I'm trying to use the DeleteAgentUser of Homegraph to unlink a user with Google. I already implemented the ReportState and the correct uri for this is: https://homegraph.googleapis.com/v1/devices:reportStateAndNotification. So I thought the DeleteAgentUser has to be: https://homegraph.googleapis.com/v1/devices:deleteAgentUser but I'm getting a '404 Not Found' Error.
I tried it with:
everything with post and delete request and always getting the error.
What is the correct Homegraph uri to delete a user from Google?
Looking at the RPC defined in the public protobuf, it seems that the implementation is defined as:
rpc DeleteAgentUser(DeleteAgentUserRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (google.api.http) = {
delete: "/v1/{agent_user_id=agentUsers/**}"
So, it seems like you'd send a DELETE request to https://homegraph.googleapis.com/v1/{agent_user_id} or maybe https://homegraph.googleapis.com/v1/agentUsers/{agent_user_id} with your agent user id, and signed with your authorization token similar to Report state.
My request goes like this... https://......./results/#codeResults
When i hit this get request with postman, i get the desired output. (Please note that #codeResults is used as it is in the request and is not to be replaced by any value)
But when I try to hit this using exchange method of RestTemplate it says -
Status Code : 400
message: invalid resultId: #codeResults
As an alternative approach, I tried to pass #codeResults as a path param using URIComponentBuilder as well but still I am getting the same issue.
Please provide any pointers on this.
before posting I make sure to check other similar threads.
but none has the same problem as mine.
the closest two would be:
Google Analytics PHP API "(403) Insufficient Permission"
and Google Analytics API - inconsistent error "insufficientPermissions' (403)
but there is no specific answer/solution to that thread.
and found this Python Google Analytics Management API throws error 403 Forbidden but I dont really know/understand if this is related to my issue..perhaps someone can enlighten me?
I have 2 clients, A & B. Both claimed has granted me the access to Read & Analyse
I succeed extracting data from A, but failed on B.
I believe, I have both GA Profile ID correct and no coding error (since A succeed).
To confirm that I dont use wrong GA profile ID, GA Profile ID would be 9876543 from the example below
The error code is 403, insufficient permission for this profile.
GA error: 403 Forbidden {"error":{"errors":[{"domain":"global","reason":"insufficientPermissions","message":"User does not have sufficient permissions for this profile."}],"code":403,"message":"User does not have sufficient permissions for this profile."}} at ./ga_pp_yest.pl line 90.
Then, I tried to give access to the same account on my own website (for testing purpose).
I go to Property level and give permission Read & Analyse. (even tried changing to Account Level with Edit permission)
I still get the same error.
some of my code:
my $analytics = Net::Google::Analytics->new;
# Authenticate
my $oauth = Net::Google::Analytics::OAuth2->new(
client_id => $client_id,
client_secret => $client_secret,
my $token = $oauth->refresh_access_token($refresh_token);
$req = $analytics->new_request(
start_date => "$startDate",
end_date => "$startDate",
ids => "ga:$profile_id",
dimensions => "ga:pagePath,ga:date,ga:hour,ga:channelGrouping,ga:deviceCategory,ga:region,ga:city",
metrics => "ga:entrances",
max_results => "1000",
$res = $analytics->retrieve($req);
die( "GA error: " . $res->error_message ) if !$res->is_success;
I checked the token, it gave me 1 hour of access. using this link https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/tokeninfo?access_token=accessToken
any help is greatly appreciated.
thank you very much
I am currently testing credit card payments using the PayPal payments pro Rest API.
I keep getting the following error:
Exception in HttpConnection Execute: Invalid HTTP response The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. --->
I created and activated my PayPal test account and as following:
Credit card
Credit card number:
ccnumber here
Credit card type:
Expiration date:
When I enter the above information in my payment form and submit I keep getting the 400 bad request error.
I have gotton this to work before with the PayPAl joe shopper account but lost the test cc number.
I am 100% sure I have authenticated with the oauth2 credentials
What is the likely cause of this error?:
I am entering a random payer first name and last name .
Does the name have to exsist?
What could be causing the error
If anything goes wrong in the data given, paypal api will return a 400 - Bad request error.
When I got the error(PHP SDK), I caught the exception and $ex->getData() returned a json which contains the details about the bad request, in my case the currency code I given was wrong.
try {
} catch (PayPal\Exception\PPConnectionException $ex) {
Like others here have said, there are several things that can cause the (HTTP 400 - Bad Request).
In my case it was due to using the same invoice number. For temporary testing I just used the ShoppingCartID that I generated with a guid. You could also use a Random number generator as well. Ultimately you will need to generate an invoice number to the clients specifications.
-Good luck
I just had the same problem (HTTP 400 - Bad Request). The cause is a REST API request with "errors". In my case I had two causes:
I passed amount details to an Amount object but the sum of subtotal, shipping an tax was not equal to the amount total.
I passed amount currency values including a fracture, but passed not exactly two decimals but only one. Obviously the REST API is a bit touchy and accepts only either no or two decimals.
I passed an item_list in the Transaction object but the sum of the prices in the Item object was not equal to the subtotal given in the amount details.
I don't know a way of finding the actual cause of the error (if there is one).
In your case it could be the name of the payer that you add. Try without.
I just tried out: It is indeed the payer info. I passed a payer_info with first and lastname and got HTTP 400 (without everything worked). I assume that payer_info must not be set by us but is set by PayPal when returning a Payment object.
Payer payer = new Payer { payment_method = "paypal", payer_info = new PayerInfo {
first_name = "Zaphod", last_name = "Beeblebrox"} }; // => HTTP 400 - Bad Request
firstly find out what exactly what Your error is
payment = PayPal::SDK::REST::DataTypes::Payment.new(...)
# got Response[400]: Bad Request here
# got {"name"=>"VALIDATION_ERROR", "details"=>[{"field"=>"transactions", "issue"=>"
then find out what Your issue here to get more info
I had the same issue. In my case it was Credit Card issue which might be over used. So I have taken new Credit card Number from this site Testing Credit card and replaced with the old one.
Here is Credit Card Information that I used
credit_card = new CreditCard()
billing_address = new Address()
city = "Johnstown",
country_code = "US",
line1 = "52 N Main ST",
postal_code = "43210",
state = "OH"
cvv2 = "874",
expire_month = 11,
expire_year = 2018,
first_name = "Joe",
last_name = "Shopper",
number = "4024007185826731", //New Credit card Number, Only Card type should match other details does not matter
type = "visa"
Note: All the Credit Card mentioned in PayPal site are not working, giving same issue for me. If it working for you then it's good otherwise use new testing Credit Card Number. Hope this will help someone.
Thank you! Enjoy Coding!
I too got struck with this issue, there might be many other possible root cause for this failure but then in my case all my passing argument is correct, but then it failed in sandbox environment, I just changed Payment option from PayPal Balance to Visa then it started working.
I recently had a 400 bad request error as well. In my case, I was processing a refund using RefundRequest, and it appears that PayPal recently changed the constraints on the "reason" field (although it isn't documented that I can find) so my lengthy descriptions of what was being returned were no longer acceptable. I found the error only because I saw another field where PayPal was now requiring that it be only single-byte alphanumeric characters. What actually helped though, was shortening the data I was putting through as a reason to simply "Returned items".
Obviously this is an old thread, and I'm sure the original problem was solved long ago, but if using some of the above methods to determine more information about an error don't yield results I would suggest submitting a request with the bare minimum of information until you can get it to go through. Then, start adding additional fields/information back to see if you can identify which field contains the information causing the bad request. That would have worked for my issue, at least.
Understand your errors
PayPal returns detailed data on every exception (except 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), explaining what was the exact error you are seeing. You can retrieve that as follows:
Update your exception handling to catch PayPalConnectionException and print $ex->getData() as shown below:
try {
} catch (PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException $ex) {
echo $ex->getCode(); // Prints the Error Code
echo $ex->getData(); // Prints the detailed error message
} catch (Exception $ex) {
It is due to the wrong currency or amount you have given.
I faced the issue in React JS
I was doing this. in the createOrder method.
purchase_units: [{
amount: {
currency_code: 'PHP',
value: totalAmount
that was the issue. If i gave any currency other than USD i will get the 400 Error. So i removed the currency_code from here
And I moved the currency declaration into my component declaration.
like this.
clientId: " Your_ID " ,
currency: "PHP"
Here you can give any currency you want. This solves my 400 Error
If you use Paypal Sandbox for testing Driver and on first try with buggy code it shows the client a 400 Bad request error.
Reason:- Paypal sent JWT auth and it was stored in the client's local storage.
Suggestion:- Try to clear the client's local storage cache (You only need to clear the Paypal Token).
This works for me, I hope it works for you :)
I have developed a mobile application which required to integrate with paypal, my back end server is RESTfull java server. So in order to integrate with paypal, i obtain "deviceReferenceTokenWithAppId" from client end calls a servlet at back end server along with other details (cartId..etc), When the request comes to servlet i do some back end operations and calls paypal to get the specific "SetExpressCheckout" token required for mobile payment.
StringBuilder postData = new StringBuilder();
byte[] postDataArr = postData.toString().getBytes(UTF-8);
// Hit the the URL.
URL url = new URL("https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp");
HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(new CustomizedHostnameVerifier());
HttpsURLConnection conn = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8");
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", Integer.toString(postDataArr.length));
DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream( conn.getOutputStream());
output.write( postDataArr );
output.close ();
rc = conn.getResponseCode();
My problem is if i call the paypal nvp, i dont get a valid token as the response, instead i get following error,
Key - TIMESTAMP - value : 2012-06-11T18:16:02Z
Key - CORRELATIONID - value : 207108cab758a
Key - ACK - value : Failure
Key - VERSION - value : 88
Key - BUILD - value : 2975009
Key - L_ERRORCODE0 - value : 10002
Key - L_SHORTMESSAGE0 - value : Security error
Key - L_LONGMESSAGE0 - value : Security header is not valid
Key - L_SEVERITYCODE0 - value : Error
Can somebody tell me why do i get this error? have i missed anything here?
If i can successfully get the TOKEN, next i have to redirect my servlet response to following Url to get mobile checkout view to mobile application.
https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout-mobile&drt="+<deviceReferenceTokenWithAppId>+"&token="+<TOKEN from payal nvp>
Appreciate if someone can guide me to a correct path if i have done a mistake here..
It means your API credentials are incorrect for the endpoint you're accessing.
Try replacing "PASSWORD" by "PWD"; authentication is done with a 'USER', 'PWD' and 'SIGNATURE' with PayPal.