What makes a property a computed property in Swift - swift

Let's started with the code snippet:
St Foo {
var proA: Int = 0 { // needs initialization
willSet {
print("about to set proA to \(newValue) from \(proA)")
didSet {
print("already set proA to \(proA) from \(oldValue)")
var ProB: Int { // do not needs initialization
return 1
let foo = Foo()
foo.proA = 23
Here are some of my personal understandings about the the stored and computed property:
a: Property with only the observer (willSet and didSet) is not a computed property but a stored property (ex. the proA property in the code above).
b: Computed property must not has initialization (See the comments of the code above).
c: setter is kind of equal to the property observer, the property observer is just the setter + the observer to of the before and after mutating.
1. I wonder what makes a property a computed property? Is it correct that as long as the property has a getter and return it is a computed property?
2. Are all my understandings (a, b & c) correct? If not, would be nice of you to point out.
3. Why is it not allowed to initialize an computed property? (Please see the figure below) And when I do so the compiler gives out the warning Cannot call value of none-function type "int" What's the meaning of this error?
Thanks a lot.

First, this is about variables, not properties. Any variable can be a computed variable. A property is just one way to use a variable.
I think on the whole you are making a big mistake in putting a stored variable with setter observers side by side with a computed variable. They are unrelated!
Think of a computed variable as something that looks and acts like a variable when you use it — you get and (maybe) set it — but is in fact a function (or a pair of functions). It is just a compact way of calling a function. That's all it is.
A stored variable with observers, on the other hand, is just a stored variable that also has some observers.
Okay, on to your questions:
I wonder what makes a property a computed property? Is is correct that as long as the property has a getter and return it is a computed property?
Yes. It's a computed variable because you declared it using the syntax that makes it a computed variable (with the curly braces).
Are all my understandings (a, b & c) correct? If not would be nice of you to point out
Yes. I think your "c" is quite insightful: a computed variable does not need a setter observer because it has (gasp!) a setter!
Why is it not allowed to initialize an computed property? (Please see the figure below) And when I do so the compiler gives out the warning Cannot call value of none-function type "int" What's the meaning of this error?
There is no sense in which a computed variable "has" a value — it is computed! it's just some functions! — so it makes no sense to assign it an "initial" value.

A stored property is a property of which the property value is stored together with the instance of the class or struct. The value may be changed, but the property can also be a constant. Thus a stored property can be as simple as:
var proA: Int
let proB: Int
var proC: Int = 0
Computed properties do not store a value. Thus you cannot assign a value to a computed property. A Computed property should have a getter that returns a value. I a broad term, you can think of a computed property as a property that returns the value of a function.
Example of Computed Property
var proA: Int {
return proB * proC
With regards to your questions:
Computed Property is therefor a property that do not store a value, and contains a get to return the 'computed' value of the property.
a is correct, b computed properties should not have initialization, c if you mean willSet and didSet. Yes they are like observers for when the property's value will change and did change respectively
Since the value of a computed property is not stored and will never be used, the compiler forbids it.
Hope this helps a bit.

I wonder what makes a property a computed property? Is is correct that as long as the property has a getter and return it is a computed property?
If you define get { } inside the property declaration, it makes that property to a computed property.
And it cannot have initial value as when you access the property, it will always call get{} function declared in property.
Are all my understandings (a, b & c) correct? If not would be nice of you to point out
a is correct
b is wrong.
You can not set initial value for computed property.
Because as I explained in question 1, it will always return result of get{} when you need access to the property.
c : 50% right
setter , it can also be used as to store newValue into another private variable and you can do some additional observing logic. So to observe value changes on stored property, you use willSet and didSet
You can define observing logic on computed property (which has getter and setter) on set{} declaration. But main purpose of set {} is to store the value to another variable or for example UserDefaults.
Why is it not allowed to initialize an computed property? (Please see the figure below) And when I do so the compiler gives out the warning Cannot call value of none-function type "int" What's the meaning of this error?
Same answer
Your code makes compiler to be confused
When you set initial value on the property on declaration, the compiler tries to understand it as stored property. But you also defined get{} for this property, and it means it is computed property and should always return 22 when you access the property. So you should remove one of two.

a. Yes,a property with only observer is a stored property not a computed property.Beacuase property observer tracks the value of a property whose value has initialised previously & it's now changing ,that's a stored property. It's not applicable for a computed property since it has no predefined value
b. computed property is a property whose value depends on other variables, we should declare only those properties as computed property , who needs to be computed using value of another variables ,so it's value cannot be initialised in advance.
for e.g. - If we have 2 variables a & b. we need their addition value , so a variable named 'sum' is used , then sum will be declared as a computed property & its get{} block will return (a+b) that's sum of a & b & the value of sum variable.Then in this case we can't initialise property 'sum'
in advance because it will be computed using a & b.
c. Setter is not an observer it sets value of another variable or performs some actions related to other variables whereas a property observer tracks changes in value of its associated variable itself. for e.g. it's meaningless to use a property observer for variable 'sum' as described in point b .


getter & setter in Swift VS getter & setter in Java

I'm really confused about the purpose of getter and setter methods in Swift as someone coming from Java world
so in Swift there is something called computed property which lets you create a dynamic variable and you can provide setters and getters for a specific property just like this
var property: Int {
get {
return anotherProperty - 4
set {
print("property now has a new value which is \(newValue)")
the setter gets executed after the property gets assigned with a new value ex:
property = 100
what i don't understand is that setters in general are called when we want to set a new value not after the value is set, that is their purpose and that is why it is called setter(it sets the property with a new value).
am i getting it all wrong? or if i am right then what is the purpose of setters in Swift and why are they useful at all if it's not for setting the value of a property?

Set class property of an instance within class method in MATLAB

My Objective is:
Using MATLAB, set the property value within one class method, and the property values are different between instances.
My Problem is:
When using SET in the class method, I will change the property value of all instances of this class, which is not what I want. I only want to change the property value of this instance.
About the dynamic property: I think it's used to create a unique property of the instance instead of setting the unique value of a general class property, is that right?
Code example:
classdef Storage
tree = containers.Map('KeyType','int32', 'ValueType','any')
function obj = set_tree(obj,period, value)
obj.tree(period) = value;
When setting the value using this method:
st1 = Storage();
st2 = Storage();
st1 = st1.set_tree(10,1);
st2 = st2.set_tree(10,2);
Right now, the value set to st2.tree(10) will override the value set to st1.tree(10), which I am trying to avoid.
The problem you're having is caused by setting a handle class object as a default value for a class property. The relevant documentation says this:
MATLAB® evaluates property default values only once when loading the class. MATLAB does not reevaluate the assignment each time you create an object of that class. If you assign an object as a default property value in the class definition, MATLAB calls the constructor for that object only once when loading the class.
So, for your Storage class above, all of your instances will be using the same default containers.Map object stored in the tree property. And since the containers.Map class is a subclass of the handle class it has reference behavior, which means the copies of the object will all point to the same underlying key/value map. If you want independent objects for each instance, you can initialize the tree property in the constructor:
classdef Storage
function obj = Storage()
obj.tree = containers.Map('KeyType','int32', 'ValueType','any');
function obj = set_tree(obj, value, period)
obj.tree(period) = value;

Setter for Bool in Swift

I'm using a custom getter like so
var currentShowLiked: Bool {
get {
return [some condition met] ? true : false
set {
self.currentShowLiked = newValue
and it works fine. However, I would expect to be able to set true or false value back to my variable, but Swift forced my to implement a setter, which does not produce any warnings, but at runtime if I'm to change value of my variable, app crashes with no apparent reason or sane explanation pointing to setter line with EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2...) and a message in console warning: could not load any Objective-C class information. This will significantly reduce the quality of type information available.
Why do I do?
You are in recursive context.
You can't use currentShowLiked in the currentShowLiked property body as below:
// Recursive, Infinite loop
self.currentShowLiked = newValue
To fix this:
private var _currentShowLiked : Bool
var currentShowLiked: Bool {
get {
return [ some condition met on _currentShowLiked ] ? true : false
set {
self._currentShowLiked = newValue
A Swift property that defines a custom getter and / or setter operation is a computed property which does not actually stores a value. The custom setter can be used to modify the internal state of other properties.
See also: "The Swift Programming Language" page 180
You can not set value in its setter because you are creating a recursion -method calling itself because:
self.currentShowLiked = newValue
will call set method you defined which will go and go. If you are overriding setter and getter you probably want to have some backing store property which will be private.
Moreover you defined a getter which base on some condition so anyway you are not using the value you set on this property. I think you do not need this set
The error here is caused by a misunderstanding.
When you declare a
var a:Type
A member value a is allocated inside the object, and accessors and mutators are automatically created to allow you to read and write that variable.
However, when you declare
var a:Type { get { ... } set { ... } }
No member value is allocated - you have indicated that when the value is accessed (read) or mutated (written) from a user of the object, your code will do all necessary action to respond to it. If you ultimately want the value to be stored, you will need to store it to an actual value, (which will need a different name).
Since you are invoking the mutator of the object inside the mutator of the object, you have set up an infinite loop, which causes your program to crash due to stack overflow (all function call memory is used to store the record of the function calling itself over and over again).
The code you have above will crash because it causes an infinite loop - your setter for currentShowLiked sets currentShowLiked to the new value, so then that calls the setter again, and so on.
You don't have to implement a setter, but you then don't use get - the syntax is like this:
var currentShowLiked: Bool {
return [some condition met]

Access class property from instance?

I am not sure is this is correct behaviour or if its unintended. I have setup StealthFighter so that it returns a class type computed property variable called ammunition.
func globalTests() {
println("AMMUNITION: \(StealthFighter.ammunition)")
var myStealthFighter = StealthFighter()
println("MISSILES: \(myStealthFighter.missiles)")
println("AMMUNITION: \(myStealthFighter.ammunition)") // ERROR
class StealthFighter {
class var ammunition:Int {
return 500;
var missiles: Int = 5
When directly accessing the class StealthFighter this works fine and returns 500 as expected. But if I create and instance myStealthFighter and then try and access the class property on the instance I get the error: 'StealthFighter' does not have a member named 'ammunition' I can't find any mention of this, I am assuming from this that class properties are accessible only via the class? and not on any instances created from it? I just want to make sure I am understanding this correctly ...
So I have probably worded the type variable name wrong as it should probably be maxAmmunition to signify that StealthFighters can only take 500 rounds. I can see the point, if you want the maxAmmunition for the class then you ask the class.
As #Kreiri and #0x7fffffff points out it does seem that you can ask the instance what the class ammunition (or maxAmmunition) is by using dynamicType.
println("CLASS - AMMUNITION: \(StealthFighter.ammunition)")
var myStealthFighter = StealthFighter()
println("INSTA - AMMUNITION: \(myStealthFighter.dynamicType.ammunition)")
Your assumption is correct. Type variables are only meant to be accessed directly from the class. If you want to get at them from an instance, you can do so by accessing the dynamicType property on your instance, like so.
let theFighter = StealthFighter()
let missiles = theFighter.dynamicType.missiles
However, I don't think that this is the correct approach for you to be taking here. Assuming that you want to have one class "StealthFighter", and possibly multiple instances of that class, each with the ability to have its own number of missiles independent of the others, you should probably make this an instance variable by simply ditching the class keyword.
dynamicType allows access instance’s runtime type as a value, so accessing class property from instance would look like this:
var myStealthFighter = StealthFighter()
Works in playground, at least.
These properties are known as Type properties in swift. It should be called on its type ie class name, not on instance. Type properties holds same value across all the instances of the class just like static constant in C.
Querying and Setting Type Properties
Type properties are queried and set with dot syntax, just like instance properties. However, type properties are queried and set on the type, not on an instance of that type
Excerpt from : swift programming language
Swift 4:
var myStealthFighter = StealthFighter()
type(of: myStealthFighter).ammunition
Yes. This is a correct behaviour. These Type Properties can only be accessed over the Type and are not available on the instance itself.
In the Swift Book from Apple it is described in the section "Type Properties" (Page 205).
Swift Type Properties
“Unlike stored instance properties, you must always give stored type properties a default value. This is because the type itself does not have an initializer that can assign a value to a stored type property at initialization time"

Change G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY property via inheritance

I try to inherit a gobject and, among other things, would like to change the value of a G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY property so the next child class doesn't have to care.
Here's an example to depict this: GtkComboBox has a construct only property called "has-entry" with default value FALSE. In class A I want to change this value to TRUE, so that class B doesn't need to care.
GtkComboBoxClass <-- AClass <-- BClass
"has-entry" FALSE TRUE
The first naive approach was to use g_object_set() in A's instance_init function, but to no avail.
The next idea was to obtain the GParamSpec with g_object_class_find_property() and change the default value with g_param_value_set_default() in A's class_init function. But I suppose this to change the default for all GtkComboBoxClass derived objects.
The best idea I could come up with: If g_object_class_override_property() creates a new GParamSpec I could find this and set its default value in A's class_init function. But documentation doesn't loose a word about this.
So my question: Is this a working, and intended, way of accomplishing this, or is there a better solution?
Tried so far:
g_object_set() in instance init():
no warning on start
no effect
g_object_set() in GObjectClass->constructor():
no warning on start
no effect
warning on exit: invalid cast from GtkCellCiew to GtkEntry
g_object_set() in GObjectClass->constructed():
warning on start: can't be set after construction
if you want to set a property in a sub-class, and that property is construct-only, then you should use the constructed virtual function to call g_object_set() instead of the init virtual.
properties marked as construct-only will be applied during construction, using their default value, unless specified on the constructor itself — i.e. with g_object_new(). this means that setting a construct-only property inside init() will not suffice, as the value will be set after init() has been called. the constructed() virtual function, on the other hand, is called after the constructor properties have been applied, so it's possible to override the default value there.
Answering this for myself:
A look into gobject source reveals that the properties list given to constructor() contains all G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT and G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY properties and their default or given values.
Modifying these values is undocumented (or at least I couldn't find it), but it works.
Construction time property values have to be modified in this list before chaining up to parents constructor, non construct properties have to be set afterwards. Example code looks like:
static GObject *constructor(GType gtype, guint n_properties, GObjectConstructParam *properties) {
GObject *object;
guint i;
gchar const *name;
GObjectConstructParam *property;
for (i = 0, property = properties; i < n_properties; ++i, ++property) {
name = g_param_spec_get_name(property->pspec);
if (!strcmp(name, "has-entry")) // is G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY
g_value_set_boolean(property->value, TRUE);
object = G_OBJECT_CLASS(parent_class)->constructor(gtype, n_properties, properties);
g_object_set(object, "entry-text-column", TEXT_COLUMN, NULL);
return object;