Multiple control conditions validation in puppet - powershell

I need to validate agent like memory, processor, and port connectivity before running my other manifest files. So I've created a manifest like following by keeping global facts with and statement and exec resource.
class vc {
#Validateing Infra Before applying chnages
if $::facts['memorysize'] >= '4.00 GiB'and $::facts['processorcount'] >= 2 and Exec['port_connectivity'] {
notify { "Infra validated" : }
include vc::configs
else {
notify { "Infra not meeting requirements" : }
# Checking port connecitivity to puppet master
exec { 'port_connectivity':
command => 'New-Item c:\debug.txt -type file -Force',
unless => 'if((New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient ("",6163)).connected -eq $true) { exit 1 }',
provider => powershell,
my theme is puppet should only execute if this if $::facts['memorysize'] >= '4.00 GiB'and $::facts['processorcount'] >= 2 and Exec['port_connectivity'] condition was successful. If exec command was successful and facter returns true then only it should execute, but following manifest executing individually without checking whether that exec statement true or not. My main purpose I need to validate ports before running puppet manifest. Can any please help


mock outputs in Terragrunt dependency

I want to use Terragrunt to deploy this example:
So far, I was able to create the VPC/EKS resource without a problem, I separated each module into a different module directory, and everything worked as expected.
When I tried to do the same for the Kubernetes-addons module, I faced an issue with the data source trying to call to the cluster and failing since the cluster wasn't created at this point.
Here's my terragrunt.hcl which I'm trying to execute for this specific module:
terraform {
source = ""
locals {
# Extract needed variables for reuse
cluster_version = "${include.envcommon.locals.cluster_version}"
name = "${}"
dependency "eks" {
config_path = "../eks"
mock_outputs = {
eks_cluster_endpoint = ""
eks_oidc_provider = "something"
eks_cluster_id = "something"
inputs = {
eks_cluster_id = dependency.eks.outputs.cluster_id
eks_cluster_endpoint = dependency.eks.outputs.eks_cluster_endpoint
eks_oidc_provider = dependency.eks.outputs.eks_oidc_provider
eks_cluster_version = local.cluster_version
The error that I'm getting here:
Error: error reading EKS Cluster (something): couldn't find resource
with data.aws_eks_cluster.eks_cluster,
on line 7, in data "aws_eks_cluster" "eks_cluster":
7: data "aws_eks_cluster" "eks_cluster" {
The kubernetes-addons module is deploying addons into an existing Kubernetes cluster. If you don't have a cluster running (apparently you don't have one when you're mocking the cluster_id variable), then you get the error of not having the aws_eks_cluster data source.
You need to create the K8s cluster first, before you can start deploying the addons.

I am getting a vmSize error when trying to deploy a batch service pool using bicep

I have the following Bicep code:
resource pool 'Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts/pools#2021-06-01' = {
name: '${}/run-python'
properties: {
scaleSettings: {
fixedScale: {
nodeDeallocationOption: 'TaskCompletion'
targetDedicatedNodes: 1
deploymentConfiguration: {
cloudServiceConfiguration: {
osFamily: '6'
vmSize: 'standard_A1_v2'
startTask: {
commandLine: 'cmd /c "pip install azure-storage-blob pandas"'
userIdentity: {
autoUser: {
elevationLevel: 'NonAdmin'
scope: 'Pool'
waitForSuccess: true
dependsOn: [
Where I try to create a pool for my batch service, but when I try to deploy it, I get the following error:
{"code":"DeploymentFailed","message":"At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details.","details":[{"code":"PropertyName","message":"vmSize"}]}
So I think the problem is the vmSize, but there I cannot find concrete example on what the value should be.
CloudServiceConfiguration Pools are deprecated. Please retry using VirtualMachineConfiguration.

Not able to run an exe in jenkins pipeline using powershell

I am trying to execute a process which is written in c# through jenkins pipeline during the build and deployment process.
It is a simple executable which takes 3 arguments, when it gets called from jenkins pipeline using a powershell function it doesn't write any logs which are plenty within the code of this exe, also it does not show anything on the pipeline logs as to what happened to this process. Whereas the logs output is clean before and after the execution of this process i.e. "Started..." & "end" gets printed in the jenkins build log.
When i try to run the same exe on a server directly with the same powershel script it runs perfectly fine. Could you please let me know how can i determine whats going wrong here or how can i make the logs more verbose so i can figure out the root cause.
Here is the code snippet
function disable-utility($workspace) {
#the code here fetches the executable and its supporting libraries from the artifactory location and unzip it on the build agent server.
#below is the call to the executable
Type xmlPath #this prints the whole contents of the xml file which is being used as an input to my exe.
echo "disable exe path exists : $(Test-Path ""C:\Jenkins\workspace\utils\disable.exe"")" // output is TRUE
echo "Started..."
Start-Process -NoNewWindow -Filepath "C:\Jenkins\workspace\utils\disable.exe" -ArgumentList "-f xmlPath 0" #xmlPath is a path to a xml file
echo "end."
library {
identifier: 'jenkins-library#0.2.14',
retriever: legacySCM{[
$class: 'GitSCM',
userRemoteConfigs: [[
credtialsId: 'BITBUCKET_RW'
url: <htps://gitRepoUrl>
def executeStep(String stepName) {
def butil = '.\\build\\build-utils.ps1'
def status = powershell(returnStatus: true, script: "& { . '${butil}'; ${stepName}; }")
echo status
if(status != 0) {
currentBuild.Result = 'Failure'
error("$StepName failed")
error("failed to find the file")
pipeline {
agent {
docker {
image '<path to the docker image to pull a server with VS2017 build tools>'
lable '<image name>'
reuseNode true
environment {
#loading the env variables here
stages {
stage {
step {
executeStep("disable-utility ${env.workspace}")
Thanks a lot in advance !
Have you changed it ? go to Regedit [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System Set "EnableLUA"= 0

Publish Nunit Test Results in Post Always Section

I'm trying to run a pipeline that does some Pester Testing and publish the NUnit results.
New tests were introduced and for whatever the reason, Jenkins no longer publishes the test results and errors out immediately after the powershell script. Hence, it doesn't get to the nunit publish piece. I receive this:
ERROR: script returned exit code 128
Finished: FAILURE
I've been trying to include the publish in the always section of the post section of the Jenkinsfile, however, I'm running into problems on how to make that NUnit test file available.
I've tried establishing an agent and unstash the file (even though it probably won't stash if the powershell script cancels the whole pipeline). When I use agent I get the following exception:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'agent' found among steps
Here is the Jenkinsfile:
pipeline {
agent none
environment {
svcpath = 'D:\\svc\\'
unitTestFile = 'UnitTests.xml'
stages {
stage ('Checkout and Stash') {
agent {label 'Agent1'}
steps {
stash name: 'Modules', includes: 'Modules/*/**'
stash name: 'Tests', includes: 'Tests/*/**'
stage ('Unit Tests') {
agent {label 'Agent1'}
steps {
dir(svcpath + 'Modules\\'){deleteDir()}
dir(svcpath + 'Tests\\'){deleteDir()}
unstash name: 'Modules'
unstash name: 'Tests'
dir(svcpath + 'Tests\\'){
powershell """
\$requiredCoverageThreshold = 0.90
\$modules = Get-ChildItem ../Modules/ -File -Recurse -Include *.psm1
\$result = Invoke-Pester -CodeCoverage \$modules -PassThru -OutputFile ${unitTestFile} -OutputFormat NUnitXml
\$codeCoverage = \$result.CodeCoverage.NumberOfCommandsExecuted / \$result.CodeCoverage.NumberOfCommandsAnalyzed
Write-Output \$codeCoverage
if (\$codeCoverage -lt \$requiredCoverageThreshold) {
Write-Output "Build failed: required code coverage threshold of \$(\$requiredCoverageThreshold * 100)% not met. Current coverage: \$(\$codeCoverage * 100)%."
exit 1
} else {
write-output "Required code coverage threshold of \$(\$requiredCoverageThreshold * 100)% met. Current coverage: \$(\$codeCoverage * 100)%."
stash name: 'TestResults', includes: unitTestFile
nunit testResultsPattern: unitTestFile
post {
always {
echo 'This will always run'
agent {label 'Agent1'}
unstash name: 'TestResults'
nunit testResultsPattern: unitTestFile
success {
echo 'This will run only if successful'
failure {
echo 'This will run only if failed'
unstable {
echo 'This will run only if the run was marked as unstable'
changed {
echo 'This will run only if the state of the Pipeline has changed'
echo 'For example, if the Pipeline was previously failing but is now successful'
Any and all input is welcome! Thanks!
The exception you are getting is due to Jenkins' strict pipeline DSL. Documentation of allowable uses of agent are here.
Currently agent {...} is not allowed to be used in the post section. Maybe this will change in the future. If you require the whole job to run on the node that services label 'Agent1' the only way to currently do that is to
Put agent {label 'Agent1'} immediately under pipeline { to make it global
Remove all instances of agent {label 'Agent1'} in each stage
Remove the agent {label 'Agent1'} from the post section.
The post section acts more like traditional scripted DSL than the pipeline declarative DSL. So you have to use node() instead of agent.
I believe I've had this same question myself, and this SO post has the answer and some good context.
This Jenkins issue isn't exactly the same thing but shows the node syntax in the post stage.

Configure a DSC Resource to restart

I have a DSC resource that installs dotnet feature and then installs an update to dotnet.
In the Local Configuration Manager I have set RebootNodeIfNeeded to $true.
After dotnet installs, it does not request a reboot (even used xPendingReboot module to confirm this).
Configuration WebServer
WindowsFeature NetFramework45Core
Name = "Net-Framework-45-Core"
Ensure = "Present"
xPendingReboot Reboot
Name = "Prior to upgrading Dotnet4.5.2"
cChocoPackageInstaller InstallDotNet452
name = "dotnet4.5.2"
This is a problem as dotnet doesn't work properly with our app unless the server has been rebooted and we are trying to make these reboots happen automatically no user input required.
Is there any way to make a resource push to the localdscmanager (LCM) that it needs a reboot when there's something being installed?
I have found the below command
$global:DSCMachineStatus = 1
Which sets a reboot. but I'm unsure as to how to use it to reboot right after the 4.5 module is installed.
Normally when I install .Net it works without rebooting, but if you want to force your configuration to reboot it after it installs it you can do the following. It won't work for drift (.net being removed after initial installation.) During configuration drift, the configuration will still install .net, but the script resource I added to reboot will believe it has already rebooted.
The DependsOn is very important here, you don't want this script running before the WindowsFeature has run successfully.
configuration WebServer
WindowsFeature NetFramework45Core
Name = "Net-Framework-45-Core"
Ensure = "Present"
Script Reboot
TestScript = {
return (Test-Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MyMainKey\RebootKey)
SetScript = {
New-Item -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\MyMainKey\RebootKey -Force
$global:DSCMachineStatus = 1
GetScript = { return #{result = 'result'}}
DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]NetFramework45Core'
To get $global:DSCMachineStatus = 1 working, you first need to configure Local Configuration Manager on the remote node to allow Automatic reboots. You can do it like this:
Configuration ConfigureRebootOnNode
param (
Node $NodeName
RebootNodeIfNeeded = $true
ConfigureRebootOnNode -NodeName myserver
Set-DscLocalConfigurationManager .\ConfigureRebootOnNode -Wait -Verbose
(code taken from colin's alm corner)