I am newbie in Progress and I've Trouble in date function Progress 4gl.
Example I have string value = '2016 '.
How do I put that value into a date in Progress?
def var xx as char.
def var xq as date.
xx = '2016'
xq = DATE(01/01/xx).
While it is possible to write
xx = '2016':U
xq = DATE('01/01/':U + xx)
I would prefer
xx = '2016':U
xq = DATE(1,1,integer(xx))
(The first example is dependent on the current date format. If you look up the DATE function in the OpenEdge Help you can see that DATE ( month, day, year ) is valid, too.)
In the CakePHP 3 Cookbook on Date/Time, you can compare time intervals with future/past days/weeks using IsWithinNext/WasWithinNext. You can also modify dates/times by doing a ->modify('extra time') - eg. if $date = 2016-01-01, $date->modify('+1 week') would mean $date = 2016-01-08.
These features require the use of Cake\i18n\Time. However, when I attempted to use these features, I received a Cake error:
Call to a member function isWithinNext() on string.
This is the code I used:
$date_start = \Cake\Database\Type::build('date')->marshal($data['session']['date_start'])->i18nFormat(); //before hand my dates were in the form of an array comprised of Year, Month and Day. This changes them into date format.
if($date_start->isWithinNext('1 week')){
$deposit_due = $booking->date_confirm;
$deposit_due->modify('+48 hours');
} elseif ($date_start->isWithinNext('2 weeks')){
$deposit_due = $booking->date_confirm;
$deposit_due->modify('+1 week');
} elseif ($date_start->isWithinNext('3 weeks')){
$deposit_due = $booking->date_confirm;
$deposit_due->modify('+1 week');
} else {
$deposit_due = $booking->date_confirm;
$deposit_due->modify('+2 weeks');
Calling i18nFormat() returns a formatted string as you can look up in the API: https://api.cakephp.org/3.4/class-Cake.I18n.DateFormatTrait.html#_i18nFormat
This, for example, should work:
$date_start = new \Cake\I18n\Time($data['session']['date_start']);
debug($date_start->isWithinNext('2 weeks'));
The script I need should read the date in column B and copy it to column D with european date format and should sort column D (newest date first, oldest last)
It should be able to handle more than one row added at once ..
(No, sadly I cant change the way the spreadsheet gets input)
* Extracts the date of the active cell and use it to set the value
* of the cell to columns to the right
* #example active cell value "John (08/08/2017)"
* //returns 08/08/2017
function myFunction() {
var origin = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange();
var rowOffset = 0;
var columnOffset = 2;
var destination = origin.offset(rowOffset, columnOffset)
var value = /\((.*?)\)/.exec(origin.getValue())[1];
Extending Google Sheets
Assuming John (08/08/2017) is in B2, put this in B2:
=substitute(substitute(index(split(B2," "),0,2),"(",""),")","")
If you don't want script.
I have some text files with dates of the form
2015-09-08 14:38:03
2015-09-08 14:38:03.1
2015-09-08 14:38:03.2
that I want to convert into Matlab date/time format. As you can see, the text strings have a different time format regarding the milliseconds. In the first case, no milliseconds are given; in the seconds case, milliseconds are given with one digit only. This gives a sampling rate of 20Hz for measuring data.
So far, only
x = datenum(file.dateColumn, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS');
is working, but of course misses the milliseconds. A conversion like
x = datenum(file.dateColumn, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.FFF');
does not work as the milliseconds are either zero (full seconds) or have one digit after the '.' delimiter. A workaround like
x = datestr(file.dateColumn, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.FFF');
x = datenum(file.dateColumn, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.FFF');
i.e. converting the text string into a Matlab string (and giving it additional FFF/FF digits) and then converting that one into a date/time number works - but this is such time-cosuming that I cannot use it for my data. I have millions of time rows in different files.
Do you have any ideas?
Greetings, Arne
Thanks to Nick I found a way to solve it:
dataVelPres = readtable(fileName, ...
'ReadVariableNames', false, ...
'HeaderLines', 4 );
dataVelPres.Properties.VariableNames = {'date' 'velU' 'velV' 'velW' 'pres'};
dateMill = datetime(dataVelPres.date, 'inputformat', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S');
dateFull = datetime(dataVelPres.date, 'inputformat', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
dateNaT = isnat(dateMill);
dateMill(dateNaT) = dateFull(dateNaT);
dataVelPres.dateTime = dateMill;
dataVelPres.date = datenum(dataVelPres.dateTime); % Convert to number format if needed
This works with two tables - one for millisec. and one without - and puts both together, as both give NaT entries in case the inputformat does not match.
Is there a more elegant way?
You may try something like:
a='2015-09-08 14:38:03';
s=strsplit(a,{'-',':',' '})
I highly recommend using the new datetime object:
strings = {'2015-09-08 14:38:03', '2015-09-08 14:38:03.1', '2015-09-08 14:38:03.2'};
dates = {};
for d = strings
d = d{1};
dt = datetime(d, 'inputformat', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S');
dt = datetime(d, 'inputformat', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
dates{end + 1} = dt;
>> dates
dates =
[08-Sep-2015 14:38:03] [08-Sep-2015 14:38:03] [08-Sep-2015 14:38:03]
>> dates{end}.Second
ans =
It's also easy convert from a datetime object to a datenum:
>> x = [datetime('now'), datetime('yesterday')]
x =
10-Dec-2015 12:53:40 09-Dec-2015 00:00:00
>> datenum(x)
ans =
1.0e+05 *
7.3631 7.3631
Is it possible to create a vector automatically or progressively with dates. I want to ask the user about the starting date and the final date and I'd to fill a vector with the dates and the ones between both.
so abstractly:
"what is the first date?" '...' firstDate = '...' --> "what is the final date?" '...' finalDate='...'
and following, I'd like to fill in a vector all of the dates between firstDate and finalDate. is this possible in Matlab, and how? Is there a function to use?
You can use linspace after the user input:
%// prompt and user input
prompt1 = 'What is the first date? (yyyy-MM-dd)\n';
prompt2 = 'What is the last date? (yyyy-MM-dd)\n';
startDate = datenum(input(prompt1,'s'),'yyyy-mm-dd')
endDate = datenum(input(prompt2,'s'),'yyyy-mm-dd')
% number of days
numdays = endDate-startDate
% array of dates
alldays = linspace(startDate,endDate,numdays)
DateString = datestr(alldays, 'mm/dd/yyyy')
For the input 1989-07-01 and 1989-07-07 it will return:
DateString =
Dates can be called using datevec, datestr, datenum etc. datenum will be your best bet, since you can then create your vector using
DateVector = datenum(firstDate):datenum(finalDate);
This will create a vector containing dates per day. The way back is to say datestr(DateVector)
Bij splitting a string an array gives me following values back:
My question is how can i make from these 3 numbers a date 2-9-2014.
If i try:
var date = (array[1]-array[2]-array[3])
the return value is -2021 This is 2-9-2014=2021
var date = new Date (array[1]-array[2]-array[3])
the return value is 2
var date = new Date (array[1]-array[2]-array[3])
the reutrun value is 4-4-1908
So who can solve this?
Read basic string or char functionality for your chosen language.
Also this can be put in a class, predefined or not.
First you can try to use the - as chars instead of operators..
date = array[1] + "-" + array[2] + "-" + array[3]
but you should seriously just look at some documentation..