Gotomeeting streaming protocol - streaming

I am building a live-streaming solution for my company. I am trying using HLS but I found there is lots of delay PLUS buffering.
I have found that when my clients were using gotowebinar then there was no delay as well as less or no buffering.
I heard that gotowebinar is RTMP if it is so then it needs flash then how they are working on IOS devices ?
Can anyone help me to understand how gotowebinar is managing so efficiently ?


Stream a live video call between 2 people to thousands of people

How can i stream a live video call between 2 people, to thousands of people. I prefer to use webRTC but I can't find the answer to my question. The viewers should be able to watch the stream in a web app.
Streaming to thousands of people is not trivial! It's not as hard as it used to be 10 years ago but is still pretty hard.
WebRTC supports direct browser to browser (peer to peer) connections. This means that WebRTC is primarily targeted at 1:1 conversation. If you want the same conversation (video or audio) to be shared among more than 2 people you have the following options:
Connect any user to any other user. This creates a fully connected graph between the viewers. This is easy to do because all you need is webrtc. No special hardware/software. However it is also very inefficient in thems of trafic and distribution and doesn't scale boyound 5-6 people.
Use A WebRTC Video relay like Jitsi VideoBridge. According to the official performance claims VideoBridge can scale to 500-1000 people given fast and wide enough internet connection.
Direct the Webrtc stream between the two participants to a WebRTC enabled streaming server. If needed, transcode the input stream to a suitalbe codex - x264/VP8/VP9. Convert the input stream to a sutable protocl - RTMP/HLS/DASH. Distribute the content using the buildin functionality of the media server or by the use of a CDN. Play the video on the client side with a player - Flowplayer/JwPlayer/ViblastPlayer/VideoJs/your own Custome Player or a combination of the above. This is the hardest solution but it is also the best one in terams of scalability and platform reach. Such a solution can scale easily to thousands of people and reach all major browsers and mobile platforms.
I guess the third alternative is the one for you. You can read more about the whole capturing/publishing/transcoding/converting business in BlookGeek's greate blog post.
A webrtc based peer2peer connection is not the choice for one-to-n streaming. As there is no broadcast so far in webrtc you should consider another technique.

Does WebRTC chew up lots of bandwidth?

I am considering implementing Freshly Tilled Soil's jq webrtc plugin for a site I am building. Ive tested it and it works quite nicely... my only worry and question is that this will eat up all my clients bandwidth.
So compared to average site visits, does anyone know how webrtc compares?
I KNOW the standard is supposed to use as little bandwidth as possible, but I was hoping to hear from some developers who have used it on their sites.
WebRTC by itself is a peer-to-peer as mentioned by Hartley and with the use of javascript libraries such as peerJS, typically developers do not need a server.
However the client themselves will consume high bandwidth if you are having multiple video chat. For example in a 5 way video chat, each client would have to upload 4 stream to the other peers and download 4 stream from the other peers.

Live Video Chat for iPhone and HTTP Live Streaming

So generally, I want to make an app which has video chat functionality for iPhone. But after many searches, I am still not able to find any successful results. Is there any public or even for that matter, private API available for doing this on iPhone??? If you have an YES answer, please help me.
Basically, what I want is to read the streams of the video on both the devices connected for chatting. Thanks a lot in advance and please help me if you can.
p.s - I have already checked iDoubs but it failed and always shows some unknown problem and for that reason, doesn't allow me to connect to anyone.
ALSO : The suggested method I have found is via HTTP Live Streaming. But, in that too, I have multiple doubts.
1.) I need to find how do I upload my video from iPhone to the HTTP server from where I would be broadcasting?
2.) Can you please post something related to setting up the server? How do I feed the video to the FFMPEG Server?
Mainly, I need to find the upload method. I am right now simply sending hex-code in the form of NSDATA to the server and I am stuck there. The main problem is, It is live. How do I handle that?
It would be best, if you could help me make the iDoubs work properly.
Thank you so much for any kind of support!
have a look on this how to implement video chat in iphone But before starting you must have a IMS server up & running.
here is the live video chat framework what you are looking for. Its easy and simple to implement for face to face video chat. I have already tried this. Its working very fine. Great thing about this framework is multiple platform support.
Tokbox :
Sample Code:
Here is the article explaining opentok using parse.
HTTP live streaming is primarily an approach for adaptive streaming from server-to-client. For client-to-server rather go for traditional streaming. There exists an open library for streaming, see this question.
Whilst it is possible to facetime to do two-way chat, it is not certain that you will be able to using public iOS APIs. That said, I have implemented one-way live streaming for iPhone and the difficult part was not the core streaming itself, but encoding of the payload. You will be able to do H264 in hardware and AAC / iLBC in software.
How you want to feed this to the FFMPEG depends on your transport, possibly changing from 'file' H264 frames to 'streaming' H264. Check out the H264 frame types if you implement frame dropping; reconfiguring the H264 encoder on-the-fly is not possible to my knowledge, but restarting with fresh parameters typically does not take more than a second or so.
Did you attempt to play back a live resource while capturing? That is a good starting point. If you come across an open API for H264 encoding, please post it here ;-)

Multi bitrate live HLS with FFmpeg on Windows

I am trying to encode a live stream into Apple HLS for iPhone on windows. I was looking at different options and wowza can do it, but doesn't support CDN distribution of HLS as far as I can see. Plus it costs a lot of money.
What I did find was this site:
I can now set up a single bitrate stream easily, but my goal is an adapive multi-bitrate live stream. Is it possible? For VOD content it can easily be accomplished with creating the different qualities then linking to them in a new m3u8, but how would this be done in live?
I can of course set up three quality live streams and link to them in an m3u8, but how will I get them GOP-aligned in this case?
My initial thought was to have one ffmpeg instance create all qualities and re-stream those outputs to new ffmpeg-instances that just remux and pipe to the segmenter. But I would need some way of streaming locally between instances. Can that be done?
If anyone has a nice solution to this, or can link to other software capable of live HLS on windows, I would appreciate any input.
Have a great day!
Just to let people know, I ended up using on a linux virtualbox and it works great. I had trouble compiling it, but there were a couple of forks that fixed those problems.

Flash Playback and HTTP Live Streaming

I'm looking for a solution to provide streaming video to a variety of clients. I have iPhone clients as well as Flash-based clients. I'd like to not have to provide two separate mechanisms for delivering streaming content. Apple has decreed that HTTP Live Streaming is the way to provide streaming video to the iPhone (though does carve out an exception for small progressive downloads).
My question: Are there examples of Flash implementations consuming HTTP Live Streaming content? What challenges might be faced if I were to try and implement such a player? Are there other technologies I should consider?
Not yet. Maybe never. But...
What you could do is stream from a Wowza Media Server, which will allow you to publish one stream that can be consumed by various clients, including both Apple client devices and Flash browser clients.