Activity restart when attaching or detaching the external keyboard(via OTG cable) and Navbar at bottom(with keyboard switch key) Shows up - android-activity

I am creating an android application in xamarin. I am using a web view to display a website. To enter the input in the text box i have created custom keyboards, So i have to keep my app in full screen. I have manged to do that and My app is working properly.
But problem occurs when user connects the external keyboard( by OTG cable).
1. My Activity is restarting when i attach or detach the external keyboard.
I have tried the following code to prevent the activity restart
(a) I have written the following code in AndroidManifest.xml
<application android:configChanges="orientation|keyboard|keyboardHidden|screenSize" android:label="ABC" android:icon="#drawable/AppIcon"></application>
(b) I have added the attribute to the activity
[Activity (Label = "ABC",Icon = "#drawable/AppIcon", ConfigurationChanges = ConfigChanges.Keyboard|ConfigChanges.KeyboardHidden|ConfigChanges.ScreenSize,ScreenOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Landscape)]
public class HomeActivity : Activity
2. Navigation bar with keyboard switching key is showing up when i type something from external keyboard
For this i have written the following code.
public static SystemUiFlags flags = (SystemUiFlags.Visible | SystemUiFlags.LayoutHideNavigation | SystemUiFlags.LayoutFullscreen | SystemUiFlags.HideNavigation |
SystemUiFlags.Fullscreen | SystemUiFlags.ImmersiveSticky);
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
//hide action bar and title bar
//set view for activity
Window.DecorView.SystemUiVisibilityChange += (sender, e) =>
Window.DecorView.SystemUiVisibility = (Android.Views.StatusBarVisibility)Global.flags;
public override void OnWindowFocusChanged(bool hasFocus)
Window.DecorView.SystemUiVisibility = (Android.Views.StatusBarVisibility)Global.flags;
public static void HideActionBarAndTitleBar(Activity activity)
//Remove title bar
//Remove notification bar
activity.Window.SetFlags(WindowManagerFlags.Fullscreen, WindowManagerFlags.Fullscreen);
public static void HideNaviagtionBar(Activity activity)
View decorView = activity.Window.DecorView;
decorView.SystemUiVisibility = (Android.Views.StatusBarVisibility)flags;
decorView.SystemUiVisibilityChange += (object sender, View.SystemUiVisibilityChangeEventArgs e) =>
if (e.Visibility == (Android.Views.StatusBarVisibility)SystemUiFlags.Visible && SystemUiFlags.Fullscreen == SystemUiFlags.Visible)
decorView.SystemUiVisibility = (Android.Views.StatusBarVisibility)flags;
I don't know why this is happening, please help.


Disabling a button in page editor (ribbon) for field-type image

I have used a custom image component which has image field-type ribbon when editing in page editor.
In core db, there are 3 webedit buttons for image which I need to hide/disable:
path: /sitecore/system/Field types/Simple Types/Image/WebEdit Buttons/
1. Choose Image
2. Image Properties
3. Clear Image
Also, i am aware that this is possible by overriding Querystate() method but im unsure of its implementation as I am new to CommandState handling.
Instead of going through QueryState , I am trying this
I have set the property "DisableEdit" of image as:
<myImage:PictureFillImage Field="<%# MyImage.Constants.FieldNames.Image %>" DisableEdit="true" ID="UIImage" runat="server"/>
I am using a custom class as:
public class PictureFillImage : Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.FieldControl
And i am trying to disable web editing for the image as:
public bool DisableEdit { get; set; }
private Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.Image _smlImage;
private Sitecore.Data.Fields.ImageField _smlImageField;
private Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.FieldControl _fieldControl;
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
public override void DataBind()
// base.OnLoad(e);
this.Item = this.GetItem();
if ((this.Item != null) && (this.Field != null))
Sitecore.Data.Fields.Field field = this.Item.Fields[this.Field];
if (field != null)
this._smlImageField = (Sitecore.Data.Fields.ImageField)field;
this._smlImage = new Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.Image();
this._smlImage.Field = this.Field;
this._fieldControl = this._smlImage as Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.FieldControl;
this._smlImage.ID = this.ID;
this._smlImage.CssClass = this.CssClass;
this._smlImage.Parameters = "all=all";
this._fieldControl.Item = this.Item;
this._smlImage.DisableWebEditing = DisableEdit;
this._fieldControl.DisableWebEditing = DisableEdit;
I was hoping that the code would hide the three buttons: "Choose Image", "Image Properties" and "Clear Image" that appear in the floating ribbon in the page editor but I had negative result.
Please help.
You should override the query state method and return hidden or enabled
public override CommandState QueryState(CommandContext context)
// your logic here
//access current item
var item = context.Items[0];
// return either Commandstate.Hidden or Commandstate.Enabled
For each button you will have a command class declared so you can customize the behaviour for each button.
You can get access to the current item as well.
There's a good example here on how to overrride the querystate to affect the state of the buttons

Windows 8 UserControl Frame Object Navigation

Within a XAML user control, the Frame object is null:
How do I navigate between pages with a Windows 8 XAML User Control? I have placed the control within a Callisto Flyout on a XAML page.
The search button below must navigate the user to another XAML page.
I've successfully used the code from app.xaml.cs
Frame frame = Window.Current.Content as Frame;
and then used the standard Navigate code.
There's the nice way and the not-so-nice way:
Both of them start with a navigation service:
public interface INavigationService
bool CanGoBack { get; }
void GoBack();
void GoForward();
bool Navigate<T>(object parameter = null);
bool Navigate(Type source, object parameter = null);
void ClearHistory();
event EventHandler<NavigatingCancelEventArgs> Navigating;
public class NavigationService : INavigationService
private readonly Frame _frame;
public NavigationService(Frame frame)
_frame = frame;
frame.Navigating += FrameNavigating;
#region INavigationService Members
public void GoBack()
public void GoForward()
public bool Navigate<T>(object parameter = null)
Type type = typeof (T);
return Navigate(type, parameter);
So, where do I get the Frame? In App.xaml.cs
protected async override void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs args)
// Do not repeat app initialization when already running, just ensure that
// the window is active
if (args.PreviousExecutionState == ApplicationExecutionState.Running)
// Create a Frame to act as the navigation context and navigate to the first page
var rootFrame = new Frame();
if (DesignMode.DesignModeEnabled)
SimpleIoc.Default.Register<INavigationService, DesignTimeNavigationService>();
SimpleIoc.Default.Register<INavigationService>(() => new NavigationService(rootFrame));
I'm using MVVM Light here. This makes life easy because all my viewmodels get created using dependency injection and have their services injected into them.
If you're not using something like MVVM Light and rely on code-behind then you can still make this work: Just make the navigation service static
public class NavigationService : INavigationService
public static INavigationService Current{
blah blah blah
And change App.xaml.cs to:
protected async override void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs args)
// Do not repeat app initialization when already running, just ensure that
// the window is active
if (args.PreviousExecutionState == ApplicationExecutionState.Running)
// Create a Frame to act as the navigation context and navigate to the first page
var rootFrame = new Frame();
NavigationService.Current= new NavigationService(rootFrame));
And you can then access your main Frame anywhere in the app by saying:
simple code ( may not be 100% efficient) is :
Frame frame = new Frame();

Render view based on another view in Eclipse plugin

I am developing an Eclipse plug-in that has currently 2 views. In my first view I have a list of connections displayed in a TableViewer (name and connection status).In my second view I want to load the tables in a database (the connection). This loading will be done by clicking a menu item on a connection ("view details"). These tables will be displayed in a TreeViewer because they can also have children. I have tried to do it this way:
My View class:
public class DBTreeView extends ViewPart {
private TreeViewer treeViewer;
private Connection root = null;
public DBTreeView() {
public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {
treeViewer = new TreeViewer(parent);
treeViewer.setContentProvider(new DBTreeContentProvider());
treeViewer.setLabelProvider(new DBTreeLabelProvider());
public void setInput(Connection conn){
root = conn;
I made a setInput method that is called from the action registered with the menu item in the connections view with the currently selected connection as argument:
MViewContentsAction class:
public void run(){
selectedConnection = Activator.getDefault().getConnectionsView().getSelectedConnection();
In my ContentProvider class:
public Object[] getChildren(Object arg0) {
if (arg0 instanceof Connection){
return ((Connection) arg0).getTables().toArray();
where EMPTY_ARRAY is an...empty array
The problem I'm facing is that when in debug mode, this piece of code is not executed somehow:
And also nothing happens in the tree view when clicking the menu item. Any ideas?
Thank you
Huh. Ok, what you're doing here is.. not really the right way. What you should be doing is registering your TableViewer as a selection provider.
Then, define a selection listener and add it to the view with the tree viewer like this:
ISelectionListener listener = new ISelectionListener() {
public void selectionChanged(IWorkbenchPart part, ISelection sel) {
if (!(sel instanceof IStructuredSelection))
IStructuredSelection ss = (IStructuredSelection) sel;
// rest of your code dealing with checking whether selection is what is
//expected and if it is, setting it as an input to
//your tree viewer
public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {
Now your tree viewer's input will be changed according to what is selected in the table viewer (btw, don't forget to call treeviewer.refresh() after you set new input).
See an example here.

MVVM using Page Navigation On Windows Phone 7

The Navigation framework in Windows Phone 7 is a cut down version of what is in Silverlight. You can only navigate to a Uri and not pass in a view. Since the NavigationService is tied to the View, how do people get this to fit into MVVM. For example:
public class ViewModel : IViewModel
private IUnityContainer container;
private IView view;
public ViewModel(IUnityContainer container, IView view)
this.container = container;
this.view = view;
public ICommand GoToNextPageCommand { get { ... } }
public IView { get { return this.view; } }
public void GoToNextPage()
// What do I put here.
public class View : PhoneApplicationPage, IView
public void SetModel(IViewModel model) { ... }
I am using the Unity IOC container. I have to resolve my view model first and then use the View property to get hold of the view and then show it. However using the NavigationService, I have to pass in a view Uri. There is no way for me to create the view model first. Is there a way to get around this.
Instead of passing the view through the constructor. You could construct the view first via the NavigationService and pass it into the view-model. Like so:
public class ViewModel : IViewModel
private IUnityContainer container;
private IView view;
public ViewModel(IUnityContainer container)
this.container = container;
public ICommand GoToNextPageCommand { get { ... } }
public IView
get { return this.view; }
set { this.view = value; this.view.SetModel(this); }
public void GoToNextPage()
// What do I put here.
PhoneApplicationFrame frame = Application.Current.RootVisual;
bool success = frame.Navigate(new Uri("View Uri"));
if (success)
// I'm not sure if the frame's Content property will give you the current view.
IView view = (IView)frame.Content;
IViewModel viewModel = this.unityContainer.Resolve<IViewModel>();
viewModel.View = view;
If you are using Mvvm Light you could try:
Windows Phone 7 — Navigation between pages using MVVM Light Messaging
(See similar post: Silverlight Navigation using Mvvm-light(oobe)+MEF?)
My opinion is that the view-model should be created and registered at application startup. By placing it inside the root DataContext all pages will automatically get a reference to it without any code-behind or IoC tricks.
// Code to execute when the application is launching (eg, from Start)
// This code will not execute when the application is reactivated
private void Application_Launching(object sender, LaunchingEventArgs e)
m_ViewModel = new PrimaryViewModel(RootFrame) ;
RootFrame.DataContext = m_ViewModel;
// Code to execute when the application is activated (brought to foreground)
// This code will not execute when the application is first launched
private void Application_Activated(object sender, ActivatedEventArgs e)
m_ViewModel = new PrimaryViewModel(RootFrame) ;
RootFrame.DataContext = m_ViewModel;
If you are using MVVM architecture,then you can pass navigationPage after registering using Messenger. Create a model class (say NavigateToPageMessage) with a string(say PageName) variable. You want to pass string from homepage.xaml to newpage.xaml,then in Homepage viewmodel just send the message like this under the command you binded (say HomeNavigationCommand)
private void HomeNavigationCommandHandler()
Messenger.Default.Send(new NavigateToPageMessage {PageName = "newpage"});
In the newpage Viewmodel,you should register the messenger like this,
Messenger.Default.Register<NavigateToPageMessage>(this, (action) => ReceiveMessage(action));
private object ReceiveMessage(NavigateToPageMessage action)
var page = string.Format("/Views/{0}.xaml", action.PageName);
NavigationService.Navigate(new System.Uri(page,System.UriKind.Relative));
return null;
//Assuming your views are in View Folder

How to avoid View specific code in my ViewModel

My application has a menu option to allow the creation of a new account. The menu option's command is bound to a command (NewAccountCommand) in my ViewModel. When the user clicks the option to create a new account, the app displays a "New Account" dialog where the user can enter such data as Name, Address, etc... and then clicks "Ok" to close the dialog and create the new account.
I know my code in the ViewModel is not correct because it creates the "New Account" dialog and calls ShowDialog(). Here is a snippet from the VM:
var modelResult = newAccountDialog.ShowDialog();
if (modelResult == true)
//Create the new account
how do i avoid creating and showing the dialog from within my VM so I can unit test the VM?
I like the approach explained in this codeproject article:
It basically creates a WPF Dialog control that can be embedded in the visual tree of another window or usercontrol.
It then uses a style trigger that causes the dialog to open up whenever there is content in the dialog.
so in you xaml all you have to do is this(where DialogViewModel is a property in you ViewModel):
<MyControls:Dialog Content = {Binding DialogViewModel}/>
and in you ViewModel you just have to do the following:
DialogViewModel = new MyDialogViewModel();
so in unit testing all you have to do is:
MyViewModel model = new MyViewModel();
model.DialogViewModel = new MyDialogViewModel();
model.DialogViewModel.InputProperty = "Here's my input";
//Assert whatever you want...
I personally create a ICommand property in my ViewModel that sets the DialogViewModel property, so that the user can push a button to get the dialog to open up.
So my ViewModel never calls a dialog it just instantiates a property. The view interprets that and display a dialog box. The beauty behind this is that if you decide to change your view at all and maybe not display a dialog, your ViewModel does not have to change one bit. It pushes all the User interaction code where it should the view. And creating a wpf control allows me to re-use it whenever I need to...
There are many ways to do this, this is one I found to be good for me. :)
In scenarios like this, I typically use events. The model can raise an event to ask for information and anybody can respond to it. The view would listen for the event and display the dialog.
public class MyModel
public void DoSomething()
var e = new SomeQuestionEventArgs();
if (e.Handled)
mTheAnswer = e.TheAnswer;
private string mTheAnswer;
public string TheAnswer
get { return mTheAnswer; }
public delegate void SomeQuestionHandler(object sender, SomeQuestionEventArgs e);
public event SomeQuestionHandler SomeQuestion;
protected virtual void OnSomeQuestion(SomeQuestionEventArgs e)
if (SomeQuestion == null) return;
SomeQuestion(this, e);
public class SomeQuestionEventArgs
: EventArgs
private bool mHandled = false;
public bool Handled
get { return mHandled; }
set { mHandled = value; }
private string mTheAnswer;
public string TheAnswer
get { return mTheAnswer; }
set { mTheAnswer = value; }
public class MyView
private MyModel mModel;
public MyModel Model
get { return mModel; }
if (mModel != null)
mModel.SomeQuestion -= new MyModel.SomeQuestionHandler(mModel_SomeQuestion);
mModel = value;
if (mModel != null)
mModel.SomeQuestion += new MyModel.SomeQuestionHandler(mModel_SomeQuestion);
void mModel_SomeQuestion(object sender, SomeQuestionEventArgs e)
var dlg = new MyDlg();
if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;
e.Handled = true;
e.TheAnswer = dlg.TheAnswer;
The WPF Application Framework (WAF) shows a concrete example how to accomplish this.
The ViewModel sample application shows an Email Client in which you can open the “Email Account Settings” dialog. It uses dependency injection (MEF) and so you are still able to unit test the ViewModel.
Hope this helps.
There are different approaches to this. One common approach is to use some form of dependency injection to inject a dialog service, and use the service.
This allows any implementation of that service (ie: a different view) to be plugged in at runtime, and does give you some decoupling from the ViewModel to View.