UA OPC Server data types - opc-ua

For the life of me I can't find out the answer to what I thought would have been a simple question - how to find the data typeof an OPC Node.
I'm writing a UA OPC library which involves creating a subscription and the monitoring/updating of tags within this subscription.
The request to write to a tag comes from an external application and consists of Subscription and tag ID together with an object value. The issue is that this object is invariably a string (don't ask), which needs to be converted to an appropriate data type for the tag. So, I need to find out what data type is associated with the tag. At the moment, the writing fails with a type mismatch exception.
Here's my update code:
// Extension methods
public bool Write<T>(long groupID, long tagID, T item)
var sub = FindSubscription(groupID);
if (sub != null)
var node = sub.MonitoredItems.FirstOrDefault(m => (long)m.Handle == tagID);
if (node != null)
bool result = false;
var nodesToWrite = BuildWriteValueCollection(node.DisplayName, Attributes.Value, item);
StatusCodeCollection results;
DiagnosticInfoCollection diag;
requestHeader: null,
nodesToWrite: nodesToWrite,
results: out results,
diagnosticInfos: out diag);
result = CheckReturnValue(results[0]);
catch (Exception ex)
catch (Exception ex)
LogMessage(String.Format("Write GroupID {0}, Tag {1}, Value {2}", groupID, tagID, item.ToString()), ex);
return false;
I've searched for ages to find out how to determine the data type of the node, but without success. So, for a MonitoredItem, how would one go about finding the data type so that I can convert the string to a compatible type?

Read the DataType attribute of the VariableNode in question.


QuickFix synchronous order filling

Can the order filling be executed synchronously with fix protocol? Since protocol by it's nature is async I am thinking to use TaskCompletionSource. However I experience problem in picking up unique identifier. OrderId won't work in case when required field is missing server will respond with BusinessMessageReject and I won't know how to set task to cancelled or failed. I thought to use msgSeq as unique identifier. However, at the time of sending and I don't know it, because it's handled by QuickFixN internally. Plus in case of connection reset seqNum will be reset too. There are possibly edge cases like to deal somehow with long running messages.
Please see below code attached. I am omitting other methods, so you can get the idea of what I am trying to achieve. Let me know if it's waste of time.
class FixClient : IApplication
private ConcurrentDictionary<string, TaskCompletionSource<ExecutionReport>> _currentOrdersUnderProcessing = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, TaskCompletionSource<ExecutionReport>>();
// In case when some required field is missing
public void OnMessage(BusinessMessageReject message, SessionID sessionID)
// how can I can extract needed key, if there is no OrderId in the response
var orderId = ""; // how?
if (_currentOrdersUnderProcessing.TryRemove(orderId, out var taskCompletionSource))
taskCompletionSource.SetException(new Exception("Couldn't execute order"));
public void OnMessage(ExecutionReport message, SessionID sessionID)
var orderId = message.GetField(11); // ClOrdID field
if (_currentOrdersUnderProcessing.TryRemove(orderId, out var taskCompletionSource))
public Task SendNewBuyMarketOrderAsync(string symbol)
var orderId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var message = new NewOrderSingle(uniqueOrderId, instructionsForOrderHandling, symbol, side, transactionTime, orderType);
if (QuickFix.Session.SendToTarget(message, sessionId)) // if send successfully
var tsc = new TaskCompletionSource<ExecutionReport>();
_currentOrdersUnderProcessing.TryAdd(orderId, tsc)
return tsc.Task;
return Task.FromException(new Exception("Couldn't place order"));

SqlBulkCopy with ObjectReader - Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Int32

I am using SqlBulkCopy (.NET) with ObjectReader (FastMember) to perform an import from XML based file. I have added the proper column mappings.
At certain instances I get an error: Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Int32.
I'd like to understand how to
1. Trace the actual table column which has failed
2. Get the "current" on the ObjectReader
sample code:
using (ObjectReader reader = genericReader.GetReader())
sbc.WriteToServer(reader); //sbc is SqlBulkCopy instance
catch (Exception ex)
Does the "ex" carry more information then just the error:
System.InvalidOperationException : The given value of type String from the data source cannot be converted to type int of the specified target column.
Simple Answer
The simple answer is no. One of the reasons .NET's SqlBulkCopy is so fast is that it does not log anything it does. You can't directly get any additional information from the .NET's SqlBulkCopy exception. However, that said David Catriel has wrote an article about this and has delivered a possible solution you can read fully about here.
Even though this method may provide the answer you are looking for I suggest only using the helper method when debugging as this quite possibly could have some performance impact if ran consistently within your code.
Why Use A Work Around
The lack of logging definitely speeds things up, but when you are
pumping hundreds of thousands of rows and suddenly have a failure on
one of them because of a constraint, you're stuck. All the
SqlException will tell you is that something went wrong with a given
constraint (you'll get the constraint's name at least), but that's
about it. You're then stuck having to go back to your source, run
separate SELECT statements on it (or do manual searches), and find the
culprit rows on your own.
On top of that, it can be a very long and iterative process if you've
got data with several potential failures in it because SqlBulkCopy
will stop as soon as the first failure is hit. Once you correct that
one, you need to rerun the load to find the second error, etc.
Reports all possible errors that the SqlBulkCopy would encounter
Reports all culprit data rows, along with the exception that row would be causing
The entire thing is run in a transaction that is rolled back at the end, so no changes are committed.
For extremely large amounts of data it might take a couple of minutes.
This solution is reactive; i.e. the errors are not returned as part of the exception raised by your SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer() process. Instead, this helper method is executed after the exception is raised to try and capture all possible errors along with their related data. This means that in case of an exception, your process will take longer to run than just running the bulk copy.
You cannot reuse the same DataReader object from the failed SqlBulkCopy, as readers are forward only fire hoses that cannot be reset. You'll need to create a new reader of the same type (e.g. re-issue the original SqlCommand, recreate the reader based on the same DataTable, etc).
Using the GetBulkCopyFailedData Method
private void TestMethod()
// new code
SqlConnection connection = null;
SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = null;
DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
// load some sample data into the DataTable
IDataReader reader = dataTable.CreateDataReader();
connection = new SqlConnection("connection string goes here ...");
bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(connection);
bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "Destination table name";
catch (Exception exception)
// loop through all inner exceptions to see if any relate to a constraint failure
bool dataExceptionFound = false;
Exception tmpException = exception;
while (tmpException != null)
if (tmpException is SqlException
&& tmpException.Message.Contains("constraint"))
dataExceptionFound = true;
tmpException = tmpException.InnerException;
if (dataExceptionFound)
// call the helper method to document the errors and invalid data
string errorMessage = GetBulkCopyFailedData(
throw new Exception(errorMessage, exception);
if (connection != null && connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)
GetBulkCopyFailedData() then opens a new connection to the database,
creates a transaction, and begins bulk copying the data one row at a
time. It does so by reading through the supplied DataReader and
copying each row into an empty DataTable. The DataTable is then bulk
copied into the destination database, and any exceptions resulting
from this are caught, documented (along with the DataRow that caused
it), and the cycle then repeats itself with the next row. At the end
of the DataReader we rollback the transaction and return the complete
error message. Fixing the problems in the data source should now be a
The GetBulkCopyFailedData Method
/// <summary>
/// Build an error message with the failed records and their related exceptions.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="connectionString">Connection string to the destination database</param>
/// <param name="tableName">Table name into which the data will be bulk copied.</param>
/// <param name="dataReader">DataReader to bulk copy</param>
/// <returns>Error message with failed constraints and invalid data rows.</returns>
public static string GetBulkCopyFailedData(
string connectionString,
string tableName,
IDataReader dataReader)
StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder("Bulk copy failures:" + Environment.NewLine);
SqlConnection connection = null;
SqlTransaction transaction = null;
SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = null;
DataTable tmpDataTable = new DataTable();
connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
transaction = connection.BeginTransaction();
bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(connection, SqlBulkCopyOptions.CheckConstraints, transaction);
bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = tableName;
// create a datatable with the layout of the data.
DataTable dataSchema = dataReader.GetSchemaTable();
foreach (DataRow row in dataSchema.Rows)
tmpDataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(
// create an object array to hold the data being transferred into tmpDataTable
//in the loop below.
object[] values = new object[dataReader.FieldCount];
// loop through the source data
while (dataReader.Read())
// clear the temp DataTable from which the single-record bulk copy will be done
// get the data for the current source row
// load the values into the temp DataTable
tmpDataTable.LoadDataRow(values, true);
// perform the bulk copy of the one row
catch (Exception ex)
// an exception was raised with the bulk copy of the current row.
// The row that caused the current exception is the only one in the temp
// DataTable, so document it and add it to the error message.
DataRow faultyDataRow = tmpDataTable.Rows[0];
errorMessage.AppendFormat("Error: {0}{1}", ex.Message, Environment.NewLine);
errorMessage.AppendFormat("Row data: {0}", Environment.NewLine);
foreach (DataColumn column in tmpDataTable.Columns)
"\tColumn {0} - [{1}]{2}",
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(
"Unable to document SqlBulkCopy errors. See inner exceptions for details.",
if (transaction != null)
if (connection.State != ConnectionState.Closed)
return errorMessage.ToString();

Assigning task to mutiple users in scrpted assignment of kaleo worlflow of liferay

I have created a workflow using kaleo workflow.In this i am trying to assign a task to multiple users,I used groovy script in scripted assignment tag for this.But its not working .when am putting two userid's in user object,first one gets replaced and second user got the approvel task.
also i used users arraylist for this,like roles in kaleo single approver scripted assignment definition.but no use.
How can i manage this.
This is my code.
Connection con = null;
Statement stmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
String secondid;
con= (Connection) DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl,dbUser,dbPwd);
stmt = con.createStatement();
rs = stmt.executeQuery("select ap1,ap2 from test where id = '"+userId+"'");
users=new ArrayList<User>();
while (
println "approverid one"+rs.getInt(1);
println "approverid two"+rs.getInt(2);
println "array list:"+users;
catch(SQLException e)
catch(ClassNotFoundException e)
when am adding two user id in user tag.also it indicate error in definition while uploading.
In short, use roles. In the control panel, you can specify roles and add users to them. Or, if you'd rather do it programmatically, (Though I would still create the role beforehand) something like this:
(And I'm assuming you can get or have an array of userIds
//Already created array of userIds like
// [10180,10191], etc.
roles=new ArrayList<Role>();
try {
Role r = RoleLocalServiceUtil.getRole(companyId, roleName);
if (r.getType()==RoleConstants.TYPE_REGULAR) {
UserLocalServiceUtil.addRoleUsers(r.getRoleId(), userIds);
} else {
UserGroupRoleLocalServiceUtil.addUserGroupRoles(userIds, groupId, r.getRoleId());
} catch (SystemException e) {
} catch (PortalException e) {
Just toss that or some approximation of that or a call to that in your scripted-assignment definition. If you need to, use UserLocalServiceUtil.unsetRoleUsers or something similar to clear out the old users from the role first.

Monotouch data sync - why does my code sometimes cause sqlite errors?

I have the following calls (actually a few more than this - it's the overall method that's in question here):
1st point is - is it OK to call methods that call WCF services like this? I tried daisy chaining them and it was a mess.
An example of one of the refresh methods being called above is (they all follow the same pattern, just call different services and populate different tables):
public void RefreshEventData (object state)
Console.WriteLine ("in RefreshEventData");
var eservices = new AppServicesClient (new BasicHttpBinding (), new EndpointAddress (this.ServciceUrl));
//default the delta to an old date so that if this is first run we get everything
var eventsLastUpdated = DateTime.Now.AddDays (-100);
try {
eventsLastUpdated = (from s in GuideStar.Data.Database.Main.Table<GuideStar.Data.Event> ()
orderby s.DateUpdated descending
select s).ToList ().FirstOrDefault ().DateUpdated;
} catch (Exception ex1) {
Console.WriteLine (ex1.Message);
try {
eservices.GetAuthorisedEventsWithExtendedDataAsync (this.User.Id, this.User.Password, eventsLastUpdated);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Console.WriteLine ("error updating events: " + ex.Message);
eservices.GetAuthorisedEventsWithExtendedDataCompleted += delegate(object sender, GetAuthorisedEventsWithExtendedDataCompletedEventArgs e) {
try {
List<Event> newEvents = e.Result.ToList ();
GuideStar.Data.Database.Main.EventsAdded = e.Result.Count ();
lock (GuideStar.Data.Database.Main) {
GuideStar.Data.Database.Main.Execute ("BEGIN");
foreach (var s in newEvents) {
GuideStar.Data.Database.Main.InsertOrUpdateEvent (new GuideStar.Data.Event {
Name = s.Name,
DateAdded = s.DateAdded,
DateUpdated = s.DateUpdated,
Deleted = s.Deleted,
StartDate = s.StartDate,
Id = s.Id,
Lat = s.Lat,
Long = s.Long
GuideStar.Data.Database.Main.Execute ("COMMIT");
LocationsCount = 0;
} catch (Exception ex) {
Console.WriteLine("error InsertOrUpdateEvent " + ex.Message);
} finally {
OnDatabaseUpdateStepCompleted (EventArgs.Empty);
OnDatabaseUpdateStepCompleted - just iterates an updateComplete counter when it's called and when it knows that all of the services have come back ok it removes the waiting spinner and the app carries on.
This works OK 1st time 'round - but then sometimes it doesn't with one of these:
I think the 1st question is - is all this OK? I'm not used to using threading and locks so I am wandering into new ground for me. Is using QueueUserWorkItem like this ok? Should I even be using lock before doing the bulk insert/update? An example of which:
public void InsertOrUpdateEvent(Event festival){
try {
if (!festival.Deleted) {
Main.Insert(festival, "OR REPLACE");
} catch (Exception ex) {
Console.WriteLine("InsertOrUpdateEvent failed: " + ex.Message);
Then the next question is - what am I doing wrong that is causing these sqlite issues?
Sqlite is not thread safe.
If you want to access Sqlite from more than one thread, you must take a lock before you access any SQLite related structures.
Like this:
lock (db){
// Do your query or insert here
Sorry, no specific answers, but some thoughts:
Is SqlLite even threadsafe? I'm not sure - it may be that it's not (to the wrapper isn't). Can you lock on a more global object, so no two threads are inserting at the same time?
It's possible that the MT GC is getting a little overenthusiastic, and releasing your string before it's been used. Maybe keep a local reference to it around during the insert? I've had this happen with view controllers, where I had them in an array (tabcontrollers, specificially), but if I didn't keep an member variable around with the reference, they got GC'ed.
Could you get the data in a threaded manner, then queue everything up and insert them in a single thread? Atleast as a test anyway.

ADO.NET - Bad Practice?

I was reading an article in MSDN several months ago and have recently started using the following snippet to execute ADO.NET code, but I get the feeling it could be bad. Am I over reacting or is it perfectly acceptable?
private void Execute(Action<SqlConnection> action)
SqlConnection conn = null;
try {
conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
} finally {
if (conn != null && conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) {
try {
} catch {
public bool GetSomethingById() {
SomeThing aSomething = null
bool valid = false;
Execute(conn =>
using (SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) {
cmd.CommandText = ....
SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
aSomething = new SomeThing(Convert.ToString(reader["aDbField"]));
return aSomething;
What is the point of doing that when you can do this?
public SomeThing GetSomethingById(int id)
using (var con = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
using (var cmd = con.CreateCommand())
// prepare command
using (var rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
// read fields
return new SomeThing(data);
You can promote code reuse by doing something like this.
public static void ExecuteToReader(string connectionString, string commandText, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> parameters, Action<IDataReader> action)
using (var con = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (var cmd = con.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandText = commandText;
foreach (var pair in parameters)
var parameter = cmd.CreateParameter();
parameter.ParameterName = pair.Key;
parameter.Value = pair.Value;
using (var rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
You could use it like this:
//At the top create an alias
using DbParams = Dictionary<string, object>;
new DbParams() { { "key1", 1 }, { "key2", 2 } }),
reader =>
// ...
// No need to dispose
IMHO it is indeed a bad practice, since you're creating and opening a new database-connection for every statement that you execute.
Why is it bad:
performance wise (although connection pooling helps decrease the performance hit): you should open your connection, execute the statements that have to be executed, and close the connection when you don't know when the next statement will be executed.
but certainly context-wise. I mean: how will you handle transactions ? Where are your transaction boundaries ? Your application-layer knows when a transaction has to be started and committed, but you're unable to span multiple statements into the same sql-transaction with this way of working.
This is a very reasonable approach to use.
By wrapping your connection logic into a method which takes an Action<SqlConnection>, you're helping prevent duplicated code and the potential for introduced error. Since we can now use lambdas, this becomes an easy, safe way to handle this situation.
That's acceptable. I've created a SqlUtilities class two years ago that had a similar method. You can take it one step further if you like.
EDIT: Couldn't find the code, but I typed a small example (probably with many syntax errors ;))
public delegate T CreateMethod<T> (SqlDataReader reader);
public static T CreateEntity<T>(string query, CreateMethod<T> createMethod, params SqlParameter[] parameters) {
// Open the Sql connection
// Create a Sql command with the query/sp and parameters
SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
return createMethod(reader);
// Probably some finally statements or using-closures etc. etc.
Calling code
private SomeThing Create(SqlDataReader reader) {
SomeThing something = new SomeThing();
something.ID = Convert.ToIn32(reader["ID"]);
return something;
public SomeThing GetSomeThingByID (int id) {
return SqlUtilities.CreateEntity<SomeThing> ("something_getbyid", Create, ....);
Of course you could use a lambda expression instead of the Create method, and you could easily make a CreateCollection method and reuse the existing Create method.
However if this is a new project. Check out LINQ to entities. Is far easier and flexible than ADO.Net.
Well, In my opinion check what you do before going through it.Something that is working doesn't mean it is best and good programming practice.Check out and find a concrete example and benefit of using it.But if you are considering using for big projects it would be nice using frameworks like NHibernate.Because there are a lot projects even frameworks developed based on it,like