What fish function controls completion of filenames, and how can I change it? - autocomplete

I am trying to alter the standard logic used by fish to find filename completions. In particular, I want fish not to consider any filename that ends in a tilde (~) character, as these are emacs backup files and are not interesting.
I had assumed that the list of possible completions would be provided by a fish function, which I could then edit to remove the ones ending in tildes. But I cannot find the function. I have looked in the documentation at fishshell.com, and I have also tried functions | grep complete. What function should I be editing?

Unlike most completions file name completions is not implemented as a function; it's baked into the C++ code. See the completer_t::complete_param_expand() method in src/complete.cpp. If you can make a cogent argument for how this type of customization would be implemented I'd encourage you to open an issue.
P.S., Note that functions will not show private functions unless you invoke it as functions -a. I mention this because many completion functions are marked private by beginning their name with an underscore.


Is there a good place in .vim folder to store text filters?

I would like to create a filter folder, best inside .vim and be able to run a text filter just with one file name:! filter.pl
I put up a Perl text filter to change all special Characters in a LaTeX Math Formula, which is running fine so far - only problem it is running on the whole line not the selected formula, but I can live with it ...
#!/usr/bin/perl -np
use strict;
use warnings;
# this filter transforms all special characters in Mathformular for LaTeX
s/\\/\\backslash /g;
But to call this filter is cumbersome
: '<,'>!"/Users/username/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/my_vim_cheat_sheet/perl_filter.pl"
Apple put in the path to the iCloud a white space, so I have to put "" around! Where I put a collection of text filters?
Thank you for your answers
You can safely create a subfolder with any name different from ones Vim uses itself (see :h 'rtp'). So this is ok:
Also Vim has a predefined interface for a general purpose filter called 'equalprg'. To make use of it simply set a global-local (i.e. both set and setlocal are meaningful) option equalprg to a fully qualified name of your script. Then hit = in visual mode to apply filter (or ={motion} in normal mode). (Read :h 'equalprg' :h =).
If you need several filters at once, and switching equalprg is not convenient, you can still try different options to reduce typing.
For example, mappings, such as
vnoremap <Leader>f :!/path/to/my/filter<CR>
Then hitting \f (or whatever is your "leader" key set) in the visual mode will result in the executing :'<,'>!/path/to/my/filter (note that the visual selection will be applied automatically).
Another attempt is to set a dedicated environment variable (which will be inherited by all child processes including shell(s). For example,
:let $filters = '~/.vim/filters'
Of course, you can put those set equalprg=... vnoremap ... let $filters=... etc.etc. in your vimrc.
I would like to create a filter folder, best inside .vim and be able to run a text filter just with one file name :! filter.pl
Simply add the script to somewhere within your $PATH. Or, if you really only intend to use that from within Vim, then add that directory to your $PATH in your .vimrc, so you have it available there.
For example, if you'd like to use ~/.vim/scripts for your external Perl or shell scripts, you can use this in your ~/.vimrc:
call setenv('PATH', expand('~/.vim/scripts').':'.$PATH)
After that, you can simply use :'<,'> !filter.pl to run it. And Tab completion will work with the name of the script, type :!fil<Tab> and Vim will complete it to filter.pl, assuming it's a unique prefix.
The snippet above for your .vimrc has one minor issue, that if you :source your .vimrc during Vim runtime, it will keep adding the entry to $PATH multiple times. That doesn't typically break anything, only the entry will become longer, you might run into variable length issues.
You can fix it by checking whether that's present in path or not before updating it, perhaps with something like:
let scripts_dir = expand('~/.vim/scripts')
if index(split($PATH, ':'), scripts_dir) < 0
call setenv('PATH', scripts_dir.':'.$PATH)
But also, about this:
I put up a Perl text filter to change all special Characters in a LaTeX Math Formula
s/\\/\\backslash /g;
Consider writing that in Vim instead.
In fact, almost the same syntax will work as a Vim function:
function! EscapeLatexMathFormula()
s/\\/\\backslash /eg
You can call it on a range, with:
:'<,'>call EscapeLatexMathFormula()
Calling it without a range will affect the current line only.
You can also make it into a command, with:
command! -range EscapeLatexMathFormula <line1>,<line2> call EscapeLatexMathFormula()
In which case you can simply use:
You can use tab-completion for the function and command names (though, of course, you can pick shorter names if you'd like, as well.)
Note that user-defined command names need to start with an uppercase letter. Function names can start with an uppercase letter too (there are more options for function names, but making this global with an uppercase is probably the easiest here.)

How can I use a simpler link syntax in org-mode?

I'd like to have links with the syntax [[foo bar]] go to files with the name foo bar.org. This would make using org-mode much more like using a personal local wiki.
Is this possible without breaking existing link functionality? I'd also ideally still be able to export to html, etc. with standard org-mode tools.
The best I've been able to do is something like: (setq org-link-abbrev-alist '(("o" . "file:%s.org")))
This lets me use the syntax [[o:foo bar]], but that is more verbose, and looks distractingly ugly inline. For example: The quick brown o:fox jumps over the o:lazy_dog. And [[o:foo bar][foo bar]] is even more verbose to type and edit (though it reads fine in org mode).
I don't have a ready made solution and am not a programmer, but this part is self-documenting in org.el, you can write a dedicated link search function. I cite:
"List of functions to execute a file search triggered by a link.
Functions added to this hook must accept a single argument, the search
string that was part of the file link, the part after the double
colon. The function must first check if it would like to handle this
search, for example by checking the `major-mode' or the file
extension. If it decides not to handle this search, it should just
return nil to give other functions a chance. If it does handle the
search, it must return a non-nil value to keep other functions from
Each function can access the current prefix argument through the
variable `current-prefix-arg'. Note that a single prefix is used to
force opening a link in Emacs, so it may be good to only use a numeric
or double prefix to guide the search function.
In case this is needed, a function in this hook can also restore the
window configuration before `org-open-at-point' was called using:
(set-window-configuration org-window-config-before-follow-link)")
See also Hyperlinks :: Custom Searches # gnu.org

How can I jump only to the exact function name with etags?

I wanted to find the following function with etags:
but as I go through the tag table, I keep hitting functions with dt in their names, like
making the definition of dt() extremely difficult to find.
Is there some way to search only for the exact function that I'm searching for with etags?
Open up your TAGS file and see what it is actually indexing (which will vary by language, of course).
For instance, if the relevant entry looked like this:
function ds(^?6140,232332
Then you could use function ds( (or potentially just ds( ) as your search term, to ensure that you weren't matching other functions.
You could omit the "function" part of that, except that typing SPC at the find-tag prompt will invoke TAG completion. You could avoid that by typing C-qSPC instead, or alternatively utilise find-tag-regexp bound to C-M-. which does not have the completion binding.
So C-M-.SPC ds( RET might be convenient.
You may also want to look at the etags-select library and binding M-. to etags-select-find-tag, which I find provides a much better interface.
You can get that from the EmacsWiki, or Marmalade:
Packages like Icicles and Helm also provide alternative interfaces. You can start reading at http://emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsTags

how to "copy" existing completions to other commands in zsh

I have a custom script that takes hostnames as parameters. I know that I can easily copy the existing completion of ssh like this:
compdef myscript=ssh
But that only enables completion of the 1st parameter. Is there an easy way to enable the same completion for all parameters?
I'm not aware of an easy method to enable completion for a custom command. Assuming you've got a command foo with a bunch of allowable arguments bar, bas or baz, then the completion is easy: you can either have foo bar, foo bas, or foo baz. If they're not or'd, though, you could have any combination of the three.
It gets somewhat worse when you've got a 'depth' of more than 1 (bar can take arguments car, cas and caz, for example).
In zsh, my general understanding is that completion for commands is detailed in completion functions. These functions are application specific, because the arguments for each application are specific to those applications. As an example, the tmux (a terminal multiplexer, similar to screen, in case you're not familiar) has a completion function that's fairly complex: here's a link.
If you want to write your own completion functions, the documentation is available and accessible. Here are a bunch of links that I'm (slowly) working my way through - they'll definitely tell you how to get completion working, but there's a lot of reading. The Z-Shell is a complex beast.
Z-Shell completion introduction
Z-Shell functions: Writing and loading your own
ZSH Users Guide, Ch. 6: "Completion, old and new"
You're specifically interested in enabling completion for hostname-like arguments, and you've singled out ssh as the idea. The zsh completion function for ssh is defined in Completion/Unix/Command/_ssh, if you've got the ZSH source. If not, here's a link.
Of course, this SO question is rather similar. compdef alone may do what you want, if myscript and ssh parameters are identical enough.

How can I get Emacs to ignore certain keywords?

I would like to tell emacs to treat some keywords (or regular expressions even better) as syntactic whitespace, or, in other words, to ignore them.
For example: emacs highlighting and cedet misinterpret the code
void function() some_compiler_specific_modifier(){
as some_compiler_specific_modifier being the function name.
I have a list of the modifiers so I would love it if emacs could just ignore them whenever it finds them.
EDIT: the most important part is to make the cedet parser ignore these keywords...
To do this, you can modify semantic-lex-c-preprocessor-symbol-map to include the symbols you want to have disappear. Since you have lots of macros, and some of those macros apparently take an argument, you are probably better off create some new header, such as:
#define some_compiler_specific_modifier(A)
#define some_other_compiler_modifier(B)
// ...
and then add that to semantic-lex-c-preprocessor-symbol-file.
After modifying those variables, you may need to then call semantic-c-reset-preprocessor-symbol-map to get the changes to take effect.
Alternately, use the ede-cpp-root-project type and specify the above info via the configuration in that project style. (See the doc for more on that.)