Calculate Depth map of right image - matlab

What I have done:
To create a novel view(right image) from left image(given), I used the formula for pure translation between views(from Zissermann book) as:
x' = x + K.t/Z
x'= [u'
x = [u
K = [f 0 cx; 0 f cy;0 0 1];
t = [t1 t2 t3]^T;
Z - depth of pixel in left image
The images and camera matrix were taken from Middlebury stereo 2014 dataset.
By implementing this,
I have an image with holes(black regions) due to disocclusions.
What I need to do :
To fill these holes, several algorithms exist which modify the depth map of right view prior to warping.
Can you tell me how I can find depth map of my synthesized(right) view ?
results matlab
Above is the result I have got till now, please help!

My answer actually is a workaround from Priyamvadha's previous question and my answer to it.
If you have extrinsic/intrinsic parameters and 3D points, consider to reverse the process.
transform (as you did with my previous answer) all the 3D points in the right camera's reference system (use extrinsic R and t, "reversing" the transformation)
now that you have all the 3D coordinates in that system, remember that the Z value is strongly linked with the disparity
for each point and its Z coordinate, the disparity should be equal to
D = (b*f)/Z
with b the baseline and f the focal length from intrinsics.
You should have obtained syntethized disparity for your syntetized image. Link each disparity value with the correspondant projected point in the syntethized image.
Yes, I could have join all the passage and give you a unique formula, but it would not have meant anything for you.
PS if you have no point, there will be no depth for black holes in the image.


Find coordinates from a contour in Matlab

I suppose this is not something difficult but i wonder if there is any function or any optimal way.
Consider that after an image process i have a matrix-image with 0 everywhere and 1 at the contour.
Now i want to find the x y along that contour line
The important is that eg [ x(2) y(2) ] should be the next pixel to [x(1) y(1)]
I have used this:
[c h]=contour(image,1)
But the result is not very good and it gives some noise points which is very bad (and for some reason it appears mirrored)
If you have the image processing toolbox, I highly suggest using bwperim which returns a logical image where true is a perimeter or contour point and false otherwise.... not to mention that it's faster.
Try doing:
bw = bwperim(image == 1); % image == 1 to ensure binary
[y, x] = find(bw);
The first line of code finds an image that only contains contour points, and we can use find after that on the result to find the row and column locations. Here y represents the row and x represents the column locations.
If you desire that the contour is ordered, then use the bwtraceboundary function instead. However, this will require that you specify an initial contour point prior to running the function.
An easy way to do this would be to find any non-zero point along the contour of your object. You could use bwperim first and sample any point from here. Choosing just any point may not give you an actual contour point.
bw = bwperim(image == 1); % image == 1 to ensure binary
[y, x] = find(bw, 1); % Find the first contour point
ctr = bwtraceboundary(image == 1, [y, x], 'SE');
'SE' is the direction of where to look first given the initial contour point. Here I've chosen south east. This will produce a N x 2 matrix where the first column contains the rows and second column contains the columns of the ordered contour points starting at the initial position provided by y and x.
I have posted my complete solution to help other people:
I have a grayscale image and i want to find the coordinates X Y in order along the contour .
Set a threshold for black and white and make the image binary (optional)
`image=image>0.5 %This is optional but some may found it usefull`
Find the Start Point:
[yStart xStart]=find(image,1);
This will scan the image column by column from left to right and up to down and will return the first non zero pixel. So this will return the 'left-est up' pixel of the image. Remember, X is the column and Y is the row. Zero is at the top-left corner!
Find the contour:
contour=bwtraceboundary(image, [yStart, xStart],'NE');
contour = bwtraceboundary(image,[yStart xStart],'NE',8,Inf,'clockwise');
NE is the initial direction (NorthEast)
If the point [yStart xStart] is not on the contour of an image this will not work !
If you plot (x,y) that will be mirrored. This is because the zero at the coordinate system is at the top left corner of the image and not at the bottom left. To do it properly you can do this:
y=y+abs(min(y))+1 % +1 is to avoid y=0

Decomposing rotation matrix (x,y',z'') - Cartesian angles

Decomposing rotation matrix (x,y',z'') - Cartesian angles
Im currently working with rotation matrices and I have the following problem:
Given three coordinate systems (O0,x0,y0,z0; O1,x1,y1,z1; O2,x2,y2,z2) which coincide. We rotate first the frame #1 with the respect to frame #0, then the frame #2 with respect to frame #1.
The order of the rotations: R = Rx_alpha * Ry_beta * Rz_gamma, so first about x, then y', then z'', which are also known as the Cartesian angles.
If R1 stands for the 1st and R2 for the 2nd rotation, we are looking for the angles of the 2nd frame with respect to initial frame (#0) after both of the rotations. This can be done by decomposing the rotation matrix R (where:R = R1*R2 ). There are many literature available, how it can be done by Euler- and RPY-angles, but I don't find any, how to solve this problem in case of Cartesian angles.
I have a matlab function which works only by simple rotations. If all the angles have values different than 0 (example below), then the result becomes really unstable.
Orientation of the 1st frame with respect to the frame #0:
alpha1 = 30*pi/180;
beta1 = 10*pi/180;
gamma1 = 0*pi/180;
Orientation of the 2nd frame with respect to the frame #1
alpha2 = 10*pi/180;
beta2 = 10*pi/180;
gamma2 = 0*pi/180;
The matlab function I was using for solving the problem:
function [q] = cartesian_angles(R)
beta = asin(R(1,3));
*% Catching the numerical singularty*
if abs(abs(beta)-pi/2) > eps;
*% singulartiy of acos*
gamma1 = acos(R(1,1) / cos(beta));
gamma2 = asin(-R(1,2) / cos(beta));
if gamma2<0
alpha1 = acos(R(3,3) / cos(beta));
alpha2 = asin(-R(2,3) / cos(beta));
if alpha2<0
alpha = 2*pi-alpha1;
alpha = alpha1;
fprintf('beta=pi/2 \n')
gamma = 0;
alpha = 0;
beta = 0;
alpha = alpha*180/pi;
beta = beta*180/pi;
gamma = gamma*180/pi;
q = [alpha; beta; gamma];
Thank you for any help! If you have some questions don't hesitate to ask!
First, I'm going to assume you are passing into your function a well conditioned, right-handed rotation matrix. I'm going to use the same rotation sequence as you listed above, X Y' Z''
If you know the symbolic construction of the rotation matrix you are trying to extract angles from, the math is pretty straight forward. Below is an example of matlab code to determine the construction of the rotation matrix of order X-Y'-Z''
a = sym('a');%x
b = sym('b');%y
g = sym('g');%z
Rx = [1 0 0;0 cos(a) -sin(a);0 sin(a) cos(a)];
Ry = [cos(b) 0 sin(b);0 1 0;-sin(b) 0 cos(b)];
Rz = [cos(g) -sin(g) 0;sin(g) cos(g) 0;0 0 1];
R = Rz*Ry*Rx
The output looks like this:
R =
[ cos(b)*cos(g), cos(g)*sin(a)*sin(b) - cos(a)*sin(g), sin(a)*sin(g) + cos(a)*cos(g)*sin(b)]
[ cos(b)*sin(g), cos(a)*cos(g) + sin(a)*sin(b)*sin(g), cos(a)*sin(b)*sin(g) - cos(g)*sin(a)]
[ -sin(b), cos(b)*sin(a), cos(a)*cos(b)]
Here's the same result in a nicer looking format:
Now let's go over the math to extract the angles from this matrix. Now would be a good time to become comfortable with the atan2() function.
First solve for the beta angle (by the way, alpha is the rotation about the X axis, beta is the rotation about Y' axis, and gamma is the angle about the Z'' axis):
beta = atan2(-1*R(3,1),sqrt(R(1,1)^2+R(2,1)^2))
Written more formally,
Now that we have solved for the beta angle we can solve more simply for the other two angles:
alpha = atan2(R(3,2)/cos(beta),R(3,3)/cos(beta))
gamma = atan2(R(2,1)/cos(beta),R(1,1)/cos(beta))
Simplified and in a nicer format,
The above method is a pretty robust way of getting the Euler angles out of your rotation matrix. The atan2 function really makes it much simpler.
Finally I will answer how to solve for the rotation angles after a series of rotations. First consider the following notation. A vector or rotation matrix will be notated in the following way:
Here "U" represents the universal frame, or global coordinate system. "Fn" represents the nth local coordinate system that is different from U. R means rotation matrix (this notation could also be used for homogeneous transformations). The left side superscript will always represent the parent frame of reference of the rotation matrix or vector. The left side subscript indicates the child frame of reference. For example, if I have a vector in F1 and I want to know what it is equivalently in the universal frame of reference I would perform the following operation:
To get the vector resolved in the universal frame I simply multiplied it by the rotation matrix that transforms things from F1 to U. Notice how the subscripts are "cancelled" out by the superscript of the next item in the equation. This is a clever notation to help someone from getting things mixed up. If you recall, a special property of well conditioned rotation matrices is that the inverse matrix is the transpose of the matrix, which is will also be the inverse transformation like this:
Now that the notation details are out of the way, we can start to consider solving for complicated series of rotations. Lets say I have "n" number of coordinate frames (another way of saying "n" distinct rotations). To figure out a vector in the "nth" frame in the universal frame I would do the following:
To determine the Cardan/Euler angles that result from "n" rotations, you already know how to decompose the matrix to get the correct angles (also known as inverse kinematics in some fields), you simply need the correct matrix. In this example I am interested in the rotation matrix that takes things in the "nth" coordinate frame and resolves them into the Universal frame U:
There is it, I combined all the rotations into the one of interest simply by multiplying in the correct order. This example was easy. More complicated cases come when someone wants to find the reference frame of one rigid body resolved in the frame of another and the only thing the two rigid bodies have in common is their measurement in a universal frame.
I want to also note that this notation and method can also be used with homogeneous transformations but with some key differences. The inverse of a rotation matrix is its transpose, this is not true for homogeneous transformations.
Thank you for you answer willpower2727, your answer was really helpful!
But I would like to mention, that the code you have shown is useful to decompose rotational matrices, which are built in the following way:
R = Rz*Ry*Rx
What I'm looking for:
R = Rx*Ry*Rz
Which results into the following rotational matrix:
However, it's not a problem, as following the method how you calculate the angles alpha, beta and gamma, it was easy to modify the code so it decomposes the matrix shown above.
The angles:
beta = atan2( R(1,3), sqrt(R(1,1)^2+(-R(1,2))^2) )
alpha = atan2( -(R(2,3)/cos(beta)),R(3,3)/cos(beta) )
gamma = atan2( -(R(1,2)/cos(beta)),R(1,1)/cos(beta) )
One thing is still not clear though. The method is perfectly useful, bunt only if I calculate the angles after one rotation. As there are more rotations linked after each other, the results are false. However, it's still solvable, I guess, considering the following way: Let's say, we have two rotations linked after each other (R1 and R2). q1 shows the angles of R1, q2 of R2. after decomposing the single matrices. The total angle of rotation of the matrix R=R1*R2can be easily calculated through summing up the rangles before: q=q1+q2
Is there no way, how to calculate the angles of the total rotation, not by summing the partial angles, but decomposing the matrix R=R1*R2?
Considering the following basic example. The are to rotations linked after each other:
a1 = 10*pi/180
b1 = 20*pi/180
g1 = 40*pi/180
R1 = Rx_a1*Ry_b1_Rz_g1
a2 = 20*pi/180
b2 = 30*pi/180
g2 = 30*pi/180
R2 = Rx_a2*Ry_b2*Rz_g2
Decomposing the individual matrices R1 and R2 results in the rights angles. The problem occures, when I link the rotations after each other and I try to determinate the angles of the last frame in the inertial frame. Theoretically this could be done by decomposing the product of all rotational matrices of the chain of transformations.
R = R1*R2
Decomposing this matrix gives the following false result shown in degrees:
a = 0.5645
b = 54.8024
g = 61.4240

Reconstruct 3D scene from two 2D images

This is the first time I do the image processing. So I have a lot of questions:
I have two pictures which are taken from different position, one from the left and the other one from the right like the picture below.[![enter image description here][1]][1]
Step 1: Read images by using imread function
I1 = imread('DSC01063.jpg');
I2 = imread('DSC01064.jpg');
Step 2: Using camera calibrator app in matlab to get the cameraParameters
load cameraParams.mat
Step 3: Remove Lens Distortion by using undistortImage function
[I1, newOrigin1] = undistortImage(I1, cameraParams, 'OutputView', 'same');
[I2, newOrigin2] = undistortImage(I2, cameraParams, 'OutputView', 'same');
Step 4: Detect feature points by using detectSURFFeatures function
imagePoints1 = detectSURFFeatures(rgb2gray(I1), 'MetricThreshold', 600);
imagePoints2 = detectSURFFeatures(rgb2gray(I2), 'MetricThreshold', 600);
Step 5: Extract feature descriptors by using extractFeatures function
features1 = extractFeatures(rgb2gray(I1), imagePoints1);
features2 = extractFeatures(rgb2gray(I2), imagePoints2);
Step 6: Match Features by using matchFeatures function
indexPairs = matchFeatures(features1, features2, 'MaxRatio', 1);
matchedPoints1 = imagePoints1(indexPairs(:, 1));
matchedPoints2 = imagePoints2(indexPairs(:, 2));
From there, how can I construct the 3D point cloud ??? In step 2, I used the checkerboard as in the picture attach to calibrate the camera[![enter image description here][2]][2]
The square size is 23 mm and from the cameraParams.mat I know the intrinsic matrix (or camera calibration matrix K) which has the form K=[alphax 0 x0; 0 alphay y0; 0 0 1].
I need to compute the Fundamental matrix F, Essential matrix E in order to calculate the camera matrices P1 and P2, right ???
After that when I have the camera matrices P1 and P2, I use the linear triangulation methods to estimate 3D point cloud. Is it the correct way??
I appreciate if you have any suggestion for me?
To triangulate the points you need the so called "camera matrices" and the points in 2D in each of the images (that you already have).
In Matlab you have the function triangulate, that does the job for you.
If you have calibrated the cameras, you shoudl have this information already. Anyways, you have here an example of how to create the "stereoParams" object needed for the triangulation.
Yes, that is the correct way. Now that you have matched points, you can use estimateFundamentalMatrix to compute the fundamental matrix F. Then you get the essential matrix E by multiplying F by extrinsics. Be careful about the order of multiplication, because the intrinsic matrix in cameraParameters is transposed relative to what you see in most textbooks.
Now, you have to decompose E into a rotation and a translation, from which you can construct the camera matrix for the second camera using cameraMatrix. You also need the camera matrix for the first camera, for which the rotation would be a 3x3 identity matrix, and translation will be a 3-element 0 vector.
Edit: there is now a cameraPose function in MATLAB, which computes an up-to-scale relative pose ('R' and 't') given the Fundamental matrix and the camera parameters.

Change from one cartesian 3D co-ordinate system to another by translation and rotation

There are two reasons for me to ask this question:
I want to know if my understanding on this issue is correct.
To clarify a doubt I have.
I want to change the co-ordinate system of a set of points (Old cartesian coordinates system to New cartesian co-ordinate system). This transformation will involve Translation as well as Rotation. This is what I plan to do:
With respect to this image I have a set of points which are in the XYZ coordinate system (Red). I want to change it with respect to the axes UVW (Purple). In order to do so, I have understood that there are two steps involved: Translation and Rotation.
When I translate, I only change the origin. (say, I want the UVW origin at (5,6,7). Then, for all points in my data, the x co-ordinates will be subtracted by 5, y by 6 and z by 7. By doing so. I get a set of Translated data.)
Now I have to apply a rotation transform (on the Translated data). The Rotation matrix is shown in the image. The values Ux, Uy and Uz are the co-ordinates of a point on the U axis which has unit distance from origin. Similarly, the values Vx, Vy and Vz are the coordinates of a point on the V axis which has a unit distance from origin. (I want to know if I am right here.) Wx, Wy, Wz is calculated as ((normalized u) X (normalised v))
(Also, if it serves any purpose, I would like to let you know that I am using MATLAB.)
I have a set of 42 points in 3D (42 X 3 matrix A) I want the first point to be considered as origin of UVW plane. So the values of the first point will be my translation vector. Correct?
Next, to calculate the Rotation vector: According to my requirement, the 6th row of matrix A has to be the U axis while 37th row has to be V axis. Consequently, vector u will be (1st row minus 6th row) of matrix A. While vector v will be (1st row minus 37th row) of matrix A.
The first row of Rotation Matrix will be vector u/|u| (normalized). Second row will be vector v/|v| (v normalized). The third row will be (u X v) . Am I right here?
Given this information, how can I calculate the value of Wx, Wy and Wx. How can I calculate the 3rd row of rotation matrix R?
Since you already have U and V, the two basis vectors of the orthonormal UVW system, the W basis vector would be the cross product of U and V. The cross product gives out the vector that is perpendicular to its operands; hence W = U × V. The components of W would fill in the third row of the rotation matrix.
Is my approach correct?
The order of the transforms matter; changing the order would lead to different results. When doing transformations of systems, usually scaling and rotation are tackled first and translation is dealt with lastly. The reason for this is that rotation would always be with respect to the origin. If the new system isn't on the old one's origin then applying rotation would rotate the new system not around its own origin but around the old system's origin. See the rightside case of figure 3-4 on this page to understand the difference what would happen if it's not on the origin; imagine the pot as the UVW coordinate system.
Think of both the coordinate systems being super-imposed (laid one atop the other). Now when you rotate UVW system with respect to the origin of XYZ, you will end up with the effect of rotating UVW w.r.t its own origin. Once rightly oriented, you can apply translation to it. However, if you'd already translated, then rotating would lead to translated rotation.
If you're using column-vector convention then TR would be the order i.e. rotation followed by translation. If you're using the row-vector convention then RT would be the order, again the order is rotation followed by translation.
You can apply the cross product of the Vectors OU and OV.
I think it's easier to perform it in steps. 1) Translation. 2) Rotation about x-axis. 3) Rotation about y-axis. 4) Rotation about z-axis.
% Assuming this is your coordinates before any operation
x0 = 5; y0 = 5; z0 = 5;
% This is the new origin
u = 5; v = 6, w = 7;
% If you wish to rotate pi/4 about x-axis, pi/3 about y-axis, pi/2 about z- axis, the three representative rotation matrix will be:
rx = [1 0 0; 0 cos(pi/4) -sin(pi/4); 0 sin(pi/4) cos(pi/4)];
ry = [cos(pi/3) 0 sin(pi/3); 0 1 0; -sin(pi/3) 0 cos(pi/3)];
rz = [cos(pi/2) -sin(pi/2) 0; sin(pi/2) cos(pi/2) 0; 0 0 1];
% First perform translation
xT = x0-u; yT = y0-v; zT = z0-w;
% Then perform rotation about x
rotated_x = mtimes( rx,[xT;yT;zT]);
% Then perform rotation about y
rotated_xy = mtimes( ry, rotated_x);
% Then perform rotation about z
rotated_xyz = mtimes( rz, rotated_xy);

recovery plane from 4 point imaging using calibration camera

I have a camera and its K matrix (calibration matrix) also I have image of plane, I know the real points of the 4 corners and thier correspondence pixel. I know how to compute the H matrix if z=0 (H is homography matrix between Image and the real plane).
And Now I try to get the real point of the plane (3D point) with the rotation matrix and the transltion vector
I follow this paper :Calibrating an Overhead Video Camera by Raul Rojas in section 3 - 3.3.
My code is:
screenImage=imread( 'screen.jpg');
RealPointsMirror=[0,0,1;9,0,1;9,6,1;0,6,1]; %Mirror
hold on
for i=1:4
hold on
for i=1:4
function [ Points3D ] = Get3DpointSurface( RealPoints,ImagePoints,name)
for i=1:4
[U S V] = svd(M);
X = V(:,end);
for i=1:4
res=pinv(M)* [ImagePoints(i,1),ImagePoints(i,2),1]';
Points3D(i+1,:)=Points3D(1,:); %just add the first point to the end of the array for draw square
My result is :
Now I have two problem :
1.The point 1 is at (0,0,0) and this is not the real location
2.the points are upside down
What I am doing worng?
A homography is normally the transform of a plane in two positions/rotations.
The position in camera coordinates of a plane is normally called pose or extrinsic parameters
opencv has a solvePnP() function which uses Ransac to estimate the position of a known plane.
ps. Sorry don't know the equivalent matlab but Bouguet has a matlab version of the openCV 3D functions on his site
I found the answer in the paper: Calibrating an Overhead Video Camera by Raul Rojas in section 3 - 3.3.
for the start: H=K^-1*H
Given four points in the image and their known coordinates in the world, the
matrix H can be recovered, up to a scaling factor . We know that the first
two columns of the rotation matrix R must be the first two columns of the
transformation matrix. Let us denote by h1, h2, and h3 the three columns of
the matrix H.Due to the scaling factor we then have that
xr1 = h1
xr2 = h2
Since |r1| = 1, then x= |h1|/|r1| = |h1| and x = |h2|/|r2| = |h2|. We can thus
compute the factor and eliminate it from the recovered matrix H. We just set
H'= H/x
In this way we recover the first two columns of the rotation matrix R.
The third column of R can be found remembering that any column in a rotation
matrix is the cross product of the other two columns (times the appropriate
plus or minus sign). In particular
r3 = r1 × r2
Therefore, we can recover from H the rotation matrix R. We can also recover
the translation vector (the position of the camera in field coordinates). Just
remember that
h'3 = −R^t
Therefore the position vector of the camera pin-hole t is given by
t = −R^-1 h3