Update application xdk - intel-xdk

I created an application with intel xdk
I changed the project location and generated a new apk
but the installation of the new apk didn't override the older apk with the same certificate
I also updated the version
I got an error: "Application not installed".
what can be the problem?


No account for team "null"

$ flutter ios build --release
It shows Multiple valid development certificates available (your choice will be saved):
However it doesn't show the distribution certificate selection, I use --release flag though,,,
I checked I have installed production certification correctly in local machine.
Is there any clue to solve??
Error output from Xcode build:
Xcode's output:
note: Using new build systemnote: Planning buildnote: Constructing build descriptionerror: No account for team "null". Add a new account in
the Accounts preference pane or verify that your accounts have valid credentials. (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')error: No
profiles for 'jp.****.****' were found: Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching
'jp.****.****'. (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')
#whitebear, I am assuming you're trying to release your iOS app? Have you tried manually configuring distribution certificate in Xcode? I usually do this,
Open Runner.xcworkspace in Xcode
Configure distribution certificate in Xcode
Run flutter build ios in Android Studio project terminal
Then archive in Xcode to publish
To address the 'No Account for team null' issue.
Make sure you have the DEVELOPMENT_TEAM build setting set properly.
I think this is because when you are sign your app with a a provisioning profile associated with a development team Xcode expects your DEVELOPMENT_TEAM building setting to match.
I typically let XCode Automatically Manage Signing when I'm building/running my app in development and thought that doing so would automatically set the DEVELOPMENT_TEAM build setting, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

You uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle that was signed in debug mode. You need to sign your APK or Android App Bundle in release mode

I have developed an app in Unity and it runs fine but now when I tried to upload it, it gives this error
You uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle that was signed in debug mode.
You need to sign your APK or Android App Bundle in release mode.
Check the Project settings > Player > Publishing settings > Alias should not be in Debug.

Ionic publishing in Xcode 10

I am a app developer using Ionic to create my first project.
Currently, I need to use:
ionic cordova run ios -- --buildFlag="-UseModernBuildSystem=0"
and not:
ionic cordova build ios
because basic ionic doesn't work with Xcode.
My Question is: Can I still publish my app to the app store even though I must use the special "--buildFlag="-UseModernBuildSystem=0" to run my code?
Update :
Cordova ios 5.0.0 has now been released and with it, this issue has been resolved. The below workaround can now be skipped.
Original Answer:
You can publish it to the App Store. However, it will be a debug build NOT a production build.
I would recommend downgrading xcode to version 9.x and then publishing the app until the next version of cordova ios is released.
Steps to downgrade xcode :
Download an older version of xcode from the Developer site
Unzip the content of the download
Replace the xcode folder under Applications directory with the downloaded folder.
Cordova announcement: https://github.com/apache/cordova-ios/issues/407
Xcode/File/Workplace Settings.../Legacy Build System. Not New Build System (Default)

Why does Intel XDK generate an '.app' file?

I use Intel XDK to build an iOS Legacy App.
But XDK generates a file with an '.app' extension and not an '.ipa' extension.
Where is the problem?
Can you help me?
The legacy build system generates that .APP file. The Cordova build system generates an .IPA file. Please use the Cordova build system, the legacy build system has been deprecated and will be retired in the future.

Native Force.com Rest App Template is not showing in New Project Wizard

I followed this link http://wiki.developerforce.com/page/Getting_Started_with_the_Mobile_SDK_for_iOS#Working_with_the_SDK
to as to integrate my iOS App with the SalesForce. Now while creating new project I can't se the Native Force.com Rest App Template in New Project Wizard, instead only Hybrid Force.com App template is been shown.
Help Appreciated.
I recently solved this problem by Updating to OS X 10.7.3 and doing a fresh install of XCode 4.3.1, then re-installing SalesForce. After the re-install, the REST template was right where it belonged!
Make sure you set the XCode directory so that SF knows where to put the files, otherwise the install will hang!
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
I hope you get it solved!
Salesforce Mobile SDK for iOS was updated to version 1.1 this past week. Among the fixes were updated instructions for installing the SDK on Xcode 4.3. The old install script doesn't work for the latest version of Xcode so getting the latest source code from Github might solve your problem.