Get selected items from a table with growing threshold SAPUI5 - sapui5

I'm wondering if there is a way to get all the total number of selecteditems of a table with properties growing and growingThreshold set. It seems like the call
oTable.getSelectedItems().length only works for items in the table that are on display/visible.
JSBIN Sample

getGrowingInfo().total will return all items no matter visible or not.

When growing property is set only visible items are being selected on clicking selectall.So it will return only visible items length.You may have to try for getting all items
If you want to get selected items you may have to add a seperate column for checkboxes and bind a property to enabled property of checkbox to json model first.Then you have to loop the entire list.

I had the same problem with sap.m.List. What I did was using the returned Listbase from the bindItems function and used the paths from getSelectedContextPaths(). Compared it with the oData and got all selected items. A little bit of a hack. Feel free to suggest something else. Didn't find anything else yet.


Updating slickgrid autocomplete fields without rerendering the grid

I'm using SlickGrid in a sharepoint environment to display and update data. To save on the the load time, I am populating auto complete fields with options that have only been used in previous lines (with tables with more than 50 lines), and then I am wanting to give the user the option to click on a "Metadata refresh button" located at the top of the autocomplete fields that will go and fetch all available options to repopulate the auto complete field.
<table><tr><td>[ TextField ] </td><td>[ AutoComplete1 ] </td><td>[ AutoComplete2]</td></tr>
So if, the user was to create a new line, they would have the options of Hello and Hi in column 2, and Goodbye or Later in column 3 to choose from since they have been used before. If they want the option "Hail!" to appear in column 2, they would have to click the "Update MetaData" button for column 2, which would refresh ALL the cells in that column with all available but previously unused selections.
I know its not ideal, but its a requirement that has been given to me.
I know how to add buttons to column headers and I am updating the array of data that the grid needs for the autocomplete column, but I am at a loss on how to update the column choices without redrawing the whole grid.
Any suggestions?
Check out the newer examples in my repo:
This is probably closest to what you want:
What I have done in the past is create a data property of the cell node to store the object, like:
$'queryautocomplete', jqac);
It's then easy enough to get the object from the cell node.
However, this requires proper cleanup of the property to avoid a memory leak. This should be able to be done in editor.destroy(), but I don't think I've checked corner cases, for example where the editor is scrolled offscreen before being completed.

Testing not visible rows in ui-grid with protractor

My e2e-test for ui-grid is the following:
I'm adding the new item with the name that includes timestamp, saving it to the server.
I'm checking if the item with this name has been added to the ui-grid table.
The problem is that the table can get very big and ui-grid apparently uses lazy loading and puts only the visible rows to the DOM. I found this library of helper methods for testing, but it doesn't provide anything to search for the rows which are not in visible now.
So, question, is one of the following is possible in my Protractor test?
1) can I check how many rows do I have in my ui-grid table?
2) can I search for the certain cell by text, even if the cell is not visible?
1) Can I check how many rows do I have in my ui-grid table?
As long as the row is in the DOM, you can access it. However, if it's not visible you won't be able to do any operation on it (e.g. click). To get number of table rows you can use count:
$$('table tr').count();
2) Can I search for the certain cell by text, even if the cell is not visible?
Yes, you can search for (but not interact with) the cell as long as it's in the DOM. It doesn't have to be visible. But selecting elements by their text is rather fragile, so you should try to use some other method, if possible.

"The data has been changed" error when editing underlying record in Access VBA

I have a form in Access where I have 2 unbound multi-select listboxes, with some code to move items between them.
Each of the fields in the table which are shown in the listboxes are boolean values - if the value is true then the name of that field shows up in lstSelected, and if false shows up in lstUnselected.
The listboxes have a RowSourceType of Value List, and the value list is generated programatically by looking at the underlying record and constructing a string with the field names where the boolean values are true for lstSelected and False for lstUnselected.
On the form I have two buttons, cmdMoveToSelected and cmdMoveToUnselected. When I click on cmdMoveToSelected it changes the boolean value of the underlying field for any selected items in the lstUnselected listbox from false to true by executing an SQL string, then rebuilds the value lists for both of the listboxes.
I have all of this working just fine. If I do a me.lstUnwanted.requery and a me.lstwanted.requery then everything moves and shows up correctly, and the underlying fields are edited correctly, BUT when I click on anything else on the form I get the error:
The data has been changed.
Another user edited this record and saved the changes before you attempted to save your changes.
Re-edit the record.
Now I've found a way around this (jobDetailsID is the primary key of the record being dealt with):
Dim intCurID as Integer
intCurID = Me.JobDetailsID
Me.Recordset.FindFirst "JobDetailsID = " & curID
This requeries the form and then moves back to the current record, and this gets rid of the error, however it causes there to be a delay and the form to flicker while it opens back at the first record, changes back to the correct record and repopulates the list boxes.
Is there a way to do away with this error, or get it to trigger programmatically so I can catch it by turning the warnings off via vba?
Thanks in advance.
Maybe it helps not to bind the form to the table being altered by cmdMoveToSelected, but to a query that doesn't contain all the boolean fields. If cmdMoveToSelected alters one or more boolean fields, the record is changed, but the query result isn't. Not sure if it's sound though.
It also sounds a bit like a design problem rather than a form problem, storing options in boolean fields instead of into a related table.
Probably the best solution would be to not directly update the current record in the table while the Form is dirty. Instead, update the values of the fields within the form itself (Me!FieldName) as the items are moved from one List Box to the other, and let the form write those values back to the table as usual.
I seem to have fixed it, though the fix doesn't make a great deal of sense to me.
I added in a Me.Refresh to the button click code, after I had requeried the two listboxes and it appears to have stopped the message from coming up. However this only works when I have the JobDetailsID textbox visible on the form (though I expect this is arbitrary and any field-linked textbox would work).
Can anybody explain to me why this works? I'd like to understand fully when to use requery, refresh etc
I've had this sort of thing happen when I've left the form RowSource query hanging in place after converting the controls to unbound textboxes, etc. The general Form rowsource query (to bring in all fields I might possibly end up using) provides me with a query-list identical to the table fieldnames, making it simple to select them for control-names as needed. Works fine, but you have to remove the form rowsource query after all the names are matched-up. (After which DLookup and BeforeUpdate works for getting and storing values and changes.)

GWT: get backing object for row by id in table

Is there any simple way to get the object, used to render given row in CellTable, by index of the row?
I am using AsyncDataProvider, and don't want to remember lists of data objects, returned from the server. Also I am using MultiSelectionModel, so several items could be selected there and I need to track out which one was clicked last.
I know the index of last clicked row, so I need to get the object, corresponding to the row, somehow.
getVisibleItem? possibly combined with getPageStart if you're using paging and you only know the absolute index.
For your use-case, maybe you could use a customized selection model whose setSelected tracks the last change.

how to pass a criteria specific or filtered datasource to UITableview from another view?

this question might be easy but i'm not sure how to do it.
i will like to show a tableview based on users criteria.
user have a checklist, when checked certain or multiple item, the array will check and inform user there is 3 item matching this criteria.
if user tapped on the button, it will push and show the 3 item in UItableview.
tutorial or sample code are appreciated..
thanks for reading
Load an NSMutableArray with the desired items based on the checklist, but adding items when the user checks something or removing objects when the user unchecks something. Call array.count to get the total number of items. Then pass this array to the UITableView as its data source.
Take an array of selected items,call a method,reload your tableview in this method, match your array data with cell text then increase any variable value. then just make an alert view and show the number of items using that variable.
If further any problem knock me.