How to set CLASSPATH for Apache Derby DB - classpath

I tried to set the Path environment variable of entering the path: "C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.8.0_101 \ db \ lib" (.jar file path) but nothing ...
I created a new variable called CLASSPATH by entering the same path and still nothing ...
How can I link this path to the compiler?
compile error

You can't set CLASSPATH to the directory where the jar files are stored; you have to specify the actual jar file by its full name.
This is a difference between a directory full of java .class files, versus a directory full of java .jar files.
So set your CLASSPATH to:
c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_101\db\lib\derby.jar;c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_101\db\lib\derbyclient.jar
In your particular case, since the only class you're trying to reference is ClientDriver, which is in derbyclient.jar, you could just set CLASSPATH to c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_101\db\lib\derbyclient.jar and leave derby.jar out, but at some point in the future you might want to reference other Derby classes, such as EmbeddedDriver, so you might as well put both derby.jar and derbyclient.jar into your CLASSPATH now.


Scala Standalone JAR with a conf Folder

I'm using the sbt assembly jar plugin to create a standalone jar file. My project folder structure would look like this:
- main
- scala
- mypackages and source files
- conf // contains application.conf, application.test.conf and so on
- test
-project // contains all the build related files
I now want to be able to run the fat jar that I produce against a version of the application.conf that I specify as a System property!
So here is what I do in my unit test!
System.setProperty("environment", "test")
And this is how I load the config in one of the files in my src folder:
val someEnv = Option(System.getProperty("environment", "")).filter(_.nonEmpty) // gives me some(test)
val name = s"application.${someEnv.get}.conf"
I can see that the environment variable is set and I get the environment passed it. But later on I load the application.test.conf as below:
It however loads just the edfault application.conf and not the one that I specify!
What is wrong in my case? Where should I put the conf folder? I'm trying to run it against my unit test which is inside the test folder!
I believe you need to specify the full name of the configuration file. The .conf is optional. Try
The docs for ConfigFactory.load(String) indicate you need to supply
name (optionally without extension) of a resource on classpath
Ok! Here is what I had to do! Change the name of the folder where the config file is located. I originally had it as conf and I had to rename it to resources and bang it worked!

Gigaspaces: set directory with runtime dependecies for PUs

My processing units have runtime dependencies and if I put them into $GigaSpaces_root/lib/required then my PUs deploys fine.
But I'd like to keep GS root distr unattached (even owned by root) and put these libs into some other custom dir. But I can't find a way to configure GS to look for dependencies in my custom dir. PRE_CLASSPATH, CLASSPATH, POST_CLASSPATH don't help. Other useful variables are overwritten by on GS initialization. What I'v done:
strings -a /proc/{GSC_PID}/environ | grep tmp
The question is how to configure GS to look for libraries in custom directory?
Solution is here:

Custom deployment with sbt

I have a Scala application and i want to setup a deployment process result similar to one Akka sbt plugin gives, but i it requires project to be a microkernel. Sbt-assembly is a very cool plugin, but i want to have a free access to my config files, basically i want to have the following app structure:
/app/bin - start script bash file
/config - all my application .conf files
/deploy - my project .jar with classes
/lib - all my dependencies .jar files
/logs - log files
I we checked typesafe sbt-native-packager, it's better, but it could place my .conf file and logs out of jars. All those settings in SBT looks confusing to me, what can i do to with this?
Actually this is not hard to update akka-sbt-plugin to make it work in general, add this file to your project folder and somewhere in your build the following settings:
.settings(Distribution.distSettings: _*)
.settings(mappings in Compile in packageBin ~= { _.filter(!_._1.getName.endsWith(".conf")) })
The first line adds all dist settings to your project and the second one excludes all .conf files from your .jar and reads them from config folder.
Now you have to commands: dist - creates a folder with a structure you've discribed and zipDist which packs it all into .zip file, later you can add this to you publish setting:
addArtifact(Artifact(someName, "zip", "zip"), zipDist)

RxTx installation on windows java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: gnu/io/CommPort

I put rxtxcomm.jar into jre/lib/ext folder, but I still get NoClassDefFoundError Isn't this folder automatically taken into the global classpath?
yes it is taken automatically to classpath, but RXTXcomm uses JNI /native external libraries (.so and .dll files), you must provide the path to them when running your program in command line:
java -jar yourprogram.jar -Djava.library.path="PATH_TO_EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES"
for linux:
suppose you unpacked the to
if you have 32bit x86 platofrm:
PATH_TO_EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES = /home/user/Linux/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/
if you have 64bit x86 platform the it would be:
PATH_TO_EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES = /home/user/Linux/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/
for windows:
suppose you downloaded and unpacked it to C:\rxtxt
PATH_TO_EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES = C:\rxtxt\Windows\i368-mingw32\
If you find it cumbersome to do it from command line you can do it from yout code (before opening port via RXTXcomm):
of course, you must put RXTXcomm.jar in your classpath in addition to all of the above. If running from command line as jar packaged program - yourprogram.jar - inside the jar you must have a META-INF folder that contains MANIFEST.MF with the following entries:
Class-Path: lib/RXTXcomm.jar
Main-Class: pkg.Main
and yourprogram.jar must be in folder which has folder lib in which is RXTXcomm.jar, also
the class with
public static void main(String[] args)
method must be called Main and reside in package named pkg (just replace pkg.Main with whatever you have).
Then you can run your program succesfully and open a serial port if you have one. This approach also eliminates the need to copy anything in jre/lib/ext folder
or, if you don't want to pack your program in jar, position yourself in folder which contains the folder pkg and write:
java -cp PATH_TO_RXTX/RXTXcomm.jar -Djava.library.path="PATH_TO_EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES" pkg.Main
(all paths can be relative or absolute)
but I would recommend Java Simple Serial Connector instead of RXTXcomm:
it handles heavy load from multiple threads as opposed to RXTXcomm (tested in production)
external libraries are packed in jar so there is no need for setting java.library.path

Using CMake to index source files of an external library with Eclipse

I am using CMake to build a project with external libraries by using "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles".
Importing in Eclipse leads to a working project, but only all header files and my implemented source files are recognized correctly by the index of Eclipse.
I would also like to navigate through the source files for one external library by using "ctrl+click". I don't know how to add the *.cpp files of that external library in my CMakeList.txt to get them recognized by the indexer without building the library.
You can mark the .cpp files as "header file only" like this:
# find all filenames in the lib path and gather them in $YOUR_LIB
FILE(GLOB YOUR_LIB path_to_library/*.?pp)
# create a seperate sourcegroup so it doesn't clutter up the rest of your code
# mark them as header-file only
# add both your code and the lib-code to the project
I found a way to attach external library source files to the Eclipse project that is compatible with CMake project generator.
It turns out that to indexing and "ctrl+click" navigation works correctly only when external library sources are direct descendants of the project source folder. Therefore the solution is following:
Scan external library folder for source files.
Create a child folder under project's source folder.
Symlink discovered sources inside the created folder.
I created a CMake function attachExternalSources that performs above steps:
function(attachExternalSources librarySourceLocation folderName)
# Create folder for Geant4 sources
message(STATUS "Searching for C++ sources in \"${librarySourceLocation}\"...")
message(STATUS "Symlinking sources into\n \"${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${folderName}\"\n Please wait...")
foreach(source ${libSources})
# Obtain source filename
get_filename_component(source_filename ${source} NAME)
# Create symlink unless it already exists
set(symlink "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${folderName}/${source_filename}")
if(NOT EXISTS ${symlink})
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink ${source} ${symlink})
# Scan all the symlinks created under the project folder and disable their compilation
FILE(GLOB sources_symlinks ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/${folderName}/*)
The use of the function is following. Paste above function code in your CMakeLists.txt. Next, use it as follows:
attachExternalSources("path/to/external/library/sources" "library-sources")
First parameter is location of the external library source code. Second argument is the name of a folder inside your project that that will contain source symlinks.
P.S. I tested function with Eclipse 4.19 and CMake 3.20.5.