"internal_metadta error" when using Blockchain as a service on bluemix account - ibm-cloud

We are using Blockchain as a service on a Bluemix account.
We have been using node-sdk to deploy, invoke, and query transactions on Bluemix.
Currently, we are facing an error on Bluemix when I call, invoke, or query function for the first time. The error says internal_metadata error. But if I call the functions for a second time, it works correctly. After some time (say 10 minutes) if we again call this function, it gives the same error.
Problem is similar to 38893402

I work for IBM Blockchain support. For this type of problem I suggest that you open a support ticket via the Bluemix dashboard. We will be happy to assist you with providing a solution.
Thanks for using IBM and blockcahin.


Unable to create Kubernetes Cluster on IBM Bluemix

I have been trying to create a Kubernetes Cluster with my Bluemix account owner but always getting the following error upon creation:
IBM Cloud Infrastructure exception: Your account is currently prohibited from order 'Computing Instances'.
Any idea what the issue is? There seems to be no direct way to getting support from Public Bluemix to address this issue. We opened a ticket but it has not been addressed.
You should contact IBM Bluemix Support for this kind of question. Before you login to the Bluemix Console, there is a Support link.
From the look of the exception. It seen like you are trying to create a "second" kubernetes cluster. If this is what you are trying to do, you will need a SoftLayer account; or your ID in your SoftLayer account is not setup properly.
You need admin rights to create clusters in Bluemix. Just makes sure that you get the admin status and it should work for you. The normal permissions granted to you are that of an user. Hope this helps

Collections on watson discovery not being created and showing API timeout issue

Each time we look to create a collection on the discovery GUI using the API we are getting API timeout issues. This happens very erratically.
IBM provides one Website to see if the Services and Systems work fine. The site shows if have Maintenance and the Problems with the services.
I had the same problem with another service. My service works fine now. Verify if you service are ok and check if the service was with status no known issues too.
Check the error:
See the Website.

Issue while adding Blockchain service in Bluemix

I am trying to add Blockchain service (Starter Developer Plan) to my Bluemix account (megjain9#in.ibm.com). While I select to create an instance, I am getting an error as shown in below screen shot.
Could you please check and advise the needful?
Blockchain Service Error on Bluemix
The Blockchain service is currently experiencing an outage, due to a network failure.
Service status is listed on the https://developer.ibm.com/bluemix/support/#status, check this page for updates on a resolution.

Where to get the Alchemyapi API key?

I'm doing the, Getting Started with AlchemyAPI Using Ruby, Ruby tutorial. But I cannot seem to find my API key.
Source: http://www.alchemyapi.com/developers/getting-started-guide/using-alchemyapi-with-ruby
At step 3:
3) Configure the Ruby SDK to use your API Key Now that you have the
Ruby SDK code on your computer, you need to do configure it to use
your API key. In the alchemyapi_ruby directory, run:
ruby alchemyapi.rb YOUR_API_KEY
Where YOUR_API_KEY is the 40 character API key you received in your
e-mail when you registered. If everything goes okay, you should see
the following output:
But I didn't get an API Key in an email...
The tutorial sent me to IBM Bluemix to register, which I have.
This is the email from signing up.
Thank you for signing up for Bluemix! During your trial, you'll have
access to Bluemix to build apps, with 2 GB of runtime and container
memory, as well as up to 10 provisioned Bluemix services. And, you
won't need to provide any form of payment for this trial.
Confirm your account to start your 30-day trial.
If you have any problems logging in, let us know at IBM Bluemix
Welcome to Bluemix!
--IBM Bluemix Team
After confirming - still no API Key. I've logged into the Bluemix site and have been searching around but also don't see it.
I apologize in advance if I've missed something obvious. But I'm wasting a lot of time here and would really appreciate any help :)
Has anyone signed up for this service recently and been able to get their API key. Can you tell me where it came from?
Login to Bluemix, go to Services & APIs. In Watson section chose AlchemyAPI and create one. After AlchemyAPI is created go to the dashboard and select created instance.
Under Service Credentials you can find the apikey:
After the acquisition of AlchemyApi by IBM the endpoints have changed hence the old legacy code in GitHub will not be able to use the key which you get from ibm bluemix.
Click on the watson --> then on the previously created credentials --> again click create. Then highlight the 'service credentials' to see the json format details.

Bluemix connect and compose - Failed to fetch list of bluemix services

I'm trying to use new Connect & Compose service on Bluemix. Compose seems to work all right, but when I choose DB in "Connect", and then tried to proceed vi "Next" button. But I got "Failed to fetch list of bluemix services" error message. See the screenshot below.
Failed to fetch list of bluemix services
Is there any prerequisite setting or some issues with my space ? (I suspect the later, since I have multiple services in my spaces).
Thanks in advance !
I've just tried to use the Connect & Compose service on Bluemix and I managed to connect to a SQL Database instance previously bound to an application. I have many services in my space, too. Probably you're right, there is a problem with your space, I suggest you to open a ticket to Bluemix Technical Support. Please note that this is a new BETA service. Refer to Bluemix - Getting customer support for further information.