Mapquest routes using custom icons - mapquest

I'm using Mapquest's Javascript API for leaflet.
My code looks like this:
dir = MQ.routing.directions()
function (data) {
var legs = data.route.legs;
var maneuvers;
if (legs && legs.length) {
maneuvers = $.map(legs[0].maneuvers,
function(m) {
return new Maneuvers(m);
locations: [
directions: dir,
fitBounds: true
The results I get looks like this:
Although, this looks good, the icons don't look anything like the Get Direction module on
How can I change the icons so that they look more modern?

Our new static map v5 is now in beta, this includes a new customizable icon service. check it out:

There is a new icon service coming in the not too distant future with more modern icons. It will be a companion to a new static map version. Sorry, no eta yet.


Pulling countries from a database, using leaflet to give them coordinates

I am currently working on a program that pulls countries and coordinates from a database. I am pinning them on a map after gathering them. I am having no trouble when receiving both the coordinates and the country but when the coordinates aren't available I can't pin on the map just based on the country. I was hoping there was a leaflet method that would allow me to geolocate solely based on a country that would pin in the middle of the country.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
There is no core Leaflet method for doing this. However, there are some (3rd-party) Leaflet geocoding plugins that might do the trick. Take at look here: Specifically, there is a geonames plugin that looks especially promising:
Leaflet or not, this should be fairly easy to accomplish using a simple RESTful API call. Here's a Plunker where this is done:
Below is the operative section:
$( document ).ready(
function() {
// Get the latlng from rest countries
getCountryLocation = function() {
$('#country').html( $('#country_input').val() );
url: "" + $('#country_input').val() + "?fullText=true",
success: function( result ) {
var latlng = result[0].latlng;
$("#latlng").html( latlng[0] + ", " + latlng[1] );
// Do the inital setup

How to add a markercluster to Mapbox StoreLocator Template

i tried different ways to synchronize the cluster with the store locator. It is easy to add the cluster, but than i have some problems with the list on the left side.
My problem is, that i am not really sure how to integrate this function, that at the end the store locator works with the custom markers and the list is synchronize in the right way.
Store Locator:
L.mapbox.featureLayer('').on('ready', function(e) {
var clusterGroup = new L.MarkerClusterGroup(); {
ok, i tried a little bit and it works now with nested functions:
locations.on('ready', function(e) {
var clusterGroup = new L.MarkerClusterGroup(); {
locations.eachLayer(function(locale) {

Using search feature in Ionic framework

I am a UI person and very new to ionic framework.. I wanted to add search feature in my android app built using Ionic framework. After a research i found that I will need to use this plugin but there is no detail documentation available. Can anyone please guide how to use this plugin working. I have made all setup but stuck with actual code.
First of all you must install the plugin. You can use bower for that:
bower install ionic-filter-bar --save
and it will copy all the javascript and css needed in the lib folder inside www.
Then you must add the references to the css to your index.html:
<link href="lib/ionic-filter-bar/dist/" rel="stylesheet">
same thing for the javascript:
<script src="lib/ionic-filter-bar/dist/"></script>
You have to inject the module you your main module:
var app = angular.module('app', [
and you must reference the service $ionicFilterBar in your controller:
.controller('home', function($scope, $ionicFilterBar){
Now you can start using it.
In my sample I want to trigger the search-box when the user clicks/taps on a icon in the header. I would add this HTML to the view:
<ion-nav-buttons side="secondary">
<button class="button button-icon icon ion-ios-search-strong" ng-click="showFilterBar()">
The action trigger an event in my controller showFilterBar:
$scope.showFilterBar = function () {
var filterBarInstance = ${
cancelText: "<i class='ion-ios-close-outline'></i>",
items: $scope.places,
update: function (filteredItems, filterText) {
$scope.places = filteredItems;
which creates the $ionicFilterBar and shows it.
As you can see here I am using an array of objects $scope.places
$scope.places = [{name:'New York'}, {name: 'London'}, {name: 'Milan'}, {name:'Paris'}];
which I have linked to the items member of my $ionicFilterBar. The update method will give me in filteredItems the items (places) filtered.
You can play with this plunker.
Another option is to use the plugin to actually fetch some data remotely through $http.
If we want to achieve this we can use the update function again.
Now we don't need to bind the items to our array of objects cause we won't need the filtered elements.
We will use the filterText to perform some action:
$scope.showFilterBar = function () {
var filterBarInstance = ${
cancelText: "<i class='ion-ios-close-outline'></i>",
// items: $scope.places,
update: function (filteredItems, filterText) {
if (filterText) {
We will call another function which will, maybe, call $http and return some data which we can bind to our array of objects:
$scope.fetchPlaces = function(searchText)
$scope.places = <result of $http call>;
Another plunker here.
If you want to configure it using some sort of customization you must do it in your configuration using the provider $ionicFilterBarConfigProvider:
In my plunker I've included the css and the script directly copying it from the source.
Someone asked not to replace the list with the updated one.
My cheap and dirty solution is to check if the filterText contains some values. If it's empty (no searches) we go throught each element an set a property found = false otherwise we compare the places array we the filteredItems array.
Matching elements will be marked as found.
function allNotFound(filteredItems) {
angular.forEach($scope.places, function(item){
item.found = false;
function matchingItems(filteredItems) {
angular.forEach($scope.places, function(item){
var found = $filter('filter')(filteredItems, {name:});
if (found && found.length > 0) {
item.found = true;
} else {
item.found = false;
console.log('not found',;
and now we can integrate the filter bar this way:
$scope.showFilterBar = function () {
var filterBarInstance = ${
cancelText: "<i class='ion-ios-close-outline'></i>",
items: $scope.places,
update: function (filteredItems, filterText) {
if (!filterText) {
} else {
We can use the found attribute of the object to change the style of the element.
As always, a Plunker to show how it works.
Ionic uses Angular, and Angular include an atributte filter very useful. Look this: and the example there. Regards

Durandal routing issue

I have small SPA test app with Durandal.
Also I have very wired issue.
First, my folder structure is:
And when structure is like that all works just fine. But if I create structure like
I get error like localhost/App/_users/viewmodels/users.html 404 Not Found. And that happens after user.js are loaded by require.js.
my main.js looks like
paths: { "text": "../durandal/amd/text" }
define(function (require) {
var system = require('../durandal/system'),
app = require('../durandal/app'),
router = require('../durandal/plugins/router'),
viewLocator = require('../durandal/viewLocator'),
logger = require('../logger');
app.start().then(function () {
// route will use conventions for modules
// assuming viewmodels/views folder structure
// When finding a module, replace the viewmodel string
// with view to find it partner view.
// [viewmodel]s/sessions --> [view]s/sessions.html
// Otherwise you can pass paths for modules, views, partials
// Defaults to viewmodels/views/views.
// override bad route behavior to write to
// console log and show error toast
router.handleInvalidRoute = function (route, params) {
logger.logError('No route found', route, 'main', true);
I assume that this issue has something with router.useConvention(); or with viewLocator.useConvention(); but simple can't find any reason for that kind of behavior.
Any help, suggestion, idea how to solve this?
This is because of the behavior of the view locator, which by defaults looks for views/viewmodels in the first structure you describe.
You can easily change this behavior by supplying your own view locator function, or by calling useConvention() like this useConvention(modulesPath, viewsPath, areasPath)

can't tap on item in google autocomplete list on mobile

I'm making a mobile-app using Phonegap and HTML. Now I'm using the google maps/places autocomplete feature. The problem is: if I run it in my browser on my computer everything works fine and I choose a suggestion to use out of the autocomplete list - if I deploy it on my mobile I still get suggestions but I'm not able to tap one. It seems the "suggestion-overlay" is just ignored and I can tap on the page. Is there a possibility to put focus on the list of suggestions or something that way ?
Hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance.
There is indeed a conflict with FastClick and PAC. I found that I needed to add the needsclick class to both the pac-item and all its children.
'DOMNodeInserted': function() {
$('.pac-item, .pac-item span', this).addClass('needsclick');
}, '.pac-container');
There is currently a pull request on github, but this hasn't been merged yet.
However, you can simply use this patched version of fastclick.
The patch adds the excludeNode option which let's you exclude DOM nodes handled by fastclick via regex. This is how I used it to make google autocomplete work with fastclick:
FastClick.attach(document.body, {
excludeNode: '^pac-'
This reply may be too late. But might be helpful for others.
I had the same issue and after debugging for hours, I found out this issue was because of adding "FastClick" library. After removing this, it worked as usual.
So for having fastClick and google suggestions, I have added this code in geo autocomplete
jQuery.fn.addGeoComplete = function(e){
var input = this;
$(input).attr("autocomplete" , "off");
var id = input.attr("id");
$(input).on("keypress", function(e){
var input = this;
var defaultBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(
new google.maps.LatLng(37.2555, -121.9245),
new google.maps.LatLng(37.2555, -121.9245));
var options = {
bounds: defaultBounds,
mapkey: "xxx"
//Fix for fastclick issue
var g_autocomplete = $("body > .pac-container").filter(":visible");
g_autocomplete.bind('DOMNodeInserted DOMNodeRemoved', function(event) {
$(".pac-item", this).addClass("needsclick");
//End of fix
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(document.getElementById(id), options);
google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', function() {
//Handle place selection
if you are using Framework 7, it has a custom implementation of FastClicks. Instead of the needsclick class, F7 has no-fastclick. The function below is how it is implemented in F7:
function targetNeedsFastClick(el) {
var $el = $(el);
if (el.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input' && el.type === 'file') return false;
if ($el.hasClass('no-fastclick') || $el.parents('.no-fastclick').length > 0) return false;
return true;
So as suggested in other comments, you will only have to add the .no-fastclick class to .pac-item and in all its children
I was having the same problem,
I realized what the problem was that probably the focusout event of pac-container happens before the tap event of the pac-item (only in phonegap built-in browser).
The only way I could solve this, is to add padding-bottom to the input when it is focused and change the top attribute of the pac-container, so that the pac-container resides within the borders of the input.
Therefore when user clicks on item in list the focusout event is not fired.
It's dirty, but it works
worked perfectly for me :
'DOMNodeInserted': function() {
$('.pac-item, .pac-item span', this).addClass('needsclick');
}, '.pac-container');
Configuration: Cordova / iOS iphone 5