Jenkins Powershell Output - powershell

I would like to capture the output of some variables to be used elsewhere in the job using Jenkins Powershell plugin.
Is this possible?
My goal is to build the latest tag somehow and the powershell script was meant to achieve that, outputing to a text file would not help and environment variables can't be used because the process is seemingly forked unfortunately

Besides EnvInject the another common approach for sharing data between build steps is to store results in files located at job workspace.
The idea is to skip using environment variables altogether and just write/read files.

It seems that the only solution is to combine with EnvInject plugin. You can create a text file with key value pairs from powershell then export them into the build using the EnvInject plugin.

You should make the workspace persistant for this job , then you can save the data you need to file. Other jobs can then access this persistant workspace or use it as their own as long as they are on the same node.
Another option would be to use jenkins built in artifact retention, at the end of the jobs configure page there will be an option to retain files specified by a match (e.g *.xml or last_build_number). These are then given a specific address that can be used by other jobs regardless of which node they are on , the address can be on the master or the node IIRC.

For the simple case of wanting to read a single object from Powershell you can convert it to a JSON string in Powershell and then convert it back in Groovy. Here's an example:
def pathsJSON = powershell(returnStdout: true, script: "ConvertTo-Json ((Get-ChildItem -Path *.txt) | select -Property Name)");
def paths = [];
if(pathsJSON != '') {
paths = readJSON text: pathsJSON


Tagging Azure Resources from .csv

Is there an easy way to read a .csv in a VSTS pipeline from a PowerShell script?
I have a script that can tag Azure Resources and it gets the key-value pairs from a .csv file. It works a charm when running it locally and running:
$csv = Import-Csv "d:\tagging\tags.csv"
But I'm struggling to find a way to reference the .csv in VSTS (Devops Services). I've put the .csv with the script in the same repo/folder, and I've created an Azure PowerShell script task.
I need to know what the Import-Csv should look like if it's in VSTS. Do I need to add additional steps so that the agent downloads the .csv when running the script?
This is the current error:
The hosted agent can't find the file and reports "Could not find file 'D:\a_tasks\AzurePowerShell_72s1a1931b-effb-4d2e-8fd8-f8472a07cb62\3.1.6\tags.csv'.
Let's say you put the file in your repo in the location /AwesomeCSV/MyCSV.csv. Your CSV's location, from a build perspective, would be $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/AwesomeCSV/MyCSV.csv.
So basically, pass in $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/AwesomeCSV/MyCSV.csv to the script as an argument, or reference it as an environment variable in your script as $env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY.

Jenkins Pipeline - Create file in workspace (Windows Slave)

For a number of reasons, it would be really useful if I could create a file from a Jenkins pipeline and put it in my workspace. If I can do this, I could avoid pulling in some repositories where I'm currently pulling them in for just one or two files, keep those files in a maintainable place, and I could also use this to create temporary powershell scripts, working around a limitation of the solution described in
This might be possible through a Pipeline utility, although doesn't list any such utility; or it might be possible using a batch script - as long as that can be passed in as a string
You can do something like that:
node (''){
bat """
echo "something" > file.txt
String out = readFile(file.txt).trim()
print out // prints variable out groovy style
out.useFunction() // allows running functions loaded from the file
bat "type %out%" // batch closure can access the variable

What are my PowerShell options for determining a path that changes with every build (TeamCity)?

I'm on a project that uses TeamCity for builds.
I have a VM, and have written a PowerShell script that backs up a few files, opens a ZIP artifact that I manually download from TeamCity, and then copies it to my VM.
I'd like to enhance my script by having it retrieve the ZIP artifact (which always has the same name).
The problem is that the download path contains the build number which is always changing. Aside from requesting the download path for the ZIP artifact, I don't really care what it is.
An example artifact path might be:
There is a "Last Successful Build" page in TeamCity that I might be able to obtain the build number from.
What do you think the best way to approach this issue is?
I'm new to TeamCity, but it could also be that the answer is "TeamCity does this - you don't need a PowerShell script." So direction in that regard would be helpful.
At the moment, my PowerShell script does the trick and only takes about 30 seconds to run (which is much faster than my peers that do all of the file copying manually). I'd be happy with just automating the ZIP download so I can "fire and forget" my script and end up with an updated VM.
Seems like the smallest knowledge gap to fill and retrieving changing path info at run-time with PowerShell seems like a pretty decent skill to have.
I might just use C# within PS to collect this info, but I was hoping for a more PS way to do it.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts and advice!
Update: It turns out some other teams had been using Octopus Deploy ( for this sort of thing so I'm using that for now - though it actually seems more cumbersome than the PS solution overall since it involves logging into the Octopus server and going through a few steps to kick off a new build manually at this point.
I'm also waiting for the TC administrator to provide a Webhook or something to notify Octopus when a new build is available. Once I have that, the Octopus admin says we should be able to get the deployments to happen automagically.
On the bright side, I do have the build process integrated with Microsoft Teams via a webhook plugin that was available for Octopus. Also, the Developer of Octopus is looking at making a Microsoft Teams connector to simplify this. It's nice to get a notification that the new build is available right in my team chat.
You can try to get your artefact from this url:
Where BuildId is the unique identifier of the build configuration.
My implementation of this question is, in powershell:
# GetArtefact.ps1
$username = "guest";
$password = "guest";
function Execute-HTTPGetCommand() {
[string] $target = $null
$request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($target)
$request.PreAuthenticate = $true
$request.Method = "GET"
$request.Headers.Add("AUTHORIZATION", "Basic");
$request.Accept = "*"
$request.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($username, $password)
$response = $request.GetResponse()
$sr = [Io.StreamReader]($response.GetResponseStream())
$file = $sr.ReadToEnd()
return $file;
Execute-HTTPGetCommand http://$TeamcityServer/repository/downloadAll/$BuildConfigurationId/.lastSuccessful | Out-File $LocalPathToSave
And call this with the appropriate parameters.
EDIT: Note that the current credential I used here was the guest account. You should check if the guest account has the permissions to do this, or specify the appropriate account.
Try constructing the URL to download build artifact using TeamCity REST API.
You can get a permanent link using a wide range of criteria like last successful build or last tagged with a specific tag, etc.
e.g. to get last successful you can use something like:
TeamCity has the capability to publish its artifacts to a built in NuGet feed. You can then use NuGet to install the created package, not caring about where the artifacts are. Once you do that, you can install with nuget.exe by pointing your source to the NuGet feed URL. Read about how to configure the feed at
Read the file content of the path in TEAMCITY_BUILD_PROPERTIES_FILE environment variable.
Locate the row in the file, iirc the value is backslash encoded.
Read THAT file, and locate the teamcity.serverUrl value, decode it.
Construct the url like this:
Here's an example (C#):

How to pass a parameter to Chef recipe from external source

I'm new to Chef and seeking help here. I'm looking into using Chef to deploy our builds to Chef node servers (Windows Server 2012 machines). I have a cookbook called copy_builds that goes out to a central repository and selects the build we want to deploy and copies it out to the node server. The recipe I have contains basic steps that perform the copy steps, and this recipe could be used for all builds we want to deploy except for one thing: the build name.
Here is an example of the recipe:
powershell_script 'Copy build files' do
code '
$Project = "Dev3_SomeCoolBuild"
net use "\\\\server\\build_share\\drop\\$Project"
$BuildNum = GC "\\\\server\\build_share\\drop\\$Project\\buildlabel.txt"
robocopy \\\\server\\build_share\\drop\\$Project\\bin W:\\binroot\\$BuildNum'
As you can see, the variable $Project contains the name of the build in this recipe. If we have 100 different builds, all with different names, then what is the best way to handle this without creating 100 different recipes for my copy_builds cookbook?
BTW: this is how I'm currently calling Chef to deploy, which is in a PowerShell script that's external to Chef:
knife node run_list set $Node "recipe[copy_builds::$ProjectName],recipe[install_build]"
This command (from the external PowerShell script) contains the project/build name info within it's own $ProjectName variable. In this case $ProjectName contains the value of 'Dev3_SomeCoolBuild', to reference the recipe Dev3_SomeCoolBuild.rb.
What I'd like is have just one default recipe under copy_builds cookbook, and pass in the build/project name. Is this possible? And what is the best way to do it? I've read about data bags, attributes, and providers, but not sure if they would work for what I want.
Please advise.
The best approach for you is likely to use a single recipe that gets a list of projects to deploy from a databag or node attributes (or both). So basically take what you have now and put it in a loop, and then use either roles to set node attributes or put the project mapping into a databag item.
I ended up using attributes here to solve my problem. I updated my script to write the build name to the attributes/default.rb file for the copy_builds recipe and upload the cookbook to Chef each time a deployment is run.
My recipe now includes a call to the attributes file to get the build name, like so:
powershell_script 'Copy build files' do
code <<-EOH
$BuildNum = GC \\\\hqfas302002c\\build_share\\drop\\"#{node['copy_builds']['build']}"\\buildlabel.txt
robocopy \\\\hqfas302002c\\build_share\\drop\\"#{node['copy_builds']['build']}"\\webbin W:\\binroot\\$BuildNum /E
And now my call to Chef looks like this:
knife node run_list set $Node "recipe[copy_builds],recipe[install_build]"

Create a list of all SSIS tasks with PowerShell

I want to automatically create a list of all tasks from an SSIS dtsx package using PowerShell.
I tried opening the dtsx file and analyse it step by step but I think there might be a better and more efficient way?
Any help would be great! Maybe there already is an answer I didn't find.
Powershell is an ideal tool to extract information form SSIS packages. The DTSX file is just a namespaced XML file. You can load it into a variable like so:
$xml = [xml](Get-Content $_)
$ns = [System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager]($xml.NameTable)
$ns.AddNamespace("DTS", "")
You then use XAPTH to extract the information you need like so:
$xml.SelectNodes("//component", $ns)