How to shade a dependency for a non-executable Scala Library? - scala

Spent a few hours trying to figure out how to do this. Over the course of it I have looked at a few seemingly promising questions but none of them seem to quite fit what I'm doing.
I've got three library jars, let's call them M, S, and H. Library M has things like:
case class MyModel(x: Int, s: String)
and then library S uses the play-json library, version 2.3.8, to provide implicit serializers for the classes defined by M
trait MyModelSerializer {
implicit val myModelFormt = Json.format[MyModel]
Which are then bundled up together into a convenience object for importing
package object implicits extends MyModelSerializer extends FooSerizlier // etc
That way, in Library H, when it performs HTTP calls to various services it just imports implicits from S and then I call Json.validate[MyModel] to get back the models I need from my web services. This is all well and dandy, but I'm working on an application that's running play 2.4 and when I included H into the project and tried to use it I ran up against:
Which I believe is being caused by play 2.4 using play-json version 2.4.6. Unfortunately, these are a minor version apart and this means that trying to just use the old library like:
// In build.sbt
"" %% "play-json" % "2.3.8" force()
Results in all the code in the app to fail to compile because I'm using things like JsError.toJson which weren't parts of play-json 2.3.8. I could change the 14 or so places trying to use that method, but given the exception before I have a feeling that even if I do that it's not going to help.
Around this point I remembered that back in my maven days I could shade dependencies during my build process. So I got to thinking that if I could shade the play-json 2.3.8 dependency in H that that would solve the problem. Since the problem seems to be that calling Json.* in H is using the Json object from play-json 2.4.6.
Unfortunately, the only thing I can find online that indicates the ability to shade is sbt-assembly. I found a great answer on how to do that for a fat jar. But I don't think I can use sbt-assembly because H isn't executable, it's just a library jar. I read through a question like my own but the answer refers to sbt-assembly so it doesn't help me.
Another question seems somewhat promising but I really can't follow how I would use it / where I would be placing the code itself. I also looked through the sbt manual, but nothing stuck out to me as being what I need.
I can't just change S to use play-json 2.4.6 because we're using H in a play 2.3 application as well. So it needs to be able to be used in both.
Right now the only thing I can really think to do if I can't get some kind of shading done is to make H not use S and to instead require some kind of serializer/deserializer implicitly and then wire in the appropriate json (dee)serializer. So here I am asking about how to properly shade with sbt with something that isn't an executable jar because I only want to do a re-write if I absolutely have to. If I missed something (like sbt-assembly being able to shade for non-executable jars as well), I'll take that as an answer if you can point me to the docs I must have missed.

As indicated by Yuval Itzchakov, sbt-assembly doesn't have to be building an executable jar and can shade library code as well. In addition, packing without transitive dependencies except the ones that need to be shaded can be done too and this will keep the packaged jar's size down and let the rest of the dependencies come through as usual.
Hunting down the transitive dependencies manually is what I ended up having to do, but if anyone has a way to do that automatically, that'd be a great addition to this answer. Anyway, this is what I needed to do to the H library's build file to get it properly shading the play-json library.
Figure out what the dependencies are using show compile:dependencyClasspath at the sbt console
Grab anything play related (since I'm only using play-json and no others I can assume play = needs shading)
Also shade the S models because they rely on play-json as well, so to avoid transitive dependencies bringing a non-shadded play 2.3.8 back in, I have to shade my serializers.
Add sbt-assembly to project and then update build.sbt file
//Shade rules for all things play:
assemblyShadeRules in assembly := Seq(
ShadeRule.rename("play.api.**" -> "").inAll
//Grabbed from the "publishing" section of the sbt-assembly readme, excluding the "assembly" classifier
addArtifact(artifact in (Compile, assembly), assembly)
// Only the play stuff and the "S" serializers need to be shaded since they use/introduce play:
assemblyExcludedJars in assembly := {
val cp = (fullClasspath in assembly).value
val toIncludeInPackage = Seq(
cp filter {c => !toIncludeInPackage.contains(}
And then I don't get any exceptions anymore from trying to run it. I hope this helps other people with similar issues, and if anyone has a way to automatically grab dependencies and filter by them I'll happily update the answer with it.


How to easily play around with the classes in an Scala/SBT project?

I'm new to Scala/SBT and I'm having trouble understanding how to just try out the classes and functions of a package to see what they're about, to get a feel for them. For example, take . What I want to do is something like (in the top level folder of the project)
# sbt
> console
> import com.github.plokhotnyuk.rtree2d.core._
etc. But this won't work as it can't find the import even though this is in the project. I apologize for the vague question, though I hope from my hand-waving it's clear what I want to do. Another way to put it maybe, is that I'm looking for something like the intuitive ease of use which I've come to take for granted in Python -- using just bash and the interpreter. As a last resort I can create a separate project and import this package and write a Main object but this seems much too roundabout and cumbersome for what I want to do. I'd also like if possible to avoid IDEs, since I never really feel in control with them as they do all sorts of things behind the scenes in the background adding a lot of bulk and complexity.
rtree2d takes advantage of sbt's multi-module capabilities; a common use for this is to put the core functionality in a module and have less core aspects (e.g. higher-level APIs or integrations with other projects) in modules which depend on the core: all of these modules can be published independently and have their own dependencies.
This can be seen in the build.sbt file:
// The main project -- LR
lazy val rtree2d ="."))
.aggregate(`rtree2d-coreJVM`, `rtree2d-coreJS`, `rtree2d-benchmark`)
// details omitted --LR
// Defines the basic skeleton for the core JVM and JS projects --LR
lazy val `rtree2d-core` = crossProject(JVMPlatform, JSPlatform)
// details omitted
// Turns the skeleton into the core JVM project --LR
lazy val `rtree2d-coreJVM` = `rtree2d-core`.jvm
// Turns the skeleton into the core JS project --LR
lazy val `rtree2d-coreJS` = `rtree2d-core`.js
lazy val `rtree2d-benchmark` = project
In sbt, commands can be scoped to particular modules with module/command, so in the interactive sbt shell (from the top-level), you can do
> rtree2d-coreJVM/console
to run the console within the JVM core module. You could also run sbt 'rtree2d-coreJVM/console' directly from the shell in the top level, though this may require some care around shell quoting etc.

How can I change the compiler flags of an sbt project without causing recompilation?

It often comes up during testing and debugging a Scala project built with sbt that I need to pass some extra compiler flags for a particular file. For example -Xlog-implicits to debug implicit resolution problems. However, changing scalacOptions either in build.sbt or the console invalidates the cache and causes the whole project / test suite to be recompiled. In addition to being annoying to wait so long, this also means that a lot of noise from irrelevant files is printed. Instead it would be better if I could compile a specific file with some extra flags from the sbt console, but I did not find a way to do this.
The reason why changing the scalac options triggers recompilation is because Zinc, Scala's incremental compiler, cannot possibly now which compiler flags affect the semantics of the incremental compilation, so it's pessimistic about it. I believe this can be improved, and some whitelisted flags can be supported, so that next time people like you don't have to ask about it.
Nevertheless, there's a solution to this problem and it's more generic than it looks like at first sight.
You can create a subproject in your sbt build which is a copy of the project you want to "log implicits" in, but with -Xlog-implicits enabled by default.
// Let's say foo is your project definition
lazy val foo = project.settings(???)
// You define the copy of your project like this
lazy val foo-implicits = foo
.copy(id = "foo-implicits")
target := baseDirectory.value./("another-target"),
scalacOptions += "-Xlog-implicits"
Note the following properties of this code snippet:
We redefine the project ID because when we reuse a project definition the ID is still the same as the previous one (foo in this case). Sbt fails when there are projects that share the same id.
We redefine the target directory because we want to avoid recompilation. If we keep the same as before, then recompiling foo-implicits will delete the compilation products of the previous compilation (and viceversa). That's exactly what we want to avoid.
We add -Xlog-implicits to the Scalac options as you request in this question. In a generic solution, this piece of code should go away.
When is this useful?
This is useful not only for your use case, but when you want to have different modules of the same project in different Scala versions. The following has two benefits:
You don't use cross-compilation in sbt ++, which is known to have some memory issues.
You can add new library dependencies that only exist for a concrete Scala version.
It has more applications, but I hope this addresses your question.

Generate xml files during sbt build

I would like to generate xml files during sbt build based on higher level config(lets say yaml), then package them into the tar file(by sbt-native-packager). What would be the simplest way to achieve that?
One way I can think of is to add twirl to project/build.sbt and than use it to write custom task. Is there some simpler way to do that?
To use twirl, you would need to add twirl as a plugin to the your projects builds build - it's a bit meta, the location of your twirl files will be a bit unintuitive (projcet/src/main/twirl). I've done it, but in my opinion it's just not worth it for most use cases.
I would instead just use scala-xml. If using sbt 0.13 (ie, Scala 2.10), then you can just embed the xml directly in your Scala code, otherwise for sbt 1.0 you may need to add a dependency on scala-xml in your project/plugins.sbt (though possibly sbt 1.0 already depends on scala-xml, not sure).
Here's an example of a task that generates XML:
Scroll down to see examples of embedding xml in Scala:

SBT 0.13.8 what does the SettingKey.~= method do

The SettingKey.~= method is used to exclude dependencies from libraryDependencies (see play 2.3.8 sbt excluding logback), but trying to find out what it does is hard as:
There is no documentation about this function at,
It cannot be searched using Google as it uses symbols in the method name and
Examination of the SBT source code ( does not provide an obvious answer.
Can anyone shed light on what this does?
someScopedKey ~= f
is equivalent to
someScopedKey := f(someScopedKey.value)
In other words, it transforms the previous value of the setting/task with a given function. That's literally all there is to know about it.

How to share code between project and build definition project in SBT

If I have written some source code in my build definition project (in /project/src/main/scala) in SBT. Now I want to use these classes also in the project I am building. Is there a best practice? Currently I have created a custom Task that copies the .scala files over.
Those seem like unnecessarily indirect mechanisms.
unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile += baseDirectory.value / "project/src/main"
Sharing sourceDirectories as in extempore's answer is the simplest way to go about it, but unfortunately it won't work well with IntelliJ because the project model doesn't allow sharing source roots between multiple modules.
Seth Tisue's approach will work, but requires rebuilding to update sources.
To actually share the sources and have IntelliJ pick up on it directly, you can define a module within the build.
The following approach seems to only work in sbt 1.0+
Create a file project/metabuild.sbt:
val buildShared = project
val buildRoot = (project in file("."))
and in your build.sbt:
val buildShared = ProjectRef(file("project"), "buildShared")
val root = (project in file("."))
Then put your shared code in project/buildShared/src/main/scala/ and refresh. Your project will look something like this in IntelliJ:
Full example project:
Can you make the following work? Put the source code for the classes in question should be part of your project, not part of your build definition; the “task which serializes a graph of Scala objects using Kryo and writes them as files into the classpath of the project” part sounds like a perfect job for resourceGenerators (see Then the only remaining problem is how to reference the compiled classes from your resource generator. I'm not familiar with Kryo. In order to use it, do you need to have the compiled classes on the classpath at the time your generator is compiled, or do they just need to be on the classpath on runtime? If the latter is sufficient, that's easier. You can get a classloader from the testLoader in Test key, load the class and instantiate some objects via reflection, and then call Kryo.
If you really need the compiled classes to be on the classpath when your resource generator is compiled, then you have a chicken and egg problem where the build can't be compiled until the project has been compiled, but of course the project can't be compiled before the build definition has been compiled, either. In that case it seems to me you have no choices other than:
1) the workaround you're already doing ("best practice" in this case would consist of using sourceGenerators to copy the sources out of your build definition and into target/src_managed)
2) put the classes in question in a separate project and depend on it from both your build and your project. this is the cleanest solution overall, but you might consider it too heavyweight.
Hope this helps. Interested in seeing others' opinions on this, too.