Copy video while cutting frames - matlab

I have a video written with the Xvid MPEG4-Codec. Unfortunately, each frame has an annoying bar to the right and to the bottom of a couple of pixels. What I would like to do is to remove this bar, preferably using MATLAB.
For this purpose, I have written this code to try this out:
function [] = changeVideo(in_path, out_path, reqSize)
videoList = dir(strcat(in_path, '\*.avi'));
for ii = 1:numel(videoList)
vidReader = VideoReader(strcat([in_path '\'], videoList(ii).name));
vidWriter = VideoWriter(strcat([out_path '\'], videoList(ii).name),'MPEG-4');
while hasFrame(vidReader)
% here I would change the size of the frame
Unfortunately, this does not seem to work. The resulting video has a different memory footprint and quality than the original video. Since MATLAB can read the original video, I was hoping that there is a way to replicate this video, but only change each frame slightly in its size. Is this possible?
Thank you!


How to correlate properly a moving sample in 2 images of different size?

I am currently recording on a single camera the images, one aside of the other one, of the same sample out of a microscope.
I have 2 issues with that, and I figured out that in post procesing with Matlab I could arrange these questions.
-First, the 2 images on the camera are supposed to have the same pixel size, or one is just a litle bigger than the other one, probably because of optical pathways. What is the adapted Matlab function or way to correlate the two images so they will have exactly the same pixel size in X and Y ?
Two images on same camera , one bigger or smaller compared to the other one
-Secondly, my sample is moving a litle during the recording ( while still staying in my field of view of course ). To make my analysis easier, it would be suitable that I could correct the images so the sample remain at the same place as in the first image, to perform calculations on it easier. What would be the adapted Matlab function or way to correct this movement in the image ?
Sample moving in the image on the camera
Sorry for the poor quality of my drawings !
Thank you very much for your advices and help.
First zero-pad the images to a sufficient degree, to get them both to double the size of the bigger one.
size_padding = max(size(fig1),size(fig2));
fig1_pad = padarray(fig1,size_padding-size(fig1),'post');
fig2_pad = padarray(fig2,size_padding-size(fig2),'post');
Assuming the sample is the only feature present in the images, the best way to proceed would be to use the xcorr2() function and find the lag corresponding to the maximum correlation, to get the space shift between the two images:
xc = xcorr2(fig1_pad,fig2_pad);
[max_cc, imax] = max(abs(xc(:)));
[ypeak, xpeak] = ind2sub(size(xc),imax(1));
corr_offset = [ (ypeak-size(fig2_pad,1)) (xpeak-size(fig2_pad,2)) ];
You then use circshift() to shift one of the images using the lag you obtained in the last step.
fig2_shift = circshift(fig2_pad,corr_offset);
You now have two images of the same size, where hopefully the sample is in the same position. If you want to remove the padding zeroes, crop the images to your liking with respect to the center using imcrop().

MATLAB: Making a video using writeVideo

I am currently trying to make a video using the writeVideo function in MATLAB. I have made a GUI using GUIDE which includes a slider, a few checkboxs, and a single axes (tagged as axes1). When I move the slider, the axes will plot certain shapes that change according to the slider value.
What I am trying to do is record a video of the GUI being used to show the functionality in a presentation. However, when I play back the video (after making it using writeVideo), it shows the slider value moving and the checkboxes being checked correctly, but the plot never changes (i.e. it will only show the original shape). This seems to be some refresh error, however, anything I have tried has not worked (refresh, drawnow, etc.)
Any idea why this is happening? The following is the code I am trying to implement:
vidObj = VideoWriter('test.avi','Motion JPEG AVI');
flag = 0;
if flag<12 %movie will be 12 frames long
flag = flag+1;
if slider<1
plot something...
elseif slider>=1 && slider<2
plot something else...
elseif slider<=5
plot something else...
hFigure = findobj('Name','gui');
currFrame = getframe(hFigure);
clear hfigure currFrame image;
As stated, I can then use implay to play back the test.avi file, however, the plot never updates.
Thanks in advance
Note: I am using MATLAB R2012b
The following is how I ended up creating my video: maybe this will help someone who was facing similar issues to the one stated above.
I basically gave up on using getframe and decided to 1) get screenshots, then 2) turn the screenshots into a movie. To get the screenshots, I first ran my program then, in the command window, invoked the following code using the java toolkit
i = 1;
while true
robo = java.awt.Robot;
t = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
%# Set screen size
rectangle = java.awt.Rectangle(0,0,1000,640);
%# Get the capture
image = robo.createScreenCapture(rectangle);
%# Save it to file
filehandle ='capture%d.jpg', i));
pause(.4) %# Wait for 0.4 seconds
i = i + 1;
This then continually ran in the background and took snap shots of the screen and stored them into the current directory. to stop it from running, just use Ctrl C. Once I had the screen shots, I used the following code to create the movie:
vidObj = VideoWriter('test.avi','Motion JPEG AVI');
for i=7:87 %these are the frames I wanted in my movie
x = num2str(i);
im = horzcat('capture',x);
im1 = horzcat(im,'.jpg')
imdata = imread(im1);
getframe is sometimes problematic. I'm not sure I can give an answer, and I can't simply comment because of my reputation, but this link might be of help. After you get the figure from the GUI, turn it into an image and then into a frame. Worth a shot.
If you change your monitor settings to 16 bit color it will solve the problem you are having. This has been documented on the link provided. My previous answer was deleted because I only supplied the link and told you how to solve the problem (sorry) but if you actually click on the link and see what they say or change your monitor settings to 16 bit color everything will work. From the link you can see that people have had this problem since 2009 but it was updated in april 2013 so it is still a problem and changing your monitor settings to 16 bit color is still a solution.
Hope this helps!

Lock image size on Matlab GUI

I'm making a GUI in MatLab that asks the user to upload a video file.
Next I want to play it in axes with a fixed window size . However, if the uploaded file is large, Matlab will expand the axes and take over most of my GUI. Is there a way to shrink the image to make it fit the axes?
Does anyone know how to solve this?
Usually Matlab axes are not supposed to change their position if the image is too big.
I can think of two possible problems:
The axes were large from the beginning, but showed small image with margins if the image is small enough
The command of showing the image that you are using is custom and it changes the axes size.
This question is old, but I stumbled across this (looking for something else) so perhaps it will help someone to see what I did.
I wanted to resize pretty large images (1024x 100k-200k pixels) so that my GUI can quickly demonstrate various color operations on a view of these large data sets. I just manually sub-sampled my data as follows (functions below).
Note that this example is an image. To spatially sub-sample a video, I have looped through the video and done something similar in the past on each frame.
[plotWidthPixels, plotHeightPixels] = getPlotAreaPixels(handles.figure1, handles.axes1);
[nSamplesPerLine nLines] = size(iqData);
colInds = decimateToNumber(nLines,plotWidthPixels);
rowInds = decimateToNumber(nSamplesPerLine,plotHeightPixels);
iqDataToPlot = iqData(rowInds,colInds);
First, I got the axis size in pixels:
function [plotWidthPixels, plotHeightPixels] = getPlotAreaPixels(figHandle, axisHandle)
figSizePix = get(figHandle,'Position');
axSizeNorm = get(axisHandle,'Position');
axisSizePix = figSizePix.*axSizeNorm;
plotWidthPixels = ceil(axisSizePix(3)-axisSizePix(1));
plotHeightPixels = ceil(axisSizePix(4)-axisSizePix(2));
Then I used that to decimate the width and height of my image by getting sub-sets of indices that are (crudely approximately) evenly spaced:
function inds = decimateToNumber(lengthOfInitialVector, desiredVectorLength, initialIndex)
if nargin < 3
initialIndex = 1;
if (lengthOfInitialVector-initialIndex+1) > desiredVectorLength*2
inds = round(linspace(initialIndex,lengthOfInitialVector,desiredVectorLength));
inds = initialIndex:lengthOfInitialVector;

Superimpose two web cam streams - Matlab

I currently have a code in Matlab that takes images from two webcams, overlays them and displays them in a figure which get's updated in time intervals to give semi-realtime.
However, I need to make this realtime, does anyone have any idea of how to overlay two webcam streams like you would do with a 3D movie?
If you mean Anaglyph 3D, having both images you can do the following:
left = imread('vipstereo_hallwayLeft.png');
right = imread('vipstereo_hallwayRight.png');
imshow(cat(3, left(:,:,1), right(:,:,2:3)));
both png's already come with the image processing toolbox.
The result will be this (and you can look at it with Red/Cyan glasses. I did!):
I already tried this method with real pictures in 2 ways:
1. 2 pictures taken at the same time with 2 diferent cameras a little displaced;
2. 2 pictures taken in a very short time with a moving camera. (burst mode)
And they both gave excelent results.
Then, to do it with 2 webcams, you need to:
1. init them properly;
2. set them to get 1 frame per trigger;
3. trigger them and get both frames;
4. mix frames and show them.
I do not have 2 webcams so I was no able to test it, but I think this code can do it:
Cameras setup:
% Get a handle to each cam
Lvid = videoinput('winvideo', 1, 'YUY2_1280x1024');
Rvid = videoinput('winvideo', 2, 'YUY2_1280x1024');
% Set them to get one frame/trigger
Lvid.FramesPerTrigger = 1;
Rvid.FramesPerTrigger = 1;
Then do an infinite loop to get frames, mix them and show the result.
% Trigers both video sources
% Get the frames
left = getdata(Lvid);
right = getdata(Rvid);
% Convert them to RGB
left = ycbcr2rgb(left);
right = ycbcr2rgb(right);
% mix them (R from right + GB from left)
frame = cat(3, left(:,:,1), right(:,:,2:3));
% show
pause(0.0001) % to refresh imshow
Note that since my webcam is YUV i have to convert it to RGB prior to mixing the images.
Hope this helps you!
I'd suggest doing it in OpenCV.

How to work with images(png's) of size 2-4Mb

I am working with images of size 2 to 4MB. I am working with images of resolution 1200x1600 by performing scaling, translation and rotation operations. I want to add another image on that and save it to photo album. My app is crashing after i successfully edit one image and save to photos. Its happening because of images size i think. I want to maintain the 90% of resolution of the images.
I am releasing some images when i get memory warning. But still it crashes as i am working with 2 images of size 3MB each and context of size 1200x1600 and getting a image from the context at the same time.
Is there any way to compress images and work with it?
I doubt it. Even compressing and decompressing an image without doing anything to it loses information. I suspect that any algorithms to manipulate compressed images would be hopelessly lossy.
Having said that, it may be technically possible. For instance, rotating a Fourier transform also rotates the original image. But practical image compression isn't usually as simple as just computing a Fourier transform.
Alternatively, you could write piecemeal algorithms that chop the image up into bite-sized pieces, transform the pieces and reassemble them afterwards. You might also provide a real-time view of the process by applying the same transform to a smaller version of the full image.
The key will be never to full decode the entire image into memory at full size.
If you need to display the image, there's no reason to do that at full size -- the display on the iPhone is too small to take advantage of that. For image objects that are for display, decode the image in scaled down form.
For processing, you will need to write custom code that works on a stream of pixels rather than an in-memory array. I don't know if this is available on the iPhone already, but you can write it yourself by writing to the libpng library API directly.
For example, your code right now probably looks something like this (pseudo code)
img = ReadImageFromFile("image.png")
img2 = RotateImage(img, 90)
SaveImage(img2, "image2.png")
The key thing to understand, is that in this case, img is not the data in the PNG file (2MB), but the fully uncompressed image (~6mb). RotateImage (or whatever it's called) returns another image of about this same size. If you are scaling up, it's even worse.
You want code that looks more like this (but there might not be any API's for you to do it -- you might have to write it yourself)
imgPixelGetter = PixelDecoderFromFile("image.png")
imgPixelSaver = OpenImageForAppending("image2.png")
w = imgPixelGetter.Width
h = imgPixelGetter.Height
// set up a 90 degree rotate
imgPixelSaver.Width = h
imgPixelSaver.Height = w
// read each vertical scanline of pixels
for (x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
pixelRect = imgPixelGetter.ReadRect(x, 0, 1, h) // x, y, w, h
pixelRect.Rotate(90); // it's now got a width of h and a height of 1
In this algorithm, you never had the entire image in memory at once -- you read it out piece by piece and saved it. You can write similar algorithms for scaling and cropping.
The tradeoff is that it will be slower than just decoding it into memory -- it depends on the image format and the code that's doing the ReadRect(). Unfortunately, PNG is not designed for this kind of access to the pixels.