Extract elements of lists in an RDD - scala

What I want to achieve
I'm working with Spark and Scala. I have two Pair RDDs.
rdd1 : RDD[(String, List[String])]
rdd2 : RDD[(String, List[String])]
Both RDDs are joined on their first value.
val joinedRdd = rdd1.join(rdd2)
So the resulting RDD is of type RDD[(String, (List[String], List[String]))]. I want to map this RDD and extract the elements of both lists, so that the resulting RDD contains just these elements of the two lists.
rdd1 (id, List(a, b))
rdd2 (id, List(d, e, f))
wantedResult (a, b, d, e, f)
Naive approach
My naive approach would be to adress each element directly with (i), like below:
val rdd = rdd1.join(rdd2)
.map({ case (id, lists) =>
(lists._1(0), lists._1(1), lists._2(0), lists._2(2), lists._2(3)) })
/* results in RDD[(String, String, String, String, String)] */
Is there a way to get the elements of each list, without adressing each individually? Something like "lists._1.extractAll". Is there a way to use flatMap to achieve what I'm trying to achieve?

You can simply concatenate the two lists with the ++ operator:
val res: RDD[List[String]] = rdd1.join(rdd2)
.map { case (_, (list1, list2)) => list1 ++ list2 }
Probably a better approach that would avoid to carry List[String] around that may be very big would be to explode the RDD into smaller (key value) pairs, concatenate them and then do a groupByKey:
val flatten1: RDD[(String, String)] = rdd1.flatMapValues(identity)
val flatten2: RDD[(String, String)] = rdd2.flatMapValues(identity)
val res: RDD[Iterable[String]] = (flatten1 ++ flatten2).groupByKey.values


Convert List of key-value pairs in each row of RDD to single key-value in each row

I have an RDD as
How can I get it as
I have tried RDD.flatMap(x => x), this doesn’t work because there is a list of key value pairs and not just a list of values.
rdd.flatMap(identity) will convert RDD[List[(String, String)]] to RDD[(String, String)].
scala> val rdd = sc.parallelize(List(List(("a","b"),("b","c")), List(("d","e"))))
rdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[List[(String, String)]] = ParallelCollectionRDD[2] at parallelize at <console>:13
scala> rdd.flatMap(identity)
res2: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, String)] = MapPartitionsRDD[3] at flatMap at <console>:14
scala> res2.collect()
res3: Array[(String, String)] = Array((a,b), (b,c), (d,e))
This would work like that for any RDD[List[T]], regardless the shape of T.
Could help more if you shared a bit more info on what you try to do.

creating pair RDD in spark using scala

Im new to spark so I need to create a RDD with just two element.
Array1 = ((1,1)(1,2)(1,3),(2,1),(2,2),(2,3)
when I execute groupby key the output is ((1,(1,2,3)),(2,(1,2,3))
But I need the output to just have 2 value pair with the key. I'm not sure how to get it.
Expected Output = ((1,(1,2)),(1,(1,3)),(1(2,3),(2(1,2)),(2,(1,3)),(2,(2,3)))
The values should only be printed once. There should only be (1,2) and not (2,1)
or like (2,3) not (3,4)
You can get the result you require as follows:
// Prior to doing the `groupBy`, you have an RDD[(Int, Int)], x, containing:
// (1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(2,1),(2,2),(2,3)
// Can simply map values as below. Result is a RDD[(Int, (Int, Int))].
val x: RDD[(Int, Int)] = sc.parallelize(Seq((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(2,1),(2,2),(2,3))
val y: RDD[(Int, (Int, Int))] = x.map(t => (t._1, t)) // Map first value in pair tuple to the tuple
y.collect // Get result as an array
// res0: Array[(Int, (Int, Int))] = Array((1,(1,1)), (1,(1,2)), (1,(1,3)), (2,(2,1)), (2,(2,2)), (2,(2,3)))
That is, the result is a pair RDD that relates the key (the first value of each pair) to the pair (as a tuple). Do not use groupBy, since—in this case—it will not give you what you want.
If I understand your requirement correctly, you can use groupByKey and flatMapValues to flatten the 2-combinations of the grouped values, as shown below:
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(
(1, 1), (1, 2), (1 ,3), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3)
map{ case (k, v) => (k, (v(0), v(1))) }.
// res1: Array[(Int, (Int, Int))] =
// Array((1,(1,2)), (1,(1,3)), (1,(2,3)), (2,(1,2)), (2,(1,3)), (2,(2,3)))

Spark scala faster way to groupbykey and sort rdd values [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
take top N after groupBy and treat them as RDD
(4 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have a rdd with format of each row (key, (int, double))
I would like to transform the rdd into (key, ((int, double), (int, double) ...) )
Where the the values in the new rdd is the top N values pairs sorted by the double
So far I came up with the solution below but it's really slow and runs forever, it works fine with smaller rdd but now the rdd is too big
val top_rated = test_rated.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(4)).sortBy(_._2._2).groupByKey()
.mapValues(x => x.takeRight(n))
I wonder if there are better and faster ways to do this?
The most efficient way is probably aggregateByKey
type K = String
type V = (Int, Double)
val rdd: RDD[(K, V)] = ???
//TODO: implement a function that adds a value to a sorted array and keeps top N elements. Returns the same array
def addToSortedArray(arr: Array[V], newValue: V): Array[V] = ???
//TODO: implement a function that merges 2 sorted arrays and keeps top N elements. Returns the first array
def mergeSortedArrays(arr1: Array[V], arr2: Array[V]): Array[V] = ??? //TODO
val result: RDD[(K, Array[(Int, Double)])] = rdd.aggregateByKey(zeroValue = new Array[V](0))(seqOp = addToSortedArray, combOp = mergeSortedArrays)
Since you're interested only in the top-N values in your RDD, I would suggest that you avoid sorting across the entire RDD. In addition, use the more performing reduceByKey rather than groupByKey if at all possible. Below is an example using a topN method, borrowed from this blog:
def topN(n: Int, list: List[(Int, Double)]): List[(Int, Double)] = {
def bigHead(l: List[(Int, Double)]): List[(Int, Double)] = list match {
case Nil => list
case _ => l.tail.foldLeft( List(l.head) )( (acc, x) =>
if (x._2 <= acc.head._2) x :: acc else acc :+ x
def update(l: List[(Int, Double)], e: (Int, Double)): List[(Int, Double)] = {
if (e._2 > l.head._2) bigHead((e :: l.tail)) else l
list.drop(n).foldLeft( bigHead(list.take(n)) )( update ).sortWith(_._2 > _._2)
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(
("a", (1, 10.0)), ("a", (4, 40.0)), ("a", (3, 30.0)), ("a", (5, 50.0)), ("a", (2, 20.0)),
("b", (3, 30.0)), ("b", (1, 10.0)), ("b", (4, 40.0)), ("b", (2, 20.0))
val n = 2
map{ case (k, v) => (k, List(v)) }.
reduceByKey{ (acc, x) => topN(n, acc ++ x) }.
// res1: Array[(String, List[(Int, Double)])] =
// Array((a,List((5,50.0), (4,40.0))), (b,List((4,40.0), (3,30.0)))))

Match two RDDs [String]

I try to match two RDD's:
RDD1 contains a huge amount of words [String] and RDD2 contains city names [String].
I want to return a RDD with the elements from RDD1 that are in RDD2.
Something like the opposite to subtract.
Afterwards I want to count the occurrence of each remaining word, but that won't be a problem.
thank you
I want to return an RDD with the elements from RDD1 that are in RDD2
If I got you right:
Note the difference between this code and intersection:
val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(Seq("a", "a", "b", "c"))
val rdd2 = sc.parallelize(Seq("a", "c", "d"))
val diff = rdd1.subtract(rdd2)
res0: Array[String] = Array(a, a, c)
res1: Array[String] = Array(a, c)
So, if your first RDD contains duplicates, and your goal is to take into account that duplicates, your may prefer double subtract solution. Otherwise, intersection fits well.

combine two lists with same keys

Here's a quite simple request to combine two lists as following:
scala> list1
res17: List[(Int, Double)] = List((1,0.1), (2,0.2), (3,0.3), (4,0.4))
scala> list2
res18: List[(Int, String)] = List((1,aaa), (2,bbb), (3,ccc), (4,ddd))
The desired output is as:
I tried:
scala> (list1 ++ list2)
res23: List[(Int, Any)] = List((1,0.1), (2,0.2), (3,0.3), (4,0.4),
(1,aaa), (2,bbb), (3,ccc), (4,ddd))
scala> (list1 ++ list2).groupByKey
<console>:10: error: value groupByKey is not a member of List[(Int,
Any)](list1 ++ list2).groupByKey
Any hints? Thanks!
The method you're looking for is groupBy:
(list1 ++ list2).groupBy(_._1)
If you know that for each key you have exactly two values, you can join them:
scala> val pairs = List((1, "a1"), (2, "b1"), (1, "a2"), (2, "b2"))
pairs: List[(Int, String)] = List((1,a1), (2,b1), (1,a2), (2,b2))
scala> pairs.groupBy(_._1).values.map {
| case List((_, v1), (_, v2)) => (v1, v2)
| }
res0: Iterable[(String, String)] = List((b1,b2), (a1,a2))
Another approach using zip is possible if the two lists contain the same keys in the same order:
scala> val l1 = List((1, "a1"), (2, "b1"))
l1: List[(Int, String)] = List((1,a1), (2,b1))
scala> val l2 = List((1, "a2"), (2, "b2"))
l2: List[(Int, String)] = List((1,a2), (2,b2))
scala> l1.zip(l2).map { case ((_, v1), (_, v2)) => (v1, v2) }
res1: List[(String, String)] = List((a1,a2), (b1,b2))
Here's a quick one-liner:
scala> list2.map(_._2) zip list1.map(_._2)
res0: List[(String, Double)] = List((aaa,0.1), (bbb,0.2), (ccc,0.3), (ddd,0.4))
If you are unsure why this works then read on! I'll expand it step by step:
The map method iterates over each value in list2 and applies your function to it. In this case each of the values in list2 is a Tuple2 (a tuple with two values). What you are wanting to do is access the second tuple value. To access the first tuple value use the ._1 method and to access the second tuple value use the ._2 method. Here is an example:
val myTuple = (1.0, "hello") // A Tuple2
println(myTuple._1) // prints "1.0"
println(myTuple._2) // prints "hello"
So what we want is a function literal that takes one parameter (the current value in the list) and returns the second tuple value (._2). We could have written the function literal like this:
list2.map(item => item._2)
We don't need to specify a type for item because the compiler is smart enough to infer it thanks to target typing. A really helpful shortcut is that we can just leave out item altogether and replace it with a single underscore _. So it gets simplified (or cryptified, depending on how you view it) to:
The other interesting part about this one liner is the zip method. All zip does is take two lists and combines them into one list just like the zipper on your favorite hoodie does!
val a = List("a", "b", "c")
val b = List(1, 2, 3)
a zip b // returns ((a,1), (b,2), (c,3))