Can't we access our jersey api without using jerseyclient api - jersey-2.0

I want to build my website like (not exactly) but concept may match.
Currently I am writing API using jersey and consuming those API's directly from front end using AJAX request.
Do I need to write jersey client here as well, if so how that will help me out. Pls let me know, Why we need to write client if we are able to consume API's directly using ajax call.

You don't need a special client in order to interact with RESTful services. That's one of the main things that is appealing about them. There is no requirement to build anything with jersey client in order to host services with jersey.
You would build a client library if you want to make it easy for people to interact with your APIs from something an application. If this isn't something you need or want to do, you don't have to do it. Another use case would be for testing but there's no reason you have to build the client with jersey just because you built the server with jersey.

In your case you don't need jersey client, you already have client to call/consume API's at front-end i suppose, you will need jersey client if you want to call/consume your services at server-side to write test cases for example, something like this -
Client client = Client.create();
WebResource webResource = client
ClientResponse response = webResource.accept("application/json")


Should I be using REST or SOAP UI for testing?

I am testing a new webservice that is receiving messages from an application and responding with messages with specific information. The webservice then uses this information to create new messages for downstream systems. I need to know the best way I can test this using the Ready API tool, we just got a pro license. Is it SOAP or REST I need to use. Ideally I want to simply copy my application messages in to the tool, call the webservice and get the response, which I can then check is the correct response for the test
To find your web-service is SOAP or REST.
Please check whether your web service has WSDL to verify it has SOAP web-service, you can get your web-service's WSDL by post-fixing WSDL with your web service url.
Eg: http://{yourservice-url/path1}?WSDL
If your service don't provide WSDL from the above URL, then your web-service is REST.

How to make a REST API call from SOAP

I would like to know the best practices of calling a REST API from SOAP.
We have a SOAP-based web service that is already consuming by many applications. we would like to rewrite the SOAP API with Rest(basically a Spring boot application), but we want to call the rest from SOAP to support the existing applications.
The one way I know is we can call the Rest Api from the SOAP server implementation class
EX: Consider EmployeeService;java is a SOAP implementation class
Calling new Rest Api
Existing app1 ---->SOAP --> REST API
Existing app2 ---->SOAP --> REST API
new app1 --> REST API.
Please let me know is there any best way\alternate way to handle it.
You can use boomerang soap client.
Detail here

rest api from javascript to handle session and security

I'm developing a public rest api and want to use it for my company's web client as well (jquery). That would work since it would be on the same server.
Howerver, my question is whether rest is even supposed to be consumed by JavaScript? What about authentication and authorization and session information. Since rest is not supposed to maintain any session state.
Can I store all the state, create the response with the token etc within JavaScript?
or should I create another plain servlet layer ontop of my own rest api as a rest client which could be richer (break rest principles)
Create an extra version for the rest api that allows some less rest-like behavior (session data) and maybe even keep that private.
as a side question I'm also wondering if there's any performance difference between using say Jersey vs regular servlets processing calls? In other words, can I use Jersey as a servlet replacement (to take advantage of the format conversions).

How to build soap to rest gateway

How would you build a soap to rest gateway with the least amount of work? I provide a REST API on my Rails 3.2 server. My customer requires me to provide a SOAP API. I don't want to use Rails for providing the SOAP API since that would probably take much more work than building a SOAP to REST gateway using a framework that fully supports SOAP.
I just noticed that Rails 3.2 parses SOAP requests automatically into the params hash (ActionDispatch::ParamsParser Rack middleware). So, I decided to implement the gateway in Rails. Since I don't really care to implement a full featured SOAP Server--all I want is to make it work for my customer's current SOAP client--I will just read the data that I need from the params hash and build the xml response using Builder and publish a static wsdl file if they need it. It will be less than 20 lines of code.
Gateway::Application.routes.draw do
match "/clientx/echo" => "clientx#echo"
class ClientxController < ApplicationController
def echo
# authenticate client
# parse params
# send and receive rest request
# render response
What about Mule ESB? Supports a various form of input and output possibilities. Implemented a SOAP-receiving application based on Mule myself.

What is the benefit of RESTful Web Service Vs Using Just a simple Servlet?

Regardless of whether I create a RESTful Web service to be consumed by Ajax in my own pages, or by any user, I can provide the same functionality (data) to the application or user using a simple servlet.
I mean the user or application don't see any different between response provided by a simple servlet or respone provided by a RESTful web service. So, I'm guessing that the benefit is on the server side and to the developers. Can someone please tell me what are the benefits of using RESTful web services.
I appreciate any respone
By definition a webservice is intended to be consumed by any client granted access. If the client you are developing is the only application that you will ever need or want to access the resource then there is little benefit to creating a webservice. However, if you want to make the resource available as a service endpoint for more than just this application in a way that is implementation agnostic then a Restful webservice is a great way of doing it.