Map angle rotation in leaflet.js - leaflet

I need a plugin for leaflet to angle rotation in map.
I need to look at map rotation (degree) and then to build a new control with angle slider.
Is there any idea?

Map rotation is complicated. Some of us Leaflet devs have been working at it, but the complexity of making it work nicely means there are still a few issues with the current approaches. See, for example,
We hope there will be a future Leaflet release with rotation support, but do not expect it in the near future.


How to rotate an object to point along a vector Unity3D

Hi I have been searching google for some time now with no avail. I was wondering if there was some function or easy way to make an object rotate so it is pointing along a certain vector (in this case, pointing the same way it is moving, but I would like to know generally how to do this with any Vector3) in Unity? I know it is possible to rotate an object using a Vector3 holding EulerAngles, but that is not what I'm looking for, since the object will not point in the direction of that Vector in 3D space.
I believe you should be able to use either Transform.LookAt or Quaternion.LookRotation to accomplish your goal.
Additionally, here is a link to a good Unity answers post where they use Quaternion.LookRotation to get a character to face the position it's moving based on its vertical and horizontal movement input.
transform.forward = velocity.normalized;
Hope that helps =)

How to override physical marker in vuforia AR Camera in runtime?

How can I override the physical marker in unity to just make the physical marker invisible in camera while detecting any object.
Like in this video:
And many other videos.
This maybe isn't the correct answer but, I'll put my ideas here because sadly it doesn't fit in the comment section.
I just watch the video and some of the reels they show as his works.
First, yes, in deed they make the marker a sort of invisible marker, but if you look closely, like a 0.25 speed and pushing space bar very fast to look it in slowmo, you can see a kind of "artifact" in between the girl's fingers that makes me think there's no invisible marker but a texture that are covering the marker. Maybe a cylinder that gets his texture from the video camera input.
Now, how I do that?
There are several ways to get the pixels from the webcamera, even Unity has one function. The trouble is, I dont want all the pixels but a little tiny part of the camera render, specifically the one's around my marker.
In my experience, and in his examples, they are using OpenCV, another unity plugin, so they can track anything, from faces, hands, or markers, so I can't be quite sure they are using Vuforia alone or in combination.
My idea is, with OpenCV you can catch your marker and his contour, then ask for the pixels outside the contour of your marker, those pixels will be the skin tone of the person and latter apply them as a texture over some plane or 3d model that can cover your marker. You can have the pixels at right side and left side of the marker and use a average function betwen them so it could look nice or if you like the adventures you can try to use some kind of digital images processing method to get bether results.
I'm not sure if you can have the pixels arround a marker just using just Vuforia. Honestly I've never try it before.
Well, that's my idea.
If you can get it better I'll like to hear about it.

SKPhysicsBody, rotate a sprite after applying impulse to change direction

I am looking for some info on how I can get my sprite to change its rotation by changing the angle of the sprite.
Basically here is how it is set up. Imagine a rocket that is sitting in a stationary position. The physics body is the shape of the rocket, with the tip pointing to the top. Now I apply an immediate impulse to the rocket to send it into the air. While in the air, I would like to use the accelerometer to rotate the sprite. With the rotation, I am expecting the direction of the sprite to change. Unfortunately, The sprite goes straight up and down instead of the direction it is rotated, even though the texture and physics body is rotated. I am having a hard time trying to find info on what techniques are used to achieve the results I want. Most examples have a continuous force, but I only have the initial force with no change after that. I have played around with linearDamping and angularDamping, but that was no help. I have also tried attaching another physics body to the tip to make the tip more heavy to see if the direction will change, but that didn't help either. My only work around that worked is to change the gravity direction, But I would like to avoid this. Any help or direction would be appreciated.
I think the solution you may be looking for is in Sprite Kits SKFieldNode class.
The linearGravityFieldWithVector: is probably your best bet. It applies a linear gravity field in a direction you set.
You can also check out electricField which is similar however you can change the charge to positive or negative.

How can I rotate an object based on an angle?

I am working in Unity3D and I was wondering how I would rotate a cube based on the angle between the cube and the mouse position. With that I don't mean the mouse position in world space but in pixels.
Here are some pages that'll lead you to your answer:
Input.mousePosition This also includes an example of how to turn screen coordinates into a ray in world coordinates. If you know how far away from the camera you want your point, check out ScreenToWorldPoint for a point instead of a ray.
transform.Rotate To perform a rotation.
The rest of your question is kinda vague--rotating "based on" the angle between cube and mouse position could mean a lot of things. You shouldn't need much more information than this though!

Animate a Stick Figure with Cocos2d, images vs. drawing?

I saw this question on a Cocos2d forum, and I would really like to see the answer, I'm assuming its more likely to get answered here:
I was wondering what would be the best method to go about animating a stick figure running, walking, etc.
I need to have a wide and flexible range of motion, so prefer to actually animate multiple lines rather than create premade images and flip through them.
Would I use rotation or use trigonometry to figure coordinates from the angle of the moving extremities?
Any advice, direction or code snippets would be really appreciated!
You could set your own anchor points for each sprite to animate with the rotation- that way you could rotate an arm from the end of the arm just by using rotate instead of doing a lot of complicated math. Setting the anchor point also allows you to translate the sprite along that point instead of its center. Anchorpoint tutorial.
However, I think that it might be easier just to create a lot of images of the stick figure doing all of the actions. I think that n game does this and their character has a lot of animations.