple double-quoted string. World is
the regular expression and the // enclosing /World/ tells Perl to
search a string for a match. The operator =~ associates the string
with the regexp match and produces a true value if the regexp matched,
or false if the regexp did not match. In our case, World matches the
second word in "Hello World" , so the expression is true.
Please read
Now in your example "Johnson" =~ /son/ matches because RHS of =~ (which is son) is found in LHS (Johnson). In case of /son/ =~ "Johnson" RHS (Johnson) is not found in LHS (son).

Well... because the =~ operator binds a scalar expression, to a pattern match.
So it states the order in which the arguments need to be given. Your second (/son/ =~ "Johnson") uses Johnson as pattern... and that one is not hit, thus false.
See binding operators:


Substitution on string in perl changes string to an integer value

I am trying to do delete some characters matching a regex in perl and when I do that it returns an integer value.
I have tried substituting multiple spaces in a string with empty string or basically deleting the space.
#! /usr/intel/bin/perl
my $line = "foo/\\bar car";
print "$line\n";
#$line = ~s/(\\|(\s)+)+//; <--Ultimately need this, where backslash and space needs to be deleted. Tried this, returns integer value
$line = ~s/\s+//; <-- tried this, returns integer value
print "$line\n";
Expected results:
First print: foo/\bar car
Second print: foo/barcar
Actual result:
First print: foo/\\bar car
Second print: 18913234908
The proper solution is
$line =~ s/[\s\\]+//g;
g flag to substitute all occurrences
no space between = and ~
=~ is a single operator, binding the substitution operator s to the target variable $line.
Inserting a space (as in your code) means s binds to the default target, $_, because there is no explicit target, and then the return value (which is the number of substitutions made) has all its bits inverted (unary ~ is bitwise complement) and is assigned to $line.
In other words,
$line = ~ s/...//
parses as
$line = ~(s/...//)
which is equivalent to
$line = ~($_ =~ s/...//)
If you had enabled use warnings, you would've gotten the following message:
Use of uninitialized value $_ in substitution (s///) at line 6.
You've already accepted an answer, but I thought it would be useful to give you a few more details.
As you now know,
$line = ~s/\s+//;
is completely different to:
$line =~ s/\s+//;
You wanted the second, but you typed the first. So what did you end up with?
~ is "bitwise negation operator". That is, it converts its argument to a binary number and then bit-flips that number - all the zeroes become ones and all the ones become zeros.
So you're asking for the bitwise negation of s/\s+//. Which means the bitwise negation works on the value returned by s/\s+//. And the value returned by a substitution is the number of substitutions made.
We can now work out all of the details.
s/\s+// carries out your substitution and returns the number of substitutions made (an integer).
~s/\s+// returns the bitwise negation of the integer returned by the substitution (which is also an integer).
$line = ~s/\s+// takes that second integer and assigns it to the variable $line.
Probably, the first step returns 1 (you don't use /g on your s/.../.../, so only one substitution will be made). It's easy enough to get the bitwise negation of 1.
$ perl -E'say ~1'
So that might well be the integer that you're seeing (although it might be different on a 32-bit system).

index argument contains . perl

If a string contains . representing any character, index doesn't match on it. What to do so that it takes . as any character?
For ex,
index($str, $substr)
if $substr contains . anywhere, index will always return -1
That is not possible. The documentation says:
The index function searches for one string within another, but without
the wildcard-like behavior of a full regular-expression pattern match.
The keywords, you can use for further googlings are:
perl regular expression wildcard
If you just want to know, if your string matches, using a regular expression could look like that:
my $string = "Hello World!";
if( $string =~ /ll. Worl/ )
print "Ahoi! Position: ".($-[0])."\n";
This is matching a single character.
$-[0] is the offset into the string of the beginning of the entire
If you want to have a pattern, that is matching an arbitary amount of arbitary characters, you could choose a pattern like...
if( $string =~ /ll.*orl/ )
See perlvar for further information about special perl variables. You will find the variable #LAST_MATCH_START and some explanation about $-[0] over there. There are several more variables, that can help you to find sub matches and to gather other interessting information about your matches...
From perldoc -f index, you can see index() doesn't have any regex syntax:
The index function searches for one string within another, but without the wildcard-like behavior of a full regular-
expression pattern match. It returns the position of the first occurrence of SUBSTR in STR at or after POSITION. If
POSITION is omitted, starts searching from the beginning of the string. POSITION before the beginning of the string or after
its end is treated as if it were the beginning or the end, respectively. POSITION and the return value are based at 0 (or
whatever you've set the $[ variable to--but don't do that). If the substring is not found, "index" returns one less than the
base, ordinarily "-1"
A simple test:
$ perl -e 'print index("1234567asdfghj.","j.")'
Use regex:
$str =~ /$substr/g;
$index = pos();

Perl - partial pattern matching in a sequence of letters

I am trying to find a pattern using perl. But I am only interested with the beginning and the end of the pattern. To be more specific I have a sequence of letters and I would like to see if the following pattern exists. There are 23 characters. And I'm only interested in the beginning and the end of the sequence.
For example I would like to extract anything that starts with ab and ends with zt. There is always
So it can be
So that it detects this match
but not
So far I tried
if ($line =~ /ab[*]zt/) {
print "found pattern ";
* is a quantifier and meta character. Inside a character class bracket [ .. ] it just means a literal asterisk. You are probably thinking of .* which is a wildcard followed by the quantifier.
Matching entire string, e.g. "abaazt".
Note the anchors ^ and $, and the wildcard character . followed by the zero or more * quantifier.
Match substrings inside another string, e.g. "a b abaazt c d"
Using word boundary \b to denote beginning and end instead of anchors. You can also be more specific:
Using a double negation to assert that no non-whitespace characters follow or precede the target text.
It is also possible to use the substr function
if (substr($string, 0, 2) eq "ab" and substr($string, -2) eq "zt")
You mention that the string is 23 characters, and if that is a fixed length, you can get even more specific, for example
Which matches exactly 19 wildcards. The syntax for the {} quantifier is {min, max}, and any value left blank means infinite, i.e. {1,} is the same as + and {0,} is the same as *, meaning one/zero or more matches (respectively).
Just a * by itself wont match anything (except a literal *), if you want to match anything you need to use .*.
if ($line =~ /^ab.*zt$/) {
print "found pattern ";
If you really want to capture the match, wrap the whole pattern in a capture group:
if (my ($string) = $line =~ /^(ab.*zt)$/) {
print "found pattern $string";

One-liner to extract digits from a string

I am learning Perl regex, and I am trying to extract digits from a string, e.g.
my $text = "abc000142gh";
i.e. I would like to extract 000142 as a string in a scalar variable.
I have tried:
my $digits = $text ~= /(+d)/;
my $digits = $text ~= m/(+d)/;
my $digits = $text ~= m/(+d)/g;
my $digits = $text ~= /(+d)/g;
but none of them seem to work. Is there a way to do this with a one-liner?
This works:
my $text = 'abc000142gh';
my ($digits) = $text =~ /(\d+)/;
The differences:
quotes around the string (not needed, but prefered).
$digits in brackets to enforce list context. See perlop for details.
The binding operator is =~, not ~=.
\d means a digit, d stands for itself.
+ (repetition) is used after the symbol to repeat, not before.
Your code does not compile. There are a few issues here.
You have forgotten to quote your string
my $text = 'abc000142gh';
You have the regex binding operator (=~) the wrong way around,
forgotten the backslash for the \d
and the quantifier (+) in front of it
my $digits = $text =~ /(\d+)/;
Now to answer your question You need to enforce list context. The match returns a list, and since you have $digits, which is a scalar, the list gets transformed to its number of elements.
(my $digits) = $text =~ /(\d+)/;
It does not matter if you put the m in front of the regex because it is implicit with any /foo/ expression.
Take a look at these things:
Rubular is very handy to evaluate regexes

Can you explain the context dependent variable assignment in perl

The following is one of the many cool things that Perl can do
my ($tmp) = ($_=~ /^>(.*)/);
It finds the pattern ^>.* in the current line in a loop, and it stores the what's in the parenthesis in the $tmp variable.
What I am curious is the concept behind this syntax. How and why(under what premises) does this work?
My understanding is the snippet $_=~ /^>(.*)/ is a boolean context, but the parenthesis renders it as a list context? But how come only what is in the parenthesis in the matched pattern is stored in the variable?!
Is it some kind of special case of variable assignments I have to "memorize" or can this be perfectly explainable? if so, what is this feature called(name like "autovivifacation?")
There are two assignment operators: list assignment and scalar assignment. The choice is determined based on the LHS of the "=". (The two operators are covered in detail in here.)
In this case, a list assignment operator is used. The list assignment operator evaluates both of its operands in list context.
So what does $_=~ /^>(.*)/ do in list context? Quote perlop:
If the /g option is not used, m// in list context returns a list consisting of the subexpressions matched by the parentheses in the pattern, i.e., ($1, $2, $3...) [...] When there are no parentheses in the pattern, the return value is the list (1) for success. With or without parentheses, an empty list is returned upon failure.
In other words,
my ($match) = $_ =~ /^>(.*)/;
is equivalent to
my $match;
if ($_ =~ /^>(.*)/) {
$match = $1;
} else {
$match = undef;
Were the parens omitted (my $tmp = ...;), a scalar assignment would be used instead. The scalar assignment operator evaluates both of its operands in scalar context.
So what does $_=~ /^>(.*)/ do in scalar context? Quote perlop:
returns true if it succeeds, false if it fails.
In other words,
my $matched = $_ =~ /^>(.*)/;
is equivalent to
my $matched;
if ($_ =~ /^>(.*)/) {
$matched = 1; # !!1 if you want to be picky.
} else {
$matched = 0; # !!0 if you want to be picky.
The brackets in the search pattern make that a "group". What $_ =~ /regex/returns is an array of all the matching groups, so my ($tmp) grabs the first group into $tmp.
All operations in perl have a return value, including assignment. Thats why you can do $a=$b=1 and set $a to the result of $b=1.
You can use =~ in a boolean (well, scalar) context, but that's just because it returns an empty list / undef if there's no match, and that evaluates to false. Calling it in an array context returns an array, just like other context-sensitive functions can do using the wantarray method to determine context.