My script runs in powershell ISE but not powershell console? - powershell

function Get-LoggedOnUsers ($server) {
if($server -eq $null){
$server = "localhost"
$users = #()
# Query using quser, 2>$null to hide "No users exists...", then skip to the next server
$quser = quser /server:$server 2>$null
#Remove column headers
$quser = $quser[1..$($quser.Count)]
foreach($user in $quser){
$usersObj = [PSCustomObject]#{Server=$null;Username=$null;SessionName=$null;SessionId=$Null;SessionState=$null;LogonTime=$null;IdleTime=$null}
$quserData = $user -split "\s+"
#We have to splice the array if the session is disconnected (as the SESSIONNAME column quserData[2] is empty)
if(($user | select-string "Disc") -ne $null){
#User is disconnected
$quserData = ($quserData[0..1],"null",$quserData[2..($quserData.Length -1)]) -split "\s+"
# Server
$usersObj.Server = $server
# Username
$usersObj.Username = $quserData[1]
# SessionName
$usersObj.SessionName = $quserData[2]
# SessionID
$usersObj.SessionID = $quserData[3]
# SessionState
$usersObj.SessionState = $quserData[4]
# IdleTime
$quserData[5] = $quserData[5] -replace "\+",":" -replace "\.","0:0" -replace "Disc","0:0"
if($quserData[5] -like "*:*"){
$usersObj.IdleTime = [timespan]"$($quserData[5])"
}elseif($quserData[5] -eq "." -or $quserData[5] -eq "none"){
$usersObj.idleTime = [timespan]"0:0"
$usersObj.IdleTime = [timespan]"0:$($quserData[5])"
# LogonTime
$usersObj.LogonTime = (Get-Date "$($quserData[6]) $($quserData[7]) $($quserData[8] )")
$users += $usersObj
return $users
function LogOutUser {
$test = Get-LoggedOnUsers
$count = 0
$nameArray = #()
$sessionArray = #()
$logonTimeArray = #()
foreach($line in $test){
$field1 = $line.Username
$field2 = $line.SessionID
$field3 = $line.LogonTime
$nameArray += $field1
$sessionArray += $field2
$logonTimeArray += $field3
$session1 = [INT]$sessionArray[0]
$session2 = [INT]$sessionArray[1]
Write-Host $nameArray
Write-Host $sessionArray
Write-Host $logonTimeArray
Write-Host $count
Write-Host $session1
Write-Host $session2
if(($count -gt 1) -and ($session2 -gt $session1 )){
logoff $session1
this code works in the ISE but it does not work when running from the console, what is happening? It does exactly what i want it to do through the ISE but when I try running as a scheduled task it doesn't work also it doesnt work when trying to run with console. i have tried powershell.exe -noexit -file c:\logofftest1.ps1 but still no success


How to display the variable result as table in email body or console screen?

The below script to get the logon users and send as email was working great but only on the console output only.
I am trying to get the result as a table so the result in the console and the email body will be like:
Server, ConnectionType, User, ID, State
PRDSVR16, rdp-tcp#44, SVC-SQL, 4, Active
PRDSVR10, rdp-tcp#27, Admin.domain, 6, Disc
Open in new window
This is the script:
$Today = Get-Date -Format 'F'
$SessionList = "`n`nRDP Session List - " + $Today + "`n`n"
$CurrentSN = 0
# Get a list of servers from Active Directory
write-progress -activity "Getting list of servers from Active Directory" -status "... please wait ..."
$Servers = (Get-ADComputer -Filter { Enabled -eq $True -and OperatingSystem -like "*Server*" } -Properties OperatingSystem -SearchBase "OU=Data Center,DC=Company,DC=com") |
Where-Object { Test-Connection $_.Name -Count 1 -Quiet } |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
$NumberOfServers = $Servers.Count
# Iterate through the retrieved list to check RDP sessions on each machine
ForEach ($Server in $Servers)
Write-Host "Processing $Server ..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-progress -activity "Checking RDP Sessions" -status "Querying $Server" -percentcomplete (($CurrentSN / $NumberOfServers) * 100)
$SessionList += qwinsta /server:$Server |
Select-Object -Skip 1 |
% {
[PSCustomObject] #{
Type = $_.Substring(1, 18).Trim()
User = $_.Substring(19, 20).Trim()
ID = $_.Substring(41, 5).Trim()
State = $_.Substring(48, 6).Trim()
} |
? { $_.Type -notin 'console', 'services', 'rdp-tcp' -and $_.User -ne $null -and $_.User -ne 65536 } |
% {
"`n$Server logged in by $($_.User) on $($_.Type), session id $($_.ID) $($_.state)"
$SessionList += "`n Unable to query " + $Server
write-host "Unable to query $Server! `n $($Error[0].Exception)" -foregroundcolor Red
# Send the output the screen.
$SessionList + "`n`n"
$sendMailArgs = #{
From = "$env:USERNAME#$env:userdnsdomain"
To = ''
SmtpServer = ''
Priority = 'High'
Body = $SessionList | Select-Object #{ N = 'Server'; E = { $Server } },
#{ N = 'User'; E = { $_.User } },
#{ N = 'LogonType'; E = { $_.Type } },
#{ N = 'ID'; E = { $_.ID } },
#{ N = 'State'; E = { $_.State } }
Subject = "$($SessionList.Count) Logged On users from $($NumberOfServers) online servers as at $($Today)"
Send-MailMessage #sendMailArgs
Rendering collected information in different places is way easier if you keep strict separation between data and presentation (or formatting) of said data.
For the $SessionList for example, that means doing less than what you're currently trying to do inside the loop:
$ErrorList = #()
$SessionList = foreach($server in $servers){
qwinsta /server:$Server |Select-Object -Skip 1 |ForEach-Object {
[PSCustomObject] #{
Server = $server
Type = $_.Substring(1, 18).Trim()
User = $_.Substring(19, 20).Trim()
ID = $_.Substring(41, 5).Trim()
State = $_.Substring(48, 6).Trim()
} |Where-Object { $_.Type -notin 'console', 'services', 'rdp-tcp' -and $_.User -ne $null -and $_.User -ne 65536 }
$ErrorList += [pscustomobject]#{
Server = $server
ErrorRecord = $_
Notice how I don't construct any strings - I just create the custom objects, filter them - and then leave them as-is.
Now it becomes much easier to format the data as desired for different output media:
# For console output, simply pipe to Format-Table
$SessionList |Format-Table
if($ErrorList.Count -gt 0){
Write-Warning "The following servers had errors, please inspect"
$ErrorList |Format-Table
# For email output we can use `ConvertTo-Html`
$Body = $SessionList |ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment
if($ErrorList.Count -gt 0){
$ErrorTable = $ErrorList |ConvertTo-Html -As Table -Fragment
$Body = $Body,$ErrorTable -join '<br />'
$sendMailArgs = #{
# ...
Body = ConvertTo-Html -Body $Body -Title "Session list"
BodyAsHtml = $true
# ...

Unable to query remote server with Qwinsta command using Powershell?

The script below is currently configured to perform Qwinsta from multiple online servers, and then send the result as email.
$Today = Get-Date -Format 'F'
$SessionList = "`n`nRDP Session List - " + $Today + "`n`n"
$CurrentSN = 0
# Get a list of servers from Active Directory
write-progress -activity "Getting list of servers from Active Directory" -status "... please wait ..."
$Servers = Get-ADComputer -Filter { Enabled -eq $True -and OperatingSystem -like "*Server*" } -SearchBase "OU=servers,dc=dwlab02,dc=local" | Where-Object { Test-Connection $_.Name -Count 1 -Quiet } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
$NumberOfServers = $Servers.Count
# Iterate through the retrieved list to check RDP sessions on each machine
ForEach ($Server in $Servers) {
$ServerName = $Server.Name
Write-progress -activity "Checking RDP Sessions" -status "Querying $ServerName" -percentcomplete (($CurrentSN / $NumberOfServers) * 100)
# Run qwinsta and grab the output
try {
$queryResults = (qwinsta /server:$ServerName | Select-Object -Skip 1 | ForEach-Object { (($_.trim() -replace "\s+", ",")) } | convertfrom-csv -ErrorAction Stop)
# get session info from the instance
ForEach ($QueryResult in $QueryResults) {
$RDPUser = $($QueryResult.substring(19, 22)).trim()
$SessionType = $($QueryResult.substring(1, 18)).trim()
$SessionID = $($QueryResult.substring(41, 5)).trim()
$ReturnedCurrentState = $($QueryResult.substring(48, 8)).trim()
$RDPUser = $QueryResult.USERNAME
$SessionType = $QueryResult.SESSIONNAME
$SessionID = $QueryResult.ID
$ReturnedCurrentState = $QueryResult.State
If ($ReturnedCurrentState -eq $null) { $CurrentState = "Disconnected" } Else { $CurrentState = "Active" }
# filter out the irrelevant information
If (($RDPUser -ne $NULL) -and ($SessionType -ne "console") -and ($SessionType -ne "services") -and ($SessionType -ne "rdp-tcp") -and ($RDPUser -ne "65536")) {
$SessionList = $SessionList + "`n" + $ServerName + " logged in by " + $RDPUser + " on " + $SessionType + ", session id $SessionID $CurrentState"
catch {
$SessionList = $SessionList + "`n Unable to query " + $ServerName
write-host "Unable to query $ServerName!" -foregroundcolor Red
# Send the output the screen.
$SessionList + "`n`n"
$sendMailArgs = #{
From = ''
To = ''
Subject = "$($SessionList.Count) Logged On users from $($NumberOfServers) online servers as at $($Today)"
SmtpServer = ''
Port = 587
UseSsl = $true
Credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $Username, (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Password)
Send-MailMessage #sendMailArgs -Body $SessionList
However, the result is always a blank email with the below content:
RDP Session List - Monday, 17 August 2020 12:28:19 PM
Unable to query Unable to query Unable to query Unable to query
Unable to query Unable to query Unable to query Unable to query
Unable to query
How can I fix the above script?

Powershell - how to check logged users in specific Machines

I have a code to check on local machines logged sessions as below
Get-WmiObject win32_networkloginprofile | ? {$_.lastlogon -ne $null} | % {[PSCustomObject]#{User=$_.caption; LastLogon=[Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($_.lastlogon)}}
Is it possible to check it for specific machines a logged sessions , even the one that have status "disconnected" ?
Obviously you need rights on the target computers:
Function Get-LoggedOnUser {
[string[]]$ComputerName = 'localhost'
begin {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
process {
foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
try {
quser /server:$Computer 2>&1 | Select-Object -Skip 1 | ForEach-Object {
$CurrentLine = $_.Trim() -Replace '\s+',' ' -Split '\s'
# If session is disconnected different fields will be selected
if ($CurrentLine[2] -eq 'Disc') {
UserName = $CurrentLine[0];
ComputerName = $Computer;
SessionName = $null;
Id = $CurrentLine[1];
State = $CurrentLine[2];
IdleTime = $CurrentLine[3];
LogonTime = $CurrentLine[4..($CurrentLine.GetUpperBound(0))] -join ' '
# LogonTime = $CurrentLine[4..6] -join ' ';
else {
UserName = $CurrentLine[0];
ComputerName = $Computer;
SessionName = $CurrentLine[1];
Id = $CurrentLine[2];
State = $CurrentLine[3];
IdleTime = $CurrentLine[4];
LogonTime = $CurrentLine[5..($CurrentLine.GetUpperBound(0))] -join ' '
catch {
New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property #{
ComputerName = $Computer
Error = $_.Exception.Message
} | Select-Object -Property UserName,ComputerName,SessionName,Id,State,IdleTime,LogonTime,Error

Log off users remotely

found this script to log off a single username
$scriptBlock = {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
try {
## Find all sessions matching the specified username
$sessions = quser | Where-Object {$_ -match 'username'}
## Parse the session IDs from the output
#foreach($sessionsUser in $sessions){
$sessionIds = ($sessions -split ' +')[2]
Write-Host "Found $(#($sessionIds).Count) user login(s) on computer."
## Loop through each session ID and pass each to the logoff command
$sessionIds | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "Logging off session id [$($_)]..."
logoff $_
} catch {
if ($_.Exception.Message -match 'No user exists') {
Write-Host "The user is not logged in."
} else {
throw $_.Exception.Message
## Run the scriptblock's code on the remote computer
Invoke-Command -ComputerName NAME -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock
Is it possible to do the same for all users logged in session ?
I know that -match return first parameter , i tried to do " -ne $Null" but it returns a whole column with sessions instead a row and only check row [0] and the ones with actuall parameters ...
Iterate through the collection and logoff all the Id present:
$ScriptBlock = {
$Sessions = quser /server:$Computer 2>&1 | Select-Object -Skip 1 | ForEach-Object {
$CurrentLine = $_.Trim() -Replace '\s+',' ' -Split '\s'
# If session is disconnected different fields will be selected
If ($CurrentLine[2] -eq 'Disc') {
UserName = $CurrentLine[0];
Id = $CurrentLine[1]
Else {
UserName = $CurrentLine[0];
Id = $CurrentLine[2]
$Sessions | ForEach-Object {
logoff $_.Id
Invoke-Command -ComputerName gmwin10test -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
Instead of
$sessions = quser | Where-Object {$_ -match 'username'}
## Parse the session IDs from the output
#foreach($sessionsUser in $sessions){
$sessionIds = ($sessions -split ' +')[2]
$sessionIDs = #()
$sessions = (quser) -split '`r`n'
for ($i=1;$i -lt $sessions.length;$i++){
$sessionIDs += $sessions[$i].substring(42,4).trim()
This way all sessions are recorded and the IDs are added to the $sessionIDs-array.
I'm using substring since the regex is not working if the session is disconnected. Also using forinstead of foreach since the first entry is the header ("ID").

Using powershell to modify notes.ini

I have a powershell script that parses a lotus notes INI file and replaces text inside the file. But only the replaced text is showing up in the output file.
# Example of PowerShell -replace parameter
## Get-DistinguishedName -- look up a DN from a user's (login) name
function Get-DistinguishedName {
$ads = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([ADSI]'')
$ads.filter = "(&(objectClass=Person)(samAccountName=$UserName))"
$s = $ads.FindOne()
return $s.GetDirectoryEntry().DistinguishedName
set-executionpolicy remotesigned
$original_file = '.\notes.ini'
$destination_file = '.\notes2.ini'
$OS = Get-WmiObject -Class win32_OperatingSystem -namespace "root\CIMV2" -ComputerName .
$username = [Environment]::UserName
$userprofile = $env:userprofile
$fullname = Get-DistinguishedName($username) | %{$data = $_.split(","); $data[0].Substring(3)}
write-Host "Creating $userprofile"
if (($OS.Version -eq "5.1.2600") -or ($OS.Version -eq "5.2.3790")) {
$lookupTable = #{
'^SU_FILE_CLEANUP=' = 'SU_FILE_CLEANUP=' + $userprofile + '\Local Settongs\Application Data\smkits'
'%username%' = $username
'%fullname%' = $fullname
'%userprofile%' = $userprofile
'^Directory=' = 'Directory=' + $userprofile + '\Local Settongs\Application Data\Lotus\Notes\Data'}
} else {
$lookupTable = #{
'SU_FILE_CLEANUP=' = 'SU_FILE_CLEANUP=' + $userprofile + '\AppData\Roaming\smkits'
'%username%' = $username
'%fullname%' = $fullname
'%userprofile%' = $userprofile
'Directory=' = 'Directory=' + $userprofile + '\AppData\Local\Lotus\Notes\Data'}
Get-Content -Path $original_file | ForEach-Object {
$line = $_
$lookupTable.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
if ($line -match $_.Key)
$line -replace $_.Key, $_.Value
write-Host $line
} | Set-Content -Path $destination_file
What am I missing
On this line, you are writing he output of the replace operator onto the pipeline, this will then get picked up by Set-Content
$line -replace $_.Key, $_.Value
whereas on this line, you are writing the output to the host (i.e. the powershell console) it will not end up on the pipeline and will not get picked up up Set-Content:
write-Host $line
To fix this, just replace write-host with write-output:
Write-Output $line