powershell install Add-AppDevPackage.ps1 package fail "can not find any package" - powershell

I create UWS simple package in the visual studio 2015. Then install the package to my windows 10 virtual machine via powershell is work. I can see the app in my start menu and run it is OK.
I want to install the package to my PAD windows 10(10586.29). Copy the package folder "UWSHellowWord_1.0.1.0_Test" to the document folder. Long click the file "UWSHellowWord_1.0.1.0_Test\Add-AppDevPackage.ps1" shows a menu then choose the "use powershell execute" to install this package.
The powershell shows me an error message "Error: can not find any package or resource in the command directory. Please make sure The packages you want to install packages or resource are placed in the same directory". I don't know how to fix it. Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Run powershell (as administrator)
navigate to directory ""UWSHellowWord_1.0.1.0_Test"
Type - powershell Set-Executionpolicy RemoteSigned
Type .\Add-AppDevPackage.ps1
and check


Windows neovim vim-plug error: `git` executable not found

I have already installed vimplug I can open the file but has no effect on Neovim 1
The error says that your plugin manager (vim-plug) isn't able to run the git executable. It needs to do this to fetch the plugins you're trying to load. So install git, make sure you can run it from your PowerShell command line, and you should be set.

setting up visual studio code for c++, but unable to compile

I have installed visual studio 2019 which works fine for c++ but unable to create folders and sections to store multiple code files. So thought of switching to visual studio code and followed all tutorials available on youtube and documentation. But Visual studio IDE has got nothing showing up when Run Build task is initiated, which is expected to show the c++ extension downloaded. Mingw64 is installed and checked in the terminal too.
no output or terminal opened on Run
compiler installation checked
From the image attached regarding no output in the terminal or terminal opened, it looks like the exe is made because it says 'Build finsihed succesfully'. You'll need to run this executable from the terminal.
For this, if youre in the same directory all you have to do is type the filename. helloworld.exe in the cmd, if its powershell, then ./helloworld.exe. (Also note that for exe files you dont need to explicitly mention .exe at the end of the file name)
The powershell method should work on cmd too.
And if youre not in the same directory as the executable, you can either change directory by typing cd path/to/file and proceed as above, or run directly by typing path/to/file/helloworld.exe. where path/to/file is the directory of your helloworld.exe file

Visual Studio Code only compiles when launched from project folder on Linux

I have Visual Studio Code installed in Ubuntu 20.04. I love how it works. I installed it from the tar ball. Same with the SDK. I just found that those appear to work better than installing from deb packages.
I created a desktop file so I could add Visual Studio Code to the dock and launch it that way, but what I've noticed is that projects won't compile. I get errors stating it can't find the project even though the errors are listing the folder where the items exist.
The only way I can get it to work is to:
Open a terminal.
Navigate to the folder where the project files reside.
Launch code from the command line.
Then it works. Otherwise, I get a pop-up error that says "The preLaunchTask 'build' terminated with exit code -2" and then the terminal window is filled with errors.
Here's the last of the error messages and then I opened up a terminal and it shows that I'm in the folder for the project and the csproj exists there:
This also happens if I install Visual Studio code from a repository. It seems launching it from the Unity desktop breaks something. But if I launch it from the command line in a terminal session from the folder where the project resides, then the problem goes away.
I can also reproduce this error from the command line if I launch Visual Studio Code from a different folder than the project I'm trying to compile.
Is this common? Just curious. I'm wondering if because when I launch it from the Unity desktop, it's launching under a different
I got it working under 20.04. I must have done something wrong so I did a wipe of the .NET Core install and reinstalled it all using the bash shell script and then was able to install Code via Software Installer tool. Not sure why it didn't work before, but it works now.

How to Import Nuget Module to powershell script [duplicate]

I was trying to use my favorite source control from the Package Manager console in Visual Studio 2010. I had issues described in another topic. For now the best answer is to move all command-line stuff from Visual Studio to bare PowerShell.
But this case the Visual Studio related commandlets are not working. For example, most crucial one — I cannot run Update-Database command from Entity Framework.
Is it possible to register somehow Visual Studio specific commandlets for the current project in PowerShell? Or make PowerShell automatically take current project context from the packages subfolder?
The NuGet PowerShell commands rely on being run from within Visual Studio so will not work outside in the normal PowerShell running from the command line.
You can however use migrate.exe which ships with the EntityFramework NuGet package and use that from the command line to update your database.
As a prototype I put together a way to use NuGet PowerShell commands from the normal PowerShell command line using SharpDevelop. Unfortunately at the moment the EntityFramework NuGet package does not work with SharpDevelop.
Another interesting project is StudioShell which provides a new DTE: drive inside Visual Studio but can also be used outside from the command line. I do not believe it supports NuGet PowerShell commands being run from the normal PowerShell command line.
I can find the NuGet.psd1 file at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
However, when you try to load it:
PS> Import-Module $pathToNuGetPsd1 -Force -NoClobber -Scope Global
Import-Module : The name of the current Windows PowerShell host is: 'ConsoleHost'.
The module 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\
Extensions\5ttpefif.3mk\Modules\NuGet\NuGet.psd1' requires the following Windows
PowerShell host: 'Package Manager Host'.
I think we're out of luck. It has to be run from the Package Manager Host and requires things from Visual Studio as stated by Matt.
To solve my problem I used Chocolatey to install NuGet.CommandLine and then used NuGet.bat to do what I needed. It is a little more work and may not work in all cases depending on what you're trying to do.
Chocolatey: https://github.com/chocolatey/chocolatey/wiki/Installation
PS> cinst NuGet.CommandLine
I'm not terribly familiar with the Visual Studio cmdlets, but you can import a module into your PowerShell session by using Import-Module -Name <ModuleName>. You can list the available (aka. "installed") PowerShell modules by using `Get-Module -ListAvailable'.
My guess would be that the Visual Studio cmdlets are contained with its own PowerShell module, but it's quite possible that it's not "installed" to one of the standard locations in $env:PSModulePath. If this is the case, then you might need to locate the module directory and import either the .psd1 or .psm1 file directly, and pass that into: Import-Module -Name <FullPathToModuleFile>.
As an example of the above, take notice of where the Windows Azure PowerShell module is located: http://trevorsullivan.net/2012/06/07/introducing-microsofts-official-windows-azure-powershell-module/
It's under the Program Files directory, and is not immediately available to PowerShell, unless you import the module from its fully qualified path (the .psd1 module manifest file).
Hope this helps.

NuGet how to create nuspec file

I can't find it anywhere. How do i create a nuspec file of my project (VS2013). I tried "nuget spec" command but it doesn't work. I installed nuget command line and then i tried to run nuget.exe, it just blinks and exits.
So i can't enter the command anywhere i tried to use package manager console, cmd... But nothing works.
I wanna use NuGetter to create packages after build. But it needs those nuspec files of my project.
Any ideas please? :( I'm completly lost now.
If you click nuget.exe it will blink and close it because it is an executable file not accepting any further input from the user.
For using nuget.exe you need to open in the command window where nuget.exe is physically stored (you can use enviroment variable also) and follow with the command
C:/> nuget spec