I am trying to plot the contour plots for the given function
syms r x y k z
[ph,r] = meshgrid((0:5:360)*pi/180,0:.5:10);
[X,Y] = pol2cart(ph,r);
Z = X+i*Y;
J = besselj(k,l.*r);
J2 = besselj(k,m.*r);
Y = bessely(k,l.*r);
Y2 = bessely(k,m.*r);
H = besselh(k,r);
F1 = symsum((J).*exp(1i*k*ph),k,-5,5);
F2 = symsum((J2+Y2).*exp(1i.*k.*ph),k,-5,5);
F3 = symsum(H.*exp(1i.*k.*ph),k,-5,5);
pwu = nan(size(F1), 'like', F1);
mask = 0 <= r & r < 0.5;
pwu(mask) = F1(mask);
mask = 0.5 <= r & r < 1;
pwu(mask) = F2(mask);
mask = r >= 1;
pwu(mask) = F3(mask);
U = subs(pwu, {l, m}, {1.5, 3});hold on
axis equal
but I keep getting errors for the form of the 4th last line. Apparently U cannot be converted to a double. Is there any other way to do this?
This code works:
syms r x y k z
[ph,r] = meshgrid((0:5:360)*pi/180,0:.5:10);
[x,y] = pol2cart(ph,r);
Z = x+1i*y;
J = besselj(k,l.*r);
J2 = besselj(k,m.*r);
Y = bessely(k,l.*r);
Y2 = bessely(k,m.*r);
H = besselh(k,r);
F1 = symsum((J).*exp(1i*k*ph),k,-5,5);
F2 = symsum((J2+Y2).*exp(1i.*k.*ph),k,-5,5);
F3 = symsum(H.*exp(1i.*k.*ph),k,-5,5);
pwu = nan(size(F1), 'like', F1);
mask = 0 <= r & r < 0.5;
pwu(mask) = F1(mask);
mask = 0.5 <= r & r < 1;
pwu(mask) = F2(mask);
mask = r >= 1;
pwu(mask) = F3(mask);
U = subs(pwu, {l, m}, {1.5, 3});hold on
J0 = besselj(k,r);
u0 = symsum(1i.^(-k).*J0.*exp(1i*k*ph),k,-5,5);
W = U+u0;
contour(x, y, angle(double(W)), 30);
axis equal
Thanks for your comments!
My code simulates the shock loading of a rocket upon parachute deployment. When the script is run as a whole the value of the shock goes to infinity. However, when the script is run step by step in the debugger mode it works as intended. I am unsure of what is happening or how to fix it. My code is written as follows:
clear all; close all; clc; tic
h_init = 100; %initial altitude, ft
E = .38e6; %elastic modulus of nylon, psi
A = (1/16)*(1); %cross sectional area of cord, in^2
CD = 2.20; %parachute coefficient of drag
D_p = 144; %parachute diameter, in
W_p = 2; %weight of parachute, lbm
W_r = 105; %dry weight of rocket, lbm
L = 17*3*12; %length of shock cord, in
v_init = -350; %initial upwards velocity of rocket/parachute, ft/s
dt = 0.00001; %simulation time step, s
t_sim = 4; %total simulation time, s
g = 32.2; %gravitational acceleration, ft/s^2
k = (3900)./L; %spring constant, lbf/in
S_p = pi*D_p.^2/4/144; %parachute cross sectional area, ft^2
m_p = W_p/g; %mass of parachute, slugs
m_r = W_r./g; %mass of rocket, slugs
N = ceil(t_sim/dt);
N_L = length(W_r);
time = dt:dt:t_sim + dt;
Y1 = zeros(N_L,N);
Y2 = zeros(N_L,N);
V1 = zeros(N_L,N);
V2 = zeros(N_L,N);
FS = zeros(N_L,N);
Dr = zeros(N_L,N);
Shock = zeros(N_L,1);
Exten = zeros(N_L,1);
VDiff = zeros(N_L,1);
DrMax = zeros(N_L,1);
TDrop = zeros(N_L,1);
for j = 1:N_L
v1 = v_init; %initial velocity of parachute after deployment, ft/s
y1 = 0; %initial parachute position relative to deployment altitude, ft
v2 = v_init; %initial velocity of rocket after deployment, ft/s
y2 = 0; %initial position of rocket relative to deployment altitude, ft
Y1(j,1) = y1;
Y2(j,1) = y2;
V1(j,1) = v1;
V2(j,1) = v2;
FS(j,1) = 0;
Dr(j,1) = 0;
slack = 1;
for i = 1:N
rho = findDensity(h_init+y1);%air density, slug/ft^3
Q = 144*0.5*rho*v1^2; %dynamic pressure, psi
D = -sign(v1)*(Q/144)*S_p*CD; %drag, lbf
if y1-y2 >= L/12
delta = 12*(y1-y2)-L; %shock cord extension, in
if slack ==1
TDrop(j) = dt*i;
slack = 0;
elseif y2-y1 >= L/12
delta = -12*(y1-y2)-L; %shock cord extension, in
delta = 0;
fs = k*delta; %spring force, lbf
F1 = D - W_p - fs; %net force on parachute, lbf
F2 = fs - W_r(j); %net force on rocket, lbf
a1 = F1/m_p; %acceleration of parachute, ft/s^2
a2 = F2/m_r(j); %acceleration of rocket, ft/s^2
y1 = y1 + v1*dt; %update parachute position, ft
y2 = y2 + v2*dt; %update rocket position, ft
v1 = v1 + a1*dt; %update parachute velocity, ft/s
v2 = v2 + a2*dt; %update rocket velocity, ft/s
Y1(j,i+1) = y1;
Y2(j,i+1) = y2;
V1(j,i+1) = v1;
V2(j,i+1) = v2;
FS(j,i+1) = fs;
Dr(j,i+1) = D;
Shock(j) = max(FS(j,:));
Exten(j) = 12*max(Y1(j,:)-Y2(j,:)-L/12);
VDiff(j) = max(abs(V1(j,:)-V2(j,:)));
DrMax(j) = max(Dr(j,:));
H1 = h_init+Y1;
H2 = h_init+Y2;
fprintf('Max Shock Load: %.2f lbf', Shock)
function density = findDensity(h)
temp = findTemp(h);
pressure = findPressure(h);
density = pressure / (1718 * (temp + 459.7));
function pressure = findPressure(h)
temp = findTemp(h);
if(h > 82345)
pressure = 51.97 * (((temp + 459.7) / 389.98) ^ -11.388);
elseif(h > 36152)
pressure = 473.1 * exp(1.73 - (0.000048 * h));
pressure = 2116 * (((temp + 459.7) / 518.6) ^ 5.256);
function temp = findTemp(h)
if(h > 82345)
temp = (0.00164 * h) - 205.5;
elseif(h > 36152)
temp = -70;
temp = 59 - (0.00356 * h);
im trying to use mesh2d function according to a guide I read.
for some reason im getting all the time this issue:
Undefined function 'mesh2d' for input arguments of type 'double'.
Error in Try1 (line 88)
[p,t] = mesh2d(allnodes, alledges);
I install mesh2d , according to the guide here:
but for some reason im still getting this issue...
this is my code:(im adding the code so it whould be easier in case im missing something, instead il mark the bad part)
file = 'pattern3';
P = imread('Pattern3.png');
P = P(400:3400, 400:3400);
P = 255 - P*6;
P = 1-im2bw(P);
Nmin = min(size(P));
P = P(1:Nmin, 1:Nmin);
[xg, yg] = meshgrid(1:Nmin, 1:Nmin);
P((xg - Nmin/2).^2 + (yg - Nmin/2).^2 > 0.99*0.25*Nmin^2) = 0;
P = padarray(P, [1 1], 0);
CC = bwconncomp(P);
dtheta = pi/24;
theta = (-pi:dtheta:(pi-dtheta))';
nodeouter = [1.1*cos(theta) 1.1*sin(theta)];
Nnodes = length(nodeouter);
nodelist = (1:Nnodes)';
allnodes = nodeouter;
alledges = [nodelist , mod(nodelist, Nnodes)+1];
for n = 1:CC.NumObjects
%for n = 2:2
newP = zeros(size(P));
newP(CC.PixelIdxList{1,n}(:)) = 1;
newP = filter2(fspecial('average',5),newP);
C = contourc(newP,[0.2 0.2]);
C = C(:,2:end)';
C2 = dpsimplify(C,1);
m = 1;
while m <= length(C2(:,1))
if(C2(m,1) == 1 || C2(m,2) == 1)
C2(m,:) = [];
m = m + 1;
C2 = (C2 - Nmin/2)/(Nmin/2);
C = (C - Nmin/2)/(Nmin/2);
hold all
plot(C2(:,1), C2(:,2))
axis image xy
nodeinner = C2;
Nnodeshole = length(nodeinner);
nodelist = (1:Nnodeshole)';
edgelist = [nodelist , mod(nodelist, Nnodeshole)+1];
edgelist = edgelist + Nnodes;
allnodes = [allnodes; nodeinner];
alledges = [alledges; edgelist];
Nnodes = Nnodes + Nnodeshole;
hdata.fun = #(x,y) 0.05*(1 + ((x.^2 + y.^2)/a^2)).^2;
[p,t] = mesh2d(allnodes, alledges); %%here is the issue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
as = 0.5;
for n = 1:length(as)
a = as(n);
h = 0;
x = p(:,1);
y = p(:,2);
z = zeros(size(x));
r = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2);
phi = atan2(y,x);
theta = atan(r/(a+h));
alpha = 2*theta;
xnew = a*sin(alpha).*cos(phi);
ynew = a*sin(alpha).*sin(phi);
znew = -a*cos(alpha);
p2 = [xnew, ynew, znew];
stlwrite('Test.stl', t, p2)
fv.faces = t;
fv.vertices = p2;
patch(fv, 'FaceColor', [1 1 1], 'EdgeColor', 'black', 'LineWidth', 0.1)
axis equal
axis off
xlim([-a a])
ylim([-a a])
zlim([-a a])
camlight head
the photo im trying to use:
I recently completely rewrote MESH2D -- bringing it up-to-date with more recent meshing techniques and MATLAB functionality. It looks like you are trying to use subroutines from old versions of the library.
Based on the updates, the routines you want are refine2 and smooth2 (they build and then optimise a two-dimensional constrained Delaunay triangulation).
I recommend that you have a look at the example code contained in tridemo to see how the updated MESH2D toolbox works.
We suppose that there are one hemisphere and three triangles in a 3D space. The center point of the hemisphere’s bottom is denoted by C. The radius of the hemisphere’s bottom is represented by R. The normal vector to hemisphere’s bottom is denoted by n.
The first triangle is given by the three points V1, V2 and V3. The second triangle is given by the three points V4, V5 and V6. The third triangle is given by the three points V7, V8 and V9. The positions of the points V1, V2, …, V9 are arbitrary. Now, we further assume that an eye is located at the point E. Note that the triangles may block the line of sight from the eye to the hemisphere’s surface; hence some region of the hemisphere’s surface may not be seen by the eye.
Please develop a method to estimate the amount of the area of the hemisphere’s surface which can be seen by the eye?
Here is a code for the rectangle rather than hemisphere:
function r = month_1()
P1 = [0.918559, 0.750000, -0.918559];
P2 = [0.653394, 0.649519, 1.183724];
P3 = [-0.918559, -0.750000, 0.918559];
P4 = [-0.653394, -0.649519, -1.183724];
V1 = [0.989609, -1.125000, 0.071051];
V2 = [1.377838, -0.808013, -0.317178];
V3 = [1.265766, -0.850481, 0.571351];
V4 = [0.989609, -1.125000, 0.071051];
V5 = [1.265766, -0.850481, 0.571351];
V6 = [0.601381, -1.441987, 0.459279];
V7 = [0.989609, -1.125000, 0.071051];
V8 = [1.377838, -0.808013, -0.317178];
V9 = [0.713453, -1.399519, -0.429250];
E = [1.714054, -1.948557, 0.123064];
C = [0,1,0];
Radius = 2;
n = [0,1,0];
%hold on
patches.vertices(1,:)= P1;
patches.vertices(2,:)= P2;
patches.vertices(3,:)= P3;
patches.vertices(4,:)= P4;
patches.vertices(5,:)= V1;
patches.vertices(6,:)= V2;
patches.vertices(7,:)= V3;
patches.vertices(8,:)= V4;
patches.vertices(9,:)= V5;
patches.vertices(10,:)= V6;
patches.vertices(11,:)= V7;
patches.vertices(12,:)= V8;
patches.vertices(13,:)= V9;
patches.faces(1,:)= [5,6,7];
patches.faces(2,:)= [8,9,10];
patches.faces(3,:)= [11,12,13];
patches.faces(4,:)= [1,2,3];
patches.faces(5,:)= [1,3,4];
patches.facevertexcdata = 1;
shading faceted; view (3);
% dispatch([1,1,1])
hold on
Num = 20;
Sum = 0;
%Srec = norm(cross(P1 - P4, P3 - P4));
for i = 1:Num
x1 = rand;
x2 = rand;
v1 = P1-P4;
v2 = P3-P4;
Samp = P4+v1*x1+v2*x2;
ABC = fun_f(E, Samp, V1,V2,V3)*fun_f(E,Samp, V4, V5, V6)*fun_f(E,Samp, V7,V8,V9);
Sum = Sum + ABC;
% if ABC ==1
% plot3(Samp(1), Samp(2), Samp(3),'r +'), hold on
% else
% plot3(Samp(1), Samp(2), Samp(3),'b +'), hold on
% end
[x, y, z]= sphere;
patches = surf2patch(x,y,z,z);
patches.vertices(:,3) = abs(patches.vertices(:,3));
patches.facevertexcdata = 1;
shading faceted; view(3)
daspect([1 1 1])
%r = Sum/Num;
%view(31, 15)
r = Sum/Num*norm(cross (P1-P4,P3-P4));
disp(sprintf('the integration is: %.5f',r));
disp(sprintf('the accurate result is: %.5f',norm(cross(P1-P4,P3-P4)/4)));
function res = fun_f(LineB, LineE, V1, V2, V3)
O = LineB;
Len = norm(LineE-LineB);
v = (LineE-LineB)/Len;
N = cross(V2-V1, V3-V1)/norm(cross(V2-V1, V3-V1));
if dot(N,v)~=0
tp = dot(N, V1-O)/ dot(N,v);
% if tp >=0 && tp <= (1:3);
P = LineB+tp*v(1:3);
A = V1 - P;
B = V2 - P;
Stri1 = norm(cross(A,B))/2;
A = V1 - P;
B = V3 - P;
Stri2 = norm(cross(A,B))/2;
A = V3 - P;
B = V2 - P;
Stri3 = norm(cross(A,B))/2;
A = V1 - V2;
B = V3 - V2;
Stotal = norm(cross(A,B))/2;
if (Stri1 + Stri2 + Stri3)> (Stotal + 1e-8)
res = 1;
res = 0;
res =1;
Take a small element of surface area centered on , dimensions . The area element is given by
The idea is to loop over these elements on the sphere; calculate the center point of the element at , and work out if the line segment between this point and the camera intersects a triangle. More here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%B6ller%E2%80%93Trumbore_intersection_algorithm.
Now we need to find the points; trivially this means incrementing by over all of the hemisphere. But this would make the sampling resolution uneven - the factor would make the elements far larger near the apex of the hemisphere than at its edge.
Set a fixed number N of rings to loop around, i.e. number of iterations of .
Set the minimum iteration area . The number of iterations of , M is gven by
Where is the total area of the ring at :
And of course from above the increments are given by
Loop over all the rings, being careful that gives the middle line of each ring (So start at ); same concern need not apply to due to the symmetry. For each ring loop over each , and do the line intersection test as mentioned above.
The above method reduces the amount of bias in the area sampling resolution at small .
An even better way would be Fibonacci lattices, but they are more complicated. See this paper: http://geonaut.eu/published/016_Fibonacci_Lattice.pdf
%% Declaration of Initial Variables
C = [0.918559, 0.750000, -0.918559];
R = 10;
n = [1, 2, 1.5];
V1 = [0.989609, -1.125000, 0.071051];
V2 = [1.377838, -0.808013, -0.317178];
V3 = [1.265766, -0.850481, 0.571351];
V4 = [0.989609, -1.125000, 0.071051];
V5 = [1.265766, -0.850481, 0.571351];
V6 = [0.601381, -1.441987, 0.459279];
V7 = [0.989609, -1.125000, 0.071051];
V8 = [1.377838, -0.808013, -0.317178];
V9 = [0.713453, -1.399519, -0.429250];
E = [1.714054, -1.948557, 0.123064];
Num = 10000;
count1 = 0; count2 = 0; count3 = 0;
%% Calculating the triangles Normal and Area
N1 = cross((V2-V1),(V3-V1));
N2 = cross((V5-V4),(V6-V4));
N3 = cross((V8-V7),(V9-V7));
Area1 = norm(N1)/2;
Area2 = norm(N2)/2;
Area3 = norm(N3)/2;
%% Plotting the triangle
patch([V1(1),V2(1),V3(1),V1(1)],[V1(2),V2(2),V3(2),V1(2)],[V1(3),V2(3),V3(3),V1(3)], 'green');
hold on
hold on
patch([V7(1),V8(1),V9(1),V7(1)],[V7(2),V8(2),V9(2),V7(2)],[V7(3),V8(3),V9(3),V7(3)], 'green');
hold on
%% The Loop Section
for i=1:Num
x1 = rand;
x2 = rand;
Px = R*sqrt(x1*(2-x1))*cos(2*pi*x2)+C(1);
Py = R*sqrt(x1*(2-x1))*sin(2*pi*x2)+C(2);
Pz = R*(1 - x1)+C(3);
z = [0,0,1];
if norm(cross(n,z)) ~= 0
v = cross(n,z)/norm(cross(n,z));
u = cross(v,n)/norm(cross(v,n));
w = n/norm(n);
u = (dot(n,z)/abs(dot(n,z))).*[1,0,0];
v = (dot(n,z)/abs(dot(n,z))).*[0,1,0];
w = (dot(n,z)/abs(dot(n,z))).*[0,0,1];
M = [u(1),u(2),u(3),0;v(1),v(2),v(3),0;w(1),w(2),w(3),0;0,0,0,1]*...
L = [Px,Py,Pz,1]*M;
Points = [L(1),L(2),L(3)];
Len = norm(E - Points);
plot3(L(1),L(2),L(3),'b.'),hold on
dv = (E - Points)/norm(E - Points);
%% Triangle 1
tp1 = dot(N1,(V1-Points))/dot(N1,dv);
if tp1>=0 && tp1<=Len
R1 = Points + tp1*dv;
A1 = norm(cross((V1-R1),(V2-R1)))/2;
A2 = norm(cross((V1-R1),(V3-R1)))/2;
A3 = norm(cross((V2-R1),(V3-R1)))/2;
if (A1+A2+A3) <= Area1
count1 = count1 + 1;
%% Triangle 2
tp2 = dot(N2,(V4-Points))/dot(N2,dv);
if tp2>=0 && tp2<=Len
R2 = Points + tp2*dv;
A4 = norm(cross((V4-R2),(V5-R2)))/2;
A5 = norm(cross((V4-R2),(V6-R2)))/2;
A6 = norm(cross((V5-R2),(V6-R2)))/2;
if (A4+A5+A6) <= Area2
count2 = count2 + 1;
%% Triangle 3
tp3 = dot(N3,(V7-Points))/dot(N3,dv);
if tp3>=0 && tp3<=Len
R3 = Points + tp3*dv;
A7 = norm(cross((V7-R3),(V8-R3)))/2;
A8 = norm(cross((V7-R3),(V9-R3)))/2;
A9 = norm(cross((V8-R3),(V9-R3)))/2;
if (A7+A8+A9) <= Area3
count3 = count3 + 1;
%% Final Solution
AreaofHemi = 2*pi*R^2;
Totalcount = count1 + count2 + count3;
disp(fprintf('AreaofHemi %f, AreaSeen %f ',AreaofHemi,Areaseen))