How can I remove deleted files from emacs-projectile's cache if `projectile-invalidate-cache` doesn't do the trick? - emacs

Pretty much what the title says. For whatever reason projectile-invalidate-cache does not remove dead files from projectile's cache, or at least not from the results it presents me. I am using Spacemacs, an extension of Emacs, but I believe this issue is specific to projectile.
Restarting the editor does not fix the issue.

One thing to try would be to make sure you are running projectile-invalidate-cache from the project you want to clear out files for (i.e., from a buffer that is visiting a file in that project. From the docs for projectile-invalidate-cache:
Remove the current project's files from `projectile-projects-cache'.
Note it is supposed to work only for the "current project".
However, I have also not had much luck with this command (potentially this is me not using the command correctly). What I often end up doing is deleting the actual cache file (in my case this is ~/.emacs.d/projectile.cache. I have not noticed any negative effects of this, and your cache will be rebuilt without the deleted files next time you use projectile.

If your project is a git project, try to commit your change. It works for me.

Actually the correct path of projectile.cache file to be removed is: ~/.emacs.d/.cache/projectile.cache

I installed through MELPA, and deleting ~/.emacs.d/projectile-bookmarks.eld did the trick for me.


Find project files in RubyMine not working

Every time I look for a file using the files finder console the file does not show up as a result of the search despite its existence in the project.
At certain point this feature was working but I may have change some configuration in Rubymine involuntary. Any help it's welcome!
That's a known issue already fixed:
Builds with the fix will be added to that issue so you can follow it.
As a workaround, please try invoking File - Invalidate Caches (still the issue might come back).

SASS Not Reloading with Play 2.0

When I make a change to a SASS file Chrome and Safari will reload with the changes after a refresh.
Suddenly they do not. I reverted to a version I know was working and I still have the same issue.
If I clear the browser cache then the changes load.
Therefore Play seems to be doing its job, but how strange that this is not isolated to a single browser.
I am thinking something could be wrong with the ETags or 304's.
Anyone have any idea?
I am using sbt-sass.
Turns out this was the effect of a %20, or space, in the project's folder name.
Removing the space fixed the issue.
A reversion could not fix it since the folder in question was just one step outside of the version control.
If you are having the same problem I would recommend removing spaces in project directory names.

Why would IntelliJ IDEA not be able to index files for a GitHub commit?

The title pretty much says it all, but to make things worse, new files aren't tracked as well. I figured that this is likely a rare exception, but it would be good to know what is causing the issue - in case a large project gets bugged by it. This question might help anyone who gets in this mess, so please post your suggestions.
Here is a screenshot of the situation:
Here is the screenshot I posted of the Settings... > Version Control > Ignored Files page: It shows what is wrong on the 3rd line.
If you still can't index:
It might be because after removing the ignoring of your files, that the VCS hasn't been brought up to speed of the fact. Go to VCS > Show Changes View and then hit CTRL+F5 or click the Refresh Icon. Now you have Unversioned Files and you're ready to add files to the index.
I have solved the issue with a roundabout way. What I did was: I didn't include the .classpath file that Eclipse creates. IntellIJ asked if I wanted to open .project, I canceled that and just opened the project regularly, that solved it for me. It might have quietly induced the ignore entry from the screenshot.
The file is ignored. You have added your entire project directory to "Ignored files" in Settings | Version Control | Ignored Files, which leads to IntelliJ IDEA not showing any files as unversioned, and not allowing you to add them to Git.
You need to remove the project directory from the Ignored Files list.

Eclipse pydev: automatically save file when running program

It used to be that when I made changes to my .py file in Eclipse, then the changes would be automatically saved when I then ran the program in debug mode. I liked this since it meant that what it was debugging was the same as what I was looking at. Now it no longer does that, which means that's it's actually running an old version, unless I manually save the file first. The first time I ran the program, Eclipse asked me whether I always wanted any changes to be saved when the program was run, and I answered yes. I don't know why it doesn't do it anymore or how to get it back.
This seems to have happened after I started using Mercurial TortoiseHg with BitBucket. As part of that, I did move some files around, but everything is back and named the same as before.
Of course, I can just do change, save, run, but I'd rather not have to remember the extra save step.
Edit: Actually it's a bigger problem. It also shifts my breakpoints. In regular edit mode, I 1) set a break point and Save. 2) Add a new line above the breakpoint. Everything looks fine. 3) Save. Now the first breakpoint shifts position.
From your description, it seems that you're always opening the file as an external file and not a file within your workspace (the fact that breakpoints don't get updated is the major clue here).
You can check if this is what happening from the title that's shown in Eclipse (if it's a full filesystem path and not relative path considering your workspace location, this is what's probably happening).
How are you opening the file you're running? Are you opening it from the PyDev package explorer or dragging from the filesystem? (also, it'd be interesting knowing which eclipse/pydev/tortoise versions are you using)
Look at your Preferences -> Run/Debug -> Launching, you probably have "Never" set for Save Required Dirty Editors before launching.

Eclipse Subversive SVN client not updating local copies with new files

When I update my local working copy of an SVN repository in Eclipse using the Subversive plugin it isnt bringing any new files which have been added to the SVN repository. It thinks that the local working copy is up to date and if I ask Eclipse to update it it just says no further changes.
Anyone got any ideas why this is happening?
I just discovered this nasty problem too. It might be related to this bug report.
Deleting the entire tree worked for me too, but that hardly seems like a satisfactory solution. What scares me more is wondering how I will notice that a certain file didn't get updated, if this happens again.
Thanks to the above bug report, this worked for me (eclipse 3.7):
Team/Update to Version...
v Update to HEAD revision (=default)
Depth: Full recursive (default is Working copy)
v Change working copy to specified depth (default is un-checked)
O Ignore externals (=default)
v Allow unversioned obstructs (=default)
I do not know if that fixes the problem permanently. At least it seems a faster solution rather than full checkout.
Sorry I don't have a solution to this problem, but I have it as well, and I don't have enough cred to comment.
Here is a thread describing the same issue:
A "workaround" I found to be successful is deleting the relevant tree (of course, backing it up first) and performing an "update". I am prompted to recreate missing files, which bring the un-added files from the repo as well. Obviously this is a terrible solution, but it does work.
Another interesting effect to note is that it is one-sided. The other machine on the repo is perfectly fine with updating new files.
I have noticed Subversive to be a bit problematic. While this isn't a direct solution to your problem, may I recommend using TortoiseSVN (assuming you're in Windows). It works excellently, has more power than Subversive, and is integrated with your shell making it a smooth transition.