cakephp 3.0 theme plugin - plugins

I am following this tutorial -
I setup everything as per instructions using the bake tool, except for the following:
I added the above line to beforeRender method in the main application's AppController.php
When I access localhost/app/posts. I see the following:
PostsController could not be found.
I created the PostsController and still see the issue. I dont think its a permissions issue cause the main app loads fine. I have looked at several questions on SO about this issue but none of the answers fixed my code.
Any suggestions?


TYPO3 Hook not found

I am currently trying to write a Hook to add extra fields to a Flexform. Therefore I followed this tutorial:
But when I go to a page in the backend that contains an options from a Flexform I get the following Error:
Class 'ID\SearchBarAdditional\Hooks\FlexFormHook' not found.
I register the Hook in the ext_localconf like this:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS'][\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Configuration\FlexForm\FlexFormTools::class]['flexParsing'][] = \ID\SearchBarAdditional\Hooks\FlexFormHook::class;
and my Hook-file is here: typo3conf/ext/search_bar_additional/Classes/Hooks
and is initialized that way:
namespace ID\SearchBarAdditional\Hooks;
class FlexFormHook { /* ... */
So in my opinion everything is in the right place and should work, but I do still get the error that TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance("ID\SearchBarAdditional\Hooks\FlexFormHook") fails.
Do you guys have any ideas, what could be wrong? Do I have to register the Hook in \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::configurePlugin( or something similar (as the posted code is really the only thing I've done)?
This is a typical class loading error. Check that you added your PHP namespaces to composer autoloading and/or ext_emconf.php and make sure your filenames are correctly named according to PSR-4. If in doubt you can inspect the class loading map files generated by composer in vendor/composer (if you use composer for class loading, which you definitely should do).
I found the mistake: My Hook does indeed not get loaded. I tried to 'include' it in the ext_localconf.php and it is working now.
But as this is of course an extremely ugly solution I posted a second question, how to load a hook here: Typo3 8.X - autoload Hook
Thank you for your help!!!

Issues in using facebook api for ios sdk

I have downloaded the source project from
I came across many issues over there, then I changed the source header path then changed the compiler version in the project settings, then all those were solved, now there is no errors, it runs, when I click FBLoginButton ,Facebook Login Dialog appeared but it looks empty,
I dont know why, The app key and app secret key were placed correctly.
I tried with device,if there would probm with simulator, still looks same.
what Im doing wrong, I had searched a lot, not found any solution, any ideas pls tell me
I have the same problem.
I have opened a bug here :
You can also vote for it, so that FB may take a look at it. Let's hope they solve it.
We had two apps in the app store which used this old api of facebook for login and they also g=have stopped working... So most probably Facebook has stopped support for this but I couldn't fond anything official. I guess we will have to incorporate the new Api.. :/ If I find something I will post here...

unable to create new static Library out of existing source code

I'v done quite a bit of R&D on creating static libraries in iOS and came across some well written blogs. I followed this link and also this to create a static library. I have follwed the steps specified in those blogs i.e, i added all the implementation files(.m) to the static library and deleted them from the main target etc... But, i am getting around 700 erros (which is quite bizarre) when i try to build the code. i am posting a screenshot of my errors here..
Is there anything that i am missing here or doing wrong?
Please check the imported Header files.
The .m files, which have these errors, may have the same imported files.
Maybe a semi-comma or parentheses is missing or used incorrectly.

Working with Facebook Connect

I have two files with identical code (it is the code they mention here: I have one of these files here: and another one of these files here: I have the main URL set to and the Connect URL set to
For the life of me, I cannot figure out why the version accessed from the subdomain doesn't work. I receive a loading icon and that is it - afterwards it disappears.
Can anyone suggest what I may be doing wrong?
You should type in instead of (if it's not already this way)

symfony/zend integration - blank screen

I need to use ZendAMF on a symfony project and I'm currently working on integrating the two.
I have a frontend app with two modules, one of which is 'gateway' - the AMF gateway. In my frontend app config, I have the following in the configure function:
// load symfony autoloading first
// Integrate Zend Framework
require_once('[MY PATH TO ZEND]\Loader.php');
spl_autoload_register(array('Zend_Loader', 'autoload'));
The executeIndex function my the gateway actions.class.php looks like this
// No Layout
// Set MIME Type
$this->getResponse()->setContentType('application/x-amf; charset='.sfConfig::get('sf_charset'));
// Disable cause this is a non-html page
sfConfig::set('sf_web_debug', false);
// Create AMF Server
$server = new Zend_Amf_Server();
echo $server->handle();
return sfView::NONE;
Now when I try to visit the url for the gateway module, or even the other module which was working perfectly fine until this attempt, I only see a blank screen, with not even the symfony dev bar loaded. Oddly enough, my symfony logs are not being updated as well, which suggests that Synfony is not even being 'reached'.
So presumably the error has something to do with Zend, but I have no idea how to figure out what the error could be. One thing I do know for sure is that this is not a file path error, because if I change the path in the following line (a part of frontendConfiguration as shown above), I get a Zend_Amf_Server not found error. So the path must be correct. Also if I comment out this very same line, the second module resumes to normality, and my gateway broadcasts a blank x-amf stream.
spl_autoload_register(array('Zend_Loader', 'autoload'));
Does anyone have any tips on how I could attach this problem?
P.S. I'm currently running an older version of Zend, which is why I am using Zend_Loader instead of Zend_autoLoader (I think). But I've tried switching to the new lib, but the error still remains. So it's not a version problem as well.
got it...
I was not using
while loading Zend. It's still odd that it would give such a cryptic error, but this was the missing piece indeed.