MessageHub - api for creating topics? - ibm-cloud

In the bluemix web console, it is possible to create topics. However, is it possible to create topics using a REST API? I couldn't see documentation online - maybe I missed it.

#SHC no worries, it is easy to miss. Try here for a brief mention and link to the Swagger document for the topic administration API:
The docs are currently been restructured to improve discoverability. Feel free to come back if you have further questions.


Save ConversationReference on database

I'm creating a Teams bot to send proactive messages and I should save the ConversationReference on the database but my question is how?
Should I save the whole object or just some proprieties?
I'm using Postgres for the database and I'm build the bot in Java.
You actually don't need the entire ConversationReference. There are a few ways to implement Proactive Messaging, and the most simple requires only a conversation Id and a Service Url. Please see this other answer I posted a few months ago, where I reference some sample code and a video from a talk I gave, which both go into more detail. The samples I link to there are in node and C#, so not Java directly, but you should be able to get a good start between those two.

Creating new bot from template using API in botpress

Is it possible to create a BotPress bot entirely using the API? More specifically, can I accomplish most of all of what I would do in the UI by just using API methods? I looked, and I don't see a createBot() method, so I'm wondering if this is possible.
Second question, I read that multi-tenant support has been added in version 11. Is there any documentation on how this works?
Yes this is possible, if you use the F12 on your browser to see how Botpress works under the hood. you will find that it uses some API.
Here are some I found and used :
Bots management: /api/v1/admin/bots
QNA management: /api/v1/bots/{botid}/mod/qna/questions
Managing a specifi bot: /api/v1/admin/bots/{botid}
Keep looking and you will find more than that.

Watson Chat Bot see logs of conversations

I have a question regarding the IBM Watson chat bot. All my intents and entities are ready and in some of my nodes I used "literal" function to store the input of the user. Now I want to document the chat somehow and I want to be able to see especially those stored values within the documentation. Is documenting the chat possible (e.g as a notepad file, etc.) ? Thank you for your support in advance. Ciao!
I dont have any code to actually help you, but you can get the logs via the /logs api here:
which would contain all the info you're looking for, then you could write it to a file or database or whatever you want.

Google Analytics for Rest APIs WSO2 Cloud API

I was following the below blog and was trying to execute the POC but no luck. i did follow all the steps as suggested however I could not see any report in google analytics after saving the content. No user is shown in report. Please suggest what could be wrong in my implementation.
Reference Link
It is very hard to give a generic answer without looking into the configuration. I just followed the tutorial myself and it all worked fine (to test, I was making curl calls in the terminal window at my laptop and watching Real-Time / Overview report in Google Analytics.)
First and foremost, please check that _system/governance/apimgt/statistics/ga-config.xml has Enabled set to true, and TrackingID set to the UA- tracking code you got from GA.
One thing to check is whether you are looking at Real-Time report or historical. When you just implemented the change - look at Real-Time / Overview report initially as it starts showing data much faster.
Also, since API Cloud has multiple gateway nodes, it takes time for the configuration changes to propagate. So one thing to try is to wait 15 minutes or so from the time you applied configuration changes in the cloud, and then try invoking the API and see if the sessions are reflected in Google Analytics.
Finally, if these do not help, just submit the support ticket in API Cloud - support is included for free with the cloud service.

IBM SmartCloud Control Desk REST API

I'm trying to write a program to access the SCCD REST API, but can't find any documentation online. I'd like to know the URLs I have to call. So for example to access a persons details I call :
But I can't find any other URIs or any documentation of that API. The only thing I found, doesn't mention the URLs. I want something like this just for SCCD.
I know it's been a loooong time and it's probably not relevant for this person, but I did find a better answer than "no".
Here's the link:
After talking to the IBM Support, it seems there is indeed no documentation available.