Google Beacons nearby invalid url - google-nearby

I configured a couple of beacons with iBeacon and Eddystone, filled all the data and added Nearby notifications for simple URL.
The problem is that only works for a kind of whitelist URLs: For example, with links for Google main page, Facebook, Microsoft or Yahoo (I don't put the complete link with "https://" because there is a limit of links I can add to this post) it works perfectly, but if I tried to add a places link (from Google places) an own domain, or even the same domain of the project package, the notification for that URL is not shown (and yes, all of them have the https).
Anyone else faced this problem? I read all doc, and watch Google videos, and the always use as the demo URL. And there is no documentation about how do they do the URL filtering.

Google's URL filtering is pretty simple:
The URL must resolve with a proper HTTP response code when fetched from Google's servers. If the URL returns a 404 or other error code, that be shown.
The site must not have a robots.txt file at the root of the domain or subdomain that prohibits crawling the resource at the URL.
If it the URL scheme is HTTPS, the certificate must be valid.
If you have a URL that doesn't work for you and you believe meets all of the above criteria, you might add it to your question.


Google not indexing my site at all

I am working on a site right now and it does not appear in the google search results at all.
I have submitted the url at : as well.
I have verified the ownership of my site using google's search console (I used the HTML file upload method). The verification was successful for the URL with https but it does not verify the URL with http.
At least it should show the website when search for it using the site: keyword. But it does not show anything.

Yet another Facebook OAuth error 500

Today I moved my facebook application to nodejitsu and I couldn't figure out what was wrong in the oauth/dialog GET request.
I validated that I had:
added the new application domains to my application settings
the redirect URI was good, for example,
I played around so much with these properties and I didn't figure out why it was still giving me a 500 error. I checked most of the posts on stackoverflow and although they all seemed to be valid errors, they didn't seem to reflect my issue.
This is how I found my problem.
After migrating the app to nodejitsu my localhost app still worked. So I decided to remove localhost from the accepted app domains in the facebook settings. When I tested it again I got this error:
"Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains."
Ok, so this made my think. If the problem was with an incorrect domain I would still get this message for nodejitsu, so I had an error with the request I reckoned.
I manually edited the request and I figured out that my redirect_uri did not start with http.
I changed this and it worked.

Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings

This error appears in the authentication process:
Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains.
Why is this happening, and how can I fix it?
I ran into this issue when I was doing some learning exercises a few days ago while creating a Facebook app and using Heroku as the host. My problem was that I had the wrong URL in my Facebook app settings for the "Website with Facebook Login" field value.
Also, for some hosts the URL may change depending on settings etc., so check your hosting URLs for the app and make sure you have the correct URL in that field on Facebook app settings.
Once I updated mine, the error went away and all is fine.
Good Luck!
If you are on your development machine, be sure that you don't mix up localhost:3000 with Although on your development machine it is practically the same thing, the Facebook API won't recognise this and will return the error. Make sure the url is exactly the same everywhere.

Support for multiple domains does not work as advertised

In October, Facebook announced support for multiple domains for a single app. This is great news for developers whose apps have multiple domain aliases - no more iframe hacks to get the JavaScript SDK working regardless of which of your domains the user is viewing the page from!
Unfortunately, it does not seem to work as advertised.
In the blog post, they say:
Your App’s URL (Website and/or Mobile Web URL) must be derived from one of the domains listed in the App Domain field.
Which is reasonable enough, but the form in the developer app seems to be enforcing the converse policy. I have a pair of domains (say, and and the site URL set to (, and when I save I get the error message: must be derived from your Site URL or your Mobile Web URL.
Does anyone know a workaround for this problem? Or is this what they intended and the content of the blog post is wrong? If so it seems pretty silly, since it's hard to have multiple domains be derived from a single site URL.
I commented on the blog entry hoping that a Facebook engineer will see it... but in the mean time...
This is a known issue and is filed under
You can help raise awareness and get it fixed by visiting the bug link on facebook and subscribing to it; facebook prioritizes defects by number of subscribers, so raising this number will also raise priority.
Please click the link above and subscribe!
Yeah it's true enough that
Your App’s URL (Website and/or Mobile Web URL) must be derived from one of the domains listed in the App Domain field.
But their documentation should spell out that it's more like the other way around: the Site URL (and Mobile if present) dictates what domains are permitted in App Domain field, and they all have to be derived from the Site/Mobile URL. So you got it right, and would be allowed but not

how to track traffic source for a Facebook iframe application

I have a facebook iframe application - let's call it
We currently use Google Analytics for our tracking, and I correctly have Google Analytics installed on my application (that is included via iframe to the FB app) & it is tracking any use of the application mentioned above.
However, I would like to find out what the traffic source is to my-app PRIOR to facebook; ie, if a user goes to, and follows a link from there to, it appears that the "traffic source" gets tracked as "" rather than "", b/c the GA is installed within my code of the page included via the iframe, so its http referer is
Is there any way to retrieve "" as my traffic source, in this case? Or any suggestions to try? (whether using Google Analytics, or another source? I see that the facebook insights does give some information on referrers, but it's not very extensive at all; no date ranges, etc)
Thanks so much!
- ali
Just using Google Analytics in Facebook, there isn't much you can do here. However, what we've done in the past (to general success) is to create a redirect link outside of Facebook with the analytics on it, and push all traffic there first.
In other words, create a page at, and put the google tracker there (or, alternately, just append the referrer url to the query string manually). Then, redirect with javascript out to the Facebook canvas app URL. That way, the user ends up in the right place, and you get your referrer info as well.