Scala Function Overloading Anomaly - scala

In Scala, why would this overload be allowed?
class log {
def LogInfo(m: String, properties: Map[String, String]): Unit = {
def LogInfo(m: String, properties: Map[String, String], c: UUID = null): Unit = {
println(m + c.toString())
In the second definition of the LogInfo function, I have set the extra parameter to a default value of null. When I make the following call, it will call the first overload.
val l: log = new log()
val props: Map[String, String] = Map("a" -> "1")
l.LogInfo("message", props)
Why would it not throw an exception? With a default value, I would have thought both definitions could look the same.

An exception wouldn't be thrown here because the compiler chooses the first overload as the applicable one. This has to do with the way overload resolution works with default arguments. As per the specification, a strong hint to the fact such methods are discarded would be the following line:
Otherwise, let CC be the set of applicable alternatives which don't employ any default argument in the application to e1,…,em.
This has to do with the way the Scala compiler emits JVM byte code for these two methods. If we compile them and look behind the curtains, we'll see (omitting the actual byte code for brevity):
public class testing.ReadingFile$log$1 {
public void LogInfo(java.lang.String,
scala.collection.immutable.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>);
public void LogInfo(java.lang.String,
scala.collection.immutable.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>,
public java.util.UUID LogInfo$default$3();
0: aconst_null
1: areturn
You see that the generated code actually emitted two methods, one taking two arguments and one taking three. Additionaly, the compiler added an additional method called LogInfo$default$3 (the name actually has a meaning, where $3 means "the default parameter for the third argument), which returns the default value for the c variable of the second overload. If the method with the default argument was to be invoked, LogInfo$default$3 would be used to introduce a fresh variable with the given value.

Both methods are applicable, but overloading resolution specifically tosses out the application that requires default args:
applicable alternatives which don't employ any default argument
As to "why", imagine the overload has many default parameters, such that most applications of it don't look like invocations of the first method.


why use a method with no parameter lists over a val

I came across this function in Scala def nullable: Boolean = true. I understand what does this function do, but I want to know is there specific name for this kind of function, and what's the motivation not using var
Firstly, I would be very precise in scala: use the word Function to only ever mean an instance of FunctionN and use the word Method when talking about a def (which may have zero or more parameter lists). Secondly, this most definitely does have a body (albeit not enclosed in braces). Its body is the expression true (i.e. a boolean literal).
I assume that you really mean to ask: "why use a method with no parameter lists over a val?"
When deciding whether to represent some property of your class, you can choose between a method and a value (advice: avoid using var). Often, if the property involves no side effects, we can use a def with no parameter lists (the scala idiom is that a def with a single, empty parameter list implies side-effects).
Hence we may choose any of the following, all of which are semantically equivalent at the use-site (except for performance characteristics):
case class Foo(s: String) {
//Eager - we calculate and store the value regardless of whether
// it is ever used
val isEmpty = s.isEmpty
case class Foo(s: String) {
//Lazy - we calculate and store the value when it
// it is first used
lazy val isEmpty = s.isEmpty
case class Foo(s: String) {
//Non-strict - we calculate the value each time
// it is used
def isEmpty = s.isEmpty
Hence we might take the following advice
If the value is computationally expensive to calculate and we are sure we will use it multiple times, use val
If the value is computationally expensive and we may use it zero or many times, use lazy val
If the value is space-expensive and we think it will be generally used a most once, use def
However, there is an additional consideration; using a val (or lazy val) is likely to be of benefit to debugging using an IDE which generally can show you in an inspection window the value of any in-scope vals
The primary difference of the use of def or var/val is the when the value will be executed.
the def defines a name for a value, the value on the right will be executed when it is called (called by name), meaning it is lazy
and var defines a name for a value, and it is execute it's evaluated, eagerly upon definition

Scala: Why use implicit on function argument?

I have a following function:
def getIntValue(x: Int)(implicit y: Int ) : Int = {x + y}
I see above declaration everywhere. I understand what above function is doing. It is a currying function which takes two arguments. If you omit the second argument, it will invoke implicit definition which returns int instead. So I think it is something very similar to defining a default value for the argument.
implicit val temp = 3
scala> getIntValue(3)
res8: Int = 6
I was wondering what are the benefits of above declaration?
Here's my "pragmatic" answer: you typically use currying as more of a "convention" than anything else meaningful. It comes in really handy when your last parameter happens to be a "call by name" parameter (for example: : => Boolean):
def transaction(conn: Connection)(codeToExecuteInTransaction : => Boolean) = {
conn.startTransaction // start transaction
val booleanResult = codeToExecuteInTransaction //invoke the code block they passed in
//deal with errors and rollback if necessary, or commit
//return connection to connection pool
What this is saying is "I have a function called transaction, its first parameter is a Connection and its second parameter will be a code-block".
This allows us to use this method like so (using the "I can use curly brace instead of parenthesis rule"):
transaction(myConn) {
//code to execute in a transaction
//the code block's last executable statement must be a Boolean as per the second
//parameter of the transaction method
If you didn't curry that transaction method, it would look pretty unnatural doing this:
transaction(myConn, {
//code block
How about implicit? Yes it can seem like a very ambiguous construct, but you get used to it after a while, and the nice thing about implicit functions is they have scoping rules. So this means for production, you might define an implicit function for getting that database connection from the PROD database, but in your integration test you'll define an implicit function that will superscede the PROD version, and it will be used to get a connection from a DEV database instead for use in your test.
As an example, how about we add an implicit parameter to the transaction method?
def transaction(implicit conn: Connection)(codeToExecuteInTransaction : => Boolean) = {
Now, assuming I have an implicit function somewhere in my code base that returns a Connection, like so:
def implicit getConnectionFromPool() : Connection = { ...}
I can execute the transaction method like so:
transaction {
//code to execute in transaction
and Scala will translate that to:
transaction(getConnectionFromPool) {
//code to execute in transaction
In summary, Implicits are a pretty nice way to not have to make the developer provide a value for a required parameter when that parameter is 99% of the time going to be the same everywhere you use the function. In that 1% of the time you need a different Connection, you can provide your own connection by passing in a value instead of letting Scala figure out which implicit function provides the value.
In your specific example there are no practical benefits. In fact using implicits for this task will only obfuscate your code.
The standard use case of implicits is the Type Class Pattern. I'd say that it is the only use case that is practically useful. In all other cases it's better to have things explicit.
Here is an example of a typeclass:
// A typeclass
trait Show[a] {
def show(a: a): String
// Some data type
case class Artist(name: String)
// An instance of the `Show` typeclass for that data type
implicit val artistShowInstance =
new Show[Artist] {
def show(a: Artist) =
// A function that works for any type `a`, which has an instance of a class `Show`
def showAListOfShowables[a](list: List[a])(implicit showInstance: Show[a]): String =", ")
// The following code outputs `Beatles, Michael Jackson, Rolling Stones`
val list = List(Artist("Beatles"), Artist("Michael Jackson"), Artist("Rolling Stones"))
This pattern originates from a functional programming language named Haskell and turned out to be more practical than the standard OO practices for writing a modular and decoupled software. The main benefit of it is it allows you to extend the already existing types with new functionality without changing them.
There's plenty of details unmentioned, like syntactic sugar, def instances and etc. It is a huge subject and fortunately it has a great coverage throughout the web. Just google for "scala type class".
There are many benefits, outside of your example.
I'll give just one; at the same time, this is also a trick that you can use on certain occasions.
Imagine you create a trait that is a generic container for other values, like a list, a set, a tree or something like that.
trait MyContainer[A] {
def containedValue:A
Now, at some point, you find it useful to iterate over all elements of the contained value.
Of course, this only makes sense if the contained value is of an iterable type.
But because you want your class to be useful for all types, you don't want to restrict A to be of a Seq type, or Traversable, or anything like that.
Basically, you want a method that says: "I can only be called if A is of a Seq type."
And if someone calls it on, say, MyContainer[Int], that should result in a compile error.
That's possible.
What you need is some evidence that A is of a sequence type.
And you can do that with Scala and implicit arguments:
trait MyContainer[A] {
def containedValue:A
def aggregate[B](f:B=>B)(implicit ev:A=>Seq[B]):B =
ev(containedValue) reduce f
So, if you call this method on a MyContainer[Seq[Int]], the compiler will look for an implicit Seq[Int]=>Seq[B].
That's really simple to resolve for the compiler.
Because there is a global implicit function that's called identity, and it is always in scope.
Its type signature is something like: A=>A
It simply returns whatever argument is passed to it.
I don't know how this pattern is called. (Can anyone help out?)
But I think it's a neat trick that comes in handy sometimes.
You can see a good example of that in the Scala library if you look at the method signature of Seq.sum.
In the case of sum, another implicit parameter type is used; in that case, the implicit parameter is evidence that the contained type is numeric, and therefore, a sum can be built out of all contained values.
That's not the only use of implicits, and certainly not the most prominent, but I'd say it's an honorable mention. :-)

Can I apply argument defaults when using partial functions in Scala

I have defined two partial functions (hashes), which I expect to take an optional second Boolean parameter:
def SHA1 = hash(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"))_
def MD5 = hash(MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"))_
private def hash(algorithm:HashAlgorithm)(s:String, urlencode:Boolean = false) = {
val form = if (urlencode) "%%%02X" else "%02X"
(algorithm.digest(s.getBytes) map(form format _)).mkString
When I call the function with both parameters, it compiles, but with just one parameter I get a compilation error:
// First 3 tests are fine
val test1 = hash(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"))("foo", true)
val test2 = hash(MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"))("foo")
val test3 = SHA1("foo", true)
// not enough arguments for method apply: (v1: String, v2: Boolean)String in trait Function2. Unspecified value parameter v2.
val test4 = SHA1("foo")
I just refactored this to use partial functions, and before I refactored I could force the hash function to use the default without any problem.
Any ideas why the partial function implementation fails to permit default arguments? Am I doing something wrong using both partial functions and currying together?
When you use partial application to generate a function, you lose the ability to call the default. A method is a static thing, so the compiler knows where to look up the default value; a function can be passed around into different contexts, so the compiler will not in general have the information it needs to be able to apply the default parameter.
To think about it another way, functions only know how many arguments they have. There's just one method, apply, that you pass parameters into; otherwise you'd need some way (different types, presumably) to distinguish, for example, Function2-that-must-take-two-parameters and Function2-that-can-be-called-with-one-parameter-also-because-there-is-a-stored-default.

How should Scala default arguments to refer to a previous positional argument?

Scala-lang reference 5.5.1 and 6.6.1 gave me the impression that a default parameter would be able to refer to a previously evaluated one:
class Test(val first: String, val second: String = first)
but from experimenting it seems the only way to do this is to use the form:
class Test(val first: String)(val second: String = first)
and then define an auxiliary constructor or a creational companion class to avoid specifying the second set of brackets when creating. I don't really understand how this second constructor works, it looks like a curried function so I might guess that it is necessary to evaluate first independently of second, is this correct? Is this form necessary or is there some syntatic sugar I can use to tweak the first constructor into doing what I want?
As Travis Brown points out, you can indeed only refer to a previous argument in a default expression when it is from a previous argument list (so you do need to currify).
Now, regarding your particular use case, default arguments and method overloading are sometimes two ways of achieving the same thing.
I think the simplest solution to your scenario is simply to define Test as follows:
class Test(val first : String, val second : String) {
def this(f : String) = this(f, f)
If you want to make it more complicated, an alternative way, using a companion object:
class Test(val first : String)(val second : String = first)
object Test {
def apply(f : String) = new Test(f)
def apply(f : String, s : String) = new Test(f)(s)
(A small difference is that now you create objects without new.)
What you cannot do, is define it as:
class Test(val first : String)(val second : String = first) {
def this(f : String, s : String) = this(f)(s)
...because the curried version gets translated into (among other things) a method with the same signature as the overloaded contructor.
From 5.3 of the spec:
The scope of a formal value parameter includes all subsequent
parameter sections and the template t.
Regular methods are the same, by the way (from 4.6):
The scope of a formal value parameter name x comprises all
subsequent parameter clauses, as well as the method return type and
the function body, if they are given.
I.e., whether you've got a constructor or an ordinary method, a value parameter name isn't in scope in its own parameter clause. In your second version the constructor has two parameter clauses, and first is only in scope in the second. See 5.3 for more detail about multiple parameter clauses.

When is a return type required for methods in Scala?

The Scala compiler can often infer return types for methods, but there are some circumstances where it's required to specify the return type. Recursive methods, for example, require a return type to be specified.
I notice that sometimes I get the error message "overloaded method (methodname) requires return type", but it's not a general rule that return types must always be specified for overloaded methods (I have examples where I don't get this error).
When exactly is it required to specify a return type, for methods in general and specifically for overloaded methods?
The Chapter 2. Type Less, Do More of the Programming Scala book mentions:
When Explicit Type Annotations Are Required.
In practical terms, you have to provide explicit type annotations for the following situations:
Method return values in the following cases:
When you explicitly call return in a method (even at the end).
When a method is recursive.
When a method is overloaded and one of the methods calls another. The calling method needs a return type annotation.
When the inferred return type would be more general than you intended, e.g., Any.
// code-examples/TypeLessDoMore/method-nested-return-script.scala
// ERROR: Won't compile until you put a String return type on upCase.
def upCase(s: String) = {
if (s.length == 0)
return s // ERROR - forces return type of upCase to be declared.
Overloaded methods can sometimes require an explicit return type. When one such method calls another, we have to add a return type to the one doing the calling, as in this example.
// code-examples/TypeLessDoMore/method-overloaded-return-script.scala
// Version 1 of "StringUtil" (with a compilation error).
// ERROR: Won't compile: needs a String return type on the second "joiner".
object StringUtil {
def joiner(strings: List[String], separator: String): String =
def joiner(strings: List[String]) = joiner(strings, " ") // ERROR
import StringUtil._ // Import the joiner methods.
println( joiner(List("Programming", "Scala")) )
The two joiner methods concatenate a List of strings together.
The first method also takes an argument for the separator string.
The second method calls the first with a “default” separator of a single space.
If you run this script, you get the following error.
... 9: error: overloaded method joiner needs result type
def joiner(strings: List[String]) = joiner(strings, "")
Since the second joiner method calls the first, it requires an explicit String return type. It should look like this:
def joiner(strings: List[String]): String = joiner(strings, " ")
Basically, specifying the return type can be a good practice even though Scala can infer it.
Randall Schulz comments:
As a matter of (my personal) style, I give explicit return types for all but the most simple methods (basically, one-liners with no conditional logic).
Keep in mind that if you let the compiler infer a method's result type, it may well be more specific than you want. (E.g., HashMap instead of Map.)
And since you may want to expose the minimal interface in your return type (see for instance this SO question), this kind of inference might get in the way.
And about the last scenario ("When the inferred return type would be more general than you intended"), Ken Bloom adds:
specify the return type when you want the compiler to verify that code in the function returns the type you expected
(The faulty code which triggers a "more general than expected return type was:
// code-examples/TypeLessDoMore/method-broad-inference-return-script.scala
// ERROR: Won't compile. Method actually returns List[Any], which is too "broad".
def makeList(strings: String*) = {
if (strings.length == 0)
List(0) // #1
val list: List[String] = makeList() // ERROR
, which I incorrectly interpreted and List[Any] because returning an empty List, but Ken called it out:
List(0) doesn't create a list with 0 elements.
It creates a List[Int] containing one element (the value 0).
Thus a List[Int] on one conditional branch and a List[String] on the other conditional branch generalize to List[Any].
In this case, the typer isn't being overly-general -- it's a bug in the code.