Error on scalatest compilation in IDEA - scala

I am trying to compile Scala project which contains scalatest.
It compiles normal on sbt
> compile
> test:compile
, but when I am trying to build it with IDEA, it shows the following error:
Error:(37, 11) exception during macro expansion:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.scalactic.BooleanMacro.genMacro(Lscala/reflect/api/Exprs$Expr;Ljava/lang/String;Lscala/reflect/api/Exprs$Expr;)Lscala/reflect/api/Exprs$Expr;
at org.scalatest.AssertionsMacro$.assert(AssertionsMacro.scala:34)
assert((ElementMeasures.baseElementDistance(mEl1, mEl2) - 0.33333).abs < 0.001)
for each assert function in test.
build.sbt file contains following:
name := "ner-scala"
organization := "ml.generall"
version := "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
scalaVersion := "2.11.8"
libraryDependencies += "org.scalactic" %% "scalactic" % "3.0.0"
libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.0.0" % "test"

It may also mean that you have more than one versions of scalatest registered. I came into pretty same issue with compile-time error on assert

I just ran into the same problem and as Alexey described (he should get the upvote but I don't have enough reputation to upvote or comment - thank you Alexey), it seems that it was caused by having multiple versions of scalatest in my project. I was able to fix it by specifically excluding the older scalatest from the library that brought it in (and please note that the exclude needs to specify the scala binary version, e.g. _2.11 etc.!):
...exclude("org.scalatest", "scalatest_2.11")
There had also been a warning in the event log before the exclude:
SBT project import
[warn] Multiple dependencies with the same organization/name but different versions.
[warn] * org.scalatest:scalatest_2.11:(2.2.6, 3.0.1)

I think your IntelliJ is missing library scalatest
from IntelliJ, go to Project Structure -> Project Settings -> Libraries -> + symbol -> From Maven -> search for scalatest with correct version
after adding scalatest library for IntelliJ, assert error should disappear.
This is not a guaranteed solution, just give it a try :)

Sometimes, there are incompatibilities between how Intellij IDEA compiles scala, versus how sbt compiles scala. What you can try doing, is ask the IDEA to compile as sbt, and not as it does by default.
In the sbt view, you need to open the sbt settings.
Once it is opened you can enable the "builds" checkbox. As stated by IDEA, it is recomended for sbt build configurations that cause compilation nin IDEA to not work correctly.

Excluding just the org.scalatest group did not work for me. On analyzing my mvn dependencies I had to exclude the scalactic_{scala_binary_version} group as well.

I had a similar issue, but excluding org.scalatest did not fix it.
Instead, I excluded org.scalactic:
"com.stackoverflow" %% "troublesome-library" % "1.0.420" excludeAll(ExclusionRule(organization="org.scalactic"))


Why can't sbt find my local package

Searching for examples of library use I downloaded this project.
I then moved the build.bat up one directory. Commented out the xsbt-gpg dependency lines in build.sbt and Build.scala since sbt couldn't find the package. I checked the source to comment out any imports of xsbt-gpg -- there were none. ( Surprise! )
So I managed to compile the project. I then did sbt publish-local. find ~/.ivy2 -iname "\*hooks*jar" generated the following line: .ivy2/local/cc.minotaur/hooks_2.9.0/0.1/jars/hooks_2.9.0.jar.
I then entered the examples folder and tried to build the example project.
The build.scala contains the line: libraryDependencies += "cc.minotaur" %% "hooks" % "0.1", and it generates the error: unresolved dependency: cc.minotaur#hooks_2.9.1;0.1: not found
So how do I fix this error? It seems to me it should be finding the hooks jar/
That could be that your resolver doesn't see local directory. Try something like:
val ivyLocal = Resolver.file("local", file(Path.userHome.absolutePath +
externalResolvers += ivyLocal
It seems to me that you are using two versions of Scala. The one you are generating the jar is 2.9.0 while the one you are using in the example project is 2.9.1. Probably will solve the problem setting the same version in both projects.
I think your scala version is 2.9.1, u have generated jar for version 2.9.0
change your library dependency as mentioned below.
libraryDependencies += "cc.minotaur" % "hooks_2.9.0" % "0.1"
or add scalaVersion := "2.9.0" in your build.sbt file

How to determine what dependency is forcing the scala version to be 2.10 when scalaVersion is set to 2.11.2

I'm trying to build the lunatech-securesocial-poc project with scala 2.11.2 and I've updated the scalaVersion in projects/Build.scala. This project depends on securesocial, which I've built locally with 2.11.2 and named its artifact version master-SNAPSHOT. I've updated the dependency in lunatech-securesocial-poc's project to use this version of securesocial. However, SBT (activator) fails to compile because it is looking for ws.securesocial#securesocial_2.10;master-SNAPSHOT. How can I find out what is causing the scala version to be overridden to 2.10. I want 2.11.2. Obviously some dependency is forcing it, but I want to find out what that dependency is, and fix it.
I've tried adding:
dependencyOverrides += "org.scala-lang" % "scala-library" % scalaVersion.value
evictionWarningOptions := EvictionWarningOptions.default.withWarnTransitiveEvictions(true).withWarnDirectEvictions(true).withWarnScalaVersionEviction(true)
ivyScala := ivyScala.value map { _.copy(overrideScalaVersion = true) }
to my Build.scala and I'm using SBT version 0.13.7. I don't see why it is so hard for SBT to just abort and tell me that XXX dependency is preventing it from using 2.11.2 and requiring 2.10.
You can use sbt-dependency-graph plugin to find this out.
The issue turned out to be in my Build.scala. While I defined scalaVersion and used it in setting up dependencies, I didn't pass a setting to the Project that overrode the default scalaVersion, which evidently is the one used to build activator (2.10.4). So despite thinking I had set scalaVersion, I hadn't really.

IntelliJ 13 with SBT plugin does not recognize Scalding dependency

I am trying to add Scalding 2.10 as a managed dependency via build.sbt like so:
name := "ss"
version := "1.0"
libraryDependencies += "com.twitter" % "scalding_2.10" % "0.10.0"
IntelliJ downloads the jar and adds it as an external library (see screen below) but fails to resolve the com.twitter namespace.
I have tried both invalidating the IntelliJ cache and generating project files via sbt gen-idea but neither solutions have worked. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
The scalding jar file scalding_2.10 has no code in it to compile against. Its just 300 Bytes in size.
The correct dependency I feel should be
libraryDependencies += "com.twitter" % "scalding-core_2.10" % "0.11.1"
As the comment suggest try rm-ing your ivy2 cache, and try sbt gen-idea. If that doesn't work, other things to check:
makes sure you have indeed got the scala plugin installed.
Most likely you're java SDK is not set or pointing somewhere wrong; right click the project dir, click "Open Module Settings", go to SDK and make sure the path is correctly set to the jdk otherwise syntax highlighting will likely break.
To test your deps have been properly pulled in from tinternet, try sbt compile; if it compiles then you should indeed have downloaded the dependency properly.

How to add native library dependencies to sbt project?

I want to add a Java library (e.g. Apache PDFBox) to an sbt project.
This is the Ivy dependency:
dependency org="org.apache.pdfbox" name="pdfbox" rev="1.8.2"
I first tried to do the following:
resolvers += "Sonatype releases" at ""
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.pdfbox" %% "pdfbox" % "1.8.2"
But it gives me errors of the type
[warn] ==== public: tried [warn]
So I understand that with this syntax I can just manage Scala dependencies. I am sure that there is a way to manage Java dependencies, but how?
I tried to search in Google for "sbt add java dependencies" but did not find (recognize) a relevant result.
You should replace the %% (double percent) with single one.
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.pdfbox" % "pdfbox" % "1.8.2"
The double-percent is a convenience operator, and causes adding the _+scalaVersion postfix inside the path, which is _2.10 in your case. Single percent should fix the problem.
Short answer:
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.pdfbox" % "pdfbox" % "1.8.2"
For java libraries, and
libraryDependencies += "org.scalactic" %% "scalactic" % "3.0.8"
For Scala libraries, where the difference is the double % for the scala library.
Long answer:
Scala is not backward compatible across major version, so a library compiled for scala 2.12.x cannot be used by a project written in scala 2.13.x.
So when writing a scala library, you will need to compile and publish it one time per scala major version you would like to support. When using a library in a project, you would then have to pick the version compiled for the same Scala major version as your are using. Doing this manually would be cumbersome, so SBT has built in support for it.
When publishing a library, you can add the crossScalaVersions key to SBT like
crossScalaVersions := Seq( "2.10.6", "2.11.11", "2.12.3" )
And then publish with sbt +publish. This will make SBT build and publish a version of the library for both scala 2.10.6, 2.11.11 and 2.12.3. Note that the minor number is in-relevant, when it comes to compatibility for libraries. The published libraries, will have the name suffixed with _2.10, _2.11 and _2.12 to show what scala version it is for. An alternative to using the SBT build in support for this, is to use the experimental plugin sbt-projectmatrix as this gives a lot more options, and often faster builds.
When using a library sbt can also help your use the one compiled for the correct scala version, and thats where %% comes into play. When specifying a library without the _ suffix in the name, but instead use %%, then sbt will fill in suffix matching the Scala major version your use, and thereby fetch the correct version of the library.

How to inform SBT to consume specific scala version for plugins?

Now I somehow messed up my global sbt plugins (~/.sbt/plugins/build.sbt). They were always fine retrieved against Scala 2.9.1 which seems to be the version that sbt 0.11.3 wants, and all the plugins (sbt-gpg-plugin, sbt-idea-plugin) are published against 2.9.1.
Now whatever I do, it persistently tries to find them built against 2.9.2:
[warn] Note: Some unresolved dependencies have extra attributes. Check that these dependencies exist with the requested attributes.
[warn] com.github.mpeltonen:sbt-idea:1.0.0 (sbtVersion=0.11.3, scalaVersion=2.9.2)
[warn] com.jsuereth:xsbt-gpg-plugin:0.6 (sbtVersion=0.11.3, scalaVersion=2.9.2)
[error] {file:...}default-50be6e/*:update: sbt.ResolveException: unresolved dependency: com.github.mpeltonen#sbt-idea;1.0.0: not found
How can I fix this, so sbt retrieves the plugins for Scala 2.9.1 as before?
For the sake of completeness, this is how my files look after the suggestions:
// project-home/build.sbt
scalaVersion := "2.9.2"
// project-home/project/plugins.sbt
resolvers += "less is" at ""
addSbtPlugin( "me.lessis" % "ls-sbt" % "0.1.1" )
scalaVersion := "2.9.1" // "just in case it helps"
// ~/.sbt/plugins/build.sbt
scalaVersion := "2.9.1" // "just in case it helps"
resolvers += "sbt-idea-repo" at ""
resolvers += Resolver.url( "sbt-plugin-releases", url( "" ))( Resolver.ivyStylePatterns )
addSbtPlugin("com.github.mpeltonen" % "sbt-idea" % "1.0.0")
addSbtPlugin( "com.jsuereth" % "xsbt-gpg-plugin" % "0.6" )
What is even worse, the problem persists, even after I removed ~/.sbt/plugins/build.sbt. So there are no more references (at least visible to me) to either sbt-idea or xsbt-gpg-plugin. Still I cannot compile any project any more, because sbt still tries to find those two plugins. Epic fail.
You could provide the Scala version of plugin. I didn't use ~/.sbt/, but I think it will works too.
The following is my project configuration using Scala 2.9.2 as my project compiler, and using some pluign that are compiled from Scala 2.9.1. Since Scala 2.9.1 and Scala 2.9.2 is binary compatible, I don't encounter any problem yet.
// MyProject/build.sbt
name := "MyProject"
version := "0.1"
scalaVersion := "2.9.2"
The following is plugin configuration:
// File: MyProject/project/plugins.sbt
import sbt._
import Defaults._
resolvers += Resolver.url("sbt-plugin-releases",
new URL(""))(
// Resolved to:
// http://..../com.untyped/sbt-less/scala_2.9.1/sbt_0.11.3/0.4/jars/sbt-less.jar
libraryDependencies += sbtPluginExtra(
m = "com.untyped" % "sbt-less" % "0.4", // Plugin module name and version
sbtV = "0.11.3", // SBT version
scalaV = "2.9.1" // Scala version compiled the plugin
Some references:
SBT plugins are versioned to the scala version they were built with.
You're not the only one... Again, no answers.
And another case study, this may have answers.
A possibly relevant quote? " Remember to also remove the project/plugins -directory, because if the directory exists, project/plugins.sbt is ignored."
You can also specify sbtVersion and scalaVersion. There is an overloaded addSbtPlugin -
addSbtPlugin(dependency : sbt.ModuleID, sbtVersion : scala.Predef.String, scalaVersion : scala.Predef.String)
Ok, I went back to all the events that could have led to this. And because I found that other projects were still building, I started to understand that the problem with this particular project B was that it appeared that the two plugins were regular dependencies of project A which it depended on.
When sbt refused to acknowledge the presence of the GPG plugin which I uncommented in ~/.sbt/plugins/build.sbt, I renamed that file to ~/.sbt/plugins.sbt, and back again. That intermediate position somehow meant that the plugins were not any more plugins (despite being added as addSbtPlugin), but regular dependencies for the project A when I publish that.
I tried to find that messed up A's ivy.xml across all known Ivy2 cache directories. It was not possible to find the one that sbt was obviously seeing.
Long story, short answer: I had to bump the version of A artificially to get rid of the wrong ivy.xml cached somewhere in a hidden place. That forced sbt to re-find A with the correct ivy.xml (not depending any more on the plugins).
Now I'm just worried what happens if I put my global plugin settings into place :-#
Future advise: Never ever ever put anything into ~/.sbt/plugins.sbt. If you need sbt to understand that you changed ~/.sbt/plugins/build.sbt: Reboot your computer. Don't touch any file.